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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Well if his majesty does not mind, I would appreciate it. Thank you." 


"Not at all, go right ahead." Adrian would grin, gently gesturing to Malvo. "This is my youngest daughter Malvo. She'll be sure t' ensure you know where everything is."

Malvo nodded to that, hands behind her back as she looked from the King to the inventor. "Whenever you're ready."
Buh'roham followed her. He decided to strike up a friendly conversation. Might as well know the royal family if he's going to stay here. "So, King's daughter. That must have some perks." 

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Buh'roham followed her. He decided to strike up a friendly conversation. Might as well know the royal family if he's going to stay here. "So, King's daughter. That must have some perks." 


Malvo quirked a brow at that, looking back to Buh'roham before then looking ahead with a small smile. "It does have it's perks, yes. Though, it's also sometimes a pain."
He laughed. "Yes I know, it certainly gets tiring. But surely it's not all proper 24/7. That would be the worst." He smiled as he said that.


"Thankfully not." Malvo had remarked. Her ears remaining perked. "We get the luxury of just being ourselves towards the end of the day, provided there are no meetings t' interfere with that."
Buh'roham face lit up. "Ah, excellent! An entire room of knowledge! And stories of ancient things." His smile faded. "I wonder..." He looked at his guide. "Have you seen any books on the Am Brod?" 

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Zen had snuck away from the castle during all the commotion in order to go hunting. He was trying to endure his hunger but it was getting excruciatingly hard to remain around living people without having eaten. As he made his return his pockets were filled with his so called 'finger pops' one of which he was eating. As he bit in to it a shiver went down his spine " ahh... That's refreshing" he let out a pleasure filled sigh. After finishing the 'finger pop' and throwing away the bone he hopped back over the castle wall and into the court yard feeling completely revitalized.
Buh'roham face lit up. "Ah, excellent! An entire room of knowledge! And stories of ancient things." His smile faded. "I wonder..." He looked at his guide. "Have you seen any books on the Am Brod?" 


Upon noticing the mood drop, Malvo quirked a curious brow. "We have one or two, yes. From what I recall, anyway."

Zen had snuck away from the castle during all the commotion in order to go hunting. He was trying to endure his hunger but it was getting excruciatingly hard to remain around living people without having eaten. As he made his return his pockets were filled with his so called 'finger pops' one of which he was eating. As he bit in to it a shiver went down his spine " ahh... That's refreshing" he let out a pleasure filled sigh. After finishing the 'finger pop' and throwing away the bone he hopped back over the castle wall and into the court yard feeling completely revitalized.

Catching sight of Zen, Dei-Loki blinked and pocketed his hands before choosing to slowly follow. It was a bit funny, really. Watching someone whom had been under five feet seem to nearly stalk someone throughout the courtyard. Didn't stop him from following, though. Especially with his own curiosity. Eventually speaking, he kept a cocked brow. "Y' were with my uncles earlier, weren't y'?"
He shook it off. No need to burden these nice people. He smiled again. "Very good. What else is there to explore?" He said, quickly changing the subject. 


Malvo, keeping her brow quirked, would soon manage a smile of her own as she watched him. "Well, there's the alchemy lab, the lounge, the diner, the open studies, the rooms..." and, as she trailed off, she counted off the rooms in her fingers.
"Well considering I'm going to be spend a lot of time in the lab, let's go to the lounge! Sounds comfortable. 


"To the lounge, then!" She spoke, a smile remaining on the wolf girl's face as she'd head back out - leading the way. "It is. It's a pretty big room and it still holds a cozy feel. Even has it's own fireplace."

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