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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Zen laughed a little "well there's not much to it but I'll tell you. I was born an orphan, well as far I know, the orphanage I live in was a bit if a shady place. It was out in the middle of the woods and there was only one care taker. The years were mostly dukk until my 17 birthday. While I was celebrating all by myself enjoying the quiet atmosphere and the light of a candle l. The caretaker drugged me. Turned out he was a practitioner of the dark arts and was experementing with necromancy. After around 7 weeks of constant torture, during which I died around the city week but haven't realized it. He released me thinking I was some subservient zombie. But instead beat him to death in return for all the suffering he out me through. After which I found my scythe here." He held up the seemingly unscathed scythe"it was in the basement of the orphanage. I used it to take mercy upon all the other orphans who would have been stranded in the middle of the woods...although that was around 23 years ago..so that makes me about 40?" He said questioning his own age

"Stupid Necromancers. Always thinking they can control the minds of those they slay. You, my friend, are Unliving proof of their foolishness." He made a note in his journal. "Now. Enough sad stuff. What say we go to breakfast?" 

"Well I'll come but I can't exactly eat normal food anymore" he explained " while the outside of my body and my brain are functional my digestive system is kinda wonked out" 

Reaver soon felt the same, quickly allowing his gaze to wander in hopes to find a topic to remove the awkwardness from the moment - soon pausing when he glanced out the window. As he took a bite out of the sausage, he leaned back slightly. "It's snowing. Just as I thought it would."

"It's always so stunning. One of the things that i miss most about this place." Graham said, his eyes turned to Reaver. He missed him. He missed him a lot and now, this is where they were. In some weird, alterdiminsion where he felt like he lost his best friend. He then shifted his head to the sound of two footsteps. "Good morning, men." 

@xXLittleLokiXx @TheCountryWarrior @zenreaper
"Morning" he said as he gave a wave to Reaver and Graham. He could sense some sort of awkward tension in the air but did not know why. "What happened last night? I looked every where for you two...well almost anyway" he wasn't really looking more wandering and hoping to run into them .



@Forever J
"Morning" he said as he gave a wave to Reaver and Graham. He could sense some sort of awkward tension in the air but did not know why. "What happened last night? I looked every where for you two...well almost anyway" he wasn't really looking more wandering and hoping to run into them .



@Forever J

With a returned glance to Graham first, Reaver sighed silently. He hated this.  Needless to say, the awkwardness was something he was only use to on his side of things. But now... 

Reaver would sigh again, turning his attention over to the others. His eyes a bit wide as he quickly pondered on a response. "Morning! And, uh... eh... We... just turned in fer the night."

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior
"Morning" he said as he gave a wave to Reaver and Graham. He could sense some sort of awkward tension in the air but did not know why. "What happened last night? I looked every where for you two...well almost anyway" he wasn't really looking more wandering and hoping to run into them .



@Forever J

Graham looked over as Reaver gave a response and nodded. "There's food on the stove. I can't get you any human foods though, Jester. Sorry."
Buh'roham smelled the food cooking, and the awkwardness in the room. He felt like it originated at the human and wolfboy, but he wasn't sure. "Thank you for your hospitality. I'll look into it." He went to the kitchen for a bit and returned with some noms. He sat down. "So how did you two sleep?" He said, attempting to alleviate the tension. 



@Forever J
Buh'roham smelled the food cooking, and the awkwardness in the room. He felt like it originated at the human and wolfboy, but he wasn't sure. "Thank you for your hospitality. I'll look into it." He went to the kitchen for a bit and returned with some noms. He sat down. "So how did you two sleep?" He said, attempting to alleviate the tension. 



@Forever J

"Like a couple of rocks..." Reaver paused after realising what he'd said. His eyes widening a bit before he'd then close them as a nervous smile returned to his face. "I mean! That's how I slept, anyway..." 'Hhhheeeeehhhhhhhhhh this is gonna be hard...'

@Forever J, @zenreaper
"Like a couple of rocks..." Reaver paused after realising what he'd said. His eyes widening a bit before he'd then close them as a nervous smile returned to his face. "I mean! That's how I slept, anyway..." 'Hhhheeeeehhhhhhhhhh this is gonna be hard...'

@Forever J, @zenreaper

Graham looked to Reaver before back to the men. "I slept decently." 
He looked at them with a big grin on his face. "My life my friend. These journals contain the many years of travel and adventure I've partaken in. Stories of monsters, beautiful creatures, hunts for great beasts. Inventions, failed experiments, explored caves of giant spiders. These aren't even all of them. I have left many of them at libraries and ruins and other cool places for adventurers to find. A collectible series full of knowledge. Kind of a hobby of mine. Leave a legacy or something like that." 



@Forever J
He looked at them with a big grin on his face. "My life my friend. These journals contain the many years of travel and adventure I've partaken in. Stories of monsters, beautiful creatures, hunts for great beasts. Inventions, failed experiments, explored caves of giant spiders. These aren't even all of them. I have left many of them at libraries and ruins and other cool places for adventurers to find. A collectible series full of knowledge. Kind of a hobby of mine. Leave a legacy or something like that." 



@Forever J

Graham gave smiled at that. "Amazing. Now the generations after us may know your name and journey."
(( So may I be able to join? Sorry for posting in the main thread, I am still learning this site. ))

(It's fine. I'll just need you to fill out a CS for review here;


Graham gave smiled at that. "Amazing. Now the generations after us may know your name and journey."

Reaver nodded in agreement, looking to [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Buh'roham as he spoke. [/COLOR]"Would be cool t' look at it sometime."

@TheCountryWarrior, @zenreaper
Buh'roham looked at Reaver. "Of course you can take a look. I have many selections of knowledge. I usually condense my notes and entries in to books. The Understanding of Spiders and their Properties, The History of Projectile Weapons, The Imortum Theory, Improving Armor, and more. Not to mention my works scattered around the realm." 


@Forever J
Reaver, whom had instantly 'oooooed' in interest following Buh'roham's description of just what the journals had contained, curled his tail. His eyes seeming to return Graham's look as he watched him stand and leave the room. And, doing his best to not look like a lost, abandoned puppy, he tried to shake off his feelings as he closed his eyes. "I have t' say, I think it'll be interesting having another inventor in the palace."

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior

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