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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Masaru ooed at his mate's form. "Ahh, so hawt!" He then pushed the tip of the katana into a criminal's throat before ripping it out. Graham was in the trees, shooting above.

(Graham is death from above. XD )

Dei-Loki huffed and grinned from the complement, shaking the criminals from his claws before turning and kicking away another one.

Reaver kept his eyes ahead, cocking one of the guns with his teeth before landing several explosive rounds into a few that tried to evade the group.
(Graham is death from above. XD )

Dei-Loki huffed and grinned from the complement, shaking the criminals from his claws before turning and kicking away another one.

Reaver kept his eyes ahead, cocking one of the guns with his teeth before landing several explosive rounds into a few that tried to evade the group.


Graham shot a criminal that ran at Reaver, the chunks of brain flying everywhere as Masaru kicked a criminal to the ground and then stomped onto his head.

Graham shot a criminal that ran at Reaver, the chunks of brain flying everywhere as Masaru kicked a criminal to the ground and then stomped onto his head.

Reaver quirked a brow, looking up at Graham following the save before mowing down several criminals that went for the tree the moment he had the chance.

Dei-Loki took a hold of one of the criminals in his jaws, flinging him into several others before looking up and towards the castle with narrowed eyes as he panted before bolting in said direction.
Reaver quirked a brow, looking up at Graham following the save before mowing down several criminals that went for the tree the moment he had the chance.

Dei-Loki took a hold of one of the criminals in his jaws, flinging him into several others before looking up and towards the castle with narrowed eyes as he panted before bolting in said direction.

Masaru looked to his mate, "I guess we're going to the castle!?" He yelled before slicing off a criminal's leg, leaving it to fall.

Graham nodded, "guess so! let's roll out!"

Masaru looked to his mate, "I guess we're going to the castle!?" He yelled before slicing off a criminal's leg, leaving it to fall.

Graham nodded, "guess so! let's roll out!"


(-movie battle music drops-)

Reaver nodded to the others, taking out a few more criminals before beginning to run.
(-movie battle music drops-)

Reaver nodded to the others, taking out a few more criminals before beginning to run.

Graham flew through each branch as if they were just stepping stones, moving quickly before jumping onto Dei's back. Masaru grabbed Reaver by the hand before throwing him onto Dei's back and then jumped onto the criminal's heads before launching himself on Dei's back as well. "WOOOO! LET"S GET OUT OF HERE!"
Graham flew through each branch as if they were just stepping stones, moving quickly before jumping onto Dei's back. Masaru grabbed Reaver by the hand before throwing him onto Dei's back and then jumped onto the criminal's heads before launching himself on Dei's back as well. "WOOOO! LET"S GET OUT OF HERE!"

Reaver raised his brows, fixing his balance on Dei-Loki's back as he'd sit behind Graham.

Once they all were seated, Dei-Loki glanced back before forward once more. "Hold on." His voice rumbled in the form of a growl, leaping over the wall.
Reaver raised his brows, fixing his balance on Dei-Loki's back as he'd sit behind Graham.

Once they all were seated, Dei-Loki glanced back before forward once more. "Hold on." His voice rumbled in the form of a growl, leaping over the wall.

Masaru and Graham kept their grips on Dei's fur. "As you wish!"Masaru shouted.
Masaru and Graham kept their grips on Dei's fur. "As you wish!"Masaru shouted.

Reaver did the same and, as Dei-Loki landed, he'd disturbed the dirt below - even more so as he would bolt up the hill towards the hole in the castle that the criminals had been escaping from.
Reaver did the same and, as Dei-Loki landed, he'd disturbed the dirt below - even more so as he would bolt up the hill towards the hole in the castle that the criminals had been escaping from.

Masaru sputtered as fur and debris got into his mouth as he waited to get into the castle. "Gods, i don't like these rides!"
Masaru sputtered as fur and debris got into his mouth as he waited to get into the castle. "Gods, i don't like these rides!"

