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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Grant kept his grin from the patting as he'd close his golden eyes. "How do you do?"

"Fine kind sir!" Abel kept patting his cheeks.

Masaru sighed, "that's it! No more spending time with Uncle Devus."

Abel then patted his own cheeks, making a hollow sound.
"Fine kind sir!" Abel kept patting his cheeks.

Masaru sighed, "that's it! No more spending time with Uncle Devus."

Abel then patted his own cheeks, making a hollow sound.

(I do that too. The cheek patting to make the hollow sound.
XD )

Grant gave a joyous laugh, glancing back and forth between them both before kissing Abel's head. "To precious for words."

Dei-Loki quietly cooed as he watched them all, softly setting the trays on the table.
(I do that too. The cheek patting to make the hollow sound.
XD )

Grant gave a joyous laugh, glancing back and forth between them both before kissing Abel's head. "To precious for words."

Dei-Loki quietly cooed as he watched them all, softly setting the trays on the table.


Abel smiled softly at the kiss before waving at his sister and great Grandma. "Hewwo!"
Meara smiled wide, waving back to her brother. "Hiiii!"

Aileen snickered before leaning over and kissing her other baby's forehead who smiled warmly at that. "So cute, both you are."

"We know." Abel said honestly.

Masaru pointed to Dei. "He taught em' that."
Aileen snickered before leaning over and kissing her other baby's forehead who smiled warmly at that. "So cute, both you are."

"We know." Abel said honestly.

Masaru pointed to Dei. "He taught em' that."

Meara nodded in agreement to Abel with a smile, Grant having laughed as he'd glance to Masaru and Dei. "I thought that sounded familiar!"

Dei-Loki snickered sheepishly, a smile on his face as he'd close his eyes, place his hands behind his back and rock on his feet. "Gotta embrace the positives about yerself. 's what mam taught me."
Meara nodded in agreement to Abel with a smile, Grant having laughed as he'd glance to Masaru and Dei. "I thought that sounded familiar!"

Dei-Loki snickered sheepishly, a smile on his face as he'd close his eyes, place his hands behind his back and rock on his feet. "Gotta embrace the positives about yerself. 's what mam taught me."

Abel nodded, "Dada says wock youh confidench lek a wockstaw." (I tried)
Abel nodded, "Dada says wock youh confidench lek a wockstaw." (I tried)


Dei-Loki beamed happily at that while Meara nodded in agreement and Grant awed.

"That's good advice. Very good advice, indeed."

Dei-Loki beamed happily at that while Meara nodded in agreement and Grant awed.

"That's good advice. Very good advice, indeed."

Masaru looked to Dei. "What did i say about taking our son to rock festivals? He shouldn't be listening to Avenged Sevenfold until he's at lest sixteen!"

(This idea is oddly adorable.)
Masaru looked to Dei. "What did i say about taking our son to rock festivals? He shouldn't be listening to Avenged Sevenfold until he's at lest sixteen!"

(This idea is oddly adorable.)

Dei-Loki raised his brows, looking up to Masaru with an innocent smile on his face. "C'mooooon, they're a great band!"
Masaru looked to Dei. "You're grounded."

Dei-Loki snorted, grinning teasingly, "YER NOT MY DAD!"

Meara watched her parents for a moment before looking to the doorway as Adrian eventually made his way back in. "Haiw t' tha keeng!"

Adrian no sooner blinked at that, looking over as he placed a hand on his chest with a big smile.


Dei-Loki blinked at that, pointing to Adrian as he looked up at Masaru. "Ya gonna ground him, too?"
Dei-Loki snorted, grinning teasingly, "YER NOT MY DAD!"

Meara watched her parents for a moment before looking to the doorway as Adrian eventually made his way back in. "Haiw t' tha keeng!"

Adrian no sooner blinked at that, looking over as he placed a hand on his chest with a big smile.


Dei-Loki blinked at that, pointing to Adrian as he looked up at Masaru. "Ya gonna ground him, too?"


Masaru pointed his finger at Adrian. "AND YOU"RE ALSO GROUNDED!"

Abel pointed his finger at Adrian as he stayed in Grant's arm. "Gwounded miwstah!"

Masaru pointed his finger at Adrian. "AND YOU"RE ALSO GROUNDED!"

Abel pointed his finger at Adrian as he stayed in Grant's arm. "Gwounded miwstah!"

Adrian raised his brows, raising his hands a bit with a smirk. "Wha'did I do?"
"Aiding the little ones in rock music when they're too young! They should be listening to kid music!"

(-blasts Sesame Street theme-)

Adrian blinked, tossing his hands up. "Like what? Nursery rhymes? Those are dark! Like-- Reavy, say one of the ones you remember."

Reaver perked up from beside Graham. "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house is on fire, and yer children are home." Reaver glanced about. "... I'm a safe Pyro, tho. I evacuate places before burning them."

