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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)


Dar'vange knew this attack very well (because he did it quite often) and only barely rolled away quick enough to avoid the attack. He spun and thrust his staff hand towards him. Dar'vange had caught Reaver in the old Am Brodian ability to manipulate the atoms around them. Reaver will find it hard to move. Dar'vange begun squeezing in the area of Reaver's throat. 


"Oh sorry. I didn't realize you would be offended you mangy mutt. The rules apply to all the races: Dragon, elf, human, super ugly Dog Boys." 


Reaver lifted his brow from his now limited movement, clenching his teeth as his throat had been squeezed. "Ugly, eh?" the wolfish male spoke through a struggled tone before laughing gently. "Well, puddy-tat, at least I don't smell like I've been rotting fer the past hundred years."

As Reaver would taunt, Rika, Death, War, Conquest and Famine would all lift their heads and look to the barrier around the two. Death remained by Graham as the others would rush in said direction.

Dar'vange smiled his mocking smile. "Ha! Your wrong! It's a thousand years." Dar'vange opened his mouth and scented the air. Incoming hostiles. "You dirty cheater!" Dar'vange threw Mutt man towards the spikes, hard. 


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Dar'vange smiled his mocking smile. "Ha! Your wrong! It's a thousand years." Dar'vange opened his mouth and scented the air. Incoming hostiles. "You dirty cheater!" Dar'vange threw Mutt man towards the spikes, hard. 


Reaver let loose another yelp, growling though the pain as he'd been tossed to the spikes. Though, thankfully, the way he was thrown and the way he landed allowed him to avoid any vital punctures. But, that didn't stop the act of gaining a gash that cut through his armour and the skin on his side, as well as his arm on that same side.

Reaver remained on the ground on his side for a moment, growling through the sting before he'd manage a chuckle. "Ah, decomposing pussycat, that's where you're wrong... I don't control them, my anger and distress does. So, I would've had no say in them jumping in or not..."

Rika and the others would leap over the barrier of spikes, going after Dar'vange at a threatening speed.

Dar'vange shook his head disappointedly. "You can't even control your own animals? What kind of leader are you? Very disappointing." He thrust his hand out and forced the animals to sit, a hideous grin on his face. "Sit down puppies!" He started twisting one of the dogs necks in an attempt to break it's neck. 



Dar'vange shook his head disappointedly. "You can't even control your own animals? What kind of leader are you? Very disappointing." He thrust his hand out and forced the animals to sit, a hideous grin on his face. "Sit down puppies!" He started twisting one of the dogs necks in an attempt to break it's neck. 


Reaver widened his eyes and watched as the male in front of him laid his hands on one of his wolves. Rika. An anger splashed over him as he pushed himself up before removing his pistol from it's holster. In an instant, he'd pull the hammer back before firing an explosive, combustible round at Dar'vange. The force of which, if it made contact, would pack enough of an explosion to knock him away. "Get the FUCK away from her or that next one goes through your FUCKING head!"

(Please let it hit, I don't wanna loose her.XD ;-; )
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Dar'vange cursed himself for forgetting about the Dogs "leader". He let out a grunt of pain as the bullet tore through him and he had to revert to Phantom Form. He rose off the ground and threw blasts of Black energy at them. He knew the pros and cons of the Phantom Form ability. He couldn't be hit by physical attacks but he couldn't physically attack others. He still had his magic however. He waved his hands and his favorite monster creature climbed out of the ground. A Bone Thrall, standing 12 feet tall, its massive form stomped down on the wolf pack. Dar'vange threw razor sharp bone shards at Reaver. 



Dar'vange cursed himself for forgetting about the Dogs "leader". He let out a grunt of pain as the bullet tore through him and he had to revert to Phantom Form. He rose off the ground and threw blasts of Black energy at them. He knew the pros and cons of the Phantom Form ability. He couldn't be hit by physical attacks but he couldn't physically attack others. He still had his magic however. He waved his hands and his favorite monster creature climbed out of the ground. A Bone Thrall, standing 12 feet tall, its massive form stomped down on the wolf pack. Dar'vange threw razor sharp bone shards at Reaver. 


Reaver would quickly roll out of the way of the bone shards, the wolves quickly managing to both stand and scatter before they could be stepped on. Though, they'd then run around the monstrosity to confuse it.

Holding his side, Reaver panted and glared to Dar'vange while continuing to move out of the way. Panting as he'd kept his pistol in hand.

The Bone Thrall looked around, confused. He kept swinging and finally jolted as Bone shards flew in all directions from his body. Dar'vange kept throwing Bone shards and Reaver, and waved his hands some more. The wind started spinning with Bone shards hitting everything in the area, though not as powerful as if Dar'vange threw them. 