Dei-Loki quickly slowed down, crouching to let the others off at the castle - Reaver instantly sliding off as he'd land on one of the escapees, knocking them to the ground before he blew their skull apart with one shot.
Dei-Loki quickly slowed down, crouching to let the others off at the castle - Reaver instantly sliding off as he'd land on one of the escapees, knocking them to the ground before he blew their skull apart with one shot.

Graham leveled the gun to his vision and shot into several criminals from below as he fell and landed on his feet on the ground.

Masaru dropped as well, plummeting until his katana strike into a escapee's skull and then pulled it out of him.
Graham leveled the gun to his vision and shot into several criminals from below as he fell and landed on his feet on the ground.

Masaru dropped as well, plummeting until his katana strike into a escapee's skull and then pulled it out of him.

Reaver no sooner stepped off the criminal, dropping the empty cartridges before reloading and unleashing a firestorm of bullet aimed at several others - being careful of Dei-Loki, who'd advance down the hall like he'd been in pursuit.
Reaver no sooner stepped off the criminal, dropping the empty cartridges before reloading and unleashing a firestorm of bullet aimed at several others - being careful of Dei-Loki, who'd advance down the hall like he'd been in pursuit.

Masaru threw his katanas into the belly of criminal before sliding them away from each other so that the midsection threw up the intestines. "Delicious~."

Graham hit the wall before ducking, swiping his leg from the criminal that tackled him which caused the criminal to fall down and he then fired a bullet into the male's head.
Masaru threw his katanas into the belly of criminal before sliding them away from each other so that the midsection threw up the intestines. "Delicious~."

Graham hit the wall before ducking, swiping his leg from the criminal that tackled him which caused the criminal to fall down and he then fired a bullet into the male's head.

The moment Graham had the criminal down, Reaver widened his eyes before putting his guns away before raising his hands and shooting his magick at the other two criminals heading Graham's way. The one to the right being blasted away by fire, and the one on the left had been frozen in place.

Meanwhile, Dei-Loki forced his way into the food hall, tackling one of the males in said room with a growl before pausing as he'd stare down to Mercer - who'd wince and raise his hands.

"Tidbit! Stop!"

Dei-Loki huffed, letting him up before scanning the area again. "How is it I find you here more than two demon hunters are found in Hell?" He growled out the reference, watching his cousin hop onto his back before they'd head back out - purposely trampling a couple more criminals along the way.
The moment Graham had the criminal down, Reaver widened his eyes before putting his guns away before raising his hands and shooting his magick at the other two criminals heading Graham's way. The one to the right being blasted away by fire, and the one on the left had been frozen in place.

Meanwhile, Dei-Loki forced his way into the food hall, tackling one of the males in said room with a growl before pausing as he'd stare down to Mercer - who'd wince and raise his hands.

"Tidbit! Stop!"

Dei-Loki huffed, letting him up before scanning the area again. "How is it I find you here more than two demon hunters are found in Hell?" He growled out the reference, watching his cousin hop onto his back before they'd head back out - purposely trampling a couple more criminals along the way.

Graham looked to Reaver with a smile. "So cool!" He laughed before taking out his dagger and knifing a incomer in the eye before shooting him in the forehead once he was stilled.

Masaru looked to his mate, watching as he bit into his victim's cheek, tearing and swallowing. He then stood straight at the sight of a familiar. "Mercer!?"
Graham looked to Reaver with a smile. "So cool!" He laughed before taking out his dagger and knifing a incomer in the eye before shooting him in the forehead once he was stilled.

Masaru looked to his mate, watching as he bit into his victim's cheek, tearing and swallowing. He then stood straight at the sight of a familiar. "Mercer!?"

"And you wanted me t' stay home." Reaver snickered, wincing when he'd been pulled into a headlock from behind before he'd bring his arm up to the criminals closest shoulder before sweeping his back foot into the male's ankles. Once the escapee was on the floor, he turned and impaled the male's neck with an icicle.

Dei-Loki stopped beside Masaru, letting Mercer off as Mercer gave a sluggish two fingered salute.

