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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Buh'roham slowly approached the Knight Commander, got on his knees and looked at the child. Centuries of death came flooding back. Centuries of running. "I am eternally sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone, let alone a child and those who would rush to defend them. Believe me I know what it's like to lose children. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Please, I'm so sorry." There is such a sadness in his eyes. He is sorry. 

@Forever J


@Daniel reaving


The Knight Commander, though silent at first, watched as the genuine sadness had shown. And, with a sigh, his blue eyes would then shut. "Alright, I can tell by your tone and expression that your apology is sincere. All is... forgiven. But, don't let my words lead you to believe that you won't be watched, and kept an eye on while your presence is here."

(BAH! I give up on tags, for now! I don't need the frustration!XD ;-; )
His face grew lighter and smiled. "Of course. I would expect nothing less."

With a single nod, he'd then unleash a sigh as he spoke yet again. "Alright. Now, I'd better bring her back and put her to bed so she could further rest." turning his attention to Graham and the others, he gave a light smirk. Stating a simple thank you' before starting back in the direction of their home.

Reaver watched him go, shifting on his feet slightly while his ears remained low.

@Forever J
Shai slept peacefully now in her fathers arms as she rested from the mental exhaustion her cheeks still red and puffy from crying but she was starting to feel better
Buh'roham picked up his briefcase and smiled. "Now then let's try this again. I am Buh'roham Jarho and I have some things to show your King." 
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Buh'roham picked up his briefcase and smiled. "Now then let's try this again. I am Buh'roham Jarho and I have some things to show your King." 

Graham studied Buh'roham for a minute or two before nodding. "Alright. Let's go find the King. If he's in his study, you'll must wait. He doesn't like being interrupted from his work. Follow me, Reaver, are you coming with?"

Graham lead the two to the king. "Are you busy, sir? I have a guest that says that he's here to show his inventions to you."

Reaver followed close behind, looking over to his older brother the moment they made it to the study.

Adrian looked over to the door, watching as the small group had approached. And, lifting a brow, he blinked. "An inventor?" he did question, his eyes briefly setting on Reaver - whom would shake his head briefly to ensure it wasn't him, but then corrected the King's glance by gesturing to [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Buh'roham. [/COLOR]"Well, then. Let's see what you've got."

Buh'roham opened his briefcase to reveal a kickstand, multiple metal components, and paper with writing in a language no one can understand. 

"I sir, am Buh'roham Jarho of the ancient kingdom of Am Brod. I bring magical things of metallic origin from the deep pit of ideas that is my mind. First off is my baby Chrysilis." He pulls Chrysilis from his belt. "Powered by Leo Crystals from the deep caverns of my homeland, with all the science to turn the inherent magical energy into a weapon, encased in a sleek outside with an optional sight and a place for extra crystal storage. I also have plans for mass production." He pulls out different papers with sketches and writing in an odd language that most living people have never seen. "And different models such as rapid fire, extra long range, and heavy weapons." He pulls out more paper. "Also, with a bit of work, I have ideas for attaching these to tanks! Tanks! And this is just one invention!" He pulls out even more paper. "There are also plans for better armor, for both people and machinery." He pulls out even MORE paper. On them are different variations of a humanoid machine. "And the cream of the crop my Lord, the clockwork soldier! A soldier that can be mass produced!" He puts all papers back into his briefcase. "These are mere glimpses into the plans I have. But that leads to why I came to you, your Majesticness. These ideas will simply be dreams unless I have the resources to make them. I ask for something simple. A small lab perhaps and these inventions will greatly benefit your Kingdom." He said with a respectable bow. 


@Forever J
Buh'roham opened his briefcase to reveal a kickstand, multiple metal components, and paper with writing in a language no one can understand. 

"I sir, am Buh'roham Jarho of the ancient kingdom of Am Brod. I bring magical things of metallic origin from the deep pit of ideas that is my mind. First off is my baby Chrysilis." He pulls Chrysilis from his belt. "Powered by Leo Crystals from the deep caverns of my homeland, with all the science to turn the inherent magical energy into a weapon, encased in a sleek outside with an optional sight and a place for extra crystal storage. I also have plans for mass production." He pulls out different papers with sketches and writing in an odd language that most living people have never seen. "And different models such as rapid fire, extra long range, and heavy weapons." He pulls out more paper. "Also, with a bit of work, I have ideas for attaching these to tanks! Tanks! And this is just one invention!" He pulls out even more paper. "There are also plans for better armor, for both people and machinery." He pulls out even MORE paper. On them are different variations of a humanoid machine. "And the cream of the crop my Lord, the clockwork soldier! A soldier that can be mass produced!" He puts all papers back into his briefcase. "These are mere glimpses into the plans I have. But that leads to why I came to you, your Majesticness. These ideas will simply be dreams unless I have the resources to make them. I ask for something simple. A small lab perhaps and these inventions will greatly benefit your Kingdom." He said with a respectable bow. 


