The Weaponeers [Inactive]

Todd looked at Chet and Dex. Those two went up ahead and around the targets. Then the teams of two split into corners. Now the two targets are in a square. Now they'll have a hard time running.
he stops in front of a weird looking store that has a sign saying magic shop on the front and says, "here we are," he turns towards the girl and whispers, "go inside and wait for my signal," he say out loud to cover it up, "now go inside, I got to take care of some things," he smirks to himself as he says that.
The four finally made it to the location. All four of them saw card man whispering something to the girl. Todd noticed the man giving a grin. He pulled out his gun and other three done the same thing. Todd looked at the man. "You better not do any of your fancy card tricks card boy." All for of them kept a distance of five feet away to make sure that they won't get hit.
"card boy really, the names Gatti," he looked at the men, "besides what could I do except do a little magic," he dropped his magician card and it turned to a huge cloud of smoke
Ricci went inside of the store,and looked out one of the windows for his signal.She didn't know what it would be,but she thought she would know when the time came.Even though Ricci wanted to help badly,she knew to stay put.
When the smoke cloud covered the area all four of them activated their heat signature mode on their goggles. Todd saw a heat signature. You can't hide for us Gatti." Hoping he pronounced it correctly.
Ricci couldn't help it...she summoned a gun,and tackled one of the men.She shot him in the leg,and did so with the rest.She used the powers of accuracy and speed,so they would easily be damaged more.Ricci tried to find Gatti,but it was no use.
Dex saw a signature tackled him and shot his leg. Actually all for of them got shot in the leg. When they saw her running they all shot at her. One bullet hit her leg,one skimmed her head just above the eyebrow,one hit the gun she was holding,and the last one hit in the arm. All four got up and tried to follow her with their one good leg.
Gatti pulled three more cards he used the four swords to stab their guns he grabbed the girl he said, "I would like to know your name," if it isn't an inconvience," he then used priestess to heal her, he then used the chariot to make ferari "nice," can be heard from Gatti's direction. He then leads Ricci into the car and hops in "later," he taunts as he turns on the car.
The four saw a Ferrari popping out of no where. They saw the two getting in. Todd looked at Chet. "Chet hit that Ferrari with a tracker!" Chet pulled out a interesting looking gun that's two little to kill. Chet aimed at one of the rear headlights. When he shot a small red and black chip shot out when it landed it started to blink red showing that it's working. Now the four wait for the car to move.
Ricci rolled down one of the windows,and started to shoot the four men with a machine gun.She ate at the rounds quite quickly,and she smirked,happy with her work.
The four took cover behind some cars. While the bullets were flying everywhere. Todd looked at Chet. "Chet! Hit one of the tires! We'll give you cover fire!" Chet nodded and aimed at one of the tires. It felt like forever for the bullet to hit the tire. But it finally hit the back tire. Now they moved back to a alleyway to get time heal and breath.
He wanted drive off as she started shooting, but when she stopped they hit the tires so he pulled three more cards and said "this time i'll do something drastic," he flipped tower threw it at a building and the building collapsed separating those two from the other four he then used temperance to restrain the four's ability to follow or track them and he lastly used the star for a speedy evacuation for the two of them
"Amataers..." Ricci muttered,and stepped out of the vehicle.She looked to Gatti,who was pulling out cards and using them here and there.She knew what he was doing,so she didn't bother him.Ricci meanwhile reloaded some of her guns,and then they disappeared back into her hand.
Loki sits on top of a building smoking another cigarette. He laughs at the scene that just unfolded. "It's most fun, to appear and disappear." He watches the building collapse and raises his eyebrow at it. "That is some power, i wonder if i can take it if i kill him? Probably not, but worth a try." He laughs loudly and runs his hand through his hair. "This will be fun."
Gatti hears the man's laughing and recognizes the assailant from earlier he in return yells, "HEY! Those guys are after you too it would be best if we work together," he continues after remembering his mood, "besides it'd help to have this much destructive power on your side."
Loki hops off the roof and lands gently on the ground. He walks over to the guy and smirks. "You think i am afraid of those 4 tools? Please, i am more then a match for any of them. Besides no one is able to stop me, once i get mad." He thinks for a bit before smiling slightly. "What makes you believe that us teaming up would be productive?"
"How about a game," he switches to his other deck "if I win I live and your welcome to help us with those guys if it pleases," he begins shuffling his cards, "if you win you can kill me," he had a plan up his sleeves two in fact.
"Do you think i am foolish enough to bet on a game of cards with a card shark? You arent going to win that way, boy." He laughs slightly before stepping up to him. "We do this my way. I will help you with this little fight of yours, but you will owe me one later on. You have to help me with whatever i deem necessary. Deal?" He holds out his hand towards the guy.
The dove out if the way of the rubble. When they woke they were covered in dust and rubble. Todd got up coughing. "Is everyone alright?" The other got up from the rubble. Todd looked around. "Is everyone's leg good to go." All three of them looked at their leg and nodded. Todd nodded back. "Alright are you guys ready to kick some weaponeer ass?" All three of the Yelled. "SIR YES SIR!!!" Todd walked up at the piece of rubble. It was a twelve foot tall piece of wall. Todd looked at it for a second the he punched the wall down. When the wall crumbled down all four of them walked out of the alleyway. All four of them saw Mr.Arket talking to the people in the Ferrari. They eard his comment about not fearing them. Dex chuckled a little. "He will fear us in a minute." Dex and Deven ran up and kicked the passenger side of the car with full force. The car started to fly into the building taking Mr.Arket with them. The car was stuck in the wall of the card shop. The two looked back and they saw Chet and Todd kicked a SUV into their direction. At the last second (of course) they dove out of the way. Then the SUV hit the car and Mr.Arket bringing them farther into the card shop. Then all four of them gathered in the middle of the street waiting for the three to come out and fight.
"Deal," he shook the man's hand and reloaded his deck. When the cars crashed into the shop he screamed "WHAT THE HELL!" he threw the ten swords card at the ground they stuck in the ground he then threw the knight of swords at the pile of blades and a huge knight like figure appeared from them he had hands for every sword he threw. Lastly he threw strength at the guy he had made a