The World of Od

Ok, thx x3 .I may have Lizzy begin in the Inn's direction for rp if you and Jjenni don't mind.
Well, don't want to rush you, @Lizzy, but we may or may not be there xD so, you may be able to catch up if you hurry and get your drink fast :3 (I'll do what I can to wait up for you xD )
That's fine, I was thinking about taising a little but of a ruckus myself X3

@Sol, have you thought of a name for your tavern yet? I wanna know which fine establishment to come get soused and roll under a table at xD
Hmmmm, lemme think... How about you come out and tell at me for writing in your ledger, and we come up with the "great idea" to earn money for the Inn with the reward that's been given out, and join everyone at the colosseum? Just a thought, most obvious and easiest way to get you back in the action :3
Oo wait what? Last time I posted Kit was on her way to Broan. she could just be arrivin. Are people still announcing the threat in the south or no?
Yeah, still announcing. We have "three days" before we set out to fight in the south, so any chars you want to be there should be in Broan in the next three days in game :)
Thought I'd just let you guys know. My computer broke down so I cant exactly reliably post in the rp. Im back to tapatalk so I cant exactly see OOC comments either.

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Ugghhh the notifications are doing the annoying thing again. Oh well. Anywhere I can have Chickadee jump in?
@Taqhart, I don't expect everyone to be on this RP all the time, so don't worry if you miss a day, or even a few days, that's natural :) and if you know that you're gonna be gone for a while, just make a convenient pause point for your character and come back on when you want to :)

@Sol, sorry to hear that D: what happened to your computer, do you know? :(

@pastel stitchings, just about everyone that's here is in Broan, so they are all in the same city as you. :) If you read back just a page or two, I made a comment in one of the posts that all adventurers who wanted to go on the Southern Expedition should meet at the colosseum in Broan :D
Its just my parents' somewhat ancient computer. I don't have access to mine seeing as I went back to my home province. I cant post my usual gimmicks for Andrea not can I read OOC comments but I can still post a normal post. Anyway, when's the cutoff for the grand adventure?

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@Sol, it's in "three days" in-game, probably about half that in reality, but I'm just giving everyone time to get there. in the meantime, it's just going to be training, so don't worry about actually BEING there unless you're picky about whose team you are on. As I'll have an NPC explain later, everyone will be split up into teams of probably 3, depending on how many we can get together.

@pastel stitchings No problem :D
Sorry, everyone, I haven't had the time to reply lately, been a busy weekend so far... But I am going to be out all week, I may or may not have interwebs access from Monday to Friday D:
I haven't been recieving any alerts of this rp so that's why I havn't been posting, sorry.
No worries, Lizzie, the system has been acting kinda funny lately, not sure whats going on :/ But, join in when and where you want to :)
Sorry I haven't been posting for weeks now, I've been really distracted with school as of late. But I'll announce now, I'mma go on hiatus until school is over. (Which should be in a few weeks) So yeah, really sorry. I'm so terrible at this xP
Yeah, I fell behind myself when I was gone for a week and now I just haven't caught up :( I need your all's help to get this back in gear or we may go inactive D:

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