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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Reaver tightly returned Graham's embrace. A sigh escaping him as he'd turn his head and bury his face somewhat in Graham's shoulder and neck. His hands on his shoulder blades as he lowered an ear and glanced to him to catch the ghostly smile. "I'll be brave. I promise you, I'll be brave. But you've gotta promise you'll be careful. Please..."

Graham hesitated at first before sighing and giving a nod. "I promise that i'll be careful."
Graham hesitated at first before sighing and giving a nod. "I promise that i'll be careful."

Reaver smiled a bit at that, kissing his cheek before burying his face in Graham's neck once more. "Thank y'..." he then pulled away slightly. "C'mon. We still need to get our weapons ready."
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Reaver smiled a bit at that, kissing his cheek before burying his face in Graham's neck once more. "Thank y'..." he then pulled away slightly. "C'mon. We still need to get our weapons ready."

"Yeah." Graham nodded once before looking to the organized shelf of melee weapons to guns. He looked towards a glass box and inside that box was a family weapon used from generation to generation. 

He opened the box and rested his hand on the flat side of the blade. "Faith's Etcher." The handle glowed an ominous purple at the name. He dragged it out and whipped it to his side. "You ready?" He turned to Reaver as the blade glowed the same purple as the handle. 
"Yeah." Graham nodded once before looking to the organized shelf of melee weapons to guns. He looked towards a glass box and inside that box was a family weapon used from generation to generation. 

He opened the box and rested his hand on the flat side of the blade. "Faith's Etcher." The handle glowed an ominous purple at the name. He dragged it out and whipped it to his side. "You ready?" He turned to Reaver as the blade glowed the same purple as the handle. 

Reaver watched Graham for a moment before looking over the many blades, guns and such stored within the room. Having his modified handcannon on him already, all he really needed for the moment was a blade. With an indecisive click of his tongue, he was without a desire for any of the weapons in here. That was, until, a particular wall mount caught his eye.


"No way..." Reaver would mutter in disbelief. His feet causing him to draw closer to the blade as he'd take it down to admire the shine, gazing to the small nozzle at the base of the blade. His fingers lightly pulling the trigger on the side of the hilt as it made a flint to steel noise - like a loud lighter - but, since there was no fuel source, nothing happened. "I didn't think he kept this, after all of these years..."

"I hope ya can find good use fer it! I worked real hard on it." A younger Reaver echoed in his memory.


"I'm sure I will. Thank y', Reavy boy." King Grant's voice had also echoed.


"Yer welcome, Mr. Cheshyre."


Grant chuckled deeply. "It wouldn't kill you to call me dad, ya know."

Reaver gripped the handle of the blade, soon holding it to his side as he looked over to Graham - giving a simple nod of agreement as he spoke. "Ready."
Reaver gripped the handle of the blade, soon holding it to his side as he looked over to Graham - giving a simple nod of agreement as he spoke. "Ready."

Graham nodded, "then let's do this." He then walked back to the throne room.
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Graham nodded, "then let's do this." He then walked back to the throne room.

Reaver followed, looking to the others as they'd proven to have already been ready. Rika staying close before looking to the doorway as the wolves would howl once more. Her gaze traveling back to Reaver as her ears flattened, Reaver looking ahead as he listened to the approaching howls. Quietly, he muttered to himself; "Alpha. I'm the alpha. And the alpha rules the pack..."

"Dad, STOP!" Young Adrian had angrily shouted, standing protectively in front of his younger brother within the memory that had been taking place.


"I am the alpha, and the alpha rules the pack." Reaver muttered once more as he continued to think back.

"Sicking your own men on your children! What the hell is wrong with you!?" the memory of young Valerie had growled.


"I am the alpha, and the alpha rules the pack." Reaver repeated again.

Many wolf-like growls and terrified, angry shouts from multiple people were then heard. "Shit! The beasts are everywhere! Lord Tomas, we need to-- Lord Tomas? AH! GET BACK YOU BLACK-FURRED BEAST!"


"Reaver, we need t' go! Now!" "Dammit Reaver, come on! We don't have much time!" "I'LL LET THIS WHOLE PLACE BURN T' THE GROUND!"


Reaver closed his eyes before making his way to the far window to gaze out of it, listening to the eager growls outside. Chloe and the others watching him before going back to forming an effective plan of attack.

