Motto: "why not?"
Zen laughed a little "well there's not much to it but I'll tell you. I was born an orphan, well as far I know, the orphanage I live in was a bit if a shady place. It was out in the middle of the woods and there was only one care taker. The years were mostly dukk until my 17 birthday. While I was celebrating all by myself enjoying the quiet atmosphere and the light of a candle l. The caretaker drugged me. Turned out he was a practitioner of the dark arts and was experementing with necromancy. After around 7 weeks of constant torture, during which I died around the city week but haven't realized it. He released me thinking I was some subservient zombie. But instead beat him to death in return for all the suffering he out me through. After which I found my scythe here." He held up the seemingly unscathed scythe"it was in the basement of the orphanage. I used it to take mercy upon all the other orphans who would have been stranded in the middle of the woods...although that was around 23 years ago..so that makes me about 40?" He said questioning his own age