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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"THAT! THAT'S WHY! Because you choose to irritate me!"

Dar'vange appeared by his side. "Oh Serpent help me, you are annoying! It's really quite entertaining! Considering you fought your way here, you must be quite the Warrior, thus you must know: Where is Buh'roham Jarho?!" 


Graham paused for a solid thirty seconds. He looked to Dar'Vange and then to Lucifel and then to Dar'Vange and then back to Lucifel. ". . . .  why?"

Dar'vange appeared by his side. "Oh Serpent help me, you are annoying! It's really quite entertaining! Considering you fought your way here, you must be quite the Warrior, thus you must know: Where is Buh'roham Jarho?!" 


Graham paused for a solid thirty seconds. He looked to Dar'Vange and then to Lucifel and then to Dar'Vange and then back to Lucifel. ". . . .  why?"

(I'm enjoying this confrontation too much.xD )

"AAAAAAAH!" Lucifel's brow twitched as he snarled, quickly sheathing his blade in obvious annoyance before he'd then quickly charge at Graham.

Reaver's gaze darted from the clearly angered Lucifel to Dar'vange. Rika and Death stopping at his side, glaring in the same direction as he'd squint. "Why?"

Dar'vange had been in Shadow form up to this point, but after the Nerd looking dog on a dog spoke up, he started to shift. His form solidified into a Skeleton, then slowly from the bottom up, turned into the a Cat, looking very much like Buh'roham. He gave them a hideous grin. 


"I just wanted to catch up. It's been a long time, since I've seen my Baby Brother." 


(I'm enjoying this confrontation too much.xD )

"AAAAAAAH!" Lucifel's brow twitched as he snarled, quickly sheathing his blade in obvious annoyance before he'd then quickly charge at Graham.

Reaver's gaze darted from the clearly angered Lucifel to Dar'vange. Rika and Death stopping at his side, glaring in the same direction as he'd squint. "Why?"

Dar'vange had been in Shadow form up to this point, but after the Nerd looking dog on a dog spoke up, he started to shift. His form solidified into a Skeleton, then slowly from the bottom up, turned into the a Cat, looking very much like Buh'roham. He gave them a hideous grin. 


"I just wanted to catch up. It's been a long time, since I've seen my Baby Brother." 


Graham looked to Dar'Vange. "Why?" He asked before lifting his blade and pointed it at Lucifel who was charging. He then pressed the sword into him all the way to the handle of the sword. 

Dar'vange had been in Shadow form up to this point, but after the Nerd looking dog on a dog spoke up, he started to shift. His form solidified into a Skeleton, then slowly from the bottom up, turned into the a Cat, looking very much like Buh'roham. He gave them a hideous grin. 


"I just wanted to catch up. It's been a long time, since I've seen my Baby Brother." 


Graham looked to Dar'Vange. "Why?" He asked before lifting his blade and pointed it at Lucifel who was charging. He then pressed the sword into him all the way to the handle of the sword. 

Reaver watched as he shifted into a... somewhat familiar seeming form. His brow soon slowly quirking as he'd repeated the question just asked by Graham. Death and Rika still sticking by his side while awaiting instruction. "Why?"

Lucifel somewhat yelped, and grunted loudly in pain. His demonic gaze traveling to the blade while his teeth had grit.
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Reaver watched as he shifted into a... somewhat familiar seeming form. His brow soon slowly quirking as he'd repeated the question just asked by Graham. Death and Rika still sticking by his side while awaiting instruction. "Why?"

Lucifel somewhat yelped, and grunted loudly in pain. His demonic gaze traveling to the blade while his teeth had grit.

Dar'vange rolled his eyes. "Because I'm here to murder him. It's not that hard to understand." 


Graham pulled the blade out of Lucifel and looked to Dar'Vange. "What?" He then pressed his boot into Lucifel's wound and twisted. 

Dar'vange rolled his eyes. "Because I'm here to murder him. It's not that hard to understand." 


