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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Managing a smile, Reaver nodded as one of his ears had flicked. "Mhm. I dunno what I'd do without ya."

"Same. I' definitely wouldn't have been here, as a general and a lover to a male with amazing additions to the family, if i have never met you guys. Nope, i would've been a King of Engranussia and probably be drinking down tons of alcohol to stop myself from becoming depressed."
"Same. I' definitely wouldn't have been here, as a general and a lover to a male with amazing additions to the family, if i have never met you guys. Nope, i would've been a King of Engranussia and probably be drinking down tons of alcohol to stop myself from becoming depressed."

"I don't wanna think about where I'd be if I hadn't met any of ya... In all honesty, I probably wouldn't even be alive." Reaver shrugged. "Even with Adrian and Valley around."
"I don't wanna think about where I'd be if I hadn't met any of ya... In all honesty, I probably wouldn't even be alive." Reaver shrugged. "Even with Adrian and Valley around."

"Yeah, let's enjoy this moment right now and how i much i love you."
"Certainly sounds like the best idea t' me." Reaver grinned, watching Graham as he would thump his tail against the side of the chair gently.

Graham grinned, ruffling his hair as he stood up. "You two are absolutely adorable." Alison said. Graham said thanks.
Graham grinned, ruffling his hair as he stood up. "You two are absolutely adorable." Alison said. Graham said thanks.

Reaver's grin widened, closing his eyes from the action while his tail thumped a bit more before he then looked to Alison. "Thank yooouuu~"

"Forever one of the best ships." Chloe grinned whilst watching.
Reaver's grin widened, closing his eyes from the action while his tail thumped a bit more before he then looked to Alison. "Thank yooouuu~"

"Forever one of the best ships." Chloe grinned whilst watching.

"Hey! One of your ships finally came true! Congrats, little sis!" Graham snickered.
Graham snickered. "What's your next ship that you wish to set sail?"

"Well, I--... I'm not sure yet." Chloe shrugged, pocketing her hands.

"Oh? No one you'd like t' be with? Is that a 'shipping' thing?" Adrian cocked a brow, grinning. 

"Well, I mean... it is... and... maybe. Not that it'd work, anyway."
"Well, I--... I'm not sure yet." Chloe shrugged, pocketing her hands.

"Oh? No one you'd like t' be with? Is that a 'shipping' thing?" Adrian cocked a brow, grinning. 

"Well, I mean... it is... and... maybe. Not that it'd work, anyway."

"Maybe!? Did ya find someone, lil sis? I promise, i'll be good. I'll behave. Unless it's a he, then i'm going to have to take him out back and show him how brotherly i am. But otherwise, please bring him or her over! Pretty please." If Graham had a tail, it would blow everyone away from how fast it would wag. 
"Maybe!? Did ya find someone, lil sis? I promise, i'll be good. I'll behave. Unless it's a he, then i'm going to have to take him out back and show him how brotherly i am. But otherwise, please bring him or her over! Pretty please." If Graham had a tail, it would blow everyone away from how fast it would wag. 

Having slightly blushed, Chloe rubbed the back of her head as she'd close her eyes. "I... might've. It's not official yet." she then glanced to Graham, quirking her brow as she sighed. "I will. Eventually. But please don't scare him off like y' did with Alison's first few boyfriends..."
Having slightly blushed, Chloe rubbed the back of her head as she'd close her eyes. "I... might've. It's not official yet." she then glanced to Graham, quirking her brow as she sighed. "I will. Eventually. But please don't scare him off like y' did with Alison's first few boyfriends..."

Alison squinted. "Listen! I was just teaching myself on how to fight with dummies. If they can't handle me, then they're too easy to break. My Sisters only deserve the best." Alison shook her head. "I'm still mad at you for putting William in the hospital the first time you met him." Graham waved it away. "I was teaching him a lesson and now look. He's as strong as ever and you love to death. All part of the test." Alison squinted and Graham moved behind Reaver.
Alison squinted. "Listen! I was just teaching myself on how to fight with dummies. If they can't handle me, then they're too easy to break. My Sisters only deserve the best." Alison shook her head. "I'm still mad at you for putting William in the hospital the first time you met him." Graham waved it away. "I was teaching him a lesson and now look. He's as strong as ever and you love to death. All part of the test." Alison squinted and Graham moved behind Reaver.

