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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Abel patted Dada's chest. "Dwisty Dada!"

"Hmm? Dwisty?" Dei-Loki questioned, but kept a smile.

(I feel bad because I can't, for the life of me, figure out what Abel meant. Forgive me. XD ;w; )
"Hmm? Dwisty?" Dei-Loki questioned, but kept a smile.

(I feel bad because I can't, for the life of me, figure out what Abel meant. Forgive me. XD ;w; )

Masaru snickered, "thirsty. For their speech impediment, toddlers usually can't pronounce the TH sound so it becomes a D and r is always turned into a heavy W."

(Thank you, Masaru, for the lesson XD)
Masaru snickered, "thirsty. For their speech impediment, toddlers usually can't pronounce the TH sound so it becomes a D and r is always turned into a heavy W."

(Thank you, Masaru, for the lesson XD)

Dei-Loki 'ohhed', feeling a bit foolish for not knowing as he walked to the drinks before crouching so both Abel and Meara could grab their drinks. "Were we like that?" Dei-Loki asked in the direction of Adrian and Zuzana while Meara grabbed her apple juice.

"Mhmm." Zuzana nodded, smiling off at the memory.
Dei-Loki 'ohhed', feeling a bit foolish for not knowing as he walked to the drinks before crouching so both Abel and Meara could grab their drinks. "Were we like that?" Dei-Loki asked in the direction of Adrian and Zuzana while Meara grabbed her apple juice.

"Mhmm." Zuzana nodded, smiling off at the memory.

Abel also grabbed his apple juice and began to drink as he watched his Daddy come to Zuzu's side with a twisted smile. "Can you please tell me more of what Dei was like as a kid? I love those stories."

(Evil fox is evil XD)
Abel also grabbed his apple juice and began to drink as he watched his Daddy come to Zuzu's side with a twisted smile. "Can you please tell me more of what Dei was like as a kid? I love those stories."

(Evil fox is evil XD)

Zuzana looked over to Masaru, smiling wide before Dei-Loki quickly would slide over with the kids. "Pls nooo."
"Pls so." Masaru grinned sweetly with his tails wagging in the background as if he was the cutest piece of shit ever.

Zuzana pouted from this, smiling soon after. "How can I say no to talking about memories!?"

"Maaam!" Dei-Loki whined.

"Shhhh." Zuzana patted Dei-Loki's head before tapping her chin in thought. "Let's see... there's always the first camping trip?"

Dei-Loki hung his head, trying to hide behind his kids. "Eeeeh."
Zuzana pouted from this, smiling soon after. "How can I say no to talking about memories!?"

"Maaam!" Dei-Loki whined.

"Shhhh." Zuzana patted Dei-Loki's head before tapping her chin in thought. "Let's see... there's always the first camping trip?"

Dei-Loki hung his head, trying to hide behind his kids. "Eeeeh."
Abel watched how happy Masaru got at the start of the new story. "Go on, please."
Abel watched how happy Masaru got at the start of the new story. "Go on, please."

Zuzana held a bright smile, closing her eyes. "Well! It was the first warm day of the season, typical day that we'd go up to the campground. And this little guy over here, along with his sister, would waste no time picking every berry they'd see on the way up." As she spoke, she gestured to the hiding Dei, as well as Malvo who'd just chose to listen.
Zuzana held a bright smile, closing her eyes. "Well! It was the first warm day of the season, typical day that we'd go up to the campground. And this little guy over here, along with his sister, would waste no time picking every berry they'd see on the way up." As she spoke, she gestured to the hiding Dei, as well as Malvo who'd just chose to listen.

Yuki got close with the most adorable, curious look on her face as she stayed by her brother's side in aw at the story being told.
Yuki got close with the most adorable, curious look on her face as she stayed by her brother's side in aw at the story being told.

Dei-Loki fell to a gentle sit, still holding the kids as Malvo sat beside them.

Zuzana snickered at the grabbed attention, continuing. "It wasn't just the edible kind, either. They'd even go for the dangerous ones. Poor little dears had belly aches by the time we got up there. Didn't last too long, though, since they'd felt good enough t'help their father and the dorkles set up camp... when they weren't distracted by trying to catch the lizards on the rocks and in the leaves that is."

Adrian listened, smiling proudly from the taught act as he'd jump in on the storytelling. "That was the day they'd caught a couple of salamanders and they couldn't remember what t' call them, so they just said the ones they caught would 'gwow up ta be Chawzawds!'"

Dei-Loki fell to a gentle sit, still holding the kids as Malvo sat beside them.

