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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Taking a deep breath so a brand new hue of red wouldn't be discovered spanning the length of his already red cheeks, Reaver bit his lip and quickly got off of Graham. Dusting himself off and offering him a hand as he looked away and to the ground.

@Forever J

Graham grabbed Reaver's hand and heaved himself up. "Yeah, some people have said that. I can't help it that i have such a tight connection with my best friend since childhood."
Graham grabbed Reaver's hand and heaved himself up. "Yeah, some people have said that. I can't help it that i have such a tight connection with my best friend since childhood."

zen shrugged with one eye closed "long term relationships tend to be troubles some so I tend to not have any but I can tell there is a strong bond between you two" he looked at Reaver and gave a wink
zen shrugged with one eye closed "long term relationships tend to be troubles some so I tend to not have any but I can tell there is a strong bond between you two" he looked at Reaver and gave a wink

An ear lowering, Reaver smiled a bit as he listened before soon looking over and cocking a brow from the wink as he, once more, huffed for the same reasons prior to his last exertion of air. 

@Forever J
An ear lowering, Reaver smiled a bit as he listened before soon looking over and cocking a brow from the wink as he, once more, huffed for the same reasons prior to his last exertion of air. 

@Forever J

"Thanks!" Graham said and turned, not noticing the wink as he was busy looking at the palace. "We should get back and show him so more before midnight."
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"Thanks!" Graham said and turned, not noticing the wink as he was busy looking at the palace. "We should get back and show him so more before midnight."

Reaver gave a sharp inhale, closing his eyes. "... Tour! The tour! Right..." His attention briefly shifted to Graham before then looking to the palace once more. "What else do we have?" pondering for a moment, he'd clap hid hands together with a small grin. "Let's see, we still have the lounge, aaaaand the alchemy room."

Reaver gave a sharp inhale, closing his eyes. "... Tour! The tour! Right..." His attention briefly shifted to Graham before then looking to the palace once more. "What else do we have?" pondering for a moment, he'd clap hid hands together with a small grin. "Let's see, we still have the lounge, aaaaand the alchemy room."


"alchemy room" Zen replied immediately not knowing exactly why 

Reaver pushed the doors open as he continued to lead the way into the palace. His crimson irises travelling back and forth before the three had made it to their destination. "Now, eh... Don't mind the mess. I was in here earlier today and I didn't get t' clean it up." And, after he explained, he turned the knob before opening the door into the lab. It wasn't as big as the other rooms, but it still was decently sized. A large table pushed up against the far wall held an open book and several bottles and such. And, of course - like the other rooms - there had been bookshelves full of books. As Reaver stepped in, he walked around the large burn mark on the floor before heading over and moving a couple of large, red tanks out of the walkway. Tanks that matched the barrels of his flamethrower in shape, but not in size.

@Forever J, @zenreaper

Reaver pushed the doors open as he continued to lead the way into the palace. His crimson irises travelling back and forth before the three had made it to their destination. "Now, eh... Don't mind the mess. I was in here earlier today and I didn't get t' clean it up." And, after he explained, he turned the knob before opening the door into the lab. It wasn't as big as the other rooms, but it still was decently sized. A large table pushed up against the far wall held an open book and several bottles and such. And, of course - like the other rooms - there had been bookshelves full of books. As Reaver stepped in, he walked around the large burn mark on the floor before heading over and moving a couple of large, red tanks out of the walkway. Tanks that matched the barrels of his flamethrower in shape, but not in size.

@Forever J, @zenreaper

Zen stepped into the room "whoa...its actually kinda different than I though it would be.." said zen as he looked around the room. he picked up one of the barrels examining it. " You really love your flame thrower don't you.." he wondered aloud

(sry had a busy day)
Zen stepped into the room "whoa...its actually kinda different than I though it would be.." said zen as he looked around the room. he picked up one of the barrels examining it. " You really love your flame thrower don't you.." he wondered aloud

(sry had a busy day)

"He can't live without his baby. And can you blame him? Look at how beautiful it is." 
"He can't live without his baby. And can you blame him? Look at how beautiful it is." 

Zen looked to Reavers flame thrower "I admit it looks cool but ill stick with something that can't possibly explode in my hands or run out of ammo in a fight" he said jokingly

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Zen looked to Reavers flame thrower I admit it looks cool but ill stick with something that can't possibly explode in my hands or run out of ammo in a fight" he said jokingly


Reaver glanced over to Zen as he walked over to look at one of the tanks, rubbing the back of his head with a smile as he'd then glance to his flamethrower. A chuckle escaping him soon after while listening. "That's understandable." Reaver replied to Zen. A sigh escaping through the smile on his face as he'd gently run his hands along the nozzle before setting it down. "Gods, I wish the others could admit this is a beauty like you guys can."

