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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)


Buh'roham went to find Commander Adrian and inquire on the enemy. He made sure to kill any stragglers. 


Adrian, eventually returning to his more... human-like of states, retracted the large blades back into his gauntlets before then rubbing his face with an angry, muffled yell. His red/orange goatee slightly dripping with the thick, blackened plasma known as blighter blood, mixed with sweat as he tried his damnedest to pull back his anger, and his hatred towards himself. His red/orange bangs would dangle over his crimson eyes as he dragged his hands down his face. "FUCKING hell!" were the only words that were able to break free. The floor littered with several bodies. All of which would slowly decompose into black ashes before disappearing.


Reaver, once bandaged up, would sit up. His legs dangling off the side of the bed as he rubbed his face in shaky silence. Slowly, he'd hunch over and try to compose himself.


War huffed, staring at Famine as Famine continued to roll about. Soon looking up to watch Rika, Death and Conquest as they cleaned up the battle's aftermath.

Buh'roham looked at the mess in front of him. "Commander... it seems they've retreated a bit. How many casualties?" 


"300, both guardsmen and soldiers combined." Adrian exhaled, looking partially over his shoulder to Buh'roham before glaring back to the ground. His voice cold, and yet dripping with anger. "My wife nearly being one of them. This current battle is over for now. The Kingdom still stands."

Buh'roham nodded. "Indeed. Fairly low casualties for a battle this scale. I've been in worse." Buh'roham looked troubled. "I need to get back to work. Casualties can be avoided if my Inventions are completed before they come back." Buh'roham turned to leave, his destination: the Palace. 



Buh'roham nodded. "Indeed. Fairly low casualties for a battle this scale. I've been in worse." Buh'roham looked troubled. "I need to get back to work. Casualties can be avoided if my Inventions are completed before they come back." Buh'roham turned to leave, his destination: the Palace. 


(... We're already in the palace. Lol.)

Adrian listened to him leave, soon heading off to check on his wife as he glared at the ground. Setting foot into the room, he went to Zuzana's side. His gaze on her as he spoke up for the doctor to hear. "How is she?.."

"Stable, thankfully." The doctor spoke up, glancing to Adrian. "Luckily, nothing vital was pierced. Though, she's still going to need some time to heal."

Adrian softly would nod to that, taking his wife's hand as he watched her. And, with a heavy exhale, he sat as soon as Valerie moved a chair over for him. Softly patting his back before sighing.

"I'll go check on Reaver."

"Reaver's hurt, too?.."

"Not as bad, but yes." Val huffed, Adrian huffing seconds after. "I'll give ya an update, once I get one." And, with that she made her way into the room a few doors down. Stepping in as she glanced to Reaver. Her brows lifting a bit. "Ya should be laying back, not sittin' up all hunched over like that."

Reaver glanced to her for a moment, remaining silent as he'd look back down to the floor. Valerie heading over, ruffling his hair before turning her attention to the window.
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(Woo! I apologise for the post spam, but I want to add one more post, instead of just making my other one longer... lol.)

"Ya fought well, by the way." Valerie spoke once more, placing her hands behind her back.

"Could've fought better..." grumbled Reaver in disagreement.

"Don't downplay yourself. You fought well. Hell, ya even commanded that which you fear the most with limited t' no issue. That's quite an accomplishment, if I do say so myself."

"Yeah, because I was angry--"

"No, Reavy. Ya were assertive. And y' can be that way without anger, as well. Just need t' learn how."

Reaver stared at her for a moment. Listening before sighing and standing up with a wince. "Either way, now that I don't fear them, I've got a new fear t' take its place. Something equally bad, if not worse..."

Val would blink, rushing to his side and supporting him with a sigh. "What's that? And would ya sit down? I don't need Graham kickin' my arse because yer up and about while injured."

"I'm fine." Reaver growled, moving away from her with a huff as he stumbled. "But, I'm worried that what was said was right. I feel like I do run the chance of loosing it... loosing myself. Hell - on the battlefield something bubbled it's way to the surface, and I should count myself lucky that I could pull myself out of it when I did! I don't like this, Valley. I don't. Because now, it's not the wolves that could tear you all t' shreds..." Reaver would tear up once more, his voice cracking slightly. "It's... me..." and, like that, Reaver would turn, stumble and leave the room. Not seeming to care too much that he'd been in one of the hospital gowns. Though, thankfully, he'd been given a pair of pants to go with it. As he would walk, he'd keep his crimson gaze on the floor - drowning in his thoughts.

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior
Graham stopped as he noticed Reaver walking towards him. He seemed like he was lost in his own thought, and Graham wanted him to be. To not bother him, but the look on Reaver's face, the look of fear and worry with a splash of guilt, made him put his hand to the wall, blocking Reaver's way. "Wanna tell me where you're going looking like you just got out of a car accident? Do i have to be afraid of loosing you too? Are you trying to hurt me? Go lay back down." A cold tint to Graham's eyes mixed with ungodly fear. 

