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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

He stood there rather awkwardly. The lounge was not as exciting as expected. "Yep. It's a lounge." He looked out the window to the night sky. It was probably time for sleep. Nah! "So what do you do around the castle? I doubt you have need of a job." 

He stood there rather awkwardly. The lounge was not as exciting as expected. "Yep. It's a lounge." He looked out the window to the night sky. It was probably time for sleep. Nah! "So what do you do around the castle? I doubt you have need of a job." 


"Other than wander about the palace and courtyard? You'd... be surprised, really." She thought back to the time she spent here, a small smile forming on her face regarding the quests she'd be allowed to take part in. However, her mind soon drifted even farther back. Back to the point where she wasn't here. Back when she lived in the Nightmare Realm, and back to... Malvo shook her head, closing her eyes as she smiled lightly in her efforts to remove her mind from those dark times. "Nowadays, though, I'm rarely here. I'm normally off helping my brothers."
He saw the swirl of memories in her eyes. The recollection of memories anyway. He wasn't a mind reader. He just knew those kinds of thoughts quite well. "Oh? And what do they do? Hunt in packs? Which one is the Alpha?" He joked, aimed at her wolfiness. He didn't know if this would offend her or not, but he hasn't really talked with anyone in a long time. He was rather out of the loop. 

He saw the swirl of memories in her eyes. The recollection of memories anyway. He wasn't a mind reader. He just knew those kinds of thoughts quite well. "Oh? And what do they do? Hunt in packs? Which one is the Alpha?" He joked, aimed at her wolfiness. He didn't know if this would offend her or not, but he hasn't really talked with anyone in a long time. He was rather out of the loop. 


Malvo's ears would twitch in annoyance towards the released, verbal joke. But still, she managed a smile as she folded her arms at her chest. "Quite a bit more than that. We've done things like quests... And fighting Blighters, seeing as my twin and I are both what one may call 'Dragon Bonded Shadow Wardens'." she'd explain, soon huffing as she'd mutter "And demigods, but that's a different story..."

(When do you guys want to time skip to morning?

@Forever J, @zenreaper )
Demigods? What have I gotten myself into? "Ah quests! I've gone on quite a few of those myself. There are many stories to tell. But it is late." He held the door for her. "Shall we head to the lab?"

Demigods? What have I gotten myself into? "Ah quests! I've gone on quite a few of those myself. There are many stories to tell. But it is late." He held the door for her. "Shall we head to the lab?"


"They're quite entertaining." Malvo then nodded, soon heading out the door. She'd then wait for him to follow before starting the way in that direction.
Buh'roham followed, looking at the architecture. 


As the two neared the lab, Malvo would perk and gently push the door open to reveal another large room filled with books on different sciences, and there'd been a table pushed against the far wall with books, tools and parts scattered across it. And, one could not forget the large burn in the carpet and wood floor located in the center of the room, as it was... very noticeable.

"You'd think uncle Reaver would learn t' clean up his mess in here..." She would state as her gaze landed on the extra fuel tanks in the corner of the room. Though, she'd soon smile before heading to one of the doors leading off of the alchemy lab. Pushing it open, it would then be revealed that the room just revealed by said action was one of the labs the King had promised. It wasn't as big as the Alchemy lab itself, but it was big enough. "And, here we are."
Zen turned to look at dei-loki a little surprised"oh um..yeah..might I ask your name?" He asked his head tilted 


(Sry today was my bday i was out all day,we can skip to morning at any time)
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Buh'roham turned to her with a smile. "I thank you, Lady Malvo, for your hospitality. I don't wish to keep you from your questing and other heroic things. I shall stay here. I'll probably sleep here most of the time anyway. It was good to meet you O great Demigoddess." He joked, and bowed in mock reverence. 

(I'm set for time skip.)

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Zen turned to look at dei-loki a little surprised"oh um..yeah..might I ask your name?" He asked his head tilted 


(Sry today was my bday i was out all day,we can skip to morning at any time)

(Happy birthday! And, alright. I'Kk do the skip in this post, then.)

"Prince Dei-Loki S. Alaois." Dei-Loki would formally introduce - as being back home seemed to jam his formality back into place. A smile soon forming on his face.

Buh'roham turned to her with a smile. "I thank you, Lady Malvo, for your hospitality. I don't wish to keep you from your questing and other heroic things. I shall stay here. I'll probably sleep here most of the time anyway. It was good to meet you O great Demigoddess." He joked, and bowed in mock reverence. 

(I'm set for time skip.)


Soon returning the look, she would then nod as her smile had remained. "Until next time." And, with that, she turned and left to retreat to her own room.



Reaver stirred a bit in his sleep, mentally groaning from the hangover he had mixed with the soreness of... other areas that he'd felt the effects of following the, uh... late night activities he'd taken part in. With a slight stir in his ending slumber, he flicked an ear and nuzzled into the person beside him. '... Warm...' He thought with a small smile before soon pausing after having wrapped his head around the possible idea that he wasn't alone in his bed. As his eyes had soon slowly opened, he glanced to Graham's bare body that he shared a space with. And, with wide eyes he felt his entire face quickly heat up before he quickly turned away with a wince. Tightly clutching the blanket to his chest as his eyes trembled. 'AH! LAST NIGHT! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!?'

@Forever J
(Happy birthday! And, alright. I'Kk do the skip in this post, then.)

