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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Breakfast, i guess." Graham didn't meet Reaver's eyes as he finished dressing himself. To say to forget it is the easiest step. To actually forget was something near damn impossible. 

"Breakfast. Breakfast it is, then." Reaver, with a nod, fixed his clothing once it was on before pocketing his hands and looking to the floor. His legs carrying him to the door as he opened it to head out of the room.
Zen chucked a bit "so formal, look I'm not exactly a resident in this castle , in fact it wouldent be an understatement to say i just forced my way in so you don't have to be formal with me.... By the way what are you working on?" Asked zen peaking around his shoulder


Zen chucked a bit "so formal, look I'm not exactly a resident in this castle , in fact it wouldent be an understatement to say i just forced my way in so you don't have to be formal with me.... By the way what are you working on?" Asked zen peaking around his shoulder

Zen chucked a bit "so formal, look I'm not exactly a resident in this castle , in fact it wouldent be an understatement to say i just forced my way in so you don't have to be formal with me.... By the way what are you working on?" Asked zen peaking around his shoulder

"Breakfast. Breakfast it is, then." Reaver, with a nod, fixed his clothing once it was on before pocketing his hands and looking to the floor. His legs carrying him to the door as he opened it to head out of the room.

Graham walked out with Reaver.
"Oh don't worry. I'm practicing my titles, if any thing to sound cool. This is my personal grand achievement. Chrysilis. A weapon powered by Magicka Crystals from the Ancient Ruins of Am Brod. It fires a high energy beam at a target, turning most normal sized humanoids into piles of ash. Lucky that didn't happen yesterday. I'm attaching a beam adjuster on it to make the beam smaller or larger, to suit the users needs. Be it simply non-lethally stunning a thief from a distance, or disintegrating your enemies, this should do the trick. When I've tested out the Adjuster on Chrysilis I'll figure the math for the models that are still on paper. 

Graham walked out with Reaver.

He bit down on his bottom lip, briefly looking back to Graham before looking ahead yet again. A gentle sigh escaping him as he'd curl his tail around himself - leading the way into the dining hall in silence.
He bit down on his bottom lip, briefly looking back to Graham before looking ahead yet again. A gentle sigh escaping him as he'd curl his tail around himself - leading the way into the dining hall in silence.

"I'm sorry. Again. I just seem to can't forget everything that happened last night. Or . . of all the things i did to you. I feel like i took advantage of you and it's sickening. Especially since you probably didn't want to see your best friend in your bed, that's awkward." Graham gave a weird chuckle as he blushed, looking at the ground as he walked by Reaver's side.
"Whoa...sounds...advanced.." Zen said examining the stange device. It was far beyond anything he had ever seen almostvhard to comprehend."you must have come from quite a place to be able to develop something like this.."

"I'm sorry. Again. I just seem to can't forget everything that happened last night. Or . . of all the things i did to you. I feel like i took advantage of you and it's sickening. Especially since you probably didn't want to see your best friend in your bed, that's awkward." Graham gave a weird chuckle as he blushed, looking at the ground as he walked by Reaver's side.

"Y' don't need t' be sorry, Graham. Like I said before, our night just took an unexpected turn. Not to mention, I--" Reaver halted his words before he could allow himself to finish, shifting as he walked while watching Graham pass his side. Still, he kept his hands in his pockets. "J-Just don't be sorry, it didn't hurt anything, and a-a-at least it was with someone ya know." He nervously laughed at his own words, before biting his lip again at Graham's own. 
"Y' don't need t' be sorry, Graham. Like I said before, our night just took an unexpected turn. Not to mention, I--" Reaver halted his words before he could allow himself to finish, shifting as he walked while watching Graham pass his side. Still, he kept his hands in his pockets. "J-Just don't be sorry, it didn't hurt anything, and a-a-at least it was with someone ya know." He nervously laughed at his own words, before biting his lip again at Graham's own. 

"Alright, again, thanks Rea. I'm hungry. What do you want to eat?" He asked as he made it into the kitchen.
"Sausage and eggs sounds good, right about now..." He replied as he followed him in. An ear having lowered in the process.

"Right, i'll make that quickly." He made the food quickly. He placed Reaver's plate of the sexually innuendo placed food in front of Reaver and sat to eat his own food.
"Right, i'll make that quickly." He made the food quickly. He placed Reaver's plate of the sexually innuendo placed food in front of Reaver and sat to eat his own food.

Reaver, whom seated himself prior to the food being made, glanced to his dish as it was set in front of him. His brows immediately raising as a blush, once more, coated his cheeks.
"Is there something wrong? Is it not good?"

