The World of Od

something mysterious and evil is happening in the south mountains and all of the south cities have lost contact with the rest of the world apparently
You'll find out :3 we havent quite gotten that far yet, I'm posting pieces of it as we go. so, you'll know for sure when I post it, it will be pretty obvious :D
Nope :3 most of you seem to be in Kingsdale, at least, almost everyone in the RP at the moment, but Akieta the mermaid and Saruka the monkey-girl are in Canterbury, on the west coast. Blonde the Faerie Princess is nearby, in the woods by Canterbury, and that about all I can think of off the top of my head xD
And Furattā, Harper, Aria, and some others are still in that one town that got attacked by harpies ^^.
Ah ok, wasn't exactly sure on anyone's location so i left kit going to generic town. Ill have her go... Canterbury XP rolled evens instead of odds
Well, Harper kinda wandered off and got lost. he'll be back later, but even I don't know where he is at this point xD he'll turn up later, I'm sure, don't worry about him :) but, Aria, Furattā and Caym are just a town or two over from Kingsdale, where everyone else is, so, they are kind of close together.
Hallo peeps! ou o

Are your characters still where they are? o:

I'm not sure where to put Clover...
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Well, everyone in Kingsdale seems to be offline now except poor Xerno, and my char went to bed in Canterbury, so I think that Od is sleeping right now until pretty much everybody gets back xD you can jump in if you want. Or wait a bit to see where people start making some action, your choice :)
Is Xerno specifically in The Green Dragon Inn and Pub? I might let Clover stop by. ou o
Yeah, all of the Kingsdale characters were at the Green Dragon, I think
Ahh I'm sorry I fell asleep >_> ill catch up and post again hopefully within the hour, sorry D:

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Haha, no prob Lizi, this a generally pretty relaxed roleplay, so cutting in and out or taking a break for a bit should be no big deal :) this is just to have fun, no one is getting hurt if everyone doesn't answer right away xD
Be back in a bit, gotta get some chores and things done, so I'll stop back in soon, hopefully with the next installment of the Story Arc :)
*Question, how much of the fourth wall can I break or if I can even break it? Here's a part of my tentative first post:*

....Maybe she could train to be a Pirate or a Thief in Canturbury. Andrea took a moment to reflect on her inner self....

-Level 1 Day dreamer-

HP: 01/50

MP: 0/0

Str- -5

Dex- -5

Int- -5

Agi- -5

Wil- -5

Vit- -5

Available Skills:




Gold: 0

"Ah yes, I should really find a place to rest. Now where could I find an inn room for free? That damned rat was quite the challenge to overcome on my way here." In fairness, she had not just arrived at Canturbury but she had arrived beaten and blood at Canturbury...

*It's Just an experiment I suppose.*
@Mintsong, which inn? xD there are quite a few just in Canterbury. I'm going to think of something to make it easier to track who is where, because something this big will get confusing trying to keep track of everyone xD but, right now, almost everyone is in Kingsdale, but Jjenni's character was talking to Xerno like he was in Canturbury, so you can switch to there if you want Scratch that, she edited it, so you could be at pretty much whatever inn you want to be at right now xD I'm going to post an update soon that will fix this confusion, so don't get your hopes down, friend :)
Aha, it's in Kingsdale, everyone is headed your way, so just wait a little bit for them to show up, or just find something to do until they get there :)

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