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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

(I gotta do dis.)

"Don't be sorry. I know how much of a buttface Massie can be." Kathleen snickered.



Masaru furrowed his eyebrows. Buttface not getting to him as much as Massie. "YOU"RE LUCKY THAT I LIKE YOU, LADY!"

Masaru furrowed his eyebrows. Buttface not getting to him as much as Massie. "YOU"RE LUCKY THAT I LIKE YOU, LADY!"

Kathleen then gave an innocent smile at that, holding back a snicker. "AH! I'm liked!" She'd then laugh when Adrian hugged her.

"Of course y'are! Yer mama!" Adrian beamed.

(Only three people Adrian could ever truly be sappy to in public.
Zuzu, Mama Aileen and Mama Kathleen.
His kids, too, but that's only when they're sayod. XD )
Kathleen then gave an innocent smile at that, holding back a snicker. "AH! I'm liked!" She'd then laugh when Adrian hugged her.

"Of course y'are! Yer mama!" Adrian beamed.

(Only three people Adrian could ever truly be sappy to in public.
Zuzu, Mama Aileen and Mama Kathleen.
His kids, too, but that's only when they're sayod. XD )
(SO SAAAAAAAYOD XD THAT"S SWEET THO! I'm okay with that. Makes it even more special)

Masaru smiled, "of course you are. It's hard to dislike your weirdly optimistic attitude. Although sometimes i want to throw up the rainbows that you give me with that god damn sunshine personality of yours."
(SO SAAAAAAAYOD XD THAT"S SWEET THO! I'm okay with that. Makes it even more special)

Masaru smiled, "of course you are. It's hard to dislike your weirdly optimistic attitude. Although sometimes i want to throw up the rainbows that you give me with that god damn sunshine personality of yours."

(YEEE. ;W; )

Kathleen scoffed after she kissed Adrian's head following the affection she'd been shown. "Keep the rainbows down, grumpy. Better to be happy than grumbling."

"No! You will smile!"

"Y'd best listen t' mama. She'll kick yer butt." Adrian smirked.

Masaru sighed before a demonic type smirk appeared on his face as his eyes turn into the cold, blank inkiness. "There's your smiiiiiiiile~."
Masaru sighed before a demonic type smirk appeared on his face as his eyes turn into the cold, blank inkiness. "There's your smiiiiiiiile~."

Kathleen blinked, sighing soon after. "I guess that's the best I'll get for now. Don't think I'm giving up, though!"

"I think they're in here." Chloe blinked, poking her head into the library and smiling before she looked back out. "See!? I told ya! And you guys said I couldn't track."

Zuzana blinked, looking into the library as she'd smile before looking to Chloe again. "Tracking doesn't count if you're following the voices."

"It does so!" Chloe remarked before turning and yelling out; "GRAHAM, I FOUND 'EM!"

Adrian instantly perked at his wife's voice, standing up as he'd quickly gesture her to come over. "Zuzu-Bear! C'mereC'mereC'meeeere!" He beamed like a child, Zuzana heading over to his side as she'd raise her brows once she spotted Kathleen.

"Is that-?"


Dei-Loki watched, a warm smile on his face as he'd head over and whisper to Malvo. "Guess we can do the all of the surprises here."

Malvo nodded to this, whispering in return. "Just keep our powers balanced and we'll be okay. Let's wait a small bit more, though. Just so it isn't overwhelming." Dei nodded in agreement.
Kathleen blinked, sighing soon after. "I guess that's the best I'll get for now. Don't think I'm giving up, though!"

"I think they're in here." Chloe blinked, poking her head into the library and smiling before she looked back out. "See!? I told ya! And you guys said I couldn't track."

Zuzana blinked, looking into the library as she'd smile before looking to Chloe again. "Tracking doesn't count if you're following the voices."

"It does so!" Chloe remarked before turning and yelling out; "GRAHAM, I FOUND 'EM!"

Adrian instantly perked at his wife's voice, standing up as he'd quickly gesture her to come over. "Zuzu-Bear! C'mereC'mereC'meeeere!" He beamed like a child, Zuzana heading over to his side as she'd raise her brows once she spotted Kathleen.

"Is that-?"


Dei-Loki watched, a warm smile on his face as he'd head over and whisper to Malvo. "Guess we can do the all of the surprises here."