Graham stopped as he noticed Reaver walking towards him. He seemed like he was lost in his own thought, and Graham wanted him to be. To not bother him, but the look on Reaver's face, the look of fear and worry with a splash of guilt, made him put his hand to the wall, blocking Reaver's way. "Wanna tell me where you're going looking like you just got out of a car accident? Do i have to be afraid of loosing you too? Are you trying to hurt me? Go lay back down." A cold tint to Graham's eyes mixed with ungodly fear. 


Reaver soon slowed to a stop once his path was blocked - his shaky gaze traveling up to Graham, before he'd then avert his own troubled gaze away and down, hugging himself in the process as guilt would twinge in his gut. "I was just trying t' escape my thoughts..." he would respond in a near-silent nature. His ears having flattened. "I'm... I don't mean t' worry you... or hurt you... I'm... I'm sorry..."
Reaver soon slowed to a stop once his path was blocked - his shaky gaze traveling up to Graham, before he'd then avert his own troubled gaze away and down, hugging himself in the process as guilt would twinge in his gut. "I was just trying t' escape my thoughts..." he would respond in a near-silent nature. His ears having flattened. "I'm... I don't mean t' worry you... or hurt you... I'm... I'm sorry..."

Graham sighed, running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. "Just get back to bed. I don't want to worry about you too."
Graham sighed, running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. "Just get back to bed. I don't want to worry about you too."

Nodding, he whined and kept his gaze on the floor - tightening his hold on himself. "Okay. I'm sorry..." he'd whisper before guiltily looking to Graham once again. His head low like a puppy being scolded as tears remained in his worried gaze. "I love you..."
Nodding, he whined and kept his gaze on the floor - tightening his hold on himself. "Okay. I'm sorry..." he'd whisper before guiltily looking to Graham once again. His head low like a puppy being scolded as tears remained in his worried gaze. "I love you..."

Graham groaned, wrapping him arm around his back and pressing Reaver's head to his chest. "I'm sorry for being like this right now. I should listen to you, but it hurts, Reaver. It will always hurt, even if you give an encouraging speech, i will always feel terrible for not doing my job and protecting the people i care for." Graham wiped away the tears and kissed his nose.
Graham groaned, wrapping him arm around his back and pressing Reaver's head to his chest. "I'm sorry for being like this right now. I should listen to you, but it hurts, Reaver. It will always hurt, even if you give an encouraging speech, i will always feel terrible for not doing my job and protecting the people i care for." Graham wiped away the tears and kissed his nose.

Reaver loosened his hold on himself as he brought his arms tightly around Graham. This hold only tightening as he listened to him. "I know it hurts. I just want ya t' know y' aren't alone in this... I'm here for you. Always have been, always will be..." he sniffled, nuzzling him gently as he'd flatten his ears. His eyes having winced shut. "'s what I consider myself t' be good for... an ear t' rub and a shoulder t' cry on..." 'Fer as long as I'm myself...'

Buh'roham stalked back to his workshop, seething with rage. After everything his brother did, he was ready to kill everyone to find his brother again and put him to the cold Brodikanium sword of justice. Unit One and Two were standing by the door in a militaristic style. "Sir. The Workshop is still operational." Unit One reported. Buh'roham shouldered past them and started rage crafting. Unit One stared at his Creator. "Sir. Readings indicate that you are... distressed." Buh'roham kept working on the new Chrysillis model Laser Weapons. "I'm fine U One. Just... tired." Unit One's emotionless gaze stayed on his Master for a bit, then resumed guarding the entrance. 


Reaver loosened his hold on himself as he brought his arms tightly around Graham. This hold only tightening as he listened to him. "I know it hurts. I just want ya t' know y' aren't alone in this... I'm here for you. Always have been, always will be..." he sniffled, nuzzling him gently as he'd flatten his ears. His eyes having winced shut. "'s what I consider myself t' be good for... an ear t' rub and a shoulder t' cry on..." 'Fer as long as I'm myself...'

Graham hugged Reaver closer. "There's something on your mind, i can tell. Once you're healed up, we're going to talk about it . . . Reaver, would you like it if i laid down beside you?" He asked, shifting his eyes around before landing on Reaver's. 
Graham hugged Reaver closer. "There's something on your mind, i can tell. Once you're healed up, we're going to talk about it . . . Reaver, would you like it if i laid down beside you?" He asked, shifting his eyes around before landing on Reaver's. 

"Okay..." Reaver quietly agreed before returning Graham's look. Soon nodding while he'd keep his ears low. Another sigh escaped him. "If... If y' don't mind..."

Buh'roham stalked back to his workshop, seething with rage. After everything his brother did, he was ready to kill everyone to find his brother again and put him to the cold Brodikanium sword of justice. Unit One and Two were standing by the door in a militaristic style. "Sir. The Workshop is still operational." Unit One reported. Buh'roham shouldered past them and started rage crafting. Unit One stared at his Creator. "Sir. Readings indicate that you are... distressed." Buh'roham kept working on the new Chrysillis model Laser Weapons. "I'm fine U One. Just... tired." Unit One's emotionless gaze stayed on his Master for a bit, then resumed guarding the entrance. 


