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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Graham cooed, holding her hand in his as the other hand kept her still against the ground. "Don't move too much, sugar pee. Dei's going to fix you right on up. Be strong. You're a fearless dragon. A cute, fearless dragon, may i add. You can fight through this. Just hold still." He looked around to spot Malvo near Reaver. "Malvo! Go and find nurses and get the chief out here! I bet he would like to meet the man who shot his daughter."

Dei-Loki would listen as Graham would comfort the girl, softly allowing his hand to grow a dark shade of green as he'd hold it over the cloth. All the while being silent and concentrating.

Malvo perked her ears at that, giving a single nod before glancing to Reaver. "Y' stay put, dorkle. Don't need the healers fixing yer cracked skull, as well, if y' fall." And, after she spoke, Reaver snorted quietly as he watched her go.

However, Malvo then paused for a moment as he heard the Knight Commander's gruff voice.

"Shai?" The voice came from a rather tall, buff male wearing armour that would somewhat resemble the typical royal guardsmen uniform, yet you could tell it was higher rank. Perhaps even top rank. With his cold, blue irises scanning the area - he would soon pause as his eyes would instantly widen the moment he'd spotted his little girl by the gate. Hands instantly clenching, he rushed over while taking in the scene. "What happened!?"

@Daniel reaving

(I'd tag the others, but RPN is being a butt. -_- )
"Daughter!? How was I supposed to know that! Let's see what you do when you're attacked by a Dragon without any warning! And believe me I wish I COULD go back where I came from! Sure take the Dragon's side, not the one who almost got eaten." He glared at everyone waiting to be attacked. He saw a top rank guard clench his fists at the sight and prepared himself for a number of things: getting stabbed, getting arrested, getting shot, etc. etc.

@Daniel reaving


@Forever J
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Dei-Loki would listen as Graham would comfort the girl, softly allowing his hand to grow a dark shade of green as he'd hold it over the cloth. All the while being silent and concentrating.

Malvo perked her ears at that, giving a single nod before glancing to Reaver. "Y' stay put, dorkle. Don't need the healers fixing yer cracked skull, as well, if y' fall." And, after she spoke, Reaver snorted quietly as he watched her go.

However, Malvo then paused for a moment as he heard the Knight Commander's gruff voice.

"Shai?" The voice came from a rather tall, buff male wearing armour that would somewhat resemble the typical royal guardsmen uniform, yet you could tell it was higher rank. Perhaps even top rank. With his cold, blue irises scanning the area - he would soon pause as his eyes would instantly widen the moment he'd spotted his little girl by the gate. Hands instantly clenching, he rushed over while taking in the scene. "What happened!?"

@Daniel reaving

(I'd tag the others, but RPN is being a butt. -_- )

"Daughter!? How was I supposed to know that! Let's see what you do when you're attacked by a Dragon without any warning! And believe me I wish I COULD go back where I came from! Sure take the Dragon's side, not the one who almost got eaten." He glared at everyone waiting to be attacked. He saw a top rank guard clench his fists at the sight and prepared himself for a number of things: getting stabbed, getting arrested, getting shot, etc. etc.

@Daniel reaving


@Forever J

@Forever J

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Shai calmed a little at grahams words as she snuggled tears still pouring down her cheeks as she stared at him before she heard her fathers voice and looked to see him run over immediately sticking her arms out for him wanting to be held by her father as she whimpered in pain but it was slowly going away[/COLOR]
"Daughter!? How was I supposed to know that! Let's see what you do when you're attacked by a Dragon without any warning! And believe me I wish I COULD go back where I came from! Sure take the Dragon's side, not the one who almost got eaten." He glared at everyone waiting to be attacked. 

"YOU SHOT HER! IF SHE WANTED TO KILL YOU, SHE WOULD HAVE! SHE WOULD'VE RIPPED AT THE NAPE OF YOUR NECK! We wouldn't have dangerous animals running freely in this courtyard. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, you could've use that thing you call a brain and put two and two together. But no. No, no, no, you would rather shoot a animal on my King's courtyard and act like that's perfectly fine. We could've helped you get her off, but no, you rather blast her, eh? Because that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than anything else. You really have a good noggin on you, you surely do." Graham walked his pace carefully and slowly. Disgust written clearly on his face as he looked at the man.
"YOU SHOT HER! IF SHE WANTED TO KILL YOU, SHE WOULD HAVE! SHE WOULD'VE RIPPED AT THE NAPE OF YOUR NECK! We wouldn't have dangerous animals running freely in this courtyard. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, you could've use that thing you call a brain and put two and two together. But no. No, no, no, you would rather shoot a animal on my King's courtyard and act like that's perfectly fine. We could've helped you get her off, but no, you rather blast her, eh? Because that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than anything else. You really have a good noggin on you, you surely do." Graham walked his pace carefully and slowly. Disgust written clearly on his face as he looked at the man.