Buh'roham didn't even look at her as he rummaged around in his workshop. "The Blight has come to our doorstep. And they brought friends. Here, wear this." He handed her a watch. "This should protect you from most of the magic they can throw at you, while amplifying your own." He went to his personal console and hit the button marked "My Backup". They'll be here soon if I know Techal, he thought to himself. 


She frowned and immediately hugged him clearly scared and wanting to be comforted as she pressed herself against him not wanting to let go right now 

"Then we too shall get prepared. Put on your armor, my King. As for all of you, especially you two." He pointed to Chloe and Zuzana. 

Alistar let go of Shai and ruffled her hair with a smile. 

Shai giggled and hugged her daddy's leg before she scurried off to the king running up and bumping into his leg with a cute umph before giggling and looking up happily at him

[SIZE= inherit]Shai giggled and hugged her daddy's leg before she scurried off to the king running up and bumping into his leg with a cute umph before giggling and looking up happily at him[/SIZE]


Adrian glanced down to Shai, smiling a small bit as he'd reach down and ruffle her hair - pausing when he'd heard a loud, explosion-like bang from outside. He'd then slowly stand, looking to the doorway as Reaver growled.

"They're here..." Val would speak.

Reaver watched the door, soon briefly glancing to the window as he'd seen several red eyes in the distance. To this, he couldn't help but smirk. "And so are my wolves." And, heading to the back doors with Rika, he patted Graham on the shoulder in passing. Slightly hoping he'd follow.

@Forever J


Lucifel grinned as the gates were stormed, already having sent the messenger back to inform Apolis to purge the gates at her side. Dismounting his wolf, he'd pat it's side and wait for an opening to be made.

@Daniel reaving@TheCountryWarrior

Dar'vange pointed ahead towards the castle and shouted with his warriors. 


"Moro wah mu!

Moro wah mu!" 


With a massive boom the war machines launched their projectiles onto the castle walls, the castle shook as the walls were battered. The siege towers crept closer. And the Ageless mass surged forwards, guns blazing, swords slashing, bow twanging, magic flying through the air. Dar'vange was above them all, smoke billowing off his Cat Form, firing bolts of Dark energy at the Engranussians powerful enough to turn them into a blackened husk. 


Adrian glanced down to Shai, smiling a small bit as he'd reach down and ruffle her hair - pausing when he'd heard a loud, explosion-like bang from outside. He'd then slowly stand, looking to the doorway as Reaver growled.

"They're here..." Val would speak.

Reaver watched the door, soon briefly glancing to the window as he'd seen several red eyes in the distance. To this, he couldn't help but smirk. "And so are my wolves." And, heading to the back doors with Rika, he patted Graham on the shoulder in passing. Slightly hoping he'd follow.

@Forever J


Lucifel grinned as the gates were stormed, already having sent the messenger back to inform Apolis to purge the gates at her side. Dismounting his wolf, he'd pat it's side and wait for an opening to be made.

@Daniel reaving@TheCountryWarrior

Graham nodded after the pat. He prayed and then raised his sword. "For Engranussia!" 

Dar'vange pointed ahead towards the castle and shouted with his warriors. 


"Moro wah mu!

Moro wah mu!" 


With a massive boom the war machines launched their projectiles onto the castle walls, the castle shook as the walls were battered. The siege towers crept closer. And the Ageless mass surged forwards, guns blazing, swords slashing, bow twanging, magic flying through the air. Dar'vange was above them all, smoke billowing off his Cat Form, firing bolts of Dark energy at the Engranussians powerful enough to turn them into a blackened husk. 


Patting the wolf once more as he'd disappear, Lucifel glanced in the direction of his men. His arm slowly lifting, and then gesturing forward towards the palace as his men would rush the now fallen walls. Though, he himself, held his position. It wasn't his turn... oh, no... not yet.

Graham nodded after the pat. He prayed and then raised his sword. "For Engranussia!" 

"FOR ENGRANUSSIA!" Adrian and the others would shout in unison. Their own weapons raising as the King turned to everyone.

"No matter what happens, this Kingdom shall not fall!"

Reaver pushed the doors open, flinching from the explosions before he would then take a look around. In front of him stood a pack of dire wolves. Four of them, not counting Rika. Their energy dark and their eyes... like fire. Looking to each wolf, Reaver's eyes continued to glow. Speaking their names like they themselves had told him.

(Sorry for the photo spam.)








"Famine..." Reaver took a deep breath, Rika standing beside him as she looked to them all. The black wolf, Death, studied them both as the others would stare. Reaver then closed his eyes.