Malvo nodded to this, whispering in return. "Just keep our powers balanced and we'll be okay. Let's wait a small bit more, though. Just so it isn't overwhelming." Dei nodded in agreement.

Masaru turned back to normal as Graham came in before quirking his brow, "wait a second! Umm . .. DID I HAVE A BAD BROWNIE!?"
Masaru turned back to normal as Graham came in before quirking his brow, "wait a second! Umm . .. DID I HAVE A BAD BROWNIE!?"

While Adrian introduced Zuzana, Chloe blinked her brother's comment before looking back into the library with wide eyes. "Not unless I had one, too." She'd then head to Valerie's side while Kathleen watched them all with a smile.

Reaver quickly shook his head, rushing over before gently dragging Graham closer. "Nope! No bad brownies!" He'd then stop in front of Kathleen, holding Graham's hand in his own. "Mama, this is Graham. My hubby I told ya about." He'd state proudly before looking to Graham with a soft smile on his face while it had been clear that Reaver had previously been crying by the redness of his eyes. "And Graham, this is mama..."
While Adrian introduced Zuzana, Chloe blinked her brother's comment before looking back into the library with wide eyes. "Not unless I had one, too." She'd then head to Valerie's side while Kathleen watched them all with a smile.

Reaver quickly shook his head, rushing over before gently dragging Graham closer. "Nope! No bad brownies!" He'd then stop in front of Kathleen, holding Graham's hand in his own. "Mama, this is Graham. My hubby I told ya about." He'd state proudly before looking to Graham with a soft smile on his face while it had been clear that Reaver had previously been crying by the redness of his eyes. "And Graham, this is mama..."

Graham watched his mate's teared eyed expression before looking back over to Kathleen. He stayed silent for a few seconds before opening his arms and surrounding her in a Cheshyre hug. "Ahhh, thank you! Thank you for giving me the best gift that i could ever ask for!" He then pulled her away to squish her cheeks. "Yes, this is definitely your mama! She's got the same cheeks as you!" He said sweetly, turning with a smile to his mate.

Valerie giggled before gently touching Kathleen's shoulder. "And this is the girl i was talking to you about. Chloe, if you couldn't tell already . . .that's my mama." She said softly.
Graham watched his mate's teared eyed expression before looking back over to Kathleen. He stayed silent for a few seconds before opening his arms and surrounding her in a Cheshyre hug. "Ahhh, thank you! Thank you for giving me the best gift that i could ever ask for!" He then pulled her away to squish her cheeks. "Yes, this is definitely your mama! She's got the same cheeks as you!" He said sweetly, turning with a smile to his mate.

Valerie giggled before gently touching Kathleen's shoulder. "And this is the girl i was talking to you about. Chloe, if you couldn't tell already . . .that's my mama." She said softly.


Kathleen raised her brows, laughing as she'd return the famous hug with her own hug before giggling as he'd squish her cheeks. "I should be thanking you for making my baby so happy." Reaver smiled a bit wider at Kathleen's words, snickering softly. Kathleen would then gently turn her head at the gentle hand on her shoulder - looking to Chloe, who'd smile wide.

"AH! It's a pleasure! I've heard a lotta good things about ya."

Kathleen giggled gently. "I would hope so. It's wonderful to meet you all finally."

Kathleen raised her brows, laughing as she'd return the famous hug with her own hug before giggling as he'd squish her cheeks. "I should be thanking you for making my baby so happy." Reaver smiled a bit wider at Kathleen's words, snickering softly. Kathleen would then gently turn her head at the gentle hand on her shoulder - looking to Chloe, who'd smile wide.

"AH! It's a pleasure! I've heard a lotta good things about ya."

Kathleen giggled gently. "I would hope so. It's wonderful to meet you all finally."


Graham smiled before going back to wrapping his arms around Reaver. "And are you okay?"

Graham smiled before going back to wrapping his arms around Reaver. "And are you okay?"

Reaver nodded, leaning into Graham's hold as he'd bring his arms around him with a happy, sincere nod. "I'm okay." He'd then peek over to Dei and Malvo. "Thank you guys so much..."

Dei-Loki gave a smile and a snicker as he'd nod, Malvo doing the same before she'd put her hands behind her back.

"Ya don't think this is the only gift we got ya guys, right?"