Once Shai had been healed enough, Dei-Loki gently exhaled before softly handing her over to the Knight Commander. His emerald gaze quickly darting over to Graham as he huffed gently - cleaning his gloves as he watched him angrily unleash his verbal rage.

The knight commander gently took his daughter while holding her close. With her wound healed to the point it had been, he didn't have to worry about applying too much pressure to it. "It's okay, Shai. No need to cry..." his gruff tone would softly soothe. However, once his gaze shot over to the newcomer, his eyes and explore seemed to instantly darken. With one, then two steps taken in the direction of him, he'd hold a menacing stare. "Oh-hoh, my friend... You have made one of the BIGGEST mistakes you could make here..."

Reaver blinked a few times, the moment seeming to sober him up a tad as he huffed and meandered his way over to Graham - having been right by his side, just as he would always be. Especially in times like this. And, as he lowered an ear, he softly placed a hand on his shoulder with a concerned look in his eyes. "Hey... Her father is here, it's bein' dealt with..."

@Daniel reaving, @TheCountryWarrior
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"YOU SHOT HER! IF SHE WANTED TO KILL YOU, SHE WOULD HAVE! SHE WOULD'VE RIPPED AT THE NAPE OF YOUR NECK! We wouldn't have dangerous animals running freely in this courtyard. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, you could've use that thing you call a brain and put two and two together. But no. No, no, no, you would rather shoot a animal on my King's courtyard and act like that's perfectly fine. We could've helped you get her off, but no, you rather blast her, eh? Because that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than anything else. You really have a good noggin on you, you surely do." Graham walked his pace carefully and slowly. Disgust written clearly on his face as he looked at the man.

Once Shai had been healed enough, Dei-Loki gently exhaled before softly handing her over to the Knight Commander. His emerald gaze quickly darting over to Graham as he huffed gently - cleaning his gloves as he watched him angrily unleash his verbal rage.

The knight commander gently took his daughter while holding her close. With her wound healed to the point it had been, he didn't have to worry about applying too much pressure to it. "It's okay, Shai. No need to cry..." his gruff tone would softly soothe. However, once his gaze shot over to the newcomer, his eyes and explore seemed to instantly darken. With one, then two steps taken in the direction of him, he'd hold a menacing stare. "Oh-hoh, my friend... You have made one of the BIGGEST mistakes you could make here..."

@Daniel reaving, @TheCountryWarrior

Shai still whimpered some as she curled up in her fathers arms her cheeks all red and puffy from crying as tears still fell down them. But she did manage to get some words out. "I-it was my fault papa. I-I let instincts take over." She mumbled softly as she hid her face from him with her tiny hands as she whimpered some more

Zen was once again sitting off by the bench watching the fiasco as it unfolded. He was doing his best not to let his old habit flare up again. An outburst of laughter might not be the best for the current situation but he couldn't take it. He rolled into a full fit of hysterical laughter loud enough to be heard by everyone.

@Daniel reaving



@Forever J

Zen was once again sitting off by the bench watching the fiasco as it unfolded. He was doing his best not to let his old habit flare up again. An outburst of laughter might not be the best for the current situation but he couldn't take it. He rolled into a full fit of hysterical laughter loud enough to be heard by everyone.

@Daniel reaving



@Forever J
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He looks at all of you with sadness in his eyes. "So that's how it is. A traveler shows up with great expectations, to the castle of a Noble King, but is attacked by a Dragon and in defense of his life is condemned. He made a mistake, a mistake he was more than willing to rectify. Normally the level headed one shows up about now. But I feel I finally made it to the land of anti common sense. Great. How does this make your king look, huh? His people all jump at the chance to hate someone. Like savages waiting for the next thing to tear apart. I had so many inventions to show the king. Inventions that would've made your armies truly unstoppable and science that could rid the land of the Blight. Goodbye mortals." He starts to walk away but keeps his ears perked for gun noises in case anyone feels like shooting him for defending himself. 



@Daniel reaving

@Forever J
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Zen did his best to stand up but could not stop his laughter as he stumbled forward a few feet "wait..." He said as he crumpled to a Heep on the ground gasping for air to attempt to keep talking through his fit of laughter

He looks at all of you with sadness in his eyes. "So that's how it is. A traveler shows up with great expectations, to the castle of a Noble King, but is attacked by a Dragon and in defense of his life is condemned. He made a mistake, a mistake he was more than willing to rectify. Normally the level headed one shows up about now. But I feel I finally made it to the land of anti common sense. Great. How does this make your king look, huh? His people all jump at the chance to hate someone. Like savages waiting for the next thing to tear apart. I had so many inventions to show the king. Inventions that would've made your armies truly unstoppable and science that could rid the land of the Blight. Goodbye mortals." He starts to walk away but keeps his ears perked for gun noises in case anyone feels like shooting him for defending himself. 

