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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)


Buh'roham fought through the throngs of enemies with unmatched skill, skill he had acquired over a very long career as a versatile Cat Man. He could smell his brother a mile away. Memories flooded his mind. 


"Very good little brother! You will be an excellent Hunter, I can tell." "Thank you big brother! Maybe one day I'll be as good as you." They had finished one of the many training games that Kits learned as they grew. Buh'roham looked up to Dar'vange, and saw him as the coolest person ever. Dar'vange thought likewise towards Buh'roham. They grew up so close...but now... 


Buh'roham was filled with hate. After everything that happened, he dares show up here! Fighting with the Blight! Buh'roham's eyes were dark as he cut through the Alliance of Darkness like a scythe to wheat. He saw Dar'vange, finally, facing off with Reaver and Graham and he sprinted towards them. 



Dar'vange snapped his own clawed fingers and a swirl off purplish energy emerged and circled Dar'vange, The Archdeamon, and their entourage. Skeletons crawled out of the ground, and Phantoms gathered above them. The Skeletons were wearing armor made of a metal similar to the metal Unit One and Two were made of. 


Lucifel huffed in response to Dar'vange while closely watching the others. A swift snap of his fingers, and a barrier of his men surrounded both him and his companion - forcing the wolves back as he'd laugh. "Ah, sorry to say, but we don't die here. Not today, anyhow. Far too many things to accomplish." 

Death growled in annoyed response at the push-back, but he'd still continue to circle the enemy. Just at a bit of a greater distance. Rika doing the same.

Graham began to fight against blighters. 

Buh'roham fought through the throngs of enemies with unmatched skill, skill he had acquired over a very long career as a versatile Cat Man. He could smell his brother a mile away. Memories flooded his mind. 


"Very good little brother! You will be an excellent Hunter, I can tell." "Thank you big brother! Maybe one day I'll be as good as you." They had finished one of the many training games that Kits learned as they grew. Buh'roham looked up to Dar'vange, and saw him as the coolest person ever. Dar'vange thought likewise towards Buh'roham. They grew up so close...but now... 


Buh'roham was filled with hate. After everything that happened, he dares show up here! Fighting with the Blight! Buh'roham's eyes were dark as he cut through the Alliance of Darkness like a scythe to wheat. He saw Dar'vange, finally, facing off with Reaver and Graham and he sprinted towards them. 


Dar'vange snapped his own clawed fingers and a swirl off purplish energy emerged and circled Dar'vange, The Archdeamon, and their entourage. Skeletons crawled out of the ground, and Phantoms gathered above them. The Skeletons were wearing armor made of a metal similar to the metal Unit One and Two were made of. 


Graham began to fight against blighters. 

Reaver had done the same, keeping sure not to leave the undead out of the equation. Death and Rika aiding them before Death would then glare over to Buh'roham - growling.

Reaver paused, looking in Buh'roham's direction before looking back to Death with a firm stare. "He's fine! Keep focused on the actual enemy."

Death snarled, but complied. His attention shifting back to the enemy as he'd tear the throats out of each and every Blighter he knocked to the ground.
Lucifel would observe while their men were cut through with ease. But, much to one's surprise, this didn't... surprise him. In fact, it was almost like the entire encounter had been foreseen. However, there was that final step, that final push Lucifel had waited so long to make. He'd just been waiting for the right moment. And the right moment... was now.

'The two have engaged in battle... I think it's best y' head towards the palace, now.' Lucifel would perk up at this. A smile forming on his face as he closed his eyes. "Ah, I hate to taunt and run, but, I've only got a limited amount of time to do this." 

The Archdemon snapped his fingers, and his presence vanished before then reappearing in the palace. However, his appearance took on that of one of the guards. His feet quickly taking him to the King and Queen as he'd 'fight' along side them for the time being. His patience pulling through in his wait to act.

Valerie was sure to protect them both until there was somewhat of a calm. She'd pant, glaring to the doors before glancing to Adrian and Zuzana - the two also catching a brief breather. "I feel as if we aren't getting anywhere." she growled.

Adrian, not having taken on his werewolf form, had glanced to her. A dangerous look still shining in his eyes as left over from the battle. "There hasn't been many that have broken through. Just a few stragglers managing to jump through the windows. Whatever is being done outside, it's helping... fer now."

"Right now, it's just a matter of who can outlast who." Zuzana had added, her husband nodding in agreement before they'd turn their attention in the direction of the windows as several more burst through. The group engaging in battle once more.

"M' lady, if I may interject," The 'guard' fighting along side them spoke up, moving closer to the Queen once the sentence was through. "Their numbers... are depleting." This lie wouldn't harm him, oh, not in the slightest. It just secured his position for the time being.