Zuzana snickered at the grabbed attention, continuing. "It wasn't just the edible kind, either. They'd even go for the dangerous ones. Poor little dears had belly aches by the time we got up there. Didn't last too long, though, since they'd felt good enough t'help their father and the dorkles set up camp... when they weren't distracted by trying to catch the lizards on the rocks and in the leaves that is."

Adrian listened, smiling proudly from the taught act as he'd jump in on the storytelling. "That was the day they'd caught a couple of salamanders and they couldn't remember what t' call them, so they just said the ones they caught would 'gwow up ta be Chawzawds!'"



The Oshiro sibligns awed before looking to the twins. "THEY"RE SO CUTE!"

The Oshiro sibligns awed before looking to the twins. "THEY"RE SO CUTE!"

Dei and Malvo groaned at that, Dei-Loki hanging his head as Meara patted his cheek.

"That was also the day we almost didn't get to eat because Malvo freaked out as we were about to behead the fish that we caught."

Malvo widened her eyes, looking to Dei as she lowered her ears. "They deserved t'go more soothingly, if we had t' eat!"
Dei and Malvo groaned at that, Dei-Loki hanging his head as Meara patted his cheek.

"That was also the day we almost didn't get to eat because Malvo freaked out as we were about to behead the fish that we caught."

Malvo widened her eyes, looking to Dei as she lowered her ears. "They deserved t'go more soothingly, if we had t' eat!"

Yuki awed, "you are soooooooooo adorable!"

Masaru shook his head, "should've wrung it by the throat. All fish deserve to be in my belly one way or another."
Yuki awed, "you are soooooooooo adorable!"

Masaru shook his head, "should've wrung it by the throat. All fish deserve to be in my belly one way or another."

Malvo brought her hands to her cheeks, smiling to Yuki's awing before squinting to Masaru. "At least do it nicely! The fish didn't ask to be eaten!"

(AH, I LOVE HER SO MUCH. I might love eating meat no matter what but I STILL LOVE HER! )
Malvo brought her hands to her cheeks, smiling to Yuki's awing before squinting to Masaru. "At least do it nicely! The fish didn't ask to be eaten!"

(AH, I LOVE HER SO MUCH. I might love eating meat no matter what but I STILL LOVE HER! )


Yuki awed even more as Masaru shook his head. "Fish are fish! They should've adapted if they didn't want to be eaten! It's all about survival of the fittest!"

Yuki awed even more as Masaru shook his head. "Fish are fish! They should've adapted if they didn't want to be eaten! It's all about survival of the fittest!"

Dei-Loki looked up and off at the thought. "I wonder if there are fish out there with spears, swords and such... gladiator fish. They get their own coliseum where they all fight for the amusement of the fish emperor... OH MY GODS, THAT MEANS THERE COULD BE A FISH VERSION OF HERCULES. He'd better have hair and muscles! And he better have a seahorse as a best friend! Yes! A fish with anchor arms and a seahorse named Pegasus, fighting Hades, who would be an angler fish." He'd then widen his eyes at the path his mind took as Meara giggled.

"Dada's mind is siwwy." Meara would state, sipping her apple juice.

("I was a wimp before anchor arms. Now I'm a jerk and everybody loves me!")
Dei-Loki looked up and off at the thought. "I wonder if there are fish out there with spears, swords and such... gladiator fish. They get their own coliseum where they all fight for the amusement of the fish emperor... OH MY GODS, THAT MEANS THERE COULD BE A FISH VERSION OF HERCULES. He'd better have hair and muscles! And he better have a seahorse as a best friend! Yes! A fish with anchor arms and a seahorse named Pegasus, fighting Hades, who would be an angler fish." He'd then widen his eyes at the path his mind took as Meara giggled.

"Dada's mind is siwwy." Meara would state, sipping her apple juice.

("I was a wimp before anchor arms. Now I'm a jerk and everybody loves me!")

(XD you and your god damn spongebob references i swear)

Abel giggled as well. "Siwwy Dada!"

Masaru blinked at his mate, "maybe we should take you to a mental hospital one day."
(XD you and your god damn spongebob references i swear)

Abel giggled as well. "Siwwy Dada!"

Masaru blinked at his mate, "maybe we should take you to a mental hospital one day."

(You know you love the references! XD )

Dei-Loki snickered from the giggling, glancing to Masaru as he blinked. "But I don't want anymore medication!"
"I definitely don't like it when you're on meds." He shook his head as he brought Dei into a hug.

Dei-Loki sneefled, leaning into the hug with a smile. "Thank y' fer accepting the real meee."

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