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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Always nice t' hold a connection to your weapon." He would chuckle, not seeming to be bothered by the backstory at all. Though, his brow would quirk from the question aimed at him - giving a nod in response. "I did. I typically make my own weapons, but I've always worked on this one the most."

Zen smiled "you should try to add a blade to it maybe below the nozzle? that way you can have a red hot blade that'll cut through anything like butter..." Zen thought aloud "but I do see why you like it so much. Burning things is fun after all. " Zen was mildly surprised by Reavers lack of reaction to his backstory but he was okay with it. it almost put him at ease.
Zen smiled "you should try to add a blade to it maybe below the nozzle? that way you can have a red hot blade that'll cut through anything like butter..." Zen thought aloud "but I do see why you like it so much. Burning things is fun after all. " Zen was mildly surprised by Reavers lack of reaction to his backstory but he was okay with it. it almost put him at ease.

Graham came in with a few bottles of whiskey and a platter that held three glasses. "Hope you can handle your liquor, mate! Also, Rea, who's the new assistant chef? She's really sweet. We were talking for a bit, so that's why i'm late." Graham sat the platter and bottles down on the table that was clear.
Graham came in with a few bottles of whiskey and a platter that held three glasses. "Hope you can handle your liquor, mate! Also, Rea, who's the new assistant chef? She's really sweet. We were talking for a bit, so that's why i'm late." Graham sat the platter and bottles down on the table that was clear.

"actually I've never had alcohol before" Zen admitted "so if I fall of the rocker for a bit don't be surprised" He let out a chuckle not sure what to expect of the drink

Graham came in with a few bottles of whiskey and a platter that held three glasses. "Hope you can handle your liquor, mate! Also, Rea, who's the new assistant chef? She's really sweet. We were talking for a bit, so that's why i'm late." Graham sat the platter and bottles down on the table that was clear.

Reaver quirked a brow from the idea Zen had given, a grin on his face. "Ah, doesn't sound like a bad idea. And, it is fun! Exhilarating, even." He then looked and watched Graham walk in - sliding off the table. Listening to his words, he'd gotten a sudden, emotionally painful twinge that seemed to hit him right in the core following the explanation as to why Graham had taken so long. Restraining a growl as he shifted his gaze to the alcohol on the tray, he gave a reluctant answer while he tried to hide the jealousy in his tone. "Oh, she's... just the chef's younger sister..."

Reaver quirked a brow from the idea Zen had given, a grin on his face. "Ah, doesn't sound like a bad idea. And, it is fun! Exhilarating, even." He then looked and watched Graham walk in - sliding off the table. Listening to his words, he'd gotten a sudden, emotionally painful twinge that seemed to hit him right in the core following the explanation as to why Graham had taken so long. Restraining a growl as he shifted his gaze to the alcohol on the tray, he gave a reluctant answer while he tried to hide the jealousy in his tone. "Oh, she's... just the chef's younger sister..."


"Really? Is she usually sweet, or have you seen any other side of her? I can't date another Bravianna. Oh, she was too crazy and overemotional. Thanks for saving me from her, i truly thought of loved her. What a crazy idea." He poured each men a glass of whiskey and gave a swig of his own. He bit his lower lip at the bitter, smokey taste to it. "Ah, this is the good stuff."
"Really? Is she usually sweet, or have you seen any other side of her? I can't date another Bravianna. Oh, she was too crazy and overemotional. Thanks for saving me from her, i truly thought of loved her. What a crazy idea." He poured each men a glass of whiskey and gave a swig of his own. He bit his lower lip at the bitter, smokey taste to it. "Ah, this is the good stuff."

Reaver stared at the glasses as they were poured, his ear having lowered as he would briefly become smothered in his own thoughts. Softly exhaling before grasping his own glass. Staring into the liquid before he'd then quickly take a swig. A soft grunt having escaped him before he closed his eyes as he'd juggle on the idea to sabotage. "It was no problem, and as fer the new assistant," He quietly huffed, smirking a bit. "She's a real bitch behind closed doors..."

