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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"I wouldn't mind." Reaver would continue to grin, soon heading over and straddling Graham, and then leaning forward as he kissed him gently.

Graham kissed right back, grabbing the back of Reaver's head and kept there for a short while. "Wanna know a Graham fun fact? I like this position a looooot~." 
Graham kissed right back, grabbing the back of Reaver's head and kept there for a short while. "Wanna know a Graham fun fact? I like this position a looooot~." 

Reaver snickered before moving and softly kissing Graham's jaw. "Perhaps we can use this position a bit more then."
~Time skip to the end of tomorrow~

Reaver sat atop of one of the higher roofs of the palace, gazing out at the distance as he'd hug his leg. His ears having been perked as he listened to the noise of the palace at the end of this Valhalla Day as Chloe and Val helped clean up inside. And, with a sharp inhale, Reaver would then huff and shift in place. 

@Forever J


Lucifel, hands placed behind his back, would gaze in the direction of his men. He wore a smirk on his face, something heinous hidden behind those demonic eyes that would bare the planning behind his true intentions. And, as he'd watch the many rows of blighters in his formation, the Archdemon spoke. "I trust I don't need to remind you all why we're here. Today we fight to push the Blight further. Now, unfortunately, we've missed the opportunity to strike down the Shadow Wardens, but do not let this dissuade you, my friends! Fore today we strike down the highest power in this land!" the blighters would roar and cheer,, Lucifel's smirk growing. 'For an army of puppets, you sure do love to raise morale.' Lucifel closed his eyes, engaging in the conversation within his head. 'Improves their efforts. Pays to learn from your ex General, I suppose.'

@Daniel reaving, @TheCountryWarrior
~Time skip to the end of tomorrow~

Reaver sat atop of one of the higher roofs of the palace, gazing out at the distance as he'd hug his leg. His ears having been perked as he listened to the noise of the palace at the end of this Valhalla Day as Chloe and Val helped clean up inside. And, with a sharp inhale, Reaver would then huff and shift in place. 

Graham searched for Reaver for a while, wondering where he went after cleaning up. He then went to the roof and smiled. "Hey handsome~. I brought Zuzu's homemade pumpkin pie." Graham sat down next to Reaver and held the plate of pie to him. 
Graham searched for Reaver for a while, wondering where he went after cleaning up. He then went to the roof and smiled. "Hey handsome~. I brought Zuzu's homemade pumpkin pie." Graham sat down next to Reaver and held the plate of pie to him. 

Reaver perked at Graham's voice, turning his gaze to him with a small smile as he gently took the plate before kissing Graham's cheek soon after. "Thank ya, sugar bear."
Reaver perked at Graham's voice, turning his gaze to him with a small smile as he gently took the plate before kissing Graham's cheek soon after. "Thank ya, sugar bear."

Graham melted at the kiss on the cheek. His smile grew. "No problem, Rea. So, why are you up here? You usually come up here when you're thinking about something. So .  . . whatcha thinkin' about?"
Graham melted at the kiss on the cheek. His smile grew. "No problem, Rea. So, why are you up here? You usually come up here when you're thinking about something. So .  . . whatcha thinkin' about?"

Reaver curled his tail towards Graham's reaction. However, his smile ran away from his face as he'd look down with a huff and a worried look. "I... I dunno. That bad feeling is back." his eyes studied the pie on his plate as they'd tremble slightly. "I've got that... pack-is-under-threat feeling in my chest and stomach, like something terrible is going t' happen and, since I can't completely place it, I'm left in the dark regarding what t' do about it - other than just keeping an eye out."
Reaver curled his tail towards Graham's reaction. However, his smile ran away from his face as he'd look down with a huff and a worried look. "I... I dunno. That bad feeling is back." his eyes studied the pie on his plate as they'd tremble slightly. "I've got that... pack-is-under-threat feeling in my chest and stomach, like something terrible is going t' happen and, since I can't completely place it, I'm left in the dark regarding what t' do about it - other than just keeping an eye out."

"Yeah. i've been feeling that feeling too. I just hope nothing too extreme happens."

Buh'roham was climbing the walls to survey the surrounding territory. He had woken up with an intense feeling of negativity. He pushed through the day but spent most of it in his workshop. He had completed a squads worth of Chrysillis model firearms and one more Mechanical Warrior. He only showed up for the diner and a couple of the festivities. And he looked troubled through all of them. He couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling that history would repeat itself if Buh'roham didn't do something. He heard Reaver and the General talking and thought to not disturb them, though he wasn't sure how since climbing a building is hard and Buh'roham wasn't trying to be sneaky. 


