The World As We Know It [RP]

Jett raised an eyebrow as she lashed out. 'Talk about temper.' He muttered to himself, shaking his head. Women were so confusing. Particularly when they were just kids. He couldn't really ague. He was only nineteen himself, but still, the life experiences he'd undergone were enough to make him feel far older. He stood up and stretched, shaking out the last electrical twitches and deciding to go annoy Sarah some more. Who knows, he thought with a grin, she might actually show some real emotion. With that thought in mind he followed after her.
Coppélia blushed in embarrassment. Was it clear that she had been hiding? She felt bad for doing so, but the person had left. Coppélia had assumed it was a mech unit of some sort, but she didn't think she'd find out anymore.

"I'm sorry," the girl muttered, hoping the other girl was not mad at her.
Sarah sat down on the ledge of a fountain and wiped her bangs from her face, "Jett I can tell you fallowed me." she said trying to calm down, "What do you want?"
Serenity heard Sarahs voice nearby. wasnt there any place she could go where she didnt just happen to be there. if she was going to be a rebel, she should do it. if not, she should go back to the surface. Serenity had never been guided to the Liaison area, nor did she want to be. she would have rather been fighting like her brother, but they would never let her join with her asthma. she got up, closing her book and walked past the nearby fountain as she looked for a quiet place to read.

Celeste smiled, "its no big deal or anything. i was merely afraid that my father had sent mechs to find me." she walked over to her, "i never caught your name by the way." Celeste offered her hand, "im Celeste."
'I'm seeing if you're okay.' He said, sitting beside her. He poked her shoulder playfully. 'You just totally snapped and everything. What has you so wound up?' He was curious to know what could possibly be upsetting her so much. It didn't seem that anyone but that Eriks guy was even interested in her well being, so he might as well look out for her. He'd already saved her twice now, why stop there?
"Sounds like something my parents would do," Coppélia said. She didn't like that idea, but her parents had yet to find out about her nightly strolls, so she didn't think it'd happen. Well hopefully it wouldn't. "I am Coppélia," she said, taking Celeste's hand. "It's nice to meet you."
Celeste nodded, "nice to meet you too." she looked down at her feet a moment, "you can tell im human right?" she wondered if her lack of artificial skin mad her seem like a poorly built mech. her heart and bbrain were obviously not visible so often times people did not know she was human, or biological for that matter.
Coppélia was startled by the question. She had not actually paid attention, but looking over Celeste now, she thought that she didn't really appear to be human in the way she saw them. But Coppélia knew she was human now, so she didn't think twice about it.

"Well does it matter? You said you're human. So you must be right?"
Celeste smiled, "thanks." she sighed, "sometimes its har to talk to people. most of them automatically hink im a mech, and are afraid of me. sometimes i dont even feel human......most of my biological being is gone. there really nothing left." she frowned, unsure why she suddenly started venting on this girl she didnt even know.
Coppélia nodded. She didn't fully understand how Celeste felt and she was surprised by her sudden words, but she understood some of it.

"I'm sure that is not true. You think like a human and act like one. Should that be enough?" Coppélia wasn't sure of her words, but she wanted to be encouraging. "I mean i may not be as bad as you, but I have my own machine parts."
"Eriks..." Sarah started, "He reminded me how much im like my father. My whole life, growing up, living in gettoville USA, I got maybe 2 apologies from him. Truth is I wasnt sent out to live on my own to see what it felt like to start from nothing. Its my fathers idea of a light punishment. Tell the truth, my whole family should be dead. Me about 9 times."

"SARAH GENISIS! YOU GET YOUR ASS IN MY OFICE NOW!" Georges voice yelled over an intercom.

"Somtimes i dont think what were doing is right." she dipped her hand in the fountain, "Im no fan of my daddy but still.. Were taking this a bit far."
Nothing had happened. The mechs were still roaming around the city, None of the mechs had infiltrated the tunnels. Deciding that the best course of action would be to recon the tunnels, Seekay activated his cloaking. The mech silently made his way to the streets and entered the tunnel. Not wishing to be detected, he shutdown his active sensors and activated his passive sensors. He slowly made his way through the tunnels, wary of traps and ambushes.
Serenity yawned from where she sat, book nearly finished. she wondered what Kai was doing, and what Sarah and Jett were up to as well. not that she cared. she had felt awkward, therefor walked away, simple as that. she had to admit though, after being around everyone in such a situation, she was feeling a bit lonely. she had grown accustome to being alone, but now that she had actually managed to get along with some people she felt perhaps she would have preffered not to be alone.
Seekay detected and hear sounds coming from down the tunnels. He frozen and remain frozen for several minutes until a group of humans passed by him. They were mere inches from his chassis. One of the humans looked around as if they felt something or someone watching. But they just shook their head and continued on. The dim lighting in the tunnels made getting around unseen that much more easy. Of course the cloaking helped, too,

He continued on, mapping out routes he had already taken, "I should install a sonar would increase chances of survival and detection of other entities, both human and mech."
(( Vassel, Celeste never went anywhere! i havent responded to Coppelia yet. Serenity is underground with the rebels.)

Serenity felt as though she heard something coming from a nearby tunnel, but shook it off. she got up from her spot near the tunnel, and decided to explore. she went in the tunnels, navigating the rebels underground paths
The robot froze as the human female passed. He was about to look around the corner of the intersection when the female walked around the corner. If his sensors were active, he wouldn't have run into this problem. But if his sensors were active, there was a high probability that the rebels would detect his prescence and respond with force. He had no desire for that. Upgrading chassis with sonar and echo location now a high priority. Will upgrade when opportunity presents itself.