The Bone Thrall looked around, confused. He kept swinging and finally jolted as Bone shards flew in all directions from his body. Dar'vange kept throwing Bone shards and Reaver, and waved his hands some more. The wind started spinning with Bone shards hitting everything in the area, though not as powerful as if Dar'vange threw them. 



A couple of wolves would yelp after shielding the other two from the shards, though they remained standing as they growled and charged at the bone thrall in multiple directions.

Reaver would block the shards with his arms. Albeit, they pierced his armour, but at least he protected his face and neck.

Lucifel levitated over them all, leaning back as he cocked his brow. "Dar'vange, quit playing with the puppies and hurry up. The queen is down, but we need to pull back a bit."

"Fine. You want them dead or not?" Dar'vange used one of his favorite spells on Reaver and his puppies: Dumbfounding. The spell makes the target stupid for about half an hour. 


"Whichever you find faster. Though, I'd personally love a go at him once we meet again." Lucifel grinned as he'd reply.

Reaver raised his brows from the spell, and even more when one of his wolves - Famine, would leap up and take the spell onto himself as the other wolves made their way to stand guard over Reaver - mainly because he'd been injured in quite a few places. Famine soon landing back on the ground as he'd just lay there and stare at nothing.

"Honestly just leaving is easier." He smiled at Reaver. "Well it looks like our time is up. Have a good day!" Dar'vange floated off with Lucifer. His Bone Thrall let out a groan as all the bones he was made of flew at everyone in devastating attack, and it crumpled to the ground. 


"Honestly just leaving is easier." He smiled at Reaver. "Well it looks like our time is up. Have a good day!" Dar'vange floated off with Lucifer. His Bone Thrall let out a groan as all the bones he was made of flew at everyone in devastating attack, and it crumpled to the ground. 

Reaver panted as he watched them float off, quickly rushing to Famine's side while shakily reaching out to pat him. His voice reverted back to normal, and his eyes managed to do the same. "... F... Famine..?"

Famine groaned, rubbing his face with his paws as he'd roll around with somewhat crossed eyes. Reaver would watch, War trotting over and sitting by Famine. Licking his muzzle gently before huffing to Reaver and gesturing in Graham's direction.

Reaver watched them, his ears low before he'd then glance to Graham - slowly standing after yanking the razor bone shards still stuck in his arms. He'd been, at this point, a panting... bloody mess. His side leaking blood down the side of his armour, and his leg, and his arms seeming to bleed, as well. With a wince, he slowly took a few steps in the angry bear's direction. 

(Draggin' ya back in once more!XD )

@Forever J
Reaver panted as he watched them float off, quickly rushing to Famine's side while shakily reaching out to pat him. His voice reverted back to normal, and his eyes managed to do the same. "... F... Famine..?"

Famine groaned, rubbing his face with his paws as he'd roll around with somewhat crossed eyes. Reaver would watch, War trotting over and sitting by Famine. Licking his muzzle gently before huffing to Reaver and gesturing in Graham's direction.

Reaver watched them, his ears low before he'd then glance to Graham - slowly standing after yanking the razor bone shards still stuck in his arms. He'd been, at this point, a panting... bloody mess. His side leaking blood down the side of his armour, and his leg, and his arms seeming to bleed, as well. With a wince, he slowly took a few steps in the angry bear's direction. 

(Draggin' ya back in once more!XD )

@Forever J


Graham was also a bloodied mess, laying in dead blighters as he sat on the ground, his knees folded so that his forehead touched them. "I am a failure to my own sister. I am a failure to my own sister. I am a failure to my own sister. Ah, i'm so so fucking stupid. Stupid! Stupid! I promised you that i would protect them, Dad. I promised, but i couldn't live up to it. I have failed you and them. I'm just so fucking stupid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have failed everyone. I can't be a general when i can barely protect my own flesh and blood. So fucking stupid." Tears trickled down his cheeks as he laid his head between his knees. 

Graham was also a bloodied mess, laying in dead blighters as he sat on the ground, his knees folded so that his forehead touched them. "I am a failure to my own sister. I am a failure to my own sister. I am a failure to my own sister. Ah, i'm so so fucking stupid. Stupid! Stupid! I promised you that i would protect them, Dad. I promised, but i couldn't live up to it. I have failed you and them. I'm just so fucking stupid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have failed everyone. I can't be a general when i can barely protect my own flesh and blood. So fucking stupid." Tears trickled down his cheeks as he laid his head between his knees. 

