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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Adrian nodded, sighing as he turned to Valerie before opening his arms like a broken man. "... C'mere."

(This is me possessing Adrian so he can feel things.)

(Possess awaaaaaaaay)

Valerie walked into his hug, sighing before putting her arms around him after hesitating a bit. "I just can't wait to get this done."
(Possess awaaaaaaaay)

Valerie walked into his hug, sighing before putting her arms around him after hesitating a bit. "I just can't wait to get this done."

Adrian would tightly wrap his arms around his sister, shakily exhaling. "Once it's done, it's done."
Valerie nodded before pulling away. "Go on now then. Let's get it done and over with."

Adrian nodded, turning as he'd slowly head up the stairs after putting his bat away. He'd then wipe the blood from his hands with a rag, heading up the stairs and into the kitchen with his tired eyes moving to Masaru. "Your turn. You've also got a tongue and an eye in a cooler down there that we saved for you. Happy holidays." He stated, numbness still in his tone as he'd then move his attention to Zuzana. "I thought you were asleep..."

"I couldn't after I heard what happened." Zuzana then slowly stood, gesturing him to come over as she'd hold an arm out.

"I'm covered in shit, Zuzu."

"I don't care. Come here."

Adrian sighed, moving forward and staring at Zuzana's shoulder as she'd pull him into a tight embrace.
Adrian nodded, turning as he'd slowly head up the stairs after putting his bat away. He'd then wipe the blood from his hands with a rag, heading up the stairs and into the kitchen with his tired eyes moving to Masaru. "Your turn. You've also got a tongue and an eye in a cooler down there that we saved for you. Happy holidays." He stated, numbness still in his tone as he'd then move his attention to Zuzana. "I thought you were asleep..."

"I couldn't after I heard what happened." Zuzana then slowly stood, gesturing him to come over as she'd hold an arm out.

"I'm covered in shit, Zuzu."

"I don't care. Come here."

Adrian sighed, moving forward and staring at Zuzana's shoulder as she'd pull him into a tight embrace.

Masaru looked up from his hands before nodding. "Am i finishing it up? Because I mad a promise to him that i'll fuck him up so bad that he won't even be able to feel pain when i'm done with him."

Masaru looked up from his hands before nodding. "Am i finishing it up? Because I mad a promise to him that i'll fuck him up so bad that he won't even be able to feel pain when i'm done with him."


"Not yet." Adrian stated, gently resting his chin on Zuzu's shoulder as he'd stare off to the distance. "We're gonna wait for Reaver and finish him t'gether, that way he isn't mad about missing out. Y'should see dad now, though, Masaru. He's a fucking mess." Through his talking, despite what he said, Adrian didn't sound proud - but he didn't sound displeased with himself, either. It was more of a blank statement.

Zuzana kissed Adrian's cheek gently, rubbing his back.

"Not yet." Adrian stated, gently resting his chin on Zuzu's shoulder as he'd stare off to the distance. "We're gonna wait for Reaver and finish him t'gether, that way he isn't mad about missing out. Y'should see dad now, though, Masaru. He's a fucking mess." Through his talking, despite what he said, Adrian didn't sound proud - but he didn't sound displeased with himself, either. It was more of a blank statement.

Zuzana kissed Adrian's cheek gently, rubbing his back.

Masaru sighed before he went downstairs and walked to Valerie. He then looked at the bloodied man before him. "Sorry love, guess i won't be able to what i wanted to do to you. I gotta share you with your children. But maybe in Shadowheim, i'll come for you, and i'll show you what pain really is like."
Masaru sighed before he went downstairs and walked to Valerie. He then looked at the bloodied man before him. "Sorry love, guess i won't be able to what i wanted to do to you. I gotta share you with your children. But maybe in Shadowheim, i'll come for you, and i'll show you what pain really is like."

Dei-Loki watched Masaru go, softly exhaling through his nose as he thought for a moment before standing as he'd gotten an idea. He'd no sooner quickly head off to find Malvo, his hands in his pockets.

(Have more Zudrian.
Some more Mama Beah and Woof.
I'll get a better ship name at some point.

Zuzana watched as everyone in the kitchen took leave before softly looking to Adrian again as she'd pull back and softly clean the blood from his face. "You can let it all go now, Adrian."