Graham cracked his neck, calming just a bit from Reaver's words. "Good riddance." Graham turned back around. "Is. . .is she okay?"
"W-we all" zen was having a hard time speaking but he was trying"make mistakes" he gasped"we should just let this one go" his talking trailed off into more laughter then back to talking again"forgive and forget"

Graham cracked his neck, calming just a bit from Reaver's words. "Good riddance." Graham turned back around. "Is. . .is she okay?"

Reaver kept his ear lowered, also looking back. 

"Well, her wound is healed, anyway." Dei-Loki spoke, looking over to his uncles as he perked a brow.

The Knight Commander let loose a sigh after hearing her words, softly rubbing Shai's back as he gently kissed her head. His angered look soon leaving his face. "It's alright..."

@Daniel reaving
He looks at all of you with sadness in his eyes. "So that's how it is. A traveler shows up with great expectations, to the castle of a Noble King, but is attacked by a Dragon and in defense of his life is condemned. He made a mistake, a mistake he was more than willing to rectify. Normally the level headed one shows up about now. But I feel I finally made it to the land of anti common sense. Great. How does this make your king look, huh? His people all jump at the chance to hate someone. Like savages waiting for the next thing to tear apart. I had so many inventions to show the king. Inventions that would've made your armies truly unstoppable and science that could rid the land of the Blight. Goodbye mortals." He starts to walk away but keeps his ears perked for gun noises in case anyone feels like shooting him for defending himself. 



@Daniel reaving

@Forever J

Zen did his best to stand up but could not stop his laughter as he stumbled forward a few feet "wait..." He said as he crumpled to a Heep on the ground gasping for air to attempt to keep talking through his fit of laughter


Graham cracked his neck, calming just a bit from Reaver's words. "Good riddance." Graham turned back around. "Is. . .is she okay?"

The Catman looked back at the abomination behind him. He was not as amused as the monster seemed to be. "Yes?" He said with a growl. 


"W-we all" zen was having a hard time speaking but he was trying"make mistakes" he gasped"we should just let this one go" his talking trailed off into more laughter then back to talking again"forgive and forget"


Reaver kept his ear lowered, also looking back. 

"Well, her wound is healed, anyway." Dei-Loki spoke, looking over to his uncles as he perked a brow.

The Knight Commander let loose a sigh after hearing her words, softly rubbing Shai's back as he gently kissed her head. His angered look soon leaving his face. "It's alright..."

@Daniel reaving

Shai whimpered still as she clung to her father tears still falling down her cheeks as she held onto him still not feeling well from the blood she lost from the wound. She just all around didn't feel well. Even though she was healed
"You wanna come back into this palace, huh?"

"Graham..." Reaver softly spoke while watching him. His free hand being tucked into his pocket.

Shai whimpered still as she clung to her father tears still falling down her cheeks as she held onto him still not feeling well from the blood she lost from the wound. She just all around didn't feel well. Even though she was healed

Keeping her close, he watched and listened while eyeing the newcomer.
"Graham..." Reaver softly spoke while watching him. His free hand being tucked into his pocket.

Keeping her close, he watched and listened while eyeing the newcomer.

Shai clung to her father still whimpering softly as she started to grow tired from the crying her eyes feeling heavy as she looked up to her father thinking he was glaring at her for being a bad girl. But before she could see his face her eyes slowly closed and she quickly passed out in his arms to rest
Buh'roham sat down next to a tree and awaited his fate. He didn't want to leave before he knew if the child would be okay. So he prayed in his people's long forgotten language under his breath.
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Buh'roham sat down next to a tree and awaited his fate. He didn't want to leave before he knew if the child would be okay. So he prayed in his people's long forgotten language under his breath.

(Sorry, i chose the wrong quote. This is the one that i was hoping that you would respond to. Also, good morning.

"You wanna come back into this palace, huh?"

"I did, but I fear I'm no longer welcome." 

@Forever J

(Yeah, I wondered about that.) 

"If you truly wish to be welcome. You need to come over here and apologize to the father of the girl that you shot. It needs to be sincere. For you are nowhere as innocent in the situation. Then, if the chief wishes to forgive you, then we shall too."
"If you truly wish to be welcome. You need to come over here and apologize to the father of the girl that you shot. It needs to be sincere. For you are nowhere as innocent in the situation. Then, if the chief wishes to forgive you, then we shall too."

Still holding Shai, the knight commander would listen. His attention travelling back and forth between the two.

Buh'roham slowly approached the Knight Commander, got on his knees and looked at the child. Centuries of death came flooding back. Centuries of running. "I am eternally sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone, let alone a child and those who would rush to defend them. Believe me I know what it's like to lose children. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Please, I'm so sorry." There is such a sadness in his eyes. He is sorry. 

@Forever J


@Daniel reaving


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