"We haven't truly gotten a chance to talk... and right now, we only have a short time." Reaver stood tall, listening to the warfare going on around him as he growled. "You guys know why you're here, don't y'? You all love this sort of thing. So--"

Death snarled, Reaver snarling in return as his eyes flashed. "DO AS YOU CAME FOR AND TARE THE INTRUDERS INTO SOMETHING UNRECOGNISABLE." Death paused from the shout, his own eyes flashing before he'd then turn and sprint into battle. The others quickly following to do the same.
Adrian glanced down to Shai, smiling a small bit as he'd reach down and ruffle her hair - pausing when he'd heard a loud, explosion-like bang from outside. He'd then slowly stand, looking to the doorway as Reaver growled.

"They're here..." Val would speak.

Reaver watched the door, soon briefly glancing to the window as he'd seen several red eyes in the distance. To this, he couldn't help but smirk. "And so are my wolves." And, heading to the back doors with Rika, he patted Graham on the shoulder in passing. Slightly hoping he'd follow.

@Forever J


Lucifel grinned as the gates were stormed, already having sent the messenger back to inform Apolis to purge the gates at her side. Dismounting his wolf, he'd pat it's side and wait for an opening to be made.

@Daniel reaving@TheCountryWarrior

She would immediately hug the kings leg tightly at the sound of the boom fear now coursing through her as she stared at the door 


apolis quickly listened to the orders and in seconds all her men were charging the walls and gates, many carrying massive ladders to set up against the walls and climbs, others in siege towers and the rest collecting around there ram that was bashing its way against the door to break in while the towers and ladders got to the walls and men flooded up and onto the city walls killing as they went
She would immediately hug the kings leg tightly at the sound of the boom fear now coursing through her as she stared at the door 


apolis quickly listened to the orders and in seconds all her men were charging the walls and gates, many carrying massive ladders to set up against the walls and climbs, others in siege towers and the rest collecting around there ram that was bashing its way against the door to break in while the towers and ladders got to the walls and men flooded up and onto the city walls killing as they went

Adrian would softly stroke Shai's hair before looking to her and speaking. His free hand gesturing to his throne. "Stay close t' the throne, and away from any doors or windows, alright?"

Dominic rushed into the room, panting slightly as he spoke. "The walls have been breached, your majesty! What are your orders?"

"Have several guards protect this room. This is one of the only safe places for the women and children to take refuge." Adrian would reply, looking to Dominic as he then glanced to the Queen, before heading for the doors the moment his leg was released.

"I'll start cuttin' down anyone trying t' force their way in." Chloe had then removed her rapier from it's sheathe. The blade giving off somewhat of a shine as she'd salute to the others. "Captain Chloe, ready t' serve." And, as she grinned, she'd exit the throne room via one of the windows. Her feet landing in the snow as she'd laugh and began to cut down anyone in her way. They didn't call this young pirate captain a brilliant swordsmen, for nothing.

Val would watch her go before following the King and Queen out. Her idea solely on the purpose of protecting the two.

Reaver watched his wolves. Two of them going for the men storming the walls and the other two going after both the undead and the blighters. The wolves having held a certain... immunity to them in their fearlessness and genetics.

Quickly, Rika looked to Reaver. Barking before she also ran off to fight. Reaver nodding and watching her go before widening his eyes and turning to block a blow from a blade, with his own blade. His teeth clenching as he'd kick the blighter backward. His gaze not catching the other one creeping up from behind.

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior
Graham did a leaping somersault onto the blighter behind Reaver and ran the tip of his blade across its neck. The cut bubbled for a few seconds before the whole blighter dissolved into nothing but ash. Graham looked to his blade, the blood coating the sword before being sucked into the blade. It was almost as if the sword came alive and drank the blood of its surface. Graham snickered before then cutting down the others, leaving nothing but ashes in his wake. 

Graham did a leaping somersault onto the blighter behind Reaver and ran the tip of his blade across its neck. The cut bubbled for a few seconds before the whole blighter dissolved into nothing but ash. Graham looked to his blade, the blood coating the sword before being sucked into the blade. It was almost as if the sword came alive and drank the blood of its surface. Graham snickered before then cutting down the others, leaving nothing but ashes in his wake. 