Chloe and Reaver blinked as they listened, Reaver around and up at Graham before then to Chloe with an innocent grin on his face. "Sooooooo, who is it? Anyone we know?"

"Actually, it is. But that's all you're getting for now."

"Noooooo, tell meeeee! Y' can tell me anything, y' know this! Please?" Puppy-eyed, Reaver interlaced his fingers together and pleaded. "Pleaaaaase?"
Chloe and Reaver blinked as they listened, Reaver around and up at Graham before then to Chloe with an innocent grin on his face. "Sooooooo, who is it? Anyone we know?"

"Actually, it is. But that's all you're getting for now."

"Noooooo, tell meeeee! Y' can tell me anything, y' know this! Please?" Puppy-eyed, Reaver interlaced his fingers together and pleaded. "Pleaaaaase?"

"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, i'll go in a different room. You can just tell Reaver." He gave Reaver a look to tell him later and then moved towards Chloe. "Deal?"
"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, i'll go in a different room. You can just tell Reaver." He gave Reaver a look to tell him later and then moved towards Chloe. "Deal?"

Reaver gave a barely noticeable nod before turning his attention back to Chloe, whom sighed softly.

Watching Graham, Chloe hesitated before then nodding. "... Alright."
Reaver gave a barely noticeable nod before turning his attention back to Chloe, whom sighed softly.

Watching Graham, Chloe hesitated before then nodding. "... Alright."

Graham nodded, he left the room and shut the door.
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Graham nodded, he left the room and shut the door.

Watching him go, Chloe would soon gently sigh as she leaned against the wall once more. Reaver having glanced to her as he continued to smile. Rolling himself forward slightly. "Weeeeeeeell? Who is he?"

Chloe sighed, rubbing her arm gently. "... It's Ruvik...Reaver paused, staring as his smile dropped. And, as he forcefully drew in air, Chloe widened her eyes. "No, now wait. Before y' freak out--"

"HA. I knew I should've torched him when I had the chance!"


"Dei-Loki, don't shove!" Malvo huffed as the two tried to squeeze through the door as they entered the palace.

"I'm not shoving!" Dei-Loki growled a bit, looking around once they had gotten inside. The both of them soon starting in the direction of the infirmary, Dei-Loki spending up a small bit so he could walk slightly ahead.

(Open for interaction.)

@Daniel reaving, @Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior, @zenreaper
Watching him go, Chloe would soon gently sigh as she leaned against the wall once more. Reaver having glanced to her as he continued to smile. Rolling himself forward slightly. "Weeeeeeeell? Who is he?"

Chloe sighed, rubbing her arm gently. "... It's Ruvik...Reaver paused, staring as his smile dropped. And, as he forcefully drew in air, Chloe widened her eyes. "No, now wait. Before y' freak out--"

"HA. I knew I should've torched him when I had the chance!"


"Dei-Loki, don't shove!" Malvo huffed as the two tried to squeeze through the door as they entered the palace.

"I'm not shoving!" Dei-Loki growled a bit, looking around once they had gotten inside. The both of them soon starting in the direction of the infirmary, Dei-Loki spending up a small bit so he could walk slightly ahead.

(Open for interaction.)

@Daniel reaving, @Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior, @zenreaper

Graham kicked down the door. His eyes twitched as he looked to Chloe. "Ruvik!? That . . . that man that has killed more than thousands of innocent lives. . . . THAT RUVIK!? Nuh-uh! No way, Jose! I'm going to find him and i'm going to shank his heart out."
Graham kicked down the door. His eyes twitched as he looked to Chloe. "Ruvik!? That . . . that man that has killed more than thousands of innocent lives. . . . THAT RUVIK!? Nuh-uh! No way, Jose! I'm going to find him and i'm going to shank his heart out."