Fey had been to scared to fight. She had hidden in his workshop for the battles. Slowly creeping out when he came in she immediately went to him. Seeing his distress she moved to him gently grabbing his hands to make him stop and slid her self into them wrapping them around her before hugging him around the neck as she looked at him. "You alright my love?" She asked softly
"Okay..." Reaver quietly agreed before returning Graham's look. Soon nodding while he'd keep his ears low. Another sigh escaped him. "If... If y' don't mind..."

Graham nodded. "Yeah, let's go to bed." Too be honest, this for Graham's personal gain as well. He needed to be near someone that he could call his anchor. Once there he waved to Valerie, laying down on the hospital bed on his side, and yawned. 
Graham nodded. "Yeah, let's go to bed." Too be honest, this for Graham's personal gain as well. He needed to be near someone that he could call his anchor. Once there he waved to Valerie, laying down on the hospital bed on his side, and yawned. 

Reaver managed a small smile in response to this, following along side Graham before climbing into bed beside him as Valerie waved in return. And, though he'd winced from the action of laying down, Reaver huffed and used his hand on his opposite side to apply both warmth and pressure to his wound. Huffing when he'd finally managed to get somewhat comfortable.

Valerie watched the both of them with a gentle smile. Slipping her hands into her pockets. "And the wolf returns with his grizzly bear..." She softly spoke before pushing herself off the wall and into a stand as she'd head to the door. "I'll leave y' both t' rest, then. It'll be nice t' know that now I won't need t' worry about my little brother running up and down the halls while he's injured. G'night."

Reaver grimaced at that, glancing to his sister as he'd curl his tail over Graham. "Night, Val..."
Reaver managed a small smile in response to this, following along side Graham before climbing into bed beside him as Valerie waved in return. And, though he'd winced from the action of laying down, Reaver huffed and used his hand on his opposite side to apply both warmth and pressure to his wound. Huffing when he'd finally managed to get somewhat comfortable.

Valerie watched the both of them with a gentle smile. Slipping her hands into her pockets. "And the wolf returns with his grizzly bear..." She softly spoke before pushing herself off the wall and into a stand as she'd head to the door. "I'll leave y' both t' rest, then. It'll be nice t' know that now I won't need t' worry about my little brother running up and down the halls while he's injured. G'night."

Reaver grimaced at that, glancing to his sister as he'd curl his tail over Graham. "Night, Val..."

Graham's eyes closed as he tried not to hurt Reaver. "Valerie, check up on my sister for me, please. I-I . . ." He sighed, not wanting to say how scared he was by the idea of seeing his sister in the hospital bed. 
Graham's eyes closed as he tried not to hurt Reaver. "Valerie, check up on my sister for me, please. I-I . . ." He sighed, not wanting to say how scared he was by the idea of seeing his sister in the hospital bed. 

Valerie paused in the doorway, glancing back in as a small smile appeared on her face. "Of course. I'll go do so now."

Reaver listened, softly lifting one of Graham's hands to his ear before flicking said ear and rubbing Graham's shoulder. Both in an effort to soothe.
Valerie paused in the doorway, glancing back in as a small smile appeared on her face. "Of course. I'll go do so now."

Reaver listened, softly lifting one of Graham's hands to his ear before flicking said ear and rubbing Graham's shoulder. Both in an effort to soothe.

Graham nodded, "thank you." He then laid back down, a small, tiny smile appeared on his lips as Reaver put his hand to his ear. He rubbed and petted, an old reassurance that he missed dearly. 
Graham nodded, "thank you." He then laid back down, a small, tiny smile appeared on his lips as Reaver put his hand to his ear. He rubbed and petted, an old reassurance that he missed dearly. 

"No problemo, anything to help." Valerie smiled, stepping out of the room before quirking her brows as she'd watch the dire wolves meander their way down the hall, towards the room. Moving put of the way for them, she watched them enter before heading to the next room to check on Zuzana.

Reaver leaned into the touch as he'd relaxed, closing his eyes. Softly, the wolfish male pecked Graham on the cheek, all the while keeping his tail curled over him. His current state tried not to take notice to the wolves that would soon lay on the floor, as he himself was too comfortable to want to move. Even when Rika softly hopped up to lay at the foot of the bed.

Buh'roham pulled away from her. "I'm fine." He said angrily as he set back to work. He cursed himself. If you hadn't slept with that distraction, you would've made enough weapons to destroy those Ageless. Buh'roham shook his head trying to get that voice out of his head. He knew it was his own voice trying to guilt him out of love. It was working. "I'm fine I just need to work. More weapons, more Mechanical Warriors, more backup showing up on time." 



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