"That's reassuring, at least." Zuzana would reply, continuing to fight. In fact, she'd been so distracted with the battle, she was engaged in, she hadn't noticed how close the guard had gotten until she bumped into him. To which she'd then pause, turn, and then widen her eyes at the feel of something puncturing her abdomen.

"In fact..." Lucifel took on his regular form once again as a shit eating grin slid up his face. "You've inconvenienced me. Can't have that, can we~?"

Zuzana winced and trembled as she'd gaze down to the blade, Adrian and Val stopping the moment they caught whiff of the blood - Adrian's heart having instantly sank. 

"ZUZANA!" Adrian's voice would echo, soon rushing forward and knocking Lucifel back into the wall as his body took on its more... animalistic of forms.

(Alright, I don't have this drawing complete yet... so imagine a red eyed, orange/red furred version of this;ad6c1c8f81741f71785c38ccb1827281.jpg

Wearing this sort of armour, except the gems on the armour are emerald, and the blades give off a red glow;3a6547ee76c840bf12f68ac742e588ce.jpg)

Reeling the blade attached to his gauntlet back, the now werewolf Adrian plunged his blade forward to strike Lucifel - whom merely vanished from beneath him with a blood curdling, eerie laugh.


Reaver paused and looked in the direction following the shout of his brother, his eyes widening.

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior
[SIZE= inherit]That's reassuring, at least." [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]Zuzana would reply, continuing to fight. In fact, she'd been so distracted with the battle, she was engaged in, she hadn't noticed how close the guard had gotten until she bumped into him. To which she'd then pause, turn, and then widen her eyes at the feel of something puncturing her abdomen.[/SIZE]

"In fact..." Lucifel took on his regular form once again as a shit eating grin slid up his face. "You've inconvenienced me. Can't have that, can we~?"

Zuzana winced and trembled as she'd gaze down to the blade, Adrian and Val stopping the moment they caught whiff of the blood - Adrian's heart having instantly sank. 

"ZUZANA!" Adrian's voice would echo, soon rushing forward and knocking Lucifel back into the wall as his body took on its more... animalistic of forms.

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior

Graham eyes widen as he heard his sister's name being yelled out across the Heavens. He turned, his vision becoming red as he bashed and ripped apart men with his bare hands. Showing the real reason why people called him a bear. He tore down anything in path, moving at slow, but long strides. Soon he was dripping in blighters' blood as he made it to the throne room. Opening the door, he froze as he saw his sister's blood seeping out of her. He seemed to be shaking immensely as turned towards Adrian. "You. . . you didn't save her. You promised that no one would hurt her! Tell me why i shouldn't kill you now!?" The man that was so use to being calm, collected and at his top form as a general, was nothing of that sort now. He was an emotional mess, a demon. He wanted someone to feel the pain that he was feeling. He walked ever so close to Adrian, not knowing what he was doing. 
Graham eyes widen as he heard his sister's name being yelled out across the Heavens. He turned, his vision becoming red as he bashed and ripped apart men with his bare hands. Showing the real reason why people called him a bear. He tore down anything in path, moving at slow, but long strides. Soon he was dripping in blighters' blood as he made it to the throne room. Opening the door, he froze as he saw his sister's blood seeping out of her. He seemed to be shaking immensely as turned towards Adrian. "You. . . you didn't save her. You promised that no one would hurt her! Tell me why i shouldn't kill you now!?" The man that was so use to being calm, collected and at his top form as a general, was nothing of that sort now. He was an emotional mess, a demon. He wanted someone to feel the pain that he was feeling. He walked ever so close to Adrian, not knowing what he was doing. 

Reaver quickly turned his attention to Graham, his eyes widening a bit more before he'd curse and move to follow. Death and Rika staying behind to keep the others off their tail.

Adrian snarled after Lucifel disappeared, soon looking around so he could trace the laugh before stopping and looking in the direction Graham had been in. Slowly standing as he'd cautiously watch him approach. With his own guilty, already angered feeling, this stung more. And yet, all he could do was growl. Growl, back up and stare as he'd speak. Though he was in werewolf form, he'd been given enough time to learn to vocalise, even as a beast. "GO AHEAD AND GROW ANGRY WITH ME! You can't be as angry as I fucking am with myself! I was by her side, and it still managed to fucking happen..."
Reaver quickly turned his attention to Graham, his eyes widening a bit more before he'd curse and move to follow. Death and Rika staying behind to keep the others off their tail.