Adrian swallowed hard at that, shakily exhaling as a few tears escaped the eyes of the werewolf before he'd bury his face in Zuzana's shoulder. "I hurt, Zuzu-bear..."

"I know you do..." Zuzana brought her arms around Adrian's torso, holding him close to her as she'd slowly rock side to side with the male that stayed so strong for everyone else. Her cheek resting on Adrian's head as she'd softly hum to the larger male.

"You all are the best parts of me..." Adrian whined quietly, eyes winced shut as he'd move with his wife's soothing rocking. Zuzana smiling softly at this as she'd kiss the side of Adrian's head, speaking

"C'mon, wolfie. Grab what you want to drink and I'll hold you on the couch. Anyone comes in and gives you a hard time about it gets mama bear's famous glare." She softly patted Adrian's back, watching him pull away as Adrian gave a broken man's smile.

"You're too good to someone as horrible as me..."

Zuzana kissed the bridge of Adrian's nose as she'd keep that warm, loving smile. "You aren't horrible, Adrian. You might think you are, but you're everything I could ever ask for. A wonderful older sibling to others, a caring husband, a loving father - as much as you don't want to show it sometimes - and one of the best friends I could ever ask for."

Adrian gave a soft smile, kissing Zuzana's lips softly as she'd return the gesture before watching him grab a bottle of Scotch and Whiskey. He'd then follow her to the couch, letting her sit down first before he'd sit and lean against her - staring at the blank television while Zuzana would stroke his hair and hum once more.

(I'm not crying.

All Thomas could do is grunt in response to Masaru's comment, hunching forward again.
Dei-Loki watched Masaru go, softly exhaling through his nose as he thought for a moment before standing as he'd gotten an idea. He'd no sooner quickly head off to find Malvo, his hands in his pockets.

(Have more Zudrian.
Some more Mama Beah and Woof.
I'll get a better ship name at some point.

Zuzana watched as everyone in the kitchen took leave before softly looking to Adrian again as she'd pull back and softly clean the blood from his face. "You can let it all go now, Adrian."

Adrian swallowed hard at that, shakily exhaling as a few tears escaped the eyes of the werewolf before he'd bury his face in Zuzana's shoulder. "I hurt, Zuzu-bear..."

"I know you do..." Zuzana brought her arms around Adrian's torso, holding him close to her as she'd slowly rock side to side with the male that stayed so strong for everyone else. Her cheek resting on Adrian's head as she'd softly hum to the larger male.

"You all are the best parts of me..." Adrian whined quietly, eyes winced shut as he'd move with his wife's soothing rocking. Zuzana smiling softly at this as she'd kiss the side of Adrian's head, speaking

"C'mon, wolfie. Grab what you want to drink and I'll hold you on the couch. Anyone comes in and gives you a hard time about it gets mama bear's famous glare." She softly patted Adrian's back, watching him pull away as Adrian gave a broken man's smile.

"You're too good to someone as horrible as me..."

Zuzana kissed the bridge of Adrian's nose as she'd keep that warm, loving smile. "You aren't horrible, Adrian. You might think you are, but you're everything I could ever ask for. A wonderful older sibling to others, a caring husband, a loving father - as much as you don't want to show it sometimes - and one of the best friends I could ever ask for."

Adrian gave a soft smile, kissing Zuzana's lips softly as she'd return the gesture before watching him grab a bottle of Scotch and Whiskey. He'd then follow her to the couch, letting her sit down first before he'd sit and lean against her - staring at the blank television while Zuzana would stroke his hair and hum once more.

(I'm not crying.

All Thomas could do is grunt in response to Masaru's comment, hunching forward again.

(AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Also I think Mama and Wolf work? Or Adriana. ZuZuian. . . decisions)

Masaru looked to Valerie who nodded and left. He then stared at him, long and hard. "Why do you exist? What's the point of your life when all you do is bring misery? You're just a gnat really. A painful, disgusting gnat. But maybe i'm like that too. Maybe we're too sick for this world." He took a knife and stared at it before dropping it. With a sigh, he lowered himself to Thomas's good eye. "You loved her. Somewhere deep in your heart, you loved her. And you killed her. But instead of admitting it, you shove it away and kill like how monsters should. She loved you so much, she smiled when you came into the room. And then you killed her. Does she lay in your nightmares like she does to me? Can you hear her scream? Tell me. Tell me, Thomas. TELL ME!" He backhand Thomas across the face, tears brimming in his eyes as he smiled sweetly. "SHE MADE US HUMAN! SHE MADE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH HER! SO WHY!?" He shook his head, brushing back his hair as he groaned. Sitting down in the chair facing him, he held his hands together as he stared at them.