"Yer not stupid, Graham..." Reaver assured in a soft tone, soon crouching until he ended up sitting beside Graham. Softly, he tried removing Graham's hands from his face as his eyes took in the emotionally crippling male before him, before he'd then wince and tug him into a tight embrace. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"It's not like anyone knew this would be the outcome, so don't think that ya failed anyone, because y' didn't..."[/COLOR]

Buh'roham came rushing towards the pair. "Where is he! Where is the bastard!" His voice dripping with hatred. But he knew the scene before him all to well, he had to ask. "What... what happened?" 


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"Yer not stupid, Graham..." Reaver assured in a soft tone, soon crouching until he ended up sitting beside Graham. Softly, he tried removing Graham's hands from his face as his eyes took in the emotionally crippling male before him, before he'd then wince and tug him into a tight embrace. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"It's not like anyone knew this would be the outcome, so don't think that ya failed anyone, because y' didn't..."[/COLOR]

Buh'roham came rushing towards the pair. "Where is he! Where is the bastard!" His voice dripping with hatred. But he knew the scene before him all to well, he had to ask. "What... what happened?" 


"But. . . I . . . I couldn't save her. I promised him, Reaver. You don't get it. He always was okay with it all. When i told him that i didn't want to become King. When i told him that i wanted to move out and see the world. When he let me . . .  be me, he never asked for things. Not until he was at his death bed, that's when he made me keep a promise. He told me to protect my family and be happy. How can i be happy and protect them when i can barely even protect Engranussia? Huh!? I've been fighting for so long, but i haven't scratched the surface of stopping this . . . this war. I'm no general. A general can protect, a general can stand and take out his enemies. As for me, I let them stab my sister. I couldn't stop it. And now, maybe i'm just not a Cheshyre. I don't deserve the title of a general, as a king, as a brother. How can i deserve them when i can't protect them?" Graham turned his attention to Buh'roham who was moving towards them. He stayed silent, pulling his hands away from Reaver and looking back towards the sunset. 
Silith screached loudly as she fought with the wolf before her wings slowly spread open and she crouched down before shooting into the air. Launching towards the city walls she now aimed for the mass of men outside. Instantly blowing massive plumes of black fire into the masses of soldiers killing hundreds after hundreds of them.

Buh'roham came rushing towards the pair. "Where is he! Where is the bastard!" His voice dripping with hatred. But he knew the scene before him all to well, he had to ask. "What... what happened?" 


"But. . . I . . . I couldn't save her. I promised him, Reaver. You don't get it. He always was okay with it all. When i told him that i didn't want to become King. When i told him that i wanted to move out and see the world. When he let me . . .  be me, he never asked for things. Not until he was at his death bed, that's when he made me keep a promise. He told me to protect my family and be happy. How can i be happy and protect them when i can barely even protect Engranussia? Huh!? I've been fighting for so long, but i haven't scratched the surface of stopping this . . . this war. I'm no general. A general can protect, a general can stand and take out his enemies. As for me, I let them stab my sister. I couldn't stop it. And now, maybe i'm just not a Cheshyre. I don't deserve the title of a general, as a king, as a brother. How can i deserve them when i can't protect them?" Graham turned his attention to Buh'roham who was moving towards them. He stayed silent, pulling his hands away from Reaver and looking back towards the sunset. 