Adrian stared for a moment before looking to Malvo the moment Malvo spoke up.

"They can be educational, too, though. Like the one t' protect kid's from playing on train tracks."

Dei-Loki perked up at the reminder as he sang out. "Mickey on the railway, picking up stones.
Down came an engine, and broke Mickey's bones.
Said the Mickey.
"That's not fair!"
"OH!" Said the engine driver, "I don't care!""
As Dei sang, Meara giggled and clapped along with the beat. "I guess y' have a point. Besides, who could forget the piรจce de rรฉsistance, Miss 'EveryYellowBirdIsBigBurd'~?" Dei-Loki glanced over to Malvo with a biiiiiig smile. Malvo stared.

"Please no."

Dei-Loki beamed, skipping over to Malvo and then around her as he'd hop around to the beat. "It's a magic carpet riiiiide~
Every door will open wiiiide~"

"Dei! I just got this out of my head!"

"To happy people like youuuuu~!"


"Happy people like--~!"


"What a beautiful--~!" Dei-Loki tossed an arm around his sister with a big doofy yet mischievous grin.

"AH!" Malvo pouted for a moment before giving in as a child-like smile formed on her face. "SUUUNNYDAAAAY!




Can ya tell me how t' get, how t' get t' Sesame Streeeeeeet~!?

To the singing of them both, Meara continued to laugh and clap, as well as wiggle in Aileen's arms a bit to dance.
(-blasts Sesame Street theme-)

Adrian blinked, tossing his hands up. "Like what? Nursery rhymes? Those are dark! Like-- Reavy, say one of the ones you remember."

Reaver perked up from beside Graham. "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house is on fire, and yer children are home." Reaver glanced about. "... I'm a safe Pyro, tho. I evacuate places before burning them."

Adrian stared for a moment before looking to Malvo the moment Malvo spoke up.

"They can be educational, too, though. Like the one t' protect kid's from playing on train tracks."

Dei-Loki perked up at the reminder as he sang out. "Mickey on the railway, picking up stones.
Down came an engine, and broke Mickey's bones.
Said the Mickey.
"That's not fair!"
"OH!" Said the engine driver, "I don't care!""
As Dei sang, Meara giggled and clapped along with the beat. "I guess y' have a point. Besides, who could forget the piรจce de rรฉsistance, Miss 'EveryYellowBirdIsBigBurd'~?" Dei-Loki glanced over to Malvo with a biiiiiig smile. Malvo stared.

"Please no."

Dei-Loki beamed, skipping over to Malvo and then around her as he'd hop around to the beat. "It's a magic carpet riiiiide~
Every door will open wiiiide~"

"Dei! I just got this out of my head!"

"To happy people like youuuuu~!"


"Happy people like--~!"


"What a beautiful--~!" Dei-Loki tossed an arm around his sister with a big doofy yet mischievous grin.

"AH!" Malvo pouted for a moment before giving in as a child-like smile formed on her face. "SUUUNNYDAAAAY!




Can ya tell me how t' get, how t' get t' Sesame Streeeeeeet~!?

To the singing of them both, Meara continued to laugh and clap, as well as wiggle in Aileen's arms a bit to dance.

Abel laughed as well, putting his arms out to be held by Dei.

Masaru blinked, he turned to the twins. "Now that song is nice . . . wait what's Sesame Street? Please tell me it's not like the red light district. Stop singing songs about illegal things!"
Abel laughed as well, putting his arms out to be held by Dei.

Masaru blinked, he turned to the twins. "Now that song is nice . . . wait what's Sesame Street? Please tell me it's not like the red light district. Stop singing songs about illegal things!"

Heading over, Dei would gently take Abel from Grant before kissing Abel's head and dancing with him in his arms as he'd look over to Masaru with a smile. "It's not, I promise." He'd then continue to hum the beat as he'd also gently take Meara - dancing with them both. "Cooome and plaaay,
Friendly neighbours there, that's where we'll beee~!
Can ya tell me how t'get,
How t' get to--"

He glanced down to the kids for them to finish the sentence to see if they learned.
Heading over, Dei would gently take Abel from Grant before kissing Abel's head and dancing with him in his arms as he'd look over to Masaru with a smile. "It's not, I promise." He'd then continue to hum the beat as he'd also gently take Meara - dancing with them both. "Cooome and plaaay,
Friendly neighbours there, that's where we'll beee~!
Can ya tell me how t'get,
How t' get to--"

He glanced down to the kids for them to finish the sentence to see if they learned.

"Sesamah sweet!" Abel shouted. He laughed before putting his head against his Dad's chest.
"Sesamah sweet!" Abel shouted. He laughed before putting his head against his Dad's chest.

Meara shouted it the same way, tossing her hands into the air with a giggle as Dei-Loki awed and kissed their heads, keeping them close while he'd nod. "'s close enough fer now!"

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