@Forever J
Reaver glanced over to Zen as he walked over to look at one of the tanks, rubbing the back of his head with a smile as he'd then glance to his flamethrower. A chuckle escaping him soon after while listening. "That's understandable." Reaver replied to Zen. A sigh escaping through the smile on his face as he'd gently run his hands along the nozzle before setting it down. "Gods, I wish the others could admit this is a beauty like you guys can."

@Forever J

" don't care about what others think" said Zen as he tapped Reaver on the forehead "as long as you think its good then its good what everyone else thinks is just a different point of view in a sea of others"
" don't care about what others think" said Zen as he tapped Reaver on the forehead "as long as you think its good then its good what everyone else thinks is just a different point of view in a sea of others"

"He knows what's up! You know what i could go for? Drinks. You can't necessarily get drunk overseas. Especially when you're the General. I'll go get the drinks!" Graham walked with even strides as he left the room.
"He knows what's up! You know what i could go for? Drinks. You can't necessarily get drunk overseas. Especially when you're the General. I'll go get the drinks!" Graham walked with even strides as he left the room.

"oh ok then" Zen had never had alcohol before. He died before he was of 'legal age' seeing as age and dead people go together about as well as a snake and a rat it didn't matter anymore.

"oh ok then" Zen had never had alcohol before. He died before he was of 'legal age' seeing as age and dead people go together about as well as a snake and a rat it didn't matter anymore.


Reaver perked from Zen's words. Soon nodding as a thank you before quirking a brow and watching Graham head out. A gentle, almost soundless sigh escaping him as he leaned against the table.

@Forever J
Reaver perked from Zen's words. Soon nodding as a thank you before quirking a brow and watching Graham head out. A gentle, almost soundless sigh escaping him as he leaned against the table.

@Forever J

Zen looked to Reaver "you mind if I take a few practice swings?" he said brandishing his scythe on his shoulder "Just while we wait for him to get back?"
Zen looked to Reaver "you mind if I take a few practice swings?" he said brandishing his scythe on his shoulder "Just while we wait for him to get back?"

Reaver lifted a brow, looking to Zen once more before he smiled and nodded. "Go right ahead."
Reaver lifted a brow, looking to Zen once more before he smiled and nodded. "Go right ahead."

"yay!" said Zen as he used his shoulder to force the scythe into an downward motion. he swung the scythe down and behind him. sing the gained momentum he went into a series of up, down , sideways, and various other angled swings. to finish he used the momentum to swing the scythe around his neck and into a strong upward swing. in the process he cut one of the tanks lying near him in two without noticing. he finished in a pose that looked like he was a pro golfer just finishing his swing. "man that  feels good" he said catching his breath.
"yay!" said Zen as he used his shoulder to force the scythe into an downward motion. he swung the scythe down and behind him. sing the gained momentum he went into a series of up, down , sideways, and various other angled swings. to finish he used the momentum to swing the scythe around his neck and into a strong upward swing. in the process he cut one of the tanks lying near him in two without noticing. he finished in a pose that looked like he was a pro golfer just finishing his swing. "man that  feels good" he said catching his breath.

Reaver would merely observe as Zen would carry out his practicing. Sitting on the table as his hands would rest on the edge of it. His ears would seem to perk at the sound of the weapon's blade whistling through the air. Releasing a chuckle from the end comment, he would slightly lean forward. "Where did you get your weapon, if I might ask?"
Reaver would merely observe as Zen would carry out his practicing. Sitting on the table as his hands would rest on the edge of it. His ears would seem to perk at the sound of the weapon's blade whistling through the air. Releasing a chuckle from the end comment, he would slightly lean forward. "Where did you get your weapon, if I might ask?"

" I found it in the basement where I died" he replied without hesitation "After I killed my captor I rummaged around looking for a weapon to ....grant mercy on the rest of the orphans and this baby caught my eye. There were other ones but they were either too heavy or too small to do any real damage. But this is imbued with dark magic so it correlates well with me seeing as my body is maintained with dark magic" as he spoke he examined the blade, still shiny as new even after its years of use." what about your flame thrower? did you make it?"
" I found it in the basement where I died" he replied without hesitation "After I killed my captor I rummaged around looking for a weapon to ....grant mercy on the rest of the orphans and this baby caught my eye. There were other ones but they were either too heavy or too small to do any real damage. But this is imbued with dark magic so it correlates well with me seeing as my body is maintained with dark magic" as he spoke he examined the blade, still shiny as new even after its years of use." what about your flame thrower? did you make it?"

"Always nice t' hold a connection to your weapon." He would chuckle, not seeming to be bothered by the backstory at all. Though, his brow would quirk from the question aimed at him - giving a nod in response. "I did. I typically make my own weapons, but I've always worked on this one the most."

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