Reaver listened until Graham was finished, looking down as he replied to Buh'roham. "The Queen is down, and the others got away..." his reply was quiet as he watched the ground, still sitting beside Graham as he glanced to him for a moment, and then to his wolves as negativity made itself at home in his core. "Graham... Y' remember what y' told me, back when we were younger? Waaaay younger... like... the first year I was here. I was workin' on a prototype fer the first version of my flamethrower. I made that promise I wouldn't ever try it out in the palace. Ever. But, when I left it alone, it malfunctioned and burned down half the room it was in. I was outside, emotionally torn and pissed off at myself to the point that you could hear the wolves in the distance. Then y' came t' me, sat beside me and said; "Rea, you can't prevent everything bad from happening. Accidents happen." and, I didn't believe that, at first. I let the guilt eat at me for a long time until I finally realised that y' really can't prevent everything..." A couple tears stung the wolfish male's eyes as he'd look to Graham once more. In fact, he was so caught up with this, he couldn't tell if the physical pain he felt was emotional, or from the injuries he'd gained. "Does it suck? Yeah, a whole fucking bunch. Does it hurt? Fuck yes, it does. But, just because y' couldn't protect Zuzu doesn't mean you failed anybody. I know y' made a promise, but think about how much more pain she'll feel when she finds out yer beating yerself up about this. And don't you dare call yerself a bad General again. You're the best fucking one we've got, and you'd better start believing so. Wars take a LONG time, and a LOT of effort t' stop. And just because... just because the surface hasn't been scratched yet doesn't mean it won't fucking end. Do you fucking hear me!?" Reaver stood, stumbled and fell to his knees in front of Graham - leaning forward and looking into his eyes as his own produced enough tears to fill glasses. His voice shaky as a result of what he was feeling. "You're a Cheshyre. Graham Cheshyre. GENERAL. GRAHAM. CHESHYRE. The man with the strength and fear-strike of eight fucking bears! Never let yerself believe ANYTHING different."
Reaver listened until Graham was finished, looking down as he replied to Buh'roham. "The Queen is down, and the others got away..." his reply was quiet as he watched the ground, still sitting beside Graham as he glanced to him for a moment, and then to his wolves as negativity made itself at home in his core. "Graham... Y' remember what y' told me, back when we were younger? Waaaay younger... like... the first year I was here. I was workin' on a prototype fer the first version of my flamethrower. I made that promise I wouldn't ever try it out in the palace. Ever. But, when I left it alone, it malfunctioned and burned down half the room it was in. I was outside, emotionally torn and pissed off at myself to the point that you could hear the wolves in the distance. Then y' came t' me, sat beside me and said; "Rea, you can't prevent everything bad from happening. Accidents happen." and, I didn't believe that, at first. I let the guilt eat at me for a long time until I finally realised that y' really can't prevent everything..." A couple tears stung the wolfish male's eyes as he'd look to Graham once more. In fact, he was so caught up with this, he couldn't tell if the physical pain he felt was emotional, or from the injuries he'd gained. "Does it suck? Yeah, a whole fucking bunch. Does it hurt? Fuck yes, it does. But, just because y' couldn't protect Zuzu doesn't mean you failed anybody. I know y' made a promise, but think about how much more pain she'll feel when she finds out yer beating yerself up about this. And don't you dare call yerself a bad General again. You're the best fucking one we've got, and you'd better start believing so. Wars take a LONG time, and a LOT of effort t' stop. And just because... just because the surface hasn't been scratched yet doesn't mean it won't fucking end. Do you fucking hear me!?" Reaver stood, stumbled and fell to his knees in front of Graham - leaning forward and looking into his eyes as his own produced enough tears to fill glasses. His voice shaky as a result of what he was feeling. "You're a Cheshyre. Graham Cheshyre. GENERAL. GRAHAM. CHESHYRE. The man with the strength and fear-strike of eight fucking bears! Never let yerself believe ANYTHING different."

Graham looked towards Reaver, wiping away a few of Reaver's tears. "Buh'roham, can you please take Reaver to the clinic? He's bleeding immensely." Graham stood up, not saying anything as he began to try and clean the area. Leaving a crying Reaver alone just for a small bit.


Buh'roham nodded. "Of course." He offered Reaver a shoulder to lean on as they moved towards the clinic. Buh'roham started talking to himself under his breath, angrily. "Damn it! This is my fault. I should have smelled him. I should've helped in some way, but the damn Ageless don't die easily. He could have very easily killed us all on his own. What was holding him back?" 


Graham looked towards Reaver, wiping away a few of Reaver's tears. "Buh'roham, can you please take Reaver to the clinic? He's bleeding immensely." Graham stood up, not saying anything as he began to try and clean the area. Leaving a crying Reaver alone just for a small bit.


Buh'roham nodded. "Of course." He offered Reaver a shoulder to lean on as they moved towards the clinic. Buh'roham started talking to himself under his breath, angrily. "Damn it! This is my fault. I should have smelled him. I should've helped in some way, but the damn Ageless don't die easily. He could have very easily killed us all on his own. What was holding him back?" 


Reaver shakily inhaled, and then exhaled as some of his tears had been cleared - only to be replaced with more. He watched Graham stand for a solid moment before standing with Buh'roham's aid. His crimson irises on the ground as Conquest, Death and Rika would help Graham clean up. War continued to sit next to his currently dumb brother, Famine. Waiting for him to get his shit together all the while protecting him from everything else.

"All I know is the Archdemon got him to retreat..." Reaver painfully spoke.
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Buh'roham looked confused. "Retreat? He probably got bored and the Archdemon came along at the right time. But this does tell us one thing. The Blighters needed help. They couldn't do this on their own so they enlisted the Ageless Hoard and those War Fanatics." 


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Buh'roham looked confused. "Retreat? He probably got bored and the Archdemon came along at the right time. But this does tell us one thing. The Blighters needed help. They couldn't do this on their own so they enlisted the Ageless Hoard and those War Fanatics." 


Reaver nodded in agreement, looking to the gash on his side. The blood seeming to splash and squish in his boot, as the runoff soaked into his sock.

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