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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Graham immediately ran into the throne room and pulled his sisters into a tight embrace. He sighed. feeling relieved to have him in his arms and not wanting to let go.

Both Chloe and Zuzana looked to Graham, the two returning the embrace as they'd sigh, as well.

"How close are they to here? Do we have time t' ready ourselves?" Chloe found herself asking, glancing up at Graham in the process.

Reaver stumbled to a stop once he made it to the throne room, looking to everyone before heading to Adrian. "You all heard the alarm?"

"It's a bit hard not to." Adrian spoke up, looking to his brother as his armour was being secured. "How many are there?"

"He's gotten allies, from what I could see." Reaver sighed heavily, Rika staying at Reaver's feet as she would look to the others. And, seeing Rika, both Adrian and Valerie widened their eyes before looking to Reaver.

"Are you... are... the others on the way?" Val blinked as she referred to Rika. Reaver shakily sighing.

"At the rate this is going, how I'm feeling..." Reaver sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a moment. "More than likely. But, hell. This is my home that's under threat. My HOME. My FAMILY. They have the audacity to think they can march in here and destroy EVERYTHING this kingdom has worked for, and I'll be sure t' have those dire wolves tare out the throats of those we don't get to ourselves. Will they turn and go after us after? That is a looming possibility, but I won't let it happen, you hear? I. Won't. Let. It. Happen. Not again." Reaver panted angrily. His crimson eyes giving off a bit more of a demonic, wolfish glow than before as Adrian and Valerie watched him closely.

"Reaver...Both Adrian and Valerie would speak in sync, both holding concern in their eyes. However, their concern soon turned into faithfulness as they both patted their younger sibling's shoulders. Both of them nodding.
Graham immediately ran into the throne room and pulled his sisters into a tight embrace. He sighed. feeling relieved to have him in his arms and not wanting to let go.

(Don't worry. I'm taking over Alistar for Loki. C:) 

Alistar hugged his daughter tightly to his chest. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'm not going to let anything hurt you, i promise. We'll fight with all we got because we are warriors! You'll be my brave warrior, right? Show me your brave face. Don't let anyone take you down! You're my strong, brave warrior, aren't ya?" Alistar stood up, jumping his daughter around. He went straight to the throne room where the others were. 

Shai was cheered up by her fathers happy words. Nodding to him happily as she curled up in his arms giggling and speaking. "Am I to fight as well papa?" She asked curiously. Her tone suggested she wasn't scared to fight but it also suggested a small hint that if she didn't have to she wouldn't unless needed. She understood what she was and that she could be concidered an asset even though she was still an infant dragon
Both Chloe and Zuzana looked to Graham, the two returning the embrace as they'd sigh, as well.

"How close are they to here? Do we have time t' ready ourselves?" Chloe found herself asking, glancing up at Graham in the process.

Reaver stumbled to a stop once he made it to the throne room, looking to everyone before heading to Adrian. "You all heard the alarm?"

"It's a bit hard not to." Adrian spoke up, looking to his brother as his armour was being secured. "How many are there?"

"He's gotten allies, from what I could see." Reaver sighed heavily, Rika staying at Reaver's feet as she would look to the others. And, seeing Rika, both Adrian and Valerie widened their eyes before looking to Reaver.

"Are you... are... the others on the way?" Val blinked as she referred to Rika. Reaver shakily sighing.

"At the rate this is going, how I'm feeling..." Reaver sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a moment. "More than likely. But, hell. This is my home that's under threat. My HOME. My FAMILY. They have the audacity to think they can march in here and destroy EVERYTHING this kingdom has worked for, and I'll be sure t' have those dire wolves tare out the throats of those we don't get to ourselves. Will they turn and go after us after? That is a looming possibility, but I won't let it happen, you hear? I. Won't. Let. It. Happen. Not again." Reaver panted angrily. His crimson eyes giving off a bit more of a demonic, wolfish glow than before as Adrian and Valerie watched him closely.

"Reaver...Both Adrian and Valerie would speak in sync, both holding concern in their eyes. However, their concern soon turned into faithfulness as they both patted their younger sibling's shoulders. Both of them nodding.

"It definitely won't happen again. We'll make sure of it."