Chloe widened her eyes, glancing over to Graham. "Graham, no! Come on, he's changed!"

"People like that don't change, Chloe!" Reaver huffed. "Of all the fucking times t' be stuck in a wheelchair!"
The sounds of raucous battle training can be heard from a half mile away. These were the sounds of his people, his Warriors. It started with Techal.


Techal's village was pillaged by a large organization of bandits. Buh'roham was traveling alone at that time and he stumbled across the decaying scent of death before he found the town. Seeing the carnage and the bandits that caused it still there, Buh'roham approached. "Well! You've been busy haven't you?" All the bandits turned his way. "Who 'ar ye'? Some kinda animal? We took over this town! It's ours now!" Buh'roham's eyebrow lifted. "Oh? And what gives you the right to do so? Surely you know that there are consequences for such actions?" This bandit, that Buh'roham by know knew was their leader, chuckled mockingly. "Oh?! And are you going to stop us? Alone! Haha! This 'll be easy! Get 'em boys!" 

They rushed at Buh'roham with a plethora of weapons. They were doomed from the start. One by one they fell to his blade, each gasping in surprise as he was swiftly dispatched. The leader was the last to fall. On his back, reaching up in a futile attempt to block the blade, he asked, "What, What are yo'?" Buh'roham stared down with cold eyes. "I am Buh'roham Jarho of the Am Brod. We lived thousands of years ago as the rulers of this world. But none of that matters. It is time for you to die." 

After the battle, Buh'roham searched the buildings for survivors. All he could find was an injured boy. He took the boy, nursed him back to health, and the traveled together for many years. 

Now they were here. Present day. 

Buh'roham was in the biggest tent with his inner circle, Techal: Paladin of the Lion. Lileli Jorian, the Wild Elf of the Eagle tribes, Sharpshooter of The Lion. Harlanduil Jorian, Warrior of the Lion and brother to the Direwolves. The Scoundrel, Reglius Flaeus. And their faithful forest friend, Ma'Jidarr the Direwolf. 

"Friends. It is good to see you all again, though the timing was a bit off. No matter. The Serpent has struck and its bite stings. He found allies in the Fanatic of War female, whose name escapes me, and Lucifel, creator of the Blighters."  Reglius spoke up. "Quick question boss. Are yo' certain you can trust these royals? Yo' know nobles and lords. Usually they don't care what 'appens 'less it directly involves them." "Yes I think they are trustworthy. I've seen them fight. The nerdy looking one with the flamethrower has command over a Direwolf pack. The entire family  are were-somethings-or-other, and I'm fairly certain I heard one of the mention being a Demi god."  Ma'Jindarr leaned towards Harlinduil and whispered something to him. Harlinduil looked up. "Ma'Jindarr askes if these Direwolves are friendly." "I don't know. Go find out or something." 

Ma'Jindarr left the tent, making sure to wear the Lions Crest so people will know he's on their side and walked towards the palace. He, using a trick his allies had taught him, knocked on the door. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving
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Chloe widened her eyes, glancing over to Graham. "Graham, no! Come on, he's changed!"

"People like that don't change, Chloe!" Reaver huffed. "Of all the fucking times t' be stuck in a wheelchair!"

"Changed? HA! That's like saying a drug addict never takes drugs. . . . d-do you actually want to give it a shot, Chloe? Would this make you happy?"
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The sounds of raucous battle training can be heard from a half mile away. These were the sounds of his people, his Warriors. It started with Techal.


Techal's village was pillaged by a large organization of bandits. Buh'roham was traveling alone at that time and he stumbled across the decaying scent of death before he found the town. Seeing the carnage and the bandits that caused it still there, Buh'roham approached. "Well! You've been busy haven't you?" All the bandits turned his way. "Who 'ar ye'? Some kinda animal? We took over this town! It's ours now!" Buh'roham's eyebrow lifted. "Oh? And what gives you the right to do so? Surely you know that there are consequences for such actions?" This bandit, that Buh'roham by know knew was their leader, chuckled mockingly. "Oh?! And are you going to stop us? Alone! Haha! This 'll be easy! Get 'em boys!" 