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Buh'roham was climbing the walls to survey the surrounding territory. He had woken up with an intense feeling of negativity. He pushed through the day but spent most of it in his workshop. He had completed a squads worth of Chrysillis model firearms and one more Mechanical Warrior. He only showed up for the diner and a couple of the festivities. And he looked troubled through all of them. He couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling that history would repeat itself if Buh'roham didn't do something. He heard Reaver and the General talking and thought to not disturb them, though he wasn't sure how since climbing a building is hard and Buh'roham wasn't trying to be sneaky. 


Reaver opened his eyes to take another look around, and soon paused when he'd spotted Buh'roham atop the wall. And, with curiosity at the wheel, he spoke out, loud enough for him to hear. "Here t' join the watch?"

"This is our moment of glory! Soon we attack the crown of Engranussia and cement ourselves in history forevermore! We have reason to believe that the residents have set up anti Blight protection spells around the area. Since they will not affect us, we are to find the spells and destroy them for our brothers in arms the Blighters! We aren't looking for recruits so don't show a lick of mercy. And the cat is my kill!" He addressed his beloved Warriors as they cheered their lungs out, except they didn't have lungs. 



"Well I guess. I don't know... I feel... wrong. Like something is coming and its my fault. I don't know. It's just that something feels off and I don't know what it is." He said angrily, as he crouched next to them, like a hunter surveying the area like they would be attacked at any time. 



"Well I guess. I don't know... I feel... wrong. Like something is coming and its my fault. I don't know. It's just that something feels off and I don't know what it is." He said angrily, as he crouched next to them, like a hunter surveying the area like they would be attacked at any time. 


"Y' feel it, too, then." Reaver huffed while watching him crouch. "The unease is spreading like the plague. Only thing we can do is prep for what is to come. And, whatever it is, this Kingdom shall not fall." He'd firmly state through a growl as his eyes would briefly flash. Every muscle soon tensing once quite a few howls were heard in the distance. Here it occurs once more, the troubles of the 'dire wolf beacon'. Just like the night before Reaver and his siblings were brought here by the King after he'd found them. The beasts of his childhood desired their return, and, with the up and coming events, the dire wolves may get their wish.

Reaver quickly tried to calm down. His hands setting the plate down beside him as he'd rub his face. "No... no, no, no, no, no..."

Behind both Reaver and Graham appeared a multicoloured dire wolf. Her fire gaze traveling from one to the other before she'd then weasel her way inbetween the two with a weary whine.



@Forever J
"Y' feel it, too, then." Reaver huffed while watching him crouch. "The unease is spreading like the plague. Only thing we can do is prep for what is to come. And, whatever it is, this Kingdom shall not fall." He'd firmly state through a growl as his eyes would briefly flash. Every muscle soon tensing once quite a few howls were heard in the distance. Here it occurs once more, the troubles of the 'dire wolf beacon'. Just like the night before Reaver and his siblings were brought here by the King after he'd found them. The beasts of his childhood desired their return, and, with the up and coming events, the dire wolves may get their wish.

Reaver quickly tried to calm down. His hands setting the plate down beside him as he'd rub his face. "No... no, no, no, no, no..."

Behind both Reaver and Graham appeared a multicoloured dire wolf. Her fire gaze traveling from one to the other before she'd then weasel her way inbetween the two with a weary whine.

Buh'roham quickly backed away with a hunters gleam in his eye. He waited until the wolf made a move or something else happened, all the while trying to think how this thing snuck up on them. 


"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Wow rude, you're just going to walk away without giving your old friend a hug!?" Graham gave a pout, crossing his arms and made a HMPH noise. "Rude. I see where i lie in your friend scale. I guess you don't get my famous doggie day treat cake as a welcoming gift!" 
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Buh'roham quickly backed away with a hunters gleam in his eye. He waited until the wolf made a move or something else happened, all the while trying to think how this thing snuck up on them. 


"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Wow rude, you're just going to walk away without giving your old friend a hug!?" Graham gave a pout, crossing his arms and made a HMPH noise. "Rude. I see where i lie in your friend scale. I guess you don't get my famous doggie day treat cake as a welcoming gift!" 

Rika paused and turned her attention to Graham, quickly tackling him as she'd both lick his face and flop her weight onto him.

Reaver blinked a few times, looking over his hands as he glanced to Rika as a sort of relief washed over him. And, even though it wasn't long lasting, it was still nice. Chuckling, he gently reached over and ruffled the fur on her side. "Look at that! The sassy teenager has returned to us." and, following Reaver's words, Rika glanced over with a huff.

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