Reaver, who's blush remained, looked over to Graham. "N-No, nothing's wrong! Th-Thank y' fer the food." And, with that, he looked back to his plate. Lifting his fork in the process. 'Subconscious act? Or... Or do I just have a dirty mind?'
Reaver, who's blush remained, looked over to Graham. "N-No, nothing's wrong! Th-Thank y' fer the food." And, with that, he looked back to his plate. Lifting his fork in the process. 'Subconscious act? Or... Or do I just have a dirty mind?'

Graham smiled before digging into his own food. Food always made him forget life's problems and helped him become happy.
Graham smiled before digging into his own food. Food always made him forget life's problems and helped him become happy.

With a twitch of his ears, Reaver shook off the idea of the innuendo before partaking in the meal. Holding his own smile as he'd ate the eggs first before going for the sausage.
With a twitch of his ears, Reaver shook off the idea of the innuendo before partaking in the meal. Holding his own smile as he'd ate the eggs first before going for the sausage.

Graham felt awkward and nervous again, not knowing what to talk about.
He sat down. "Well, if you're willing to listen. 

Over 1000 years ago there was a highly intelligent race called the Am Brod. They had history dating back thousands of years. In the early times they were fond of monster hunting, however closer to the end they preferred science. They were immortal, with nine lives to spend on living life to the fullest. One of them was especially gifted in the ways of hunting, science, and general craftsmanship. His brother preferred magic. The brother, named Dar'vange, grew closer and closer to the sorts of magic deemed heretical by the Order of Am the Lion, the churches group of paladins and other holy people. Dar'vange was heavily investigated by the Order, but they got nowhere. Dar'vange's Brother was the one to discover what he was doing. He had devoted him self to the Serpent, the Evil One, and had been collecting bodies from his own people to raise as an undead army. It was his Brothers 100th birthday. The Am Brod's friends and family sprung from the grave to pull them down. The Brother's own creations were stolen by Dar'vange and used to raze the Kingdom to the ground. All the Am Brod were slaughtered. Almost all anyway. The Brother ran for a thousand years, helping people in need and hunting for his brother Dar'vange, before settling in Forrelden as a King's Inventor. 

I am the Brother of Dar'vange Jarho. I sit before you, with the destruction of my people on my shoulders. Last of the Catmen..." 

He finished his story with a sigh. 


( @xXLittleLokiXx you can tweak this if it messes with your lore)
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Graham felt awkward and nervous again, not knowing what to talk about.

Reaver soon felt the same, quickly allowing his gaze to wander in hopes to find a topic to remove the awkwardness from the moment - soon pausing when he glanced out the window. As he took a bite out of the sausage, he leaned back slightly. "It's snowing. Just as I thought it would."
He sat down. "Well, if you're willing to listen. 

Over 1000 years ago there was a highly intelligent race called the Am Brod. They had history dating back thousands of years. In the early times they were fond of monster hunting, however closer to the end they preferred science. They were immortal, with nine lives to spend on living life to the fullest. One of them was especially gifted in the ways of hunting, science, and general craftsmanship. His brother preferred magic. The brother, named Dar'vange, grew closer and closer to the sorts of magic deemed heretical by the Order of Am the Lion, the churches group of paladins and other holy people. Dar'vange was heavily investigated by the Order, but they got nowhere. Dar'vange's Brother was the one to discover what he was doing. He had devoted him self to the Serpent, the Evil One, and had been collecting bodies from his own people to raise as an undead army. It was his Brothers 100th birthday. The Am Brod's friends and family sprung from the grave to pull them down. The Brother's own creations were stolen by Dar'vange and used to raze the Kingdom to the ground. All the Am Brod were slaughtered. Almost all anyway. The Brother ran for a thousand years, helping people in need and hunting for his brother Dar'vange, before settling in Engranussia as a King's Inventor. 

I am the Brother of Dar'vange Jarho. I sit before you, with the destruction of my people on my shoulders. Last of the Catmen..." 

He finished his story with a sigh. 


( @xXLittleLokiXx you can tweak this if it messes with your lore)

(It would actually be the country Fórrelden your character settled in, as Engranussia is essentially just the name of the dimension/world we are currently in.

Looks fine, otherwise, lol.)
"Man.." Zen looked at the catman "sound slike you have a lot on your shoulders..being the last of your kind and all..."  Zen was trying to understand the feeling of absolute lonelyness. He knew it a little but not to such an extent. "Sorry..I'm not sure what to say" he said fiddiling with his scythe. "I mean I was an orphan who died at 17 but that blows my story out of the water" he said light heartedly 

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