They rushed at Buh'roham with a plethora of weapons. They were doomed from the start. One by one they fell to his blade, each gasping in surprise as he was swiftly dispatched. The leader was the last to fall. On his back, reaching up in a futile attempt to block the blade, he asked, "What, What are yo'?" Buh'roham stared down with cold eyes. "I am Buh'roham Jarho of the Am Brod. We lived thousands of years ago as the rulers of this world. But none of that matters. It is time for you to die." 

After the battle, Buh'roham searched the buildings for survivors. All he could find was an injured boy. He took the boy, nursed him back to health, and the traveled together for many years. 

Now they were here. Present day. 

Buh'roham was in the biggest tent with his inner circle, Techal: Paladin of the Lion. Lileli Jorian, the Wild Elf of the Eagle tribes, Sharpshooter of The Lion. Harlanduil Jorian, Warrior of the Lion and brother to the Direwolves. The Scoundrel, Reglius Flaeus. And their faithful forest friend, Ma'Jidarr the Direwolf. 

"Friends. It is good to see you all again, though the timing was a bit off. No matter. The Serpent has struck and its bite stings. He found allies in the Fanatic of War female, whose name escapes me, and Lucifel, creator of the Blighters."  Reglius spoke up. "Quick question boss. Are yo' certain you can trust these royals? Yo' know nobles and lords. Usually they don't care what 'appens 'less it directly involves them." "Yes I think they are trustworthy. I've seen them fight. The nerdy looking one with the flamethrower has command over a Direwolf pack. The entire family  are were-somethings-or-other, and I'm fairly certain I heard one of the mention being a Demi god."  Ma'Jindarr leaned towards Harlinduil and whispered something to him. Harlinduil looked up. "Ma'Jindarr askes if these Direwolves are friendly." "I don't know. Go find out or something." 

Ma'Jindarr left the tent, making sure to wear the Lions Crest so people will know he's on their side and walked towards the palace. He, using a trick his allies had taught him, knocked on the door. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving

Malvo soon paused, glancing to the door after hearing the knock. Her gaze traveling to the door. In this process, she called out to her twin brother. "Little Loki..."

Dei-Loki paused at that, turning his attention over to Malvo. "Hmm?" And, curiously, he turned his attention to the doors. Lowering an ear, he exhaled before making his way over and pushing the doors open - Malvo quickly following him over.

"Changed? HA! That's like saying a drug addict never takes drugs. . . . d-do you actually want to give it a shot, Chloe? Would this make you happy?"

"It will, because I honestly believe he's changed... I mean, hell. He even dropped his Blight General status, from what I've been told..."

During this, Rika and the others would glance back and forth between them before one by one slowly exiting the room.
Ma'Jindarr cleared his throat, doing his best to recall all the human words he knew. He bowed to the two that answered the door. "Hello humans. I am Ma'Jindarr of The LionClan. I was hoping to speak to someone of authority and gain permission to hunt in the woods. I have manners after all. Not a complete savage." 

Ma'Jindarr cleared his throat, doing his best to recall all the human words he knew. He bowed to the two that answered the door. "Hello humans. I am Ma'Jindarr of The LionClan. I was hoping to speak to someone of authority and gain permission to hunt in the woods. I have manners after all. Not a complete savage." 


Both Malvo and Dei-Loki glanced to each other, the short wolven male lowering an ear as his sister would bend her arms and shrug. Then, they'd soon return their glances to the wolf at the door. 

"Of course." Malvo gave a welcoming smile, moving out of the way for Ma'Jindarr to enter. "Though, y' should be fine, we can check with our father t' be sure. As fer names, I'm Princess Malvo Alaois, and this is my brother Prince Dei-Loki Alaois."

Dei-Loki gave a simple nod in greeting after he'd also move out of the way.
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