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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Graham continued until he also fell asleep.

Sleeping peacefully, Reaver would softly curl up against Graham.


With a shaky exhale, Dei-Loki stood over his mother's bed - gently taking her hand as he'd stare at the blanket in silence.

Malvo stood on the other side as she watched her sleep. Softly having brushed Zuzana's bangs from her face, and speaking soft enough not to wake her. "... She isn't as pale as I thought she'd be... that's good."

"The healer does good work... Not to mention, it's fairly warm in here, thankfully."  Adrian commented, a small smile on his face remaining present for a moment before it would soon flee the at the time his ears picked up on Dei-Loki's sniffling.

"I... I should've..." Dei-Loki, fumbling over his own words, clenched his teeth as he softly rubbed Zuzana's hand. "I'm..."

"Please don't blame yourself, little Loki..."

"Dad, I'm a Shadow Warden. Part of being a Shadow Warden is being able to sense an attack! I should've fucking known that blight leading bastard was coming. I should've fucking felt it and stuck around a bit longer. I-I should've..." Tears gently slipped from Dei-Loki's eyes, staining the white sheets before he'd slump over - head on his mother's stomach as he had sobbed. "I feel like I let y' down. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry! My duty as a Shadow Warden is to protect people against the blight, and I couldn't even protect my own mam. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry..."

Malvo watched as her twin broke. Pain on her eyes proving she'd known the pain. Her hand softly squeezing her mother's as she glanced to her again.
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Sleeping peacefully, Reaver would softly curl up against Graham.


With a shaky exhale, Dei-Loki stood over his mother's bed - gently taking her hand as he'd stare at the blanket in silence.

Malvo stood on the other side as she watched her sleep. Softly having brushed Zuzana's bangs from her face, and speaking soft enough not to wake her. "... She isn't as pale as I thought she'd be... that's good."

"The healer does good work... Not to mention, it's fairly warm in here, thankfully."  Adrian commented, a small smile on his face remaining present for a moment before it would soon flee the at the time his ears picked up on Dei-Loki's sniffling.

"I... I should've..." Dei-Loki, fumbling over his own words, clenched his teeth as he softly rubbed Zuzana's hand. "I'm..."

"Please don't blame yourself, little Loki..."

"Dad, I'm a Shadow Warden. Part of being a Shadow Warden is being able to sense an attack! I should've fucking known that blight leading bastard was coming. I should've fucking felt it and stuck around a bit longer. I-I should've..." Tears gently slipped from Dei-Loki's eyes, staining the white sheets before he'd slump over - head on his mother's stomach as he had sobbed. "I feel like I let y' down. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry! My duty as a Shadow Warden is to protect people against the blight, and I couldn't even protect my own mam. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry..."

Malvo watched as her twin broke. Pain on her eyes proving she'd known the pain. Her hand softly squeezing her mother's as she glanced to her again.

Masaru walked with a caramel ice-cream covered in hot caramel, and chocolate sprinkles in a chocolate cone. "Hey Squishy, want some ice-cream? Then afterwards, i can make you a nice, hot bath and then we can watch Friends as i stroke your hair?" He got on both knees in front of Dei to see his face better. His ears flattened, his heart aching to heal his Squish. He brought the caramel, delicious goodie to Dei's lips with a small smile.
Ma'Jindarr was not asleep. After he reported to his allies that they could use the forests, he went to the castle courtyard to practice his moves. Harlinduil met him there. "Well there you are brother. I was thinking you might have gotten distracted." "What do you mean? I can't be distracted!" "I'm just saying. There were some nice looking females. Did you learn their names?" "I hardly think wartime is the proper time for amourus notions! And yes I learned their names! I'm no savage. I know proper etiquette. They were, in fact, the Direwolves of legend. Conquest, War, Famine, Death, and Rika. You remember the stories." Harlinduil was shocked. "No! I never heard the story of Rika. Her name is not like the other names." "That is not important. We were here to spar." "Haven't we done that enough? We've trained since we grew up together. I think I know your tricks by now." "Well then--" Ma'Jindarr's words were interrupted when Harlinduil leaped at him, steel claws sheathed. Harlinduil was training with them so he could learn to fight large mammals in hand-to-hand combat. This was not silent, though they tried to be quiet. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving

Masaru walked with a caramel ice-cream covered in hot caramel, and chocolate sprinkles in a chocolate cone. "Hey Squishy, want some ice-cream? Then afterwards, i can make you a nice, hot bath and then we can watch Friends as i stroke your hair?" He got on both knees in front of Dei to see his face better. His ears flattened, his heart aching to heal his Squish. He brought the caramel, delicious goodie to Dei's lips with a small smile.