Shai was cheered up by her fathers happy words. Nodding to him happily as she curled up in his arms giggling and speaking. "Am I to fight as well papa?" She asked curiously. Her tone suggested she wasn't scared to fight but it also suggested a small hint that if she didn't have to she wouldn't unless needed. She understood what she was and that she could be concidered an asset even though she was still an infant dragon

Alistar made it to the throne room and shook his head. "No, sweetie. We've got enough strong warriors, you rest this one out,okay?" 
"It definitely won't happen again. We'll make sure of it."

Alistar made it to the throne room and shook his head. "No, sweetie. We've got enough strong warriors, you rest this one out,okay?" 

"Yes papa." She said to him cutely as she looked to the throne when they got there. Still in her fathers arm as she watched everyone curiously 
"It definitely won't happen again. We'll make sure of it."

Alistar made it to the throne room and shook his head. "No, sweetie. We've got enough strong warriors, you rest this one out,okay?" 

"Yes papa." She said to him cutely as she looked to the throne when they got there. Still in her fathers arm as she watched everyone curiously 

Reaver glanced to Graham, giving a nod as he gave off a slightly guilty vibe that accompanied the currently angered, protective one he currently had. And, closing his eyes he pointed his nose downward. "So, what's the game plan?.."

"We fight. No one gets into this palace without getting a bullet to the head or an axe to the face." Adrian would firmly state, briefly looking over to Alistair as he entered the throne room with Shai before looking to Graham. "How fast can your men ready themselves?"
Reaver glanced to Graham, giving a nod as he gave off a slightly guilty vibe that accompanied the currently angered, protective one he currently had. And, closing his eyes he pointed his nose downward. "So, what's the game plan?.."

"We fight. No one gets into this palace without getting a bullet to the head or an axe to the face." Adrian would firmly state, briefly looking over to Alistair as he entered the throne room with Shai before looking to Graham. "How fast can your men ready themselves?"

"Yes papa." She said to him cutely as she looked to the throne when they got there. Still in her fathers arm as she watched everyone curiously 

"About three minutes, sir. Nevermore gave the orders to the soliders a while before the button was hit. So they should be ready at this exact moment. Shall we take a hostage or two? Gain intel on the opponent if things don't work our way?" 


Alistar bounced her around and patted her back. "Do you want me to put you down, Shai?"
"About three minutes, sir. Nevermore gave the orders to the soliders a while before the button was hit. So they should be ready at this exact moment. Shall we take a hostage or two? Gain intel on the opponent if things don't work our way?" 


Alistar bounced her around and patted her back. "Do you want me to put you down, Shai?"

"Yes papa!"she said happily as she squirmed around a little in his arms
"About three minutes, sir. Nevermore gave the orders to the soliders a while before the button was hit. So they should be ready at this exact moment. Shall we take a hostage or two? Gain intel on the opponent if things don't work our way?" 

Adrian nodded to this. "That would be best. Not to mention, that will cover our bases. How far off are they?"

"Less than half a mile, at this point." Reaver spoke up, shifting in place. "And they're moving fast."

Buh'roham didn't even look at her as he rummaged around in his workshop. "The Blight has come to our doorstep. And they brought friends. Here, wear this." He handed her a watch. "This should protect you from most of the magic they can throw at you, while amplifying your own." He went to his personal console and hit the button marked "My Backup". They'll be here soon if I know Techal, he thought to himself. 


"Yes papa!"she said happily as she squirmed around a little in his arms

Adrian nodded to this. "That would be best. Not to mention, that will cover our bases. How far off are they?"

"Less than half a mile, at this point." Reaver spoke up, shifting in place. "And they're moving fast."

"Then we too shall get prepared. Put on your armor, my King. As for all of you, especially you two." He pointed to Chloe and Zuzana. 

Alistar let go of Shai and ruffled her hair with a smile. 
"Then we too shall get prepared. Put on your armor, my King. As for all of you, especially you two." He pointed to Chloe and Zuzana. 

Zuzana would nod as she'd soon go to do so, Chloe giving a salute as she'd also nod. "Aye aye."

"Feh, this heavy armour..." Adrian huffed, but finished getting ready. Valerie helping him with it after fixing her own.