"Me being here looks bad, but I can explain." Mercer then glanced around the large wolf he'd just gotten off the back of, tossing a knife right into one of the attackers that came running, watching him fall as Mercer smirked a bit.
"And you wanted me t' stay home." Reaver snickered, wincing when he'd been pulled into a headlock from behind before he'd bring his arm up to the criminals closest shoulder before sweeping his back foot into the male's ankles. Once the escapee was on the floor, he turned and impaled the male's neck with an icicle.

Dei-Loki stopped beside Masaru, letting Mercer off as Mercer gave a sluggish two fingered salute.

"Me being here looks bad, but I can explain." Mercer then glanced around the large wolf he'd just gotten off the back of, tossing a knife right into one of the attackers that came running, watching him fall as Mercer smirked a bit.

"Hey! I protect what i love! Get my back and i'll get yours, okay?" He then turned to shoot between the eyes of a attacker.

"Well then explain, brat! And tell us what the hell has happened here!" He then launched his katana deep in the gut of an enemy before ripping it out.
"Hey! I protect what i love! Get my back and i'll get yours, okay?" He then turned to shoot between the eyes of a attacker.

"Well then explain, brat! And tell us what the hell has happened here!" He then launched his katana deep in the gut of an enemy before ripping it out.

"Of course." Reaver grinned, placing his back to Graham's as he'd take the small amount of time he had to reload his guns, huffing when he found one of them had been jammed before he'd just stick with one - firing into the forehead of another criminal.

Dei-Loki launched himself onto another criminal as Mercer took one of the blades from the wall mounts before rushing forward and impaling the next criminal.

"Well, for starters, I died again. Well... left my body, anyways" Mercer ripped the blade from the gut of the criminal as he spoke before going after the next one. "But I 'died' so I could meet with a client. Turns out the Shadow Father doesn't take too well to outsiders in his realm. But that's not the point I'm going into here!" Severing a head, Mercer closed his eyes from the blood that got on his face before he smirked, moving the piercings in his lip with his tongue. "So, I'm locked in the fucking prison here, and this silver-eyed guy comes walking down the hall, talkin' with a few guys and settin' the select few go. They're followin' 'im and as they pass by, who stops the group, but my uncle Tom. Bastard talks with me, tries t' form some sorta deal, and during this, the silver eyed guy that I mentioned before ends up letting me out. Must've been some sorta fockin' idiot because I attacked uncle Tom the minute I got loose. Then they hit the release button at the end of the hall and the small group managed t' get away because of the rush of Shadowheim's damned."

"Sounds like an agent of the Light Kingdom's work..." Dei-Loki paused before looking back over with wide eyes. "FUCKING WAIT. TOM AS IN THOMAS!? GRANDPA THOMAS!?"

Mercer nodded, drop kicking the severed head into the groin of another criminal. "Fuckhead himself."

Dei-Loki grit his teeth at this, looking up and around to try and scan for anymore familiars. Reaver widening his eyes and looking over while his heart stopped, ears ringing before he turned forwards again before firing once more. Back to Graham's, still.
"Of course." Reaver grinned, placing his back to Graham's as he'd take the small amount of time he had to reload his guns, huffing when he found one of them had been jammed before he'd just stick with one - firing into the forehead of another criminal.

Dei-Loki launched himself onto another criminal as Mercer took one of the blades from the wall mounts before rushing forward and impaling the next criminal.

"Well, for starters, I died again. Well... left my body, anyways" Mercer ripped the blade from the gut of the criminal as he spoke before going after the next one. "But I 'died' so I could meet with a client. Turns out the Shadow Father doesn't take too well to outsiders in his realm. But that's not the point I'm going into here!" Severing a head, Mercer closed his eyes from the blood that got on his face before he smirked, moving the piercings in his lip with his tongue. "So, I'm locked in the fucking prison here, and this silver-eyed guy comes walking down the hall, talkin' with a few guys and settin' the select few go. They're followin' 'im and as they pass by, who stops the group, but my uncle Tom. Bastard talks with me, tries t' form some sorta deal, and during this, the silver eyed guy that I mentioned before ends up letting me out. Must've been some sorta fockin' idiot because I attacked uncle Tom the minute I got loose. Then they hit the release button at the end of the hall and the small group managed t' get away because of the rush of Shadowheim's damned."