Graham pulled the blade out of Lucifel and looked to Dar'Vange. "What?" He then pressed his boot into Lucifel's wound and twisted. 

"Murder him? 's a bit of a rude way to greet your brother, don't ya think?" Reaver cocked his brow a bit more. "I mean, I've heard of sibling rivalry, but come on." Reaver's eyes would give off a bit more of a demonic wolf-like glow as he'd stare at the male. Fingers lightly tapping on the blade's trigger - resting on them lightly enough as to not trigger a reaction.

Lucifel growled though the pain, now on the ground as he'd glare up and laugh. His attention turned to the wolves briefly before he closed his eyes. "Here stands the awakened Dire Wolf King. Best cling t' him while ya still can without being torn apart, Grahammy~" he would taunt and slightly point to Reaver, as it had been the only thing he could think to say. His words caused Reaver to lift his brows, looking over briefly before then looking forward - choosing to worry about it, later.
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Dar'vange laughed. "Haha! That's a good one! No he's come to expect it from me. It's a thing now. You know I could really just find him myself. But you stand in my way. I don't seek to kill everyone, it's just unsportsmanlike. So do you stand in my way, or step aside and let me get on with it?" 


Apolis let her armies rampage through the city now as she watched from a hill that let her see the hole kingdom.

shai was in the court yard now. Having been pulled out by a maid that though of escape. But now shai was protecting the terror filled maid. Roaring furiously as she stood there around the maid in her dragon form smashing soilder after soilder. Melting the enemies with her black fire as she roared furiously and with primal instinct. The child was all but gone now taken completely by the dragon side of her as an enemy knight tried to sneak around and charge the maid... he was met with shais jaws as she trampled him furiously ripping at his body with her teeth, blood dripping all over her mouth now as she growled in an animalistic way before going back to her slaughter while protecting the maid. Her fire melting the undead into nothing but a tiny bit of ash that was thrown away in the wind as well as melting the living, her sharp vicious claws easily ripping any armor it touched like paper and her teeth sharper than the finest blade slicing men in half with one swift chomp


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Dar'vange laughed. "Haha! That's a good one! No he's come to expect it from me. It's a thing now. You know I could really just find him myself. But you stand in my way. I don't seek to kill everyone, it's just unsportsmanlike. So do you stand in my way, or step aside and let me get on with it?" 


Reaver soon slowly narrowed his eyes, glaring to Dar'vange. "Y' must either be one click past insanity, or royally stupid. We aren't just gonna stand by and let it happen."


shai was in the court yard now. Having been pulled out by a maid that though of escape. But now shai was protecting the terror filled maid. Roaring furiously as she stood there around the maid in her dragon form smashing soilder after soilder. Melting the enemies with her black fire as she roared furiously and with primal instinct. The child was all but gone now taken completely by the dragon side of her as an enemy knight tried to sneak around and charge the maid... he was met with shais jaws as she trampled him furiously ripping at his body with her teeth, blood dripping all over her mouth now as she growled in an animalistic way before going back to her slaughter while protecting the maid. Her fire melting the undead into nothing but a tiny bit of ash that was thrown away in the wind as well as melting the living, her sharp vicious claws easily ripping any armor it touched like paper and her teeth sharper than the finest blade slicing men in half with one swift chomp

War aided Shai in fighting off the attackers in the courtyard. His mostly white fur stained with blood from his work. A few scratches here and there but, otherwise, the demonic dire wolf was fine. Lunging, he took down one of the undead with a growl to follow. His swift movement allowing him to easily dodge Shai's fire attacks so he wouldn't be harmed in the crossfire.


Famine held his ground at the palace itself. Aiding the soldiers in keeping any unwanted assailants away. One bite from this ferocious, supernatural canine would seem to be enough to sever the limbs of the horribly unlucky. Which, in this case would be any enemy stepping into view of the wolf.


Conquest, with his teeth bared, did the same at the back of the palace. Together, it was plain to see that, with the aid of these furry creatures of the night, no one was getting into the palace any time soon. A huge upper hand for house Alaois.