Reaver watched them all in silence as he thought to himself. His arms folded at his chest.
Zuzana would nod as she'd soon go to do so, Chloe giving a salute as she'd also nod. "Aye aye."

"Feh, this heavy armour..." Adrian huffed, but finished getting ready. Valerie helping him with it after fixing her own.

Reaver watched them all in silence as he thought to himself. His arms folded at his chest.

"What about you? Why aren't you going to find armor?" Graham looked to Reaver with a frown. 
"What about you? Why aren't you going to find armor?" Graham looked to Reaver with a frown. 

Reaver shifted, his expression having proven himself to be digging into the negativity of the situation and, eventually, his memories. Because of this, it had taken Reaver a moment to catch what his sugar bear had said. Though, once he'd gotten it, he would briefly drag his mental state back to the surface for a moment. His glowing gaze shifting to Graham for a moment before off to the side. "I... right. Sorry, I'll... get to it." with a shaky sigh, he'd then go to find himself some armour. 
Reaver shifted, his expression having proven himself to be digging into the negativity of the situation and, eventually, his memories. Because of this, it had taken Reaver a moment to catch what his sugar bear had said. Though, once he'd gotten it, he would briefly drag his mental state back to the surface for a moment. His glowing gaze shifting to Graham for a moment before off to the side. "I... right. Sorry, I'll... get to it." with a shaky sigh, he'd then go to find himself some armour. 

Graham watched Reaver go before following him quickly after. He grabbed Reaver's wrist, spinning him around to face him, cupped his cheeks and kissed him. He held that for quite a while as his own heart raced against the clock. He pulled back, resting his head on Reaver's. "We're going to fight this together. Do you hear me, Reaver? I told you from the fucking beginning that i'm not going to let you go. Maker's breath, you've been . . . you've been my everything ever since my Dad died and you still are my everything. Let me be yours. Trust me when i say that i'm not going to let your wolves hurt you or anyone around you. Nor will i let these men take over what is ours. Ours, Reaver. Yours and mine. Don't be afraid to show the world who you truly are. You're so afraid of your wolves, and they feed on that, but you don't have to be, Reaver. Be the alpha male. I know you can do it. Fear is your one and only enemy. It holds you back from your true potential, so please. I beg of you. Trust in me when i say, bring the wolves and let's rain Shadowheim on these fuckers." Graham kissed his lips again for more than a minute before pulling back with a genuine smile. 
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Graham watched Reaver go before following him quickly after. He grabbed Reaver's wrist, spinning him around to face him, cupped his cheeks and kissed him. He held that for quite a while as his own heart raced against the clock. He pulled back, resting his head on Reaver's. "We're going to fight this together. Do you hear me, Reaver? I told you from the fucking beginning that i'm not going to let you go. Maker's breath, you've been . . . you've been my everything ever since my Dad died and you still are my everything. Let me be yours. Trust me when i say that i'm not going to let your wolves hurt you or anyone around you. Nor will i let these men take over what is ours. Ours, Reaver. Yours and mine. Don't be afraid to show the world who you truly are. You're so afraid of your wolves, and they feed on that, but you don't have to be, Reaver. Be the alpha male. I know you can do it. Fear is your one and only enemy. It holds you back from your true potential, so please. I beg of you. Trust in me when i say, bring the wolves and let's rain Shadowheim on these fuckers." Graham kissed his lips again for more than a minute before pulling back with a genuine smile. 

Reaver lifted his brows the moment his wrist had been gripped, and his eyes widened for a brief time the moment he'd been twirled around to face Graham. His eyes closed seconds after the kiss was planted. His hands gently lifting to softly caress the back of Graham's, which cupped his cheeks and caused a bit of security on Reaver's end. Once the kiss had been broken, Reaver's eyes would open so he could glance to Graham, ears a bit low while he'd listen to the speech. After returning the second kiss, Reaver's own genuine smile slid up his face as he gave a firm nod. "Alright, my everything..." his eyes would then slightly squint to show a look of determination. "Let's show these fuckers what happens when they mess with us."
Reaver lifted his brows the moment his wrist had been gripped, and his eyes widened for a brief time the moment he'd been twirled around to face Graham. His eyes closed seconds after the kiss was planted. His hands gently lifting to softly caress the back of Graham's, which cupped his cheeks and caused a bit of security on Reaver's end. Once the kiss had been broken, Reaver's eyes would open so he could glance to Graham, ears a bit low while he'd listen to the speech. After returning the second kiss, Reaver's own genuine smile slid up his face as he gave a firm nod. "Alright, my everything..." his eyes would then slightly squint to show a look of determination. "Let's show these fuckers what happens when they mess with us."