"Don't bullshit with me, telling me that you never loved her. What's the point then? What's the point of wasting your time with her? You could've of killed her, but you didn't. You spent years together. You can be as crazy as they say, but even psychopaths don't have that much patience. Was it worth it? Can you remember her in your foggy, unclear mind? How she looked? Red hair that almost looked like fire. Her eyes sparkling with a hazy scarlet. The way they brighten at the mention of her passions? Remember how much she loved to sing to you? How she played her piano with that childish smile? Remember when she told you that she loved you? Remember when you told her that you loved her? Remember killing her? How her blood stained your hands as you hear her screams? She gargled on her blood. But you remember what she said right before she died? I know what she said, even if i wasn't there. She always felt sorry for monsters like us after all. So she probably said, "I forgive you" and that boiled your blood even more. Because we both know that we'll never forgive ourselves. You killed her, Thomas. The one woman in this entire world that could ever love you. And now the only thing that plagues your mind is that of her screaming, of her forgiveness, and that ghost that lives in your head. Am I wrong?"
(AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Also I think Mama and Wolf work? Or Adriana. ZuZuian. . . decisions)

Masaru looked to Valerie who nodded and left. He then stared at him, long and hard. "Why do you exist? What's the point of your life when all you do is bring misery? You're just a gnat really. A painful, disgusting gnat. But maybe i'm like that too. Maybe we're too sick for this world." He took a knife and stared at it before dropping it. With a sigh, he lowered himself to Thomas's good eye. "You loved her. Somewhere deep in your heart, you loved her. And you killed her. But instead of admitting it, you shove it away and kill like how monsters should. She loved you so much, she smiled when you came into the room. And then you killed her. Does she lay in your nightmares like she does to me? Can you hear her scream? Tell me. Tell me, Thomas. TELL ME!" He backhand Thomas across the face, tears brimming in his eyes as he smiled sweetly. "SHE MADE US HUMAN! SHE MADE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH HER! SO WHY!?" He shook his head, brushing back his hair as he groaned. Sitting down in the chair facing him, he held his hands together as he stared at them.

"Don't bullshit with me, telling me that you never loved her. What's the point then? What's the point of wasting your time with her? You could've of killed her, but you didn't. You spent years together. You can be as crazy as they say, but even psychopaths don't have that much patience. Was it worth it? Can you remember her in your foggy, unclear mind? How she looked? Red hair that almost looked like fire. Her eyes sparkling with a hazy scarlet. The way they brighten at the mention of her passions? Remember how much she loved to sing to you? How she played her piano with that childish smile? Remember when she told you that she loved you? Remember when you told her that you loved her? Remember killing her? How her blood stained your hands as you hear her screams? She gargled on her blood. But you remember what she said right before she died? I know what she said, even if i wasn't there. She always felt sorry for monsters like us after all. So she probably said, "I forgive you" and that boiled your blood even more. Because we both know that we'll never forgive ourselves. You killed her, Thomas. The one woman in this entire world that could ever love you. And now the only thing that plagues your mind is that of her screaming, of her forgiveness, and that ghost that lives in your head. Am I wrong?"

(Zuzian or Mama and Wolf.
I like them both. XD
"Mami and Woofie"
Kill me.)

Thomas grunted from the connection to the side of his face, staring off as that blow realigned his jaw. He'd wiggle his jaw, several cracks and clicks of bone to follow it while his tongue would heal enough to speak. "You aren't wrong. She haunts me, is that what you want to hear?" Tom gave an emotionally loose smirk as he stared to the damaged fox. "Blade deep against her throat, Kathleen still held love in those ruby irises. Even with the life draining from her, those eyes still held what they did the day we met. That didn't stop any doubts I had about her loyalty, however." He turned his head to look away. "For the longest time I thought she was going behind my back, and that's how she'd gotten pregnant with Reaver. But as I was fighting that boy, not only did I see her in his eyes, but I saw me. The boy I beat to shit was mine all along." His eye no sooner closed. "And in the back of my head, I heard the simple 'I told you so' from the very woman that haunts me to this day."
(Zuzian or Mama and Wolf.
I like them both. XD
"Mami and Woofie"
Kill me.)