@Forever J

Reaver perked his pointed, wolf ears as he looked over to watch - almost as if in awe from such things brought up. Being an inventor himself, stuff like this ALWAYS caught his attention. Like moths to a flame. And, with his tail curling, he allowed his eyes to peek over to the many papers [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Buh'roham had shown to his older brother.[/COLOR]

Adrian would listen with interest, his own eyes studying what had been presented before a smirk climbed the side of the face. "A small lab is all you'd need? I suppose that could be arranged."

@Forever J
"Then the room just off of the Alchemy Lab will be yer best bet. I'd lend you the Alchemy Lab itself, but my brother has pretty much taken that room."

Reaver rubbed the back of his head, smirking a bit at that.

@Forever J

"Yup, Reaver looooooooooooooooooooooves that alchemy lab. Why don't you just marry it?" Graham gave a friendly wack on Reaver's back with a chuckle.
"Yup, Reaver looooooooooooooooooooooves that alchemy lab. Why don't you just marry it?" Graham gave a friendly wack on Reaver's back with a chuckle.

Reaver let loose a soft chuckle in response to his words, before widening his eyes and falling forward onto the floor with a thud following the wack. "Aheeehhhhh... Got the whiskey legs..."
Reaver let loose a soft chuckle in response to his words, before widening his eyes and falling forward onto the floor with a thud following the wack. "Aheeehhhhh... Got the whiskey legs..."

Graham sighed, picking him up from his armpits and wrapping his arms around his chest. "Come on, you droke." Graham whisked Reaver out of the room and into the empty hallways. "Time to take you to bed."
Graham sighed, picking him up from his armpits and wrapping his arms around his chest. "Come on, you droke." Graham whisked Reaver out of the room and into the empty hallways. "Time to take you to bed."

Laughing gently, a drunken blush painted across his cheeks as he'd been brought out. His back against Graham as he subconsciously moved a bit with a grin. "Off we goooooo~"
"I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If someone could show me around please? I have no idea where to go." He said with a chuckle. 


@Forever J

Graham's blush grew, "Quit that, Rea."

Malvo, whom had been rounding the corner just in time to hear [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Buh'roham speak, looked to her uncles with a smirk on her face. And, before the two could have the chance to step up to show the newcomer around, the short, black haired wolf girl poked her head into her father's study. [/COLOR]"I'll show ya around."

Reaver continued to laugh, moving again. "I need soooooome comfort sugar beaaaar~"
Malvo, whom had been rounding the corner just in time to hear [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Buh'roham speak, looked to her uncles with a smirk on her face. And, before the two could have the chance to step up to show the newcomer around, the short, black haired wolf girl poked her head into her father's study. [/COLOR]"I'll show ya around."

Reaver continued to laugh, moving again. "I need soooooome comfort sugar beaaaar~"

"Q-Quit that now." Graham stuttered as his cheeks became aflame from arousal and embarrassment. He got closer to the door as he started losing his common sense. With the alcohol, the friction against his lower regions and the fact that he's been overseas, with barely no women in sight made him easy to tick. 

"Q-Quit that now." Graham stuttered as his cheeks became aflame from arousal and embarrassment. He got closer to the door as he started losing his common sense. With the alcohol, the friction against his lower regions and the fact that he's been overseas, with barely no women in sight made him easy to tick. 


"But cooooooomfort..." Reaver gently flicked an ear as, still, his slight movements had continued - turning his head a bit to look at him, his eyes half lidded. "Did I ever tell y' that I missed yooooouuu?"
"But cooooooomfort..." Reaver gently flicked an ear as, still, his slight movements had continued - turning his head a bit to look at him, his eyes half lidded. "Did I ever tell y' that I missed yooooouuu?"

Graham's eyes filled with lust and sluggish as he kissed the corner of Reaver's mouth. "A ton, Rea. You've told me a ton of times." Graham pushed Reaver into his room and shut the door. "So many times that i can hardly count it anymore." Graham pushed Reaver onto his bed, laying on top of him as his mind clouded with a strong, hungry need.

(Fade to black? Unless you wanted to add something else?)
Graham's eyes filled with lust and sluggish as he kissed the corner of Reaver's mouth. "A ton, Rea. You've told me a ton of times." Graham pushed Reaver into his room and shut the door. "So many times that i can hardly count it anymore." Graham pushed Reaver onto his bed, laying on top of him as his mind clouded with a strong, hungry need.

(Fade to black? Unless you wanted to add something else?)

Reaver's blush would darken a tad from the kiss, snickering lightly before yipping in surprise the moment he'd been pushed onto the bed before loosely biting his lip as he felt him over top of him.

(Faaaaade to black!)

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