Adrian snarled after Lucifel disappeared, soon looking around so he could trace the laugh before stopping and looking in the direction Graham had been in. Slowly standing as he'd cautiously watch him approach. With his own guilty, already angered feeling, this stung more. And yet, all he could do was growl. Growl, back up and stare as he'd speak. Though he was in werewolf form, he'd been given enough time to learn to vocalise, even as a beast. "GO AHEAD AND GROW ANGRY WITH ME! You can't be as angry as I fucking am with myself! I was by her side, and it still managed to fucking happen..."

Graham stopped in front of Adrian, staring dead center into his eyes. ". . . I-I-. . . Valerie, can you quickly take Zuzana to the nurse, and then find Chloe, and bring her back in here. I-I. . . . i want you girls to stay in here, and protect from inside. Don't let them leave, that is an order." He then turned swiftly, not even recognizing Reaver as he left, finishing off the rest of the blighters.
Graham stopped in front of Adrian, staring dead center into his eyes. ". . . I-I-. . . Valerie, can you quickly take Zuzana to the nurse, and then find Chloe, and bring her back in here. I-I. . . . i want you girls to stay in here, and protect from inside. Don't let them leave, that is an order." He then turned swiftly, not even recognizing Reaver as he left, finishing off the rest of the blighters.

Valerie would nod, softly placing Zuzana's arm around her neck before she'd then lift her - supporting her weight. "Alright, Zuzu. Up ya go."

"Sorry..." Zuzana spoke through a wince, Valerie hushing her.

"Shhh, it's fine. Come on, let's get ya t' the infirmary before y' make even more of a mess on the floor you all pride for its cleanliness, yeah?" Valerie would softly joke, bringing Zuzana to the healer's wing before heading off to find Chloe.

Adrian watched Graham go, a heavy sigh escaping him as he'd taken out the blighters whom had just stood and gawked.

Reaver blinked as Graham passed him, watching him go before following after him like a lost puppy to help clear out the rest of the enemies. Even if he did go unnoticed, he still chose to stick at his side and speed up the process. Unavoidable worry plaguing him in this process as he would remain completely silent, in terms of speaking.
Valerie would nod, softly placing Zuzana's arm around her neck before she'd then lift her - supporting her weight. "Alright, Zuzu. Up ya go."

"Sorry..." Zuzana spoke through a wince, Valerie hushing her.

"Shhh, it's fine. Come on, let's get ya t' the infirmary before y' make even more of a mess on the floor you all pride for its cleanliness, yeah?" Valerie would softly joke, bringing Zuzana to the healer's wing before heading off to find Chloe.

Adrian watched Graham go, a heavy sigh escaping him as he'd taken out the blighters whom had just stood and gawked.

Reaver blinked as Graham passed him, watching him go before following after him like a lost puppy to help clear out the rest of the enemies. Even if he did go unnoticed, he still chose to stick at his side and speed up the process. Unavoidable worry plaguing him in this process as he would remain completely silent, in terms of speaking.

Graham quickly killed, putting steps between Reaver and himself. Not wanting to deal with anyone, for he felt angry with himself. He was being eaten away by raw, pure guilt that wouldn't leave his chest. That sunk his heart to his stomach. 
Graham quickly killed, putting steps between Reaver and himself. Not wanting to deal with anyone, for he felt angry with himself. He was being eaten away by raw, pure guilt that wouldn't leave his chest. That sunk his heart to his stomach. 

Reaver kept his distance, shakily allowing air to escape his nostrils while still putting up a fight against the enemy. On occasion, he'd glance to Graham. Worry clear in his gaze. He'd wanted to just make it better, to yank him in an embrace and never let go. But, he understood how Graham had felt. He knew the sickening, angry guilt all too well. So, because of this, he'd stay back and let him cool down, for now. It was best to let him exert his rage on the blighters, anyway.
Reaver kept his distance, shakily allowing air to escape his nostrils while still putting up a fight against the enemy. On occasion, he'd glance to Graham. Worry clear in his gaze. He'd wanted to just make it better, to yank him in an embrace and never let go. But, he understood how Graham had felt. He knew the sickening, angry guilt all too well. So, because of this, he'd stay back and let him cool down, for now. It was best to let him exert his rage on the blighters, anyway.

Graham kept on fighting. 

Dar'vange joined the battle with his staff and mace. He raised his staff and yelled: "Alok Oilon!" And every dead Blighter and human rose to fight under his will. With renewed vigor they charged into battle, ignoring pain as they relentlessly attack. 



Dar'vange joined the battle with his staff and mace. He raised his staff and yelled: "Alok Oilon!" And every dead Blighter and human rose to fight under his will. With renewed vigor they charged into battle, ignoring pain as they relentlessly attack. 