Dei-Loki sniffled, his own ears having been flattened. His dampened eyes soon moved to glance in Masaru's direction, red and raw from the constant shedding of emotion. A faint smile gently formed on his face before he'd end up taking the ice-cream as he stood up a small bit. And, though the emotional pain was still present, that small smile was genuine. "Thank y', Grumpytails..."

Ma'Jindarr was not asleep. After he reported to his allies that they could use the forests, he went to the castle courtyard to practice his moves. Harlinduil met him there. "Well there you are brother. I was thinking you might have gotten distracted." "What do you mean? I can't be distracted!" "I'm just saying. There were some nice looking females. Did you learn their names?" "I hardly think wartime is the proper time for amourus notions! And yes I learned their names! I'm no savage. I know proper etiquette. They were, in fact, the Direwolves of legend. Conquest, War, Famine, Death, and Rika. You remember the stories." Harlinduil was shocked. "No! I never heard the story of Rika. Her name is not like the other names." "That is not important. We were here to spar." "Haven't we done that enough? We've trained since we grew up together. I think I know your tricks by now." "Well then--" Ma'Jindarr's words were interrupted when Harlinduil leaped at him, steel claws sheathed. Harlinduil was training with them so he could learn to fight large mammals in hand-to-hand combat. This was not silent, though they tried to be quiet. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving


Observing from the steps had been Rika, whom sat up - straight in her posture. She was silent, tail curled around her paws.

Pushing one of the doors open, War blinked and looked to Rika before heading over. "You're quiet."

"I'm thinking." Rika gave a blunt response, her eyes locked forward.

War squinted as a result of the blunt response, sitting beside her before looking forward for a moment - and then back to Rika. "About..?"

Rika looked to War, slightly glaring. "You're awfully nosey. Don't you have something else to do?"

"The Dire Wolf King is asleep with his mate, and I'm on break. A WELL deserved break. I can only take Famine's actions for so long." War replied, Rika having smirked slightly.
Ma'Jindarr rolled with the leap and pushed Harlinduil away. "Good. But you need to be faster, your aim more precise! Your teeth need to be in the enemies neck before they know you're there! Or in your case, your claws. Now let's stop with the sneak attacks. Let's try chaining your attacks so that each one has more momentum behind it than the last." "Your starting to sound like Teacher." "Stop making idle chitchat! Fight me like wolf!" 

Harlinduil quickly approached Ma'Jindarr and slashed over and over, each strike more powerful than the last. Ma'Jindarr dodged and dodged until the last one hit him square in the jaw. With a grunt he realled back and found Harlinduil's steel claws (made by Buh'roham naturally), sheathed, against his neck. "Haha! You're dead! I've finally bested you brother!" Ma'Jindarr rolled his eyes, but went with it. He fell to the ground in mock defeat. "No! I had so many evil plans left! Bleagh!" Harlinduil burst out laughing. Ma'Jindarr couldn't help but join in. 

Dei-Loki sniffled, his own ears having been flattened. His dampened eyes soon moved to glance in Masaru's direction, red and raw from the constant shedding of emotion. A faint smile gently formed on his face before he'd end up taking the ice-cream as he stood up a small bit. And, though the emotional pain was still present, that small smile was genuine. "Thank y', Grumpytails..."

Masaru gently kissed Dei's forehead. "No problem, my lord~. Ayee, look at that. She's got your smile. I don't know about you, Squishy, but i think that smile means; you may not have been there, but you're here now. Hmmmmmmmmm? That sounds similar to what you said to me, doesn't it, Squishy? That we're not all perfect, but that's okay because our family loves us for who we are. I think that's what she's saying with just a smile, y'know? How strong her little one is and how proud she is to have such a compassionate, beautiful son that would practically take a bullet for her." He brushed back Dei's tear and kissed his cheek. "She loves you, no matter what. Do you got that? You didn't do anything wrong, Dei-Loki. You're not perfect, and that's okay, because you're here now. So stop weeping as if your Mom actually died and hold her hand and kiss her cheek and love the Hell out of her. Ya got me, Squishy? You are still her son and a fine one at that."
Ma'Jindarr rolled with the leap and pushed Harlinduil away. "Good. But you need to be faster, your aim more precise! Your teeth need to be in the enemies neck before they know you're there! Or in your case, your claws. Now let's stop with the sneak attacks. Let's try chaining your attacks so that each one has more momentum behind it than the last." "Your starting to sound like Teacher." "Stop making idle chitchat! Fight me like wolf!" 