After running numbers and percentages through his processors, he concluded that he was nearing a human dwelling. Not wanting to cause an accidental uproar or accidently trip any sensors or beacons, he began to retrace his footsteps and look for another corridor. The route that he was taking mirrored the human female. He kept to the shadows and kept his distance.
Serenity continued to walk, wondering where all the tunnels led. the whole city seemed to be filled with these tunnels, so there was no way serenity would be able to traverse them all. after walking for awhile Serenity could feel her lungs constricting. she coughed a few times before taking a puff from her inhaler. as she stopped, she became away of someone trailing her. "who is it? what do you want?" she asked, more curious then afraid.
Seekay had been "trailing" the female for a short time. The reasoning was that she knew her way around the tunnels and would lead him to another entrance to the rebel hide away. What he didn't count on was for the female to have a heightened sense of awareness. The dust and whatever lurked in the tunnels weren't helping either. The dust was starting to coat Seekay's chassis: almost forming a "dust ghost". This problem requires further research.

The girl eventually revealed a medical device that was an inhaler. The dust and dirt, apparently, wasn't helping either of them. The girl with her breathing and the dust and dirt now swirling around his chassis. The girl asked her questions of possible alarm. Seekay decided it would be better if he didn't give away his position and slowly retreated several yards to an area with less lighting.
Serenity couldnt see well in the darkness of the tunnels, but she heard the footsteps seem to back up. "hey stop, i wont hurt you, i just want to know why youre trailing me." she looked around, seeing a dusty looking figure. it seemed almost like a ghost, which peaked her interest. it was hard to tell if it was an illusion, but what were the scientific exlanations if the really was an entity hiding in the tunnels? "can you speak?" she queried.
For the third time in the past few hours, Seekay was at an impasse of what to do. The first was when he broke all ties with the Mecha leadership. The second was in the park with the other female, Celeste. Now in the tunnels with another female who seemed to noisy for her own good.

There were several scenarios which he processed: 1) flee, 2) kill or render the female unconscious, 3) was a stupid logic thought for an assassin robot. For the third time that day, Seekay followed his proverbial "gut".

"I am quite capable of speech, human." Seekay moved slowly towards the girl, "and I am quite capable of rendering you deceased."

Seekay slowly moved around to the other side of the girl, "If I am to reveal myself, I query (ask) that you do not perform an function of fright or panic that would bring about more of your kind to this location. If you do, " the assassin pause, "I will end your life."

Seekay didn't process if he would really end the girl's life, but the threat was there. He prepared to activate his wrist blades at a moment's notice and deactivated his cloaking.
Serenity's eyes followed the movement of the cloud of dust. as the cloaking was cease and the mech revealed itself, Serenity merely smirked. "a mech i see." she let out a quiet cough. "you know, this isnt the best place for you. if the rebellion finds you they are going to pump you full of lead." she was tempted to reach for her own gun, but there was something about this mech that fascinated her, and she want to know more. "what are your orders? or do you even have any? my hypothesis is that you are an assasin mech, by your methods and construction, but if that is true, why did you follow me when you could have easily gotten by security and taken out the rebel leader? your cloaking was flawless until you reached the dusty part of the tunnel." she spoke calmly. she would not be intimidated merely because it was a mech. she stood her ground.
(( [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] sorry I haven't responded in a whole. I was having some difficulties. But I'm back now!))

"I have no doubt that they either killed him, or made into something he's not. Honestly, I hope they just killed him, it's what he would have wanted." A tear slid down Alex's cheek before she could stop it. She thought about how soldiers shouldn't cry, but a few more tears slid down her face before she quickly stood up. "E-Excuse me fo-or a minute." She ran out of the room, hoping she hadn't attracted that much attention. As Alex ran towards the tunnels more thoughts came to her and more tears slid down her face. She had tried not to think about what happened to her, so she could stay strong. But now that the memories were now again present, she couldn't help but sit in the tunnels and curl her knees up to her chest, letting the sobs out.
Kai frowned. he got up and ran after her. he lost her in the tunnels at some point, but once he heard crying he found her, and sat on the ground next her. he wasnt sure what to say, so he simply put an arm around her shoulder. "shhhh" he shushed quietly. "it seems you've kept some of this bottled up? its ok to cry, its only human." he gently rubbed her back. "if you need someone to talk to, or maybe just a hug im all ears. and arms." he offered.

((its ok. i understand school work takes priority))
(Oh. I am so sorry. I mixed up your characters. I deleted my previous post)

Wave moved through the building it was in. As it moved it made sure to check for life forms. Nothing came back that was suspicious or large enough to be a human or anything that might get in it's way. Wave stopped searching and settled into a room of a relatively normal size. It then started to search through databases. It was looking for any information it could gain about it's original creators and their intentions.
Seekay extended his left wristblade as he saw the girl's hand twitch next to the holster, "Your concerns are noted: hence the stealth."

Seekay debated whether or not to activate the energy feature of the blade, "My orders, methods, and construction are none of your concern. And your weapon will cause no harm to this chassis."

After a tense moment, Seekay let out a mechanical sigh, retracted his wristblade, and stood down, "This unit...I had no intentions of causing undo stress to your systems. I was perform reconnaissance to map this tunnel system in case of a defense of the tunnel was necessary. Some of these routes are not contained within the original schematics of the tunnels. I was hoping that following you would bring me to other entrances of the base to increase map making progression."

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