Reaver nodded, leaning into Graham's hold as he'd bring his arms around him with a happy, sincere nod. "I'm okay." He'd then peek over to Dei and Malvo. "Thank you guys so much..."

Dei-Loki gave a smile and a snicker as he'd nod, Malvo doing the same before she'd put her hands behind her back.

"Ya don't think this is the only gift we got ya guys, right?"



Everyone looked over to that. "Whatya mean?" Graham asked.

Everyone looked over to that. "Whatya mean?" Graham asked.

Reaver and the others did the same as Dei and Malvo looked to each other as they nodded to one and other.

Dei-Loki then grinned widely as he looked to the others - dancing in place from the hype. "Fer bein' the best family we've ever had,"

Malvo grinned wider, heading to the doorway as Dei-Loki followed to stand at the other end of the door frame. "And fer puttin' up with us both, and givin' us the love we nether thought we'd ever get,"

"We're pleased t' say that we used the power we both gained from Loki in the last war to bring back three family members and revive them completely."

The twins gestured to the doorway with both hands, Grant slowly stepping in with a joyous, familiar laugh from the entrance speech - holding his arms out wide while everyone stated with wide eyes.

"Leave it to the grandkids for the best openings. Alright! I expect the biggest of hugs! Give me your best!"
Reaver and the others did the same as Dei and Malvo looked to each other as they nodded to one and other.

Dei-Loki then grinned widely as he looked to the others - dancing in place from the hype. "Fer bein' the best family we've ever had,"

Malvo grinned wider, heading to the doorway as Dei-Loki followed to stand at the other end of the door frame. "And fer puttin' up with us both, and givin' us the love we nether thought we'd ever get,"

"We're pleased t' say that we used the power we both gained from Loki in the last war to bring back three family members and revive them completely."

The twins gestured to the doorway with both hands, Grant slowly stepping in with a joyous, familiar laugh from the entrance speech - holding his arms out wide while everyone stated with wide eyes.

"Leave it to the grandkids for the best openings. Alright! I expect the biggest of hugs! Give me your best!"

Aileen giggled as she had her arms wrapped around Grant's arm. "Well ain't my sweet, little bugs!"

Graham seemed to lock up in the spot, his face white as a ghost as he was utterly shaking at the sight. He then fell to the floor, tears and snot dripping onto the ground as he sobbed in a curled position. "IT CAN"T BE! IT CAN"T BE! OH GODS MAKE THIS SICK JOKE GO AWAY!"

Aileen giggled as she had her arms wrapped around Grant's arm. "Well ain't my sweet, little bugs!"

Graham seemed to lock up in the spot, his face white as a ghost as he was utterly shaking at the sight. He then fell to the floor, tears and snot dripping onto the ground as he sobbed in a curled position. "IT CAN"T BE! IT CAN"T BE! OH GODS MAKE THIS SICK JOKE GO AWAY!"


(Totally not crying like the General right now.
Totally not.)

Reaver whined loudly once Graham hit the floor, huffing loudly and pulling him up into a comforting hug as his own tears returned to his eyes, staring at the two in the doorway. "M-Mama Aileen?.. Papa Grant?.."

Adrian stared, looking to Zuzana before watching her slowly head over as Chloe had followed.

Chloe quickly looked them over in disbelief, reaching out to touch their shoulders to make sure it wasn't just some twisted illusion. "... A-Are you guys ghosts?.."

After feeling a heavy blow to the heart once he noticed the tears of the boys, Grant glanced to Chloe before grinning. "... Nope, I'm dad."

Chloe no sooner whined, clinging to the both of them while Zuzana quickly had done the same as tears spilled from their eyes.
(Totally not crying like the General right now.
Totally not.)

Reaver whined loudly once Graham hit the floor, huffing loudly and pulling him up into a comforting hug as his own tears returned to his eyes, staring at the two in the doorway. "M-Mama Aileen?.. Papa Grant?.."

Adrian stared, looking to Zuzana before watching her slowly head over as Chloe had followed.

Chloe quickly looked them over in disbelief, reaching out to touch their shoulders to make sure it wasn't just some twisted illusion. "... A-Are you guys ghosts?.."

After feeling a heavy blow to the heart once he noticed the tears of the boys, Grant glanced to Chloe before grinning. "... Nope, I'm dad."

Chloe no sooner whined, clinging to the both of them while Zuzana quickly had done the same as tears spilled from their eyes.