Harlinduil quickly approached Ma'Jindarr and slashed over and over, each strike more powerful than the last. Ma'Jindarr dodged and dodged until the last one hit him square in the jaw. With a grunt he realled back and found Harlinduil's steel claws (made by Buh'roham naturally), sheathed, against his neck. "Haha! You're dead! I've finally bested you brother!" Ma'Jindarr rolled his eyes, but went with it. He fell to the ground in mock defeat. "No! I had so many evil plans left! Bleagh!" Harlinduil burst out laughing. Ma'Jindarr couldn't help but join in. 


"They seem t' be decent allies." War commented after a few minutes of looking forward. Rika continuing to watch as she'd gone silent once more.

Masaru gently kissed Dei's forehead. "No problem, my lord~. Ayee, look at that. She's got your smile. I don't know about you, Squishy, but i think that smile means; you may not have been there, but you're here now. Hmmmmmmmmm? That sounds similar to what you said to me, doesn't it, Squishy? That we're not all perfect, but that's okay because our family loves us for who we are. I think that's what she's saying with just a smile, y'know? How strong her little one is and how proud she is to have such a compassionate, beautiful son that would practically take a bullet for her." He brushed back Dei's tear and kissed his cheek. "She loves you, no matter what. Do you got that? You didn't do anything wrong, Dei-Loki. You're not perfect, and that's okay, because you're here now. So stop weeping as if your Mom actually died and hold her hand and kiss her cheek and love the Hell out of her. Ya got me, Squishy? You are still her son and a fine one at that."

Dei-Loki blinked, glancing to his mother for a moment before looking back to Masaru - giving a single nod before kissing his cheek. The hand that hadn't been holding the ice-cream was still grasping his mother's hand, which he'd lightly squeeze. "I got ya, Grumpytails..."

Malvo and Adrian watched the both of them as the two harboured smiles of their own.
Dei-Loki blinked, glancing to his mother for a moment before looking back to Masaru - giving a single nod before kissing his cheek. The hand that hadn't been holding the ice-cream was still grasping his mother's hand, which he'd lightly squeeze. "I got ya, Grumpytails..."

Malvo and Adrian watched the both of them as the two harboured smiles of their own.

"You truly do got her smile though, and her eyes. Even if you're adopted, you look exactly like her." Masaru shrugged with a smile.
Harlinduil sat down next to Ma'Jindarr, who was still laying on his side. He whispered, "Brother, I didn't want to distract you during a practice match, but two of the Direwolves are watching." Ma'Jindarr stiffened and jolted upright. He whispered back. "Which ones? "I don't know! I haven't met them." "Can you tell by smell?" "No! No matter how cool it would be, I am not a Direwolf."

Trying to look like he wasn't slightly nervous he stood on all fours. "No time for idle chitchat! We have a job to do!" Harlinduil repositioned himself. "Now you can't just slash at the enemy's face and hope to hurt them. You need moves that will knock your opponents over, and give you an advantage." 

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"You truly do got her smile though, and her eyes. Even if you're adopted, you look exactly like her." Masaru shrugged with a smile.

Dei-Loki blinked at that, smiling a bit brighter from the compliment as he lowered an ear. "Now yer really just tryin' ta make me feel better..."

Harlinduil sat down next to Ma'Jindarr, who was still laying on his side. He whispered, "Brother, I didn't want to distract you during a practice match, but two of the Direwolves are watching." Ma'Jindarr stiffened and jolted upright. He whispered back. "Which ones? "I don't know! I haven't met them." "Can you tell by smell?" "No! No matter how cool it would be, I am not a Direwolf."

Trying to look like he wasn't slightly nervous he stood on all fours. "No time for idle chitchat! We have a job to do!" Harlinduil repositioned himself. "Now you can't just slash at the enemy's face and hope to hurt them. You need moves that will knock your opponents over, and give you an advantage." 


War cocked his brow at the sudden grasp at seriousness. This seemed to somewhat catch Rika's attention, as well, though she didn't say much about it. Instead, she stood and turned to head back inside.

"Wha-- Where you going, Rika?" War blinked, turning his head to face her.

"Judging by my direction; north."

War grimaced with a disgruntled frown. "I didn't ask for sass!" Rika laughed at this, headbutting the door as she made her way back inside. 
Harlinduil stopped. "They just left." "What! When?" "Just now." "Wha-Why?" "I don't know! They seemed alright before. Probably had things to do. Are we gonna fight or not?" Ma'Jindarr looked slightly disheartened. "No. I'm tired. Go back to Lileli and go to sleep." "What about you?" "I don't know. Probably head to the forest, see what I can find." Harlinduil looked confused. "Alright. You know you always have a tent with me and Lileli, right?" Ma'Jindarr smiled a small smile. "Thank you Brother." They went there separate ways, Harlinduil to LionCamp, Ma'Jindarr to the woods. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving

Dei-Loki blinked at that, smiling a bit brighter from the compliment as he lowered an ear. "Now yer really just tryin' ta make me feel better..."