"Now that's my Reaver. The man that takes no one's shit. Now, let's go get our armor on and kick some ass, okay, babe?" He winked and then went immediately the weaponry and armor room.
"Now that's my Reaver. The man that takes no one's shit. Now, let's go get our armor on and kick some ass, okay, babe?" He winked and then went immediately the weaponry and armor room.

Reaver would grin from the praise, as well as the wink, soon nodding in agreement. He quickly followed Graham into the armoury as he'd near the armour he'd picked for himself. "Been a while since I've been in here."
Reaver would grin from the praise, as well as the wink, soon nodding in agreement. He quickly followed Graham into the armoury as he'd near the armour he'd picked for himself. "Been a while since I've been in here."

"Same. Ah, how things have chaaaaaaanged."
"Same. Ah, how things have chaaaaaaanged."

Reaver nodded, glancing over to Graham with a smirk. "The scent of this room never changed, that's for sure." he'd then take down what he needed in terms of protection before flicking his ear. "Y' need help fastening yer armour, let me know... not that I think you would! J-Just... figured I'd toss the offer out there."
Reaver nodded, glancing over to Graham with a smirk. "The scent of this room never changed, that's for sure." he'd then take down what he needed in terms of protection before flicking his ear. "Y' need help fastening yer armour, let me know... not that I think you would! J-Just... figured I'd toss the offer out there."

"I mean if you want to, i would love some help. Once you're done of course." Graham smiled.
Reaver blinked, smiling in return as he nodded and began to put on his own. "Alright. Just give me a second, or two."

Graham watched Reaver with a smile before putting on his own armor. Leaving off the chest piece so that Reaver could do it. He held it out with a childish smile.
Graham watched Reaver with a smile before putting on his own armor. Leaving off the chest piece so that Reaver could do it. He held it out with a childish smile.

Reaver smiled, tightening his own armour before both looking to Graham and taking the chest piece with a childish smile of his own. His tail curled, applying the armour piece to Graham's person, tightening it for a proper fit. He'd then kiss his cheek. "There. All set."
Reaver smiled, tightening his own armour before both looking to Graham and taking the chest piece with a childish smile of his own. His tail curled, applying the armour piece to Graham's person, tightening it for a proper fit. He'd then kiss his cheek. "There. All set."

Graham hugged Reaver tightly, pulling him to his chest as he rested his cheek on Reaver's shoulder. "No matter what happens. I will always love you, Reaver Alaois. No matter what, you're not leaving me that easy. I'm not afraid of you, i'm afraid of loosing you. Do not let fear seep into your heart. You are much stronger than you even know, so you gotta promise me. No matter what, that you'll fear nothing and no one. For you are the one and only, Reaver Alaois. My fire starter." Graham kissed Reaver's nose with a small, ghostly smile. 
Graham hugged Reaver tightly, pulling him to his chest as he rested his cheek on Reaver's shoulder. "No matter what happens. I will always love you, Reaver Alaois. No matter what, you're not leaving me that easy. I'm not afraid of you, i'm afraid of loosing you. Do not let fear seep into your heart. You are much stronger than you even know, so you gotta promise me. No matter what, that you'll fear nothing and no one. For you are the one and only, Reaver Alaois. My fire starter." Graham kissed Reaver's nose with a small, ghostly smile. 

Reaver tightly returned Graham's embrace. A sigh escaping him as he'd turn his head and bury his face somewhat in Graham's shoulder and neck. His hands on his shoulder blades as he lowered an ear and glanced to him to catch the ghostly smile. "I'll be brave. I promise you, I'll be brave. But you've gotta promise you'll be careful. Please..."

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