Shai  happily ran through the castle in her dragon form roaring happily as she chased one of the dogs from the guards the dog barking constantly as the massive black dragon chased it roaring at it time and time again

(her roar and what it would sound like in the Halls of the castle and outside)

as the dog quickly took a turn and scampered off shai made an attempt at following it but instead slipped and went crashing through the doors to the room every one was in roaring softly as she flopped around a couple times while the faint sound of barking disappeared. Letting out a more quiet sound like a deep moan as she managed to get onto her belly and look up to see every one in the room she immediately knew she was in trouble and didn't move or change to her adorable human for yet


@Forever J


@everyone else I missed
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Zen had already picked up his glass and was in the process of taking a swing when he heard the roar "Hey did you guys hea-" just as he was about to finish his sentence the thing he least expected to appear did "is that....a daragon...in the castle?" he spoke slowly taking a step closer.

@Forever J


@Daniel reaving
Zen had already picked up his glass and was in the process of taking a swing when he heard the roar "Hey did you guys hea-" just as he was about to finish his sentence the thing he least expected to appear did "is that....a daragon...in the castle?" he spoke slowly taking a step closer.

@Forever J


@Daniel reaving

Graham gaped at the dragon. "Reaver, since when did this castle have a dragon?"
Reaver blinked a few times, starting at the dragon as he possibly wasn't only one that wasn't... at least extremely surprised. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"Ever since the knight commander adopted a daughter."[/COLOR]

@Daniel reaving, @zenreaper

Zen would slowly take a step forward, his curiosity was far overpowering his fear. He was holding his hand out in front of him keeping his scythe behind his back as not to scare it. there was a mix of blood lust and wonder in his eyes as he approached."i-its alright...little..uh... not so little dragon.." He had only partially heard the part about it being the knight commanders adopted daughter.

@Daniel reaving @Forever J
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Sashi laid there watching every one before her eyes turned to the man approaching her with his hand out. She say there for a couple seconds starring before she moved quickly getting up and tackling him groaning happily as she playfully nuzzled at his chest and play nipped at his shirt all the while making weird and somewhat funny noises

Zen had already picked up his glass and was in the process of taking a swing when he heard the roar "Hey did you guys hea-" just as he was about to finish his sentence the thing he least expected to appear did "is that....a daragon...in the castle?" he spoke slowly taking a step closer.

@Forever J


@Daniel reaving

Graham gaped at the dragon. "Reaver, since when did this castle have a dragon?"

Reaver blinked a few times, starting at the dragon as he possibly wasn't only one that wasn't... at least extremely surprised. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"Ever since the knight commander adopted a daughter."[/COLOR]

@Daniel reaving, @zenreaper

Zen would slowly take a step forward, his curiosity was far overpowering his fear. He was holding his hand out in front of him keeping his scythe behind his back as not to scare it. there was a mix of blood lust and wonder in his eyes as he approached."i-its alright...little..uh... not so little dragon.." He had only partially heard the part about it being the knight commanders adopted daughter.

@Daniel reaving @Forever J
Sashi laid there watching every one before her eyes turned to the man approaching her with his hand out. She say there for a couple seconds starring before she moved quickly getting up and tackling him groaning happily as she playfully nuzzled at his chest and play nipped at his shirt all the while making weird and somewhat funny noises

while Zen was surprised by the tackle he realized it was in a somewhat playful manner "whoah whoah!" he laughed "never knew a dragon could be so playful.." he exclaimed looking to Reaver and Graham

@xXLittleLokiXx @Forever J
while Zen was surprised by the tackle he realized it was in a somewhat playful manner "whoah whoah!" he laughed "never knew a dragon could be so playful.." he exclaimed looking to Reaver and Graham

@xXLittleLokiXx @Forever J

"She's so . . . cute!" The tall, muscle of a man was a pure sap for cute things. He watched the dragon play and turned toward Reaver. "Why didn't you tell me about this!? You know how much i fawn over cuteness!" Graham said with a heartfelt smile.
while Zen was surprised by the tackle he realized it was in a somewhat playful manner "whoah whoah!" he laughed "never knew a dragon could be so playful.." he exclaimed looking to Reaver and Graham

@xXLittleLokiXx @Forever J

Sashi groaned happily as she opened her mouth taking some of the mans shirt and lifting him up before she quickly whipped her head around to see the other man and suddenly just dropped him and ran over tackling the other man with a happy screech as she started to playfully nip before she suddenly froze and then suddenly burst into a massive cloud of black smoke. When it cleared though the dragon was gone and In its place sat an adorable toddler on the big mans chest who sneezed cutely and shook her head


@Forever J
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"She's so . . . cute!" The tall, muscle of a man was a pure sap for cute things. He watched the dragon play and turned toward Reaver. "Why didn't you tell me about this!? You know how much i fawn over cuteness!" Graham said with a heartfelt smile.