Reaver stirred a bit in his sleep, mentally groaning from the hangover he had mixed with the soreness of... other areas that he'd felt the effects of following the, uh... late night activities he'd taken part in. With a slight stir in his ending slumber, he flicked an ear and nuzzled into the person beside him. '... Warm...' He thought with a small smile before soon pausing after having wrapped his head around the possible idea that he wasn't alone in his bed. As his eyes had soon slowly opened, he glanced to Graham's bare body that he shared a space with. And, with wide eyes he felt his entire face quickly heat up before he quickly turned away with a wince. Tightly clutching the blanket to his chest as his eyes trembled. 'AH! LAST NIGHT! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!?'

@Forever J

(Happy Birthday!) 

Graham groaned as he felt the bed move. "Five more minutes." He shifted, his arms wrapping around Reaver's waist as he yawned. 
Buh'roham had gotten absolutely no sleep, spending all night adjusting everything to suit him and setting up shop. He was currently working on adding a beam adjuster to minimize or maximize the energy beam. He also looked around the Alchemist Lab's in house library for books on the Am Brod. Just out of idle curiosity. 


@Forever J

(Happy Birthday!) 

Graham groaned as he felt the bed move. "Five more minutes." He shifted, his arms wrapping around Reaver's waist as he yawned. 

With that, Reaver tensed. The shade of red on his face intensifying as he gripped the blankets tighter. 'I-- We did it. We did it, and I remember nothing. MY LUCK.' He'd then whine in complaint to himself before allowing his gaze to wander back to Graham. Studying him as he slept. 'Ah, he's even perfect when he sleeps... Eeehhhh...'
With that, Reaver tensed. The shade of red on his face intensifying as he gripped the blankets tighter. 'I-- We did it. We did it, and I remember nothing. MY LUCK.' He'd then whine in complaint to himself before allowing his gaze to wander back to Graham. Studying him as he slept. 'Ah, he's even perfect when he sleeps... Eeehhhh...'

Graham opened his eyes at the sound of whining. He looked up to see Reaver's face. "Oh noooooo." Graham turned, sitting up straight at the side of the bed. "I uh . . . i'm . . . i'm sorry. We were drunk, i didn't know what i was doing. Maker's breath. I . . . i hope this doesn't ruin our friendship."
Zen, due to his undead body, had no need for sleep so he wondered the castle all night. He spent about 4 hours sitting in a dark corner of the library. Before lying in the observatory for around 8. Nights were quite boring for the undead. He made his way to the alchemy lab and as he opened the door and put a finger pop into his mouth, saw the person from the court yard incident. He had sent gotten his name or at least he couldn't remember it. "Yo.." He called out in a calm casual manner.

Buh'roham turned and looked at the abomination. Much as he hated undead, he had to give this one props for not going full feral, and getting the others to forgive him. "Ah yes. You're the one that saved my hide! If it weren't for you I would've never have gotten here! How can I help you?" 

Graham opened his eyes at the sound of whining. He looked up to see Reaver's face. "Oh noooooo." Graham turned, sitting up straight at the side of the bed. "I uh . . . i'm . . . i'm sorry. We were drunk, i didn't know what i was doing. Maker's breath. I . . . i hope this doesn't ruin our friendship."

Reaver's eyes widened a bit more upon watching Graham awaken. His ears slowly lowering as he soon sat up - wincing before then smiling nervously as he closed his crimson eyes. "N-Not at all!" he rubbed the back of his head as his nervous smile remained. "W-W-We were havin' a good night, a-and things took an unexpected turn. I-I can't blame ya fer that!"  'Just kickin' myself fer bein' drunk enough not t' remember any of this...'
Reaver's eyes widened a bit more upon watching Graham awaken. His ears slowly lowering as he soon sat up - wincing before then smiling nervously as he closed his crimson eyes. "N-Not at all!" he rubbed the back of his head as his nervous smile remained. "W-W-We were havin' a good night, a-and things took an unexpected turn. I-I can't blame ya fer that!"  'Just kickin' myself fer bein' drunk enough not t' remember any of this...'

"Thanks. Let's forget about things that happen last night, okay? Go back to our normal selves." Graham got out of his bed and put on his boxers and pants. A lost look on his face as he rubbed the nape of his neck and bit his bottom lip. 
"Meh" he shrugged "I was bored so I came looking for something interesting. By the way i never got your name, mine is zen" he held out the hand that was not holding his scythe offering a handshake.

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"Thanks. Let's forget about things that happen last night, okay? Go back to our normal selves." Graham got out of his bed and put on his boxers and pants. A lost look on his face as he rubbed the nape of his neck and bit his bottom lip. 

Reaver would hesitate, soon getting out of bed and grabbing his boxers to do same as he'd respond with a nod. "R-Right. Of course..." 'Notice me...' And, shaking from his thoughts, he held his own lost, somehow longing look as he wandered over to grab himself pants and a shirt after slipping his boxers on. "S-So, what's on the to-do list fer today?"
Reaver would hesitate, soon getting out of bed and grabbing his boxers to do same as he'd respond with a nod. "R-Right. Of course..." 'Notice me...' And, shaking from his thoughts, he held his own lost, somehow longing look as he wandered over to grab himself pants and a shirt after slipping his boxers on. "S-So, what's on the to-do list fer today?"

"Breakfast, i guess." Graham didn't meet Reaver's eyes as he finished dressing himself. To say to forget it is the easiest step. To actually forget was something near damn impossible. 

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