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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Yup, that's our brothers." Yuki shook her head with a smile.

Reglius couldn't help but smile sadly. The scene before him reminded him so much of his childhood, including the slightly darker variations of the situation. "Well that escalated quickly." 


@Forever J

( @Daniel reaving, buddy. You gonna jump in?) 

"Some things never change..." Malvo laughed gently, looking to Yuki before she turned and nodded to Reglius.

Valerie laughed, also having nodded to Reglius's words. "Yep! That's normally how things go here, on good days, if you could believe that."
Reglius walked with his new friends. "No I can believe it." He looked around. While the night was beautiful, the darkness only barely hid the scorched earth and bloodstains in the dirt. "I'm glad the day's turned out better than it started." 


@Forever J
Reglius walked with his new friends. "No I can believe it." He looked around. While the night was beautiful, the darkness only barely hid the scorched earth and bloodstains in the dirt. "I'm glad the day's turned out better than it started." 


@Forever J

Valerie gave a nod in agreement, her eyes closing as she walked. "And it was a lot better than last night." She exhaled at the thought. "Though, I don't think we should be completely relaxed just yet. It's best to keep vigilant."
Reaver huffed in discomfort, a quiet whine to accompany the grimace on his face. The pain, mostly coming from the wound on his side, successfully dragged him out of his once deep slumber. With no other choice but to force himself to sit up, he winced and placed a hand on his wound. His ears lowering as a result of the heat coming off of it. His attention then drifted briefly to his soulmate before he'd glance out the window at the night sky.

@Forever J
Reaver huffed in discomfort, a quiet whine to accompany the grimace on his face. The pain, mostly coming from the wound on his side, successfully dragged him out of his once deep slumber. With no other choice but to force himself to sit up, he winced and placed a hand on his wound. His ears lowering as a result of the heat coming off of it. His attention then drifted briefly to his soulmate before he'd glance out the window at the night sky.

@Forever J

Graham opened his eyes to the movement. "Couldn't sleep or something? Am i hogging up too much room?" Graham moved his body more off to the side, barely hanging on of the edge.
Graham opened his eyes to the movement. "Couldn't sleep or something? Am i hogging up too much room?" Graham moved his body more off to the side, barely hanging on of the edge.

Reaver turned his attention to Graham once more before shaking his head and looking down. "No, no. You're fine. This thing is killing me, though..." he sighed, briefly lifting his hand from his wound before lifting his shirt to check the bandages. "So, I just ended up giving up on my attempt at sleep..."
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Reaver turned his attention to Graham once more before shaking his head and looking down. "No, no. You're fine. This thing is killing me, though..." he sighed, briefly lifting his hand from his wound before lifting his shirt to check the bandages. "So, I just ended up giving up on my attempt at sleep..."

Graham sat up and onto his legs. He then grabbed Reaver and gently pulled him, so that he laid flat on the bed. "Speaking of which, let me check this wound out and get you better bandages."
Graham sat up and onto his legs. He then grabbed Reaver and gently pulled him, so that he laid flat on the bed. "Speaking of which, let me check this wound out and get you better bandages."

Reaver gave a sharp inhale, the movement alone being just enough to cause the overwhelming sting. However, Reaver complied. Giving a gentle nod as he laid back down and kept his shirt lifted enough so the bloodstained bandages could be seen and tended to. 
Reglius saw the wisdom in her words. "Yeah. Nothing like a war to ruin any day with the thought of it. Always looming over us. Any idea where the enemy went? If we knew that then we could take the fight to them!" 

Reaver gave a sharp inhale, the movement alone being just enough to cause the overwhelming sting. However, Reaver complied. Giving a gentle nod as he laid back down and kept his shirt lifted enough so the bloodstained bandages could be seen and tended to. 

Graham unwrapped the bandages, hissing at the sight before cleaning the wound just a bit. The stitches remaining in place though. He then wrapped Reaver in new bandages and gave a light kiss a few inches away from the wound. "Want me to go see if i can get some painkillers for you, Rea?"
Reglius saw the wisdom in her words. "Yeah. Nothing like a war to ruin any day with the thought of it. Always looming over us. Any idea where the enemy went? If we knew that then we could take the fight to them!" 


Valerie shook her head, "No, sadly we don't. Not that I know of, at least."