"That and i just love it when you smile. It makes me happy when you're happy. I never want to see anything else."
"That and i just love it when you smile. It makes me happy when you're happy. I never want to see anything else."

Curling his tail at that, his smile had remained as he would softly exhale. "Well, thank you. Again. And I mean it. Y' really helped."
Masaru smiled, ruffling Dei's hair. "And like i said. It's no problem."

Dei-Loki closed his eyes from the action, if only for a moment or two. And, with his tail quickly wagging, he turned his attention to the ice-cream so he could enjoy it before it had melted.
Dei-Loki closed his eyes from the action, if only for a moment or two. And, with his tail quickly wagging, he turned his attention to the ice-cream so he could enjoy it before it had melted.

Masaru watched him. To say that Dei confused him was an understatement. He felt something sinister stir in the back of his heart, wanting nothing more than to stop whoever from hurting him. He wanted to straggle that person. Make Dei watch and listen to the sweet sounds of revenge as he tortured the bastard that hurt Dei's mother. He wanted to make the person beg for their death for having his mate so overwhelmingly sad. He kissed his temple and whispered. "If you wish for me to kill, then say it. Tell me to find this person that hurt your mother and let me eat their insides~. Let me please you with their blood, my lord~."
Masaru watched him. To say that Dei confused him was an understatement. He felt something sinister stir in the back of his heart, wanting nothing more than to stop whoever from hurting him. He wanted to straggle that person. Make Dei watch and listen to the sweet sounds of revenge as he tortured the bastard that hurt Dei's mother. He wanted to make the person beg for their death for having his mate so overwhelmingly sad. He kissed his temple and whispered. "If you wish for me to kill, then say it. Tell me to find this person that hurt your mother and let me eat their insides~. Let me please you with their blood, my lord~."

Dei-Loki, listening to Masaru's offer, stared at the ice-cream in his hand as he shook his head. Biting his lip, he hesitated. Almost as if he'd been debating on bringing his thoughts into words. Whispering, he'd watch as the sprinkles would slowly travel down with the caramel. "No... Please let me be selfish, at least at first. I wanna plunge my claws deep into his stomach just to crush the organ. I wish t' feel his blood draining along the length of my arm as he gurgles in severe discomfort, so that the first thing that fucker sees is the worst person he could've fucked with..."
Dei-Loki, listening to Masaru's offer, stared at the ice-cream in his hand as he shook his head. Biting his lip, he hesitated. Almost as if he'd been debating on bringing his thoughts into words. Whispering, he'd watch as the sprinkles would slowly travel down with the caramel. "No... Please let me be selfish, at least at first. I wanna plunge my claws deep into his stomach just to crush the organ. I wish t' feel his blood draining along the length of my arm as he gurgles in severe discomfort, so that the first thing that fucker sees is the worst person he could've fucked with..."

"As you wish. I shall find him though and bring him to you, is that okay?"
With a single nod, he'd continue to stare at the ice-cream in thought. "That's alright with me."

Masaru nodded before going down and taking a bite out of his ice-cream. "Whaaaaaaaaaaat? It looked to good to pass up. I see why you like caramel."
Harlinduil made his way back to his tent, one among many, took off his armor and flopped down on the cot. "Well you look tired." Harlinduil looked up and saw his wife looking down with a smirk on her face. "Ma'Jindarr insisted we train with the new weapons the Cat Man made me. He was distracted by the Direwolves that were watching at the time." Lileli's brow raised. "Distracted how?" "I don't know. Definitely trying to prove himself." Lileli laughed lightly. "Don't tell me: there were females there." Harlinduil shrugged. "Beats me. I was tired then, more tired now. I say we sleep." Lileli laid down next to him. "I think that's a wonderful idea." 
Masaru nodded before going down and taking a bite out of his ice-cream. "Whaaaaaaaaaaat? It looked to good to pass up. I see why you like caramel."

Dei-Loki squinted, playfully glaring as he held back a laugh. "Thiiieeefff." He'd then smile, eating a bit more of the ice-cream. "I tell ya, it's a gift from the gods."

Ma'Jindarr wandered the forest for a while, contemplating his life. He hunted a bit and made a nest to sleep in.

Conquest, on his walk, spotted Ma'Jindarr around the time the fellow wolf had found a place to settle. With curiosity grasping the demonic, four-legged creature, he'd approach. Soon hopping onto a boulder as he lied down with a grin. "Feeling troubled?"

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