Thomas grunted from the connection to the side of his face, staring off as that blow realigned his jaw. He'd wiggle his jaw, several cracks and clicks of bone to follow it while his tongue would heal enough to speak. "You aren't wrong. She haunts me, is that what you want to hear?" Tom gave an emotionally loose smirk as he stared to the damaged fox. "Blade deep against her throat, Kathleen still held love in those ruby irises. Even with the life draining from her, those eyes still held what they did the day we met. That didn't stop any doubts I had about her loyalty, however." He turned his head to look away. "For the longest time I thought she was going behind my back, and that's how she'd gotten pregnant with Reaver. But as I was fighting that boy, not only did I see her in his eyes, but I saw me. The boy I beat to shit was mine all along." His eye no sooner closed. "And in the back of my head, I heard the simple 'I told you so' from the very woman that haunts me to this day."

(XD Zuzian for me. Mama and Wolf sound like a CIA: Crime investigator type of show)

Masaru nodded before shaking his head. "Pathetic is what you are. Truly and utterly pathetic. It must get tiring living a life that involves nothing but mindless killing day by day by day. You could've had it all, Thomas. She loved you like no other. And you just had to be just like your Daddy . . . or Mommy. Eiher way, you fallen right into the same style of every dumbass out there. Because it may seem fun in the beginning, it sure as hell gets boring after, doesn't it? And going to your bedroom at night, alone. In the dark. Even monsters are afraid of the dark. Especially when no one is here to hold them from their own sick minds. Y'know what really surprised me though? Is that you married this girl that could never hurt a fly. That loved you out all of the fucking people in the gods damn world. That would rather die by her own hands before hurting ANYONE in this entire universe. Yet, you thought she cheated on you. Her? Gods, you are one dumb motherfucker for just the idea alone. But I guess you couldn't help it. Leaving her to deal with the kids while you went hopping along the old hit it and quit it shtick, eh? While she knew it was going on, she stood by your side, hoping that you could love her like you 'loved' those girls. You don't deserve to feel guilty. You don't deserve to feel that pain. Because, you see here, IT. WAS. YOUR. FAULT. IN THE FUCKING BEGINNING! IT WAS YOU WHO RUINED YOUR LIFE! And you knew that that was going to happen! YOU KNEW ALL ALONG THAT YOU WERE RUINING YOUR CHANCE OF HAPPINESS! SO STOP ACTING SAD! IT"S STUPID! That's like a drug addict feeling sad for getting into drugs. YOU DON"T DESERVE TO BE SAD BECAUSE YOU PUT YOURSELF THERE! But Gods, you guys are always so fucking stupid!"
(XD Zuzian for me. Mama and Wolf sound like a CIA: Crime investigator type of show)

Masaru nodded before shaking his head. "Pathetic is what you are. Truly and utterly pathetic. It must get tiring living a life that involves nothing but mindless killing day by day by day. You could've had it all, Thomas. She loved you like no other. And you just had to be just like your Daddy . . . or Mommy. Eiher way, you fallen right into the same style of every dumbass out there. Because it may seem fun in the beginning, it sure as hell gets boring after, doesn't it? And going to your bedroom at night, alone. In the dark. Even monsters are afraid of the dark. Especially when no one is here to hold them from their own sick minds. Y'know what really surprised me though? Is that you married this girl that could never hurt a fly. That loved you out all of the fucking people in the gods damn world. That would rather die by her own hands before hurting ANYONE in this entire universe. Yet, you thought she cheated on you. Her? Gods, you are one dumb motherfucker for just the idea alone. But I guess you couldn't help it. Leaving her to deal with the kids while you went hopping along the old hit it and quit it shtick, eh? While she knew it was going on, she stood by your side, hoping that you could love her like you 'loved' those girls. You don't deserve to feel guilty. You don't deserve to feel that pain. Because, you see here, IT. WAS. YOUR. FAULT. IN THE FUCKING BEGINNING! IT WAS YOU WHO RUINED YOUR LIFE! And you knew that that was going to happen! YOU KNEW ALL ALONG THAT YOU WERE RUINING YOUR CHANCE OF HAPPINESS! SO STOP ACTING SAD! IT"S STUPID! That's like a drug addict feeling sad for getting into drugs. YOU DON"T DESERVE TO BE SAD BECAUSE YOU PUT YOURSELF THERE! But Gods, you guys are always so fucking stupid!"