"Sounds like an agent of the Light Kingdom's work..." Dei-Loki paused before looking back over with wide eyes. "FUCKING WAIT. TOM AS IN THOMAS!? GRANDPA THOMAS!?"

Mercer nodded, drop kicking the severed head into the groin of another criminal. "Fuckhead himself."

Dei-Loki grit his teeth at this, looking up and around to try and scan for anymore familiars. Reaver widening his eyes and looking over while his heart stopped, ears ringing before he turned forwards again before firing once more. Back to Graham's, still.

Graham grabbed a convict by the jaw before firing into his mouth. He felt something heavy hit his chest. "Rea, what's wrong?"

Masaru twisted a guy's head clean off before turning to Mercer and Dei again. "Who's Uncle Tom again? As in Rea's father, right?" He shoved his fingers into an enemy's eye sockets as he nonchalantly talked to them.
Graham grabbed a convict by the jaw before firing into his mouth. He felt something heavy hit his chest. "Rea, what's wrong?"

Masaru twisted a guy's head clean off before turning to Mercer and Dei again. "Who's Uncle Tom again? As in Rea's father, right?" He shoved his fingers into an enemy's eye sockets as he nonchalantly talked to them.

Reaver could barely hear over the ringing in his ears, leaning further against Graham's back while he'd keep his mind occupied enough not to slip into a panic attack - something the group didn't need at the moment, due to obvious circumstances. Still, however, he'd managed to force out an explanation in a fairly numb tone. "My dad's loose."

"Yeah. Grandpa Tom. Gods fucking dammit..." Dei-Loki assured, growling the curses under his breath, still scanning the area while Mercer kept Dei covered in his search.
Reaver could barely hear over the ringing in his ears, leaning further against Graham's back while he'd keep his mind occupied enough not to slip into a panic attack - something the group didn't need at the moment, due to obvious circumstances. Still, however, he'd managed to force out an explanation in a fairly numb tone. "My dad's loose."

"Yeah. Grandpa Tom. Gods fucking dammit..." Dei-Loki assured, growling the curses under his breath, still scanning the area while Mercer kept Dei covered in his search.
Graham growled before taking off his amulet and putting it around Rea's neck. "Keep this safe, wouldja?" The familiar purple glow mixing into his tannish skin and dark clothes.
Graham growled before taking off his amulet and putting it around Rea's neck. "Keep this safe, wouldja?" The familiar purple glow mixing into his tannish skin and dark clothes.

Reaver looked to the amulet before glancing to Graham. "Just please don't overuse your powers." He seemed to whine, flinching from the growing anxiety in his chest.
Reaver looked to the amulet before glancing to Graham. "Just please don't overuse your powers." He seemed to whine, flinching from the growing anxiety in his chest.

"Don't worry. Besides, you're always there when i fall." He then kissed his mate before leveling his hands to the criminals coming after them. With a booming voice he shouted, "obliviscor!" A wave of purple hit the crowd which caused them to stop. After a few seconds went by they looked around confused. "That should keep them good and gone for a long while."
"Don't worry. Besides, you're always there when i fall." He then kissed his mate before leveling his hands to the criminals coming after them. With a booming voice he shouted, "obliviscor!" A wave of purple hit the crowd which caused them to stop. After a few seconds went by they looked around confused. "That should keep them good and gone for a long while."

Reaver shakily returned the kiss, watching the spell take place as he managed a small smile as he looked to the confused criminals. "Yer magick is cooler than mine..." He joked.

Dei-Loki continued to look, a grin slipping up the wolf's face as he spoke to the ceiling. "Y'know the Light is scared when they try and enlist the Mรกkrish mafia. Too bad most of us aren't ones fer political shite, despite the royal standing. Anyways, FOUND 'EM. Whenever we're all ready t' advance~"

Reaver glanced over at that, a twinge of a dark red light flashing in his eyes for a brief moment as he straightened his posture with a nod.

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