Apolis let her armies rampage through the city now as she watched from a hill that let her see the hole kingdom.

Chloe would hold a determined grin, easily fighting off the undead, the men and the blighters. The blade of her rapier stained with the blood of her enemies. Whomever she couldn't take down with this, she'd produce her pistol and let the bullets try and do the job, instead. Once given enough space, she turned her attention in Apolis's direction. Her orange/gold gaze narrowing as she'd inhale and growl softly, soon jumping out of the way of one of the men before starting in Apolis's direction.

"Murder him? 's a bit of a rude way to greet your brother, don't ya think?" Reaver cocked his brow a bit more. "I mean, I've heard of sibling rivalry, but come on." Reaver's eyes would give off a bit more of a demonic wolf-like glow as he'd stare at the male. Fingers lightly tapping on the blade's trigger - resting on them lightly enough as to not trigger a reaction.

Lucifel growled though the pain, now on the ground as he'd glare up and laugh. His attention turned to the wolves briefly before he closed his eyes. "Here stands the awakened Dire Wolf King. Best cling t' him while ya still can without being torn apart, Grahammy~" he would taunt and slightly point to Reaver, as it had been the only thing he could think to say. His words caused Reaver to lift his brows, looking over briefly before then looking forward - choosing to worry about it, later.

Dar'vange laughed. "Haha! That's a good one! No he's come to expect it from me. It's a thing now. You know I could really just find him myself. But you stand in my way. I don't seek to kill everyone, it's just unsportsmanlike. So do you stand in my way, or step aside and let me get on with it?" 

Reaver soon slowly narrowed his eyes, glaring to Dar'vange. "Y' must either be one click past insanity, or royally stupid. We aren't just gonna stand by and let it happen."

Graham burst out laughing. "Me? Worrying about the Dire Wolf King? Tch, naaaaaaaaaaaah. You see, Lucy. There's something that you haven't figured out yet. Reaver is the Dire Wolf King, and what a King does is lead his army. And he's doing a damn great job at leading his men, if i do say so myself." He pressed his boot more into the wound, the heel of it, sinking into the exposed muscle.  He then looked to Dar'Vange. "I'm sorry, were you talking? I kept hearing the sounds of nagging in my ears."

Dar'vange looked to the General. "Oh don't worry we weren't talking to you. You just keep on fighting with the Archdemon over there. Which honestly is going better than I thought it would. I mean really Lucy it's just embarrassing, you floundering under his sword. It's funny. 


Graham burst out laughing. "Me? Worrying about the Dire Wolf King? Tch, naaaaaaaaaaaah. You see, Lucy. There's something that you haven't figured out yet. Reaver is the Dire Wolf King, and what a King does is lead his army. And he's doing a damn great job at leading his men, if i do say so myself." He pressed his boot more into the wound, the heel of it, sinking into the exposed muscle.  He then looked to Dar'Vange. "I'm sorry, were you talking? I kept hearing the sounds of nagging in my ears."

Dar'vange looked to the General. "Oh don't worry we weren't talking to you. You just keep on fighting with the Archdemon over there. Which honestly is going better than I thought it would. I mean really Lucy it's just embarrassing, you floundering under his sword. It's funny. 


"You'll lack worry until his instincts kick into full fruition." Lucifel hissed in pain, sadistically grinning as he'd slowly begin to fade through the ground. "Then you've got a whole 'nother beast on your hands." And, once completely phased through, he'd make an appearance several feet away as he'd press a hand to his wound. That grin still present even after he'd shot Dar'vange a brief glare from the comment. 'That was pretty embarrassing.' 'Quiet.'

Reaver stared at Lucifel for a moment. The idea that the Archdemon seemed to know far more than him on the subject seeming to urk him greatly. Though, that wasn't a hard thing to accomplish, in all reality. The only thing Reaver knew about any of this was his ability to summon a pack, and, well... apparently, he's the King. But, other than that, he knew of nothing else regarding the subject. With furrowed brows, he glared to Lucifel. "I've got full control of myself, if you haven't noticed."