"Didn't get t' that part, yet." Reaver blinked several times. A hand on the back of his neck as he lowered an ear. A small smirk forming on his face once more as he watched the dragon tackle Graham.

@Daniel reaving, @zenreaper
Sashi groaned happily as she opened her mouth taking some of the mans shirt and lifting him up before she quickly whipped her head around to see the other man and suddenly just dropped him and ran over tackling the other man with a happy screech as she started to playfully nip before she suddenly froze and then suddenly burst into a massive cloud of black smoke. When it cleared though the dragon was gone and In its place sat an adorable toddler on the big mans chest who sneezed cutely and shook her head

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@Forever J

"My heart. She has my heart! I never ever ever want to go overseas again!" Graham hugged the girl tightly to his chest. "She reminds me of when Dei and Aku were just wee babies. They grow up so fast."
"My heart. She has my heart! I never ever ever want to go overseas again!" Graham hugged the girl tightly to his chest. "She reminds me of when Dei and Aku were just wee babies. They grow up so fast."

Sashi immediately giggled happily as she was hugged her tiny legs flailing as she was hugged. "Big man" she said while laughing happily
"My heart. She has my heart! I never ever ever want to go overseas again!" Graham hugged the girl tightly to his chest. "She reminds me of when Dei and Aku were just wee babies. They grow up so fast."

Reaver snickered and nodded, looking back to his drink with a grin spread across his face. "That they do, that they do..."
Sashi immediately giggled happily as she was hugged her tiny legs flailing as she was hugged. "Big man" she said while laughing happily

"Awwwwwwww. You're just the cutest kid in the whole wide world." Graham sat up, carrying her. "Where's your mommy, sweetheart?"  He placed her on a small seat so that way she couldn't fall and poured the rest of whiskey that was in his glass into his mouth, swallowing the burn. "Wanna go find your mommy?"
"Awwwwwwww. You're just the cutest kid in the whole wide world." Graham sat up, carrying her. "Where's your mommy, sweetheart?"  He placed her on a small seat so that way she couldn't fall and poured the rest of whiskey that was in his glass into his mouth, swallowing the burn. "Wanna go find your mommy?"

"I don't have a mommy. Papa says that he found me when I was an eggy and took me in. Now he's my papa!" She said raising her arms up happily as she kicked her legs a little before she froze her eyes going wide as she started to take quick breaths in like she was gonna sneeze. Then she did as a plume of black fire shot from her mouth as she sneezed and rubed her little nose with one hand then smiled at the man again
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"I don't have a mommy. Papa says that he found me when I was an eggy and took me in. Now he's my papa!" She said raising her arms up happily as she licked her legs a little before she froze her eyes going wide as she started to take quick breaths in like she was gonna sneeze. Then she did as a plume of black fire shot from her mouth as she sneezed and rubed her little nose with one hand then smiled at the man again

Reaver listened quietly, downing the rest of his glass as he poured himself some more. Ears perking a bit from the sneeze.

@Forever J
"I don't have a mommy. Papa says that he found me when I was an eggy and took me in. Now he's my papa!" She said raising her arms up happily as she kicked her legs a little before she froze her eyes going wide as she started to take quick breaths in like she was gonna sneeze. Then she did as a plume of black fire shot from her mouth as she sneezed and rubed her little nose with one hand then smiled at the man again

"Maker's breath . . . she's so adorable. Well then, where is your papa? He might be worried about you, y'know? Besides, you're a youngster, you shouldn't be in here with strangers."
"Maker's breath . . . she's so adorable. Well then, where is your papa? He might be worried about you, y'know? Besides, you're a youngster, you shouldn't be in here with strangers."

"My papa is head of the guards so he knows I'm safe in the castle. His one rule was to not leave the castle Grounds without him and I haven't left." She said happily

with a giggle as she smiled up at him. "Papa knows I'm safe with the people in the castle. Plus if there mean I'll just scare them off with my big roar!!" She said happily
"My papa is head of the guards so he knows I'm safe in the castle. His one rule was to not leave the castle Grounds without him and I haven't left." She said happily

with a giggle as she smiled up at him. "Papa knows I'm safe with the people in the castle. Plus if there mean I'll just scare them off with my big roar!!" She said happily

"You are the cutest thing that i have ever laid my eyes on. Alright kid, but these men and myself are drinking, just to let you know. What's your name anyways, sugar pee? My name's Graham." He brought out his hand to shake.

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