Graham unwrapped the bandages, hissing at the sight before cleaning the wound just a bit. The stitches remaining in place though. He then wrapped Reaver in new bandages and gave a light kiss a few inches away from the wound. "Want me to go see if i can get some painkillers for you, Rea?"

Reaver gave another sharp inhale as it was cleaned, relaxing as best he could after the wound was dressed. He smiled a bit, watching Graham. And, with a pleading look, he nodded to him. "Please..."
Valerie shook her head, "No, sadly we don't. Not that I know of, at least."

Reaver gave another sharp inhale as it was cleaned, relaxing as best he could after the wound was dressed. He smiled a bit, watching Graham. And, with a pleading look, he nodded to him. "Please..."

Graham carefully got out of bed, not wanting to jostle Reaver. He came back after a few minutes with two blue pills in his hand and a glass of water. He handed the two to Reaver and petted his cheek.
Reglius sighed. "I was afraid of that. So we're stuck here constantly looking over our shoulders for monsters. My least favorite situation." His gaze was hard as he looked forward, though it softened as he saw the young gods run off. "Should we follow them to make sure they don't get into too much trouble? Or to watch as they do?" He added with a chuckle. 

Graham carefully got out of bed, not wanting to jostle Reaver. He came back after a few minutes with two blue pills in his hand and a glass of water. He handed the two to Reaver and petted his cheek.

Bringing himself to sit up slightly, he gently took the glass and the pills - turning his head to kiss the palm of Graham's hand before looking up at him once more. "Ah, sugah beah, yer a life saver. Thank ya so much..." Reaver smiled once more, taking the pills before having drank the water.

Reglius sighed. "I was afraid of that. So we're stuck here constantly looking over our shoulders for monsters. My least favorite situation." His gaze was hard as he looked forward, though it softened as he saw the young gods run off. "Should we follow them to make sure they don't get into too much trouble? Or to watch as they do?" He added with a chuckle. 


Valerie sighed and nodded in agreement to the first bit, managing to laugh gently towards the last question as she looked forward. "Aaah, they'll be fine. Let them have their fun."
Bringing himself to sit up slightly, he gently took the glass and the pills - turning his head to kiss the palm of Graham's hand before looking up at him once more. "Ah, sugah beah, yer a life saver. Thank ya so much..." Reaver smiled once more, taking the pills before having drank the water.

"It's nothing. I just want you to get back to normal and healthy."
Reglius nodded. "Sure. If it's bad enough we'll hear it. Now where was I? I was escorting a beautiful young lady home due to the lateness of the hour. Shall we continue?" He asked, bowing slightly. 


Valerie arched a brow, grinning as she gave a nod before gesturing forward and then walking. "We shall. Come on."

"It's nothing. I just want you to get back to normal and healthy."

"Ah, so do I." Reaver replied, setting the glass on the table before he softly exhaled and laid flat once more. A slight frown now on his face. "This is a bit of a silly question, but... Do you... do you believe spirits can wander into yer dreams? I only ask because--..." he stopped himself, softly groaning as he rubbed his face, only to look away. A bit of a conflicted look on his face. "No... aaahh, never mind, it's... never mind..."
Valerie arched a brow, grinning as she gave a nod before gesturing forward and then walking. "We shall. Come on."

"Ah, so do I." Reaver replied, setting the glass on the table before he softly exhaled and laid flat once more. A slight frown now on his face. "This is a bit of a silly question, but... Do you... do you believe spirits can wander into yer dreams? I only ask because--..." he stopped himself, softly groaning as he rubbed his face, only to look away. A bit of a conflicted look on his face. "No... aaahh, never mind, it's... never mind..."

"Yes. I felt as if my Father and Mother have wandered into my dreams quite often in a few short days after their deaths. Now, tell me why you ask, Rea."
Reglius walked along, letting her lead. He was out of conversation starters. 


Valerie would continue to walk, stopping at the steps as she looked up at the palace. "Well, here we are."

"Yes. I felt as if my Father and Mother have wandered into my dreams quite often in a few short days after their deaths. Now, tell me why you ask, Rea."

Reaver sighed, turning to look at Graham once more. "I... I saw my mother, Graham. Well, I think I did, anyhow." Reaver furrowed his brows. "I've never actually met her. But... I felt like I knew her. She didn't say anything, she just smiled, and in a flash of light she was gone. I'm not sure what t' make of it..."
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