"For now.Lucifel grinned, returning the glare. Death having growled and, as did Rika.
"You'll lack worry until his instincts kick into full fruition." Lucifel hissed in pain, sadistically grinning as he'd slowly begin to fade through the ground. "Then you've got a whole 'nother beast on your hands." And, once completely phased through, he'd make an appearance several feet away as he'd press a hand to his wound. That grin still present even after he'd shot Dar'vange a brief glare from the comment. 'That was pretty embarrassing.' 'Quiet.'

Reaver stared at Lucifel for a moment. The idea that the Archdemon seemed to know far more than him on the subject seeming to urk him greatly. Though, that wasn't a hard thing to accomplish, in all reality. The only thing Reaver knew about any of this was his ability to summon a pack, and, well... apparently, he's the King. But, other than that, he knew of nothing else regarding the subject. With furrowed brows, he glared to Lucifel. "I've got full control of myself, if you haven't noticed."

"For now.Lucifel grinned, returning the glare. Death having growled and, as did Rika.

Dar'vange looked to the General. "Oh don't worry we weren't talking to you. You just keep on fighting with the Archdemon over there. Which honestly is going better than I thought it would. I mean really Lucy it's just embarrassing, you floundering under his sword. It's funny. 

Graham looked to Lucifel after he looked to Dar'Vange. He cocked his head, putting his finger to his chin and hummed. "Hmmmmm, . . . . naaaaaaaaaaaah. You're just a pessimist. You should really get something for that, Lu-lu. Lu-lu. Ahhhhhhhh."
Graham looked to Lucifel after he looked to Dar'Vange. He cocked his head, putting his finger to his chin and hummed. "Hmmmmm, . . . . naaaaaaaaaaaah. You're just a pessimist. You should really get something for that, Lu-lu. Lu-lu. Ahhhhhhhh."

Reaver exhaled, glancing to Graham as he lowered an ear. 'Gods, I hope yer right...' His eyes would then shut, shaking his head before he'd then glance back to both Dar'vange and Lucifel with a glare.

Lucifel shrugged, though he'd then wince as per result of the action. A light chuckle escaping him as he'd wipe the pitch black liquid - presumably blood - from his lip. "Believe what you will. But, I did warn you, after all."

Death would slowly stalk forward. Rika doing the same the moment Reaver had growled. "Oh, how I'm so eager to have these two rip out your focking throats... In fact, what the hell is stopping me?" As he'd growl, he'd keep his eyes forward while the two beasts would circle their opponents like a couple of sharks circling a raft.
Reaver exhaled, glancing to Graham as he lowered an ear. 'Gods, I hope yer right...' His eyes would then shut, shaking his head before he'd then glance back to both Dar'vange and Lucifel with a glare.

Lucifel shrugged, though he'd then wince as per result of the action. A light chuckle escaping him as he'd wipe the pitch black liquid - presumably blood - from his lip. "Believe what you will. But, I did warn you, after all."

Death would slowly stalk forward. Rika doing the same the moment Reaver had growled. "Oh, how I'm so eager to have these two rip out your focking throats... In fact, what the hell is stopping me?" As he'd growl, he'd keep his eyes forward while the two beasts would circle their opponents like a couple of sharks circling a raft.

Graham crouched lowly to the ground, keeping his eyes trained on Lucifel and Dar'Vange. 

Graham crouched lowly to the ground, keeping his eyes trained on Lucifel and Dar'Vange. 


Dar'vange shrugged. "Alright man. I won't judge your life choices. Out loud anyway." 


Lucifel huffed in response to Dar'vange while closely watching the others. A swift snap of his fingers, and a barrier of his men surrounded both him and his companion - forcing the wolves back as he'd laugh. "Ah, sorry to say, but we don't die here. Not today, anyhow. Far too many things to accomplish." 

Death growled in annoyed response at the push-back, but he'd still continue to circle the enemy. Just at a bit of a greater distance. Rika doing the same.

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