( XD )

Thomas stared, laughing hard enough during the yelling to cause himself to wince with regret. "Aaaaaaaaah, foxboy. I love how you always believed you could read me so well. I don't have a sad card to play, just a small bit of regret. Then again, we both knew that deep down, didn't we? The only difference between our mental states is the lack of success when it comes to love. You fell and settled... twice, yes? First with a late wife, and then with my grandson, from what this old wolf picked up. Both times you managed to love where as, well, some of us just aren't so lucky." He'd flash a smile. "And outside of that, the only other one that I know of to help you stay out of darkness's grasp was my own late wife. Running low on ones to keep you sated, so why don't you stop me before I gut the last one?"

( XD )

Thomas stared, laughing hard enough during the yelling to cause himself to wince with regret. "Aaaaaaaaah, foxboy. I love how you always believed you could read me so well. I don't have a sad card to play, just a small bit of regret. Then again, we both knew that deep down, didn't we? The only difference between our mental states is the lack of success when it comes to love. You fell and settled... twice, yes? First with a late wife, and then with my grandson, from what this old wolf picked up. Both times you managed to love where as, well, some of us just aren't so lucky." He'd flash a smile. "And outside of that, the only other one that I know of to help you stay out of darkness's grasp was my own late wife. Running low on ones to keep you sated, so why don't you stop me before I gut the last one?"


Masaru cracked his neck. "Because torture is never enough, Thomas. Because killing you is just TOO damn easy. And like I said, I rather hear you beg for a gun. And not for me to shoot it, but for you. But only then." Masaru's eyes then shifted into inky globs as his claws elognated. He then pressed his hand against the middle of Thomas's chest and pushed. His claws digging inside until his whole hand was in Thomas's sternum, softly holding his soul. "I'm going to make you feel that regret to the maximum level. I"m going to make you feel it all." He smiled. "Thank the Gods I hold onto a few old souls for a snack. This is Debra, a fifty year old lady who lived a well life. She married to her soulmate and raised three kids, kinda like you. She knew what love was better than most. And then felt the effect of what losing a loved one was like when her husband died in a car accident. Y'should feel her soul as she saw the closed casket. Rumors talk around her, saying that he was horribly disfigured that they couldn't show her the face. They should could never EVER say goodbye again. She then lived a lonely life after that, her kids didn't come around, and she asked me to end her quickly. And who am I to say no?" He pushed Debra's soul into Thomas's. The feeling of overwhelming love hoping to his Thomas's soul a tad bit as well as the lost of a loved one. "Feel her tears, Thomas! FEEL HOW SHE FELT KNOWING SHE WILL NEVER BE WITH THE ONE SHE LOVED!"
Masaru cracked his neck. "Because torture is never enough, Thomas. Because killing you is just TOO damn easy. And like I said, I rather hear you beg for a gun. And not for me to shoot it, but for you. But only then." Masaru's eyes then shifted into inky globs as his claws elognated. He then pressed his hand against the middle of Thomas's chest and pushed. His claws digging inside until his whole hand was in Thomas's sternum, softly holding his soul. "I'm going to make you feel that regret to the maximum level. I"m going to make you feel it all." He smiled. "Thank the Gods I hold onto a few old souls for a snack. This is Debra, a fifty year old lady who lived a well life. She married to her soulmate and raised three kids, kinda like you. She knew what love was better than most. And then felt the effect of what losing a loved one was like when her husband died in a car accident. Y'should feel her soul as she saw the closed casket. Rumors talk around her, saying that he was horribly disfigured that they couldn't show her the face. They should could never EVER say goodbye again. She then lived a lonely life after that, her kids didn't come around, and she asked me to end her quickly. And who am I to say no?" He pushed Debra's soul into Thomas's. The feeling of overwhelming love hoping to his Thomas's soul a tad bit as well as the lost of a loved one. "Feel her tears, Thomas! FEEL HOW SHE FELT KNOWING SHE WILL NEVER BE WITH THE ONE SHE LOVED!"