Valerie looked to everyone crying and frowned. "Gods, kids, you do know how to make a good gift." She then gave a happy, sad smile. (ME!)

Graham leaned against Reaver's chest before looking up to his Dad. "IT IS YOU!" He then jumped out of Reaver's grasp and was practically death hugging his parents.

Aileen teared up, hugging her babies. "Ah! My sweet baby girls and handsome boy, mama missed you all!"
Valerie looked to everyone crying and frowned. "Gods, kids, you do know how to make a good gift." She then gave a happy, sad smile. (ME!)

Graham leaned against Reaver's chest before looking up to his Dad. "IT IS YOU!" He then jumped out of Reaver's grasp and was practically death hugging his parents.

Aileen teared up, hugging her babies. "Ah! My sweet baby girls and handsome boy, mama missed you all!"

Adrian nodded in agreement, heading over to gently help Reaver off the ground as Reaver sniffled and watched.

Grant oofed from all the hugging, his big arms wrapping around them all as he'd SQUEEEEZE.

"We missed you, too!" Zuzana whined, Chloe nodding as she sobbed.
Adrian nodded in agreement, heading over to gently help Reaver off the ground as Reaver sniffled and watched.

Grant oofed from all the hugging, his big arms wrapping around them all as he'd SQUEEEEZE.

"We missed you, too!" Zuzana whined, Chloe nodding as she sobbed.

Aileen reached out and kissed each one on the foreheads, even the Alaois children. "Beautiful babies. Grown up so nicely! Haven't they, papa bear?"
Aileen reached out and kissed each one on the foreheads, even the Alaois children. "Beautiful babies. Grown up so nicely! Haven't they, papa bear?"

Grant nodded to his wife, smiling proudly. "They're our kids after all." He'd then loosen the hug just a bit to pat Graham on the back while he'd speak in hopes to help ease up Graham's tears a bit. "You've got the true Cheshyre grip and build, now! You know that?"

Reaver sneefled again, using his sleeve to dry his tears after the forehead keess, quickly moving forward as he'd add to the hug, speaking into his own arm as he'd flatten his ears. "I've missed you guys..."


Dei-Loki and Malvo smiled wide as they watched the sad happiness that would flood the library.

"We did a good thing t'day, I think." Malvo stated, Dei-Loki nodding before blinking as he'd look to Malvo - who'd hold her arms open for a hug from her brother. Dei-Loki stared, no sooner sighing as he'd hold his arms out before yelping as Malvo tugged him into a tight hug.

"Aaaaaaaaair!" Dei-Loki flailed for a moment before grimacing as he'd tightly return the hug.

Some twin magick wolf bear love, too. ;w; )
Grant nodded to his wife, smiling proudly. "They're our kids after all." He'd then loosen the hug just a bit to pat Graham on the back while he'd speak in hopes to help ease up Graham's tears a bit. "You've got the true Cheshyre grip and build, now! You know that?"

Reaver sneefled again, using his sleeve to dry his tears after the forehead keess, quickly moving forward as he'd add to the hug, speaking into his own arm as he'd flatten his ears. "I've missed you guys..."


Dei-Loki and Malvo smiled wide as they watched the sad happiness that would flood the library.

"We did a good thing t'day, I think." Malvo stated, Dei-Loki nodding before blinking as he'd look to Malvo - who'd hold her arms open for a hug from her brother. Dei-Loki stared, no sooner sighing as he'd hold his arms out before yelping as Malvo tugged him into a tight hug.

"Aaaaaaaaair!" Dei-Loki flailed for a moment before grimacing as he'd tightly return the hug.

Some twin magick wolf bear love, too. ;w; )


Graham wiped his own tears away as well. "Y-Y-Y'taught me well, D-Dad." He gave a shaky sigh. "Gods, i'm a Gods damn mess. I'm sorry."
Aileen cupped her baby boy bear's cheek. "That's okay, sweetheart. It's perfectly fine to cry. Mama and Papa's here now. So go on and cry, all of you. Let it out, my buggeroos." Graham then let the tears fall again as he hugged his Mom. "Lovebug! I still need air!" She laughed which caused Graham to give a soft chuckle as well as he softened his hug.

Yuki giggled at the whole family's happiness.

Masaru moved back so that way he was alone with Kathleen. "So you're back, huh? For good, for good?"

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