Reaver panted, looking up to see several of the ones they'd just taken down, standing and battling once more. This, of course, caused a growl to rumble deep in his throat. Reaver's once crimson irises now blood red - still glowing. There'd been a thumping in his chest. Was it his heart? It felt far too aggressive, even for him. No, it was like... an instinctual urge, a push for a blood-driven thrill, and it poured fuel into the fire of his own rage.

The wolves, his wolves... ceased their fighting and broke out into a howl before attacking full-force. Death watching Graham's back as Reaver set his sights on Dar'vange. His teeth grit, morphing his mouth to a snarl as he'd quickly charge at the necromancer. Blade still in hand.

@Forever J

Dar'vange grinned as the Wolf Commander charged him. "Finally! A fight that's worth my time!" The Skeletons that surrounded him moved into a circular formation around him and the challenger. Large spikes surrounded them, preventing the Dog boy from escaping.



"Bring it!" 



Dar'vange grinned as the Wolf Commander charged him. "Finally! A fight that's worth my time!" The Skeletons that surrounded him moved into a circular formation around him and the challenger. Large spikes surrounded them, preventing the Dog boy from escaping.



"Bring it!" 


Reaver's, dark, almost demonic glare remained locked on the necromancer - taking into mind they'd now possessed a barrier around them both. This, however, did not distract the wolfish male from his charge. In what seemed like an instant, he'd forcefully pull the blade's trigger back, which would cause the barrel at the base of the blade to unleash a flame which would envelop the blade itself. At the same time, Reaver brought the blade forward and down in a slashing motion aimed at Dar'vange.

Dar'vange's flesh seemed to vanish in purple mist as the sword connected. He reappeared behind the Dog and, thrusting his staff towards him, a black energy wave flung him back towards the spike wall. The spike wall grew spikes. 



Dar'vange's flesh seemed to vanish in purple mist as the sword connected. He reappeared behind the Dog and, thrusting his staff towards him, a black energy wave flung him back towards the spike wall. The spike wall grew spikes. 


Reaver let out a somewhat surprised yelp, but then grinned and turned around enough to slide into a backwards stop, inches from the spikes. His eyes would then flash as he'd charge in Dar'vange's direction yet again.

Dar'vange nimbly stepped to the side as Reaver rushed past him, and swung his mace towards the Dogs groin. 


Reaver lifted his brow, taking quick notice to the incoming blow. And, as a  defense, he'd stick his blade into the ground as a sort of flaming shield in case he didn't move in time, before swiftly spinning on a single foot to both pivot and avoid the blow towards something so vital. Another growl was soon heard in his throat as he'd shoot the cat a frightening look. "Aiming low, now, kitty?" 

Reaver's tone, at this point, was completely different. Almost as if it weren't even the Reaver others have come to know... but a ruthless, demonic wolf ruler with an insatiable appetite for blood and destruction. And his eyes helped feed the proof. Slowly, he'd let out a calm, normal laugh. But that would soon slowly escalate to the laugh of a deranged psychopath. A psychopath which, once again, would charge in his enemies direction.

Dar'vange charged and Shadow Rushed through the Dog, smashing him with the mace and misting through him, reappearing behind him and blasting him with a Death Blast to the back. "Not like you'll be using it wittle puppy! And what will you friends and family think when you lose control and kill all of them?! I know power like yours! A human can't hold such power and stay sane. You've already shown that." 



Dar'vange charged and Shadow Rushed through the Dog, smashing him with the mace and misting through him, reappearing behind him and blasting him with a Death Blast to the back. "Not like you'll be using it wittle puppy! And what will you friends and family think when you lose control and kill all of them?! I know power like yours! A human can't hold such power and stay sane. You've already shown that." 


Reaver would yelp once from the blow with the mace, and once more from the death blast that seemed to give enough momentum for him to skid forward. Still laughing, his attention whipped to the cat. "Who said I was human, t' begin with?" a wicked grin cracked up his lips, seeming to ignore the other points brought up. At this time, power was surging from him like a major electrical overheat. He'd then vanish, quickly reappearing behind Dar'vange as he'd slash at him with his burning blade. 

Dar'vange knew this attack very well (because he did it quite often) and only barely rolled away quick enough to avoid the attack. He spun and thrust his staff hand towards him. Dar'vange had caught Reaver in the old Am Brodian ability to manipulate the atoms around them. Reaver will find it hard to move. Dar'vange begun squeezing in the area of Reaver's throat. 


"Oh sorry. I didn't realize you would be offended you mangy mutt. The rules apply to all the races: Dragon, elf, human, super ugly Dog Boys." 



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