Thomas's EYE widened (I feel like I always do this with one eyed characters, forgetting they only have one good eye. XD) at the foreign emotion, staring off once more as the love and sadness overwhelmingly made contact with his own, cold soul. A glassy, damp look in his eye while a few tears had spilled.

(Just gonna bring these guys to throw in once ready.)

Adrian led the small pack of three down the stairs, that emotionless look having returned to his face as the smell of scotch and whiskey had been heavy on his breath. But, he seemed to at least play it off like he'd had a higher tolerance as he'd walk just fine.

Reaver wasn't too far behind his siblings, hands in his pockets as he'd smell of whiskey, as well... though that was normal for Reaver.
Thomas's EYE widened (I feel like I always do this with one eyed characters, forgetting they only have one good eye. XD) at the foreign emotion, staring off once more as the love and sadness overwhelmingly made contact with his own, cold soul. A glassy, damp look in his eye while a few tears had spilled.

(Just gonna bring these guys to throw in once ready.)

Adrian led the small pack of three down the stairs, that emotionless look having returned to his face as the smell of scotch and whiskey had been heavy on his breath. But, he seemed to at least play it off like he'd had a higher tolerance as he'd walk just fine.

Reaver wasn't too far behind his siblings, hands in his pockets as he'd smell of whiskey, as well... though that was normal for Reaver.

Valerie came down as well.

(That's fine. Let's get this over with)

Masaru waited a few more seconds, letting the tears go before ripping his hands out of his chest. "Y'could've had it all."
Valerie came down as well.

(That's fine. Let's get this over with)

Masaru waited a few more seconds, letting the tears go before ripping his hands out of his chest. "Y'could've had it all."

Thomas trembled in place as the hand was removed, tears mixing with blood on the concrete floor.

"You guys weren't kiddin' when y' said ya did a number on the bastard..." Reaver stared over to Thomas.
Thomas trembled in place as the hand was removed, tears mixing with blood on the concrete floor.

"You guys weren't kiddin' when y' said ya did a number on the bastard..." Reaver stared over to Thomas.

Valerie nodded before heading to Masaru and Thomas.
Masaru watched him intently before sighing once more. "I'm going to find you in Shadowheim, Thomas. On our own kind of talk."
Valerie nodded before heading to Masaru and Thomas.
Masaru watched him intently before sighing once more. "I'm going to find you in Shadowheim, Thomas. On our own kind of talk."

Adrian followed his siblings over, Reaver having glanced to Masaru.

"You want a couple more minutes, Masaru?.."
Adrian followed his siblings over, Reaver having glanced to Masaru.

"You want a couple more minutes, Masaru?.."

Masaru shook his head, "No thank you. I usually work alone anyways. So this Thomas as for right now, is all to you three. The Thomas that i shall meet in Shadowheim however . . . well, he'll be all mine."
Masaru shook his head, "No thank you. I usually work alone anyways. So this Thomas as for right now, is all to you three. The Thomas that i shall meet in Shadowheim however . . . well, he'll be all mine."

Reaver gave a single nod, standing inbetween his siblings as he looked back to Thomas who'd simply stare to their shoes.

"You guys ready?" Adrian asked, glancing to his younger siblings while his hand would rest on his own gun.

Meanwhile, Dei-Loki would watch from the foot of the stairs with his hands on his pockets. Whatever he'd done was ready, and he'd just been waiting for the final act.
Reaver gave a single nod, standing inbetween his siblings as he looked back to Thomas who'd simply stare to their shoes.

"You guys ready?" Adrian asked, glancing to his younger siblings while his hand would rest on his own gun.

Meanwhile, Dei-Loki would watch from the foot of the stairs with his hands on his pockets. Whatever he'd done was ready, and he'd just been waiting for the final act.

Valerie did the same to her gun. "On the count of three?"
Valerie did the same to her gun. "On the count of three?"

Reaver would mimic their actions, waiting for Adrian to take his out and point it to Thomas's head before doing the same with his own - the two pulling back the hammers.

"One," Adrian began.

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