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Fantasy The Witch Trial

ShadowQueen91 said:
She turned to Father John. "Thank you." If he hadn't been healed she was sure he would've bled to death, from the inside.
Airagog said:
(BL? And mature rps are fun imo. Means you can have succubae and incubae that are only after what they're supposed to be after. And no, you can do some m rated stuff, just like, no graphic sex scenes and nudity and such, otherwise the website gets traffic that causes it problems.)
John nodded, "Indeed! The gods are good! Now do you doubt that through faith I was saved and have come to spread the good word?" He stopped as he looked at the crown, "Now there's an interesting article, where'd you get that?"
"My crown?" Lawrence scratched the back of his head. "It's complicated...a fairy just randomly gave it to me."
(btw i want to rephrase my earlier statement of not being into BL. i like soft BL. if that makes any sense.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](btw i want to rephrase my earlier statement of not being into BL. i like soft BL. if that makes any sense.)

(Whats BL? Blood letting?)
(BL = boys love or yaoi. im ok with the teasing and kissing kind of BL. but nothing more. tho idk if that still means im straight.)
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[QUOTE="Lucinda Darkhive]-is.. Different.- this sight is pg-13 so I can't say the things I like xD ))

( O.o ) (is it bad if you saying that made me curious?)
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[QUOTE="Lucinda Darkhive](Shhh xD )

(but you had to say that! my curiosity is easily provoked.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](but you had to say that! my curiosity is easily provoked.)

Making people curious is a specialty I have lol))
(yeah but im the cat that curiosity killed.. reincarnated.)

[QUOTE="Lucinda Darkhive]Making people curious is a specialty I have lol))

Airagog said:
(BL? And mature rps are fun imo. Means you can have succubae and incubae that are only after what they're supposed to be after. And no, you can do some m rated stuff, just like, no graphic sex scenes and nudity and such, otherwise the website gets traffic that causes it problems. But you can give it a sort of nod. And of course be as graphic with violence as you want.)
(=///= I like the way you think.)
[QUOTE="Lucinda Darkhive]-is.. Different.- this sight is pg-13 so I can't say the things I like xD ))

(Whatever it is I'm into it and have done it 3 times at least)
[QUOTE="Lucinda Darkhive]Say wha?))

(my curiosity is that great and legendary. its power level is over 9,000!! *evil laugh*)

Copperkirin21 said:
(*hugs back*)

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