Reaver turned at the sound of Graham's attack. A smirk on his face before he'd then move forward and take on yet another blighter, with his fingers nervously dancing on the trigger of the blade in his hands soon after. His glowing eyes would scan the area briefly before he'd remove his hand cannon. The crevices of the black metal gun, like shown a few days before, having lit up a fire-like orange. And, after listening to the charge, Reaver would jump back and fire at one of the blighters. The bullet exploding on impact and, as per result, as did the blighter. The bits of the creature taking out several others, as well. Grinning, he'd then inhale before glancing to his gun and heading to one of the spare, hidden fuel tanks that had been tucked away beside the exterior palace wall. Filling the small tank made in the blade while taking out a few more attackers with his gun while he'd wait.
Reaver turned at the sound of Graham's attack. A smirk on his face before he'd then move forward and take on yet another blighter, with his fingers nervously dancing on the trigger of the blade in his hands soon after. His glowing eyes would scan the area briefly before he'd remove his hand cannon. The crevices of the black metal gun, like shown a few days before, having lit up a fire-like orange. And, after listening to the charge, Reaver would jump back and fire at one of the blighters. The bullet exploding on impact and, as per result, as did the blighter. The bits of the creature taking out several others, as well. Grinning, he'd then inhale before glancing to his gun and heading to one of the spare, hidden fuel tanks that had been tucked away beside the exterior palace wall. Filling the small tank made in the blade while taking out a few more attackers with his gun while he'd wait.

Graham continued to rip apart blighter from blighter, aiming his way to where he saw Lucifel last.
Graham continued to rip apart blighter from blighter, aiming his way to where he saw Lucifel last.

Once the tank was filled, Reaver would stand and follow while picking up the slack. Holding back on pulling the trigger on his sword as he'd growl.

Lucifel listened and watched. A grin still present on his face. 'You should get a move on and head in before you're confronted.' 'Now, what fun would that be? I've got time t' spare before I need t' head in, so why not make it entertaining?' his fingers would tap against the hilt of Armageddon, Promise of Darkness as he'd leisurely stood and awaited. His gaze on the gate.
Once the tank was filled, Reaver would stand and follow while picking up the slack. Holding back on pulling the trigger on his sword as he'd growl.

Lucifel listened and watched. A grin still present on his face. 'You should get a move on and head in before you're confronted.' 'Now, what fun would that be? I've got time t' spare before I need t' head in, so why not make it entertaining?' his fingers would tap against the hilt of Armageddon, Promise of Darkness as he'd leisurely stood and awaited. His gaze on the gate.

Graham made his way to Lucifel and rested his sword on his side, it glinted in the sun as he squinted at Lucifel before him. "Hey Luc-yyyyy~. Haven't seen you in a while. How's it been?" 
Graham made his way to Lucifel and rested his sword on his side, it glinted in the sun as he squinted at Lucifel before him. "Hey Luc-yyyyy~. Haven't seen you in a while. How's it been?" 

Reaver stopped beside Graham, staying quiet as he'd glare to Lucifel, whom laughed gently as he'd clap his hands together once.

"It has been a while, hasn't it?" He'd then separate his hands, closing his eyes as he'd grin - like this whole thing was some sort of twisted kids game. "Just been making new friends, is all. Thought I'd bring them by t'... show them off."
Reaver stopped beside Graham, staying quiet as he'd glare to Lucifel, whom laughed gently as he'd clap his hands together once.

"It has been a while, hasn't it?" He'd then separate his hands, closing his eyes as he'd grin - like this whole thing was some sort of twisted kids game. "Just been making new friends, is all. Thought I'd bring them by t'... show them off."

Graham quirked his eyebrow, keeping a straight face and did what he was best known for. Annoy. "Why?"
Graham quirked his eyebrow, keeping a straight face and did what he was best known for. Annoy. "Why?"

Lucifel quirked his brow at this, looking over as he'd outstretch his arms a bit. "Why, to deliver a gift, of course! A late Valhalla Day present, if you will. And, don't worry. If this doesn't sate your greedy little ideals and celebrations, what I've got planned towards the end certainly will." his voice lowered into a dark growl within his throat as he would glare.
Lucifel quirked his brow at this, looking over as he'd outstretch his arms a bit. "Why, to deliver a gift, of course! A late Valhalla Day present, if you will. And, don't worry. If this doesn't sate your greedy little ideals and celebrations, what I've got planned towards the end certainly will." his voice lowered into a dark growl within his throat as he would glare.

Graham kept his straight face. "Why?"

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