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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Graham picked up Shai and kept his arms tight around here. "Come on you two." They walked quickly outside. "Alright kid, a deal is a deal. Go ahead and do what you were born to do?"

Reaver followed after them, blinking several times before huffing after his intoxicated mind realised it had just been in the gutter. Flicking his ear, he nearly flopped onto Graham's back once they'd made it outside. His fluffy wolf tail curling as he listened. 

@Daniel reaving
Sashi giggled. "You gotta put me down first silly." She said to him

"Yes ma'am!" Graham put the little lady down as he felt warmth radiate off his back. He turned just his head to see drunk Reaver, fully on his back. "Well well, someone's drunk." Graham chuckled, pulling Reaver more onto his back so that he couldn't easily fall down off him. He looked back to the kid that was on the ground. "Okay, Sugar pea, do what you do." 
"Yes ma'am!" Graham put the little lady down as he felt warmth radiate off his back. He turned just his head to see drunk Reaver, fully on his back. "Well well, someone's drunk." Graham chuckled, pulling Reaver more onto his back so that he couldn't easily fall down off him. He looked back to the kid that was on the ground. "Okay, Sugar pea, do what you do." 

"Aaaahhhhaaahhhh... knew I'd get there at some point." Reaver would snicker, his tail lazily wagging as he flicked his ear. Soon nuzzling into Graham as he'd been lifted onto his back a bit more. "So warm~"
Sashi giggled as black smoke started to pour from her body engulfing her as the mass grew and grew before it was replaced with a horse sized black dragon. Sashi groaned as she arched her head up and let out a massive roar as her wings opened up and lifted up then shot down lifting her body up into the sky with a big shockwaves of air as she roared more
Sashi giggled as black smoke started to pour from her body engulfing her as the mass grew and grew before it was replaced with a horse sized black dragon. Sashi groaned as she arched her head up and let out a massive roar as her wings opened up and lifted up then shot down lifting her body up into the sky with a big shockwaves of air as she roared more

Graham awed as Sashi flew. He then turned to Reaver with a blush, feeling Reaver's hot breath on his neck. "Ummm, Reaver, maybe you should go lay down?"
Graham awed as Sashi flew. He then turned to Reaver with a blush, feeling Reaver's hot breath on his neck. "Ummm, Reaver, maybe you should go lay down?"

Reaver nuzzled more into him, his smile visible as he closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. "But I won't be waaaarm, theeen~" he whined in complaint before, once again, burying his face in the nape of Graham's neck. "I need my sugar bear t' keep me waaaaarrrm~"
Sashi screeched happily as she flew around the castle gardens playfully getting really close to the two guys as she flew around

Graham awed as Sashi flew. He then turned to Reaver with a blush, feeling Reaver's hot breath on his neck. "Ummm, Reaver, maybe you should go lay down?"

Reaver nuzzled more into him, his smile visible as he closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. "But I won't be waaaarm, theeen~" he whined in complaint before, once again, burying his face in the nape of Graham's neck. "I need my sugar bear t' keep me waaaaarrrm~"
Sashi screeched happily as she flew around the castle gardens playfully getting really close to the two guys as she flew around

Graham moved  around the flying dragon with a blush and a smile. "S-S-Sugar bear, huh? That's new."
Reaver flicked his ear as he listened to the dragon pass by. "It's because you're sweet, but yer also buuuffff~"

"Reaver, what are you saying? You're drunk, duh Graham. He doesn't and won't remember any of this." Graham shook his head, watching the dragon.
"Reaver, what are you saying? You're drunk, duh Graham. He doesn't and won't remember any of this." Graham shook his head, watching the dragon.

Tail continuing to wag, Reaver grinned and kept his eyes shut. His next words quiet as he remained relaxed against his back. "Y' smell nice, too."
Reaver pouted, moving a small bit so he was able to just barely rub his cheek against Graham's. "Y' don't feel the same waaaaay theeennn?~"

Graham smiled at the feel of Reaver's cheek against his. "It's . . . your drunk right now, Rea. There's a kid up there, soaring around. Let's talk about this later." Of course he wouldn't though. He knew that Reaver will wake up, not remembering anything of this.
Graham smiled at the feel of Reaver's cheek against his. "It's . . . your drunk right now, Rea. There's a kid up there, soaring around. Let's talk about this later." Of course he wouldn't though. He knew that Reaver will wake up, not remembering anything of this.

Reaver then audibly sighed, resting his chin on Graham's shoulder as his ears had twitched. "Okie, shoogah beayurrr~" the wolfish male would drunkenly comply as he continued to listen to the dragon fly about.
Sashi screeached and roared happily still flying around happily as she continued to playfully dive bomb the two men

Graham smiled at the feel of Reaver's cheek against his. "It's . . . your drunk right now, Rea. There's a kid up there, soaring around. Let's talk about this later." Of course he wouldn't though. He knew that Reaver will wake up, not remembering anything of this.

Reaver then audibly sighed, resting his chin on Graham's shoulder as his ears had twitched. "Okie, shoogah beayurrr~" the wolfish male would drunkenly comply as he continued to listen to the dragon fly about.
Graham moved himself and Reaver to a bench, watching the dragon intently. 

Sashi flew around for about another five minuets before she turned for the two and landed in front of them with a rather loud thud and roared softly at them 

Once seated on the bench, Reaver leaned against Graham. His ears instantly perking from the thud and the roar as he smiled slightly. "Y' have fun?"
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Sashi flew around for about another five minuets before she turned for the two and landed in front of them with a rather loud thud and roared softly at them 

Graham laughed at the gleeful dragon. "Feel better, sugar pea?" His blush immediately going away.
During this whole time zen had stayed silent only because his half dead brain didn't know how to react to the stimulation of alcohol. Every sound and sight was naught but a blur to him as he lied on the ground next to the bench the two were sitting on completely sprawled out.a slured "whoaaaaa..." Was all he could manage as his brain showed him a mixture of colors and sounds. Which were beginning to dissapate as he sobered up. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving

(The internet went out )
During this whole time zen had stayed silent only because his half dead brain didn't know how to react to the stimulation of alcohol. Every sound and sight was naught but a blur to him as he lied on the ground next to the bench the two were sitting on completely sprawled out.a slured "whoaaaaa..." Was all he could manage as his brain showed him a mixture of colors and sounds. Which were beginning to dissapate as he sobered up. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving

(The internet went out )

(You missed drunk, flirty Reaver.XD )

Reaver flicked an ear, glancing down to Zen as he slowly lifted a brow. a light snicker escaping him as he'd softly pet his tail.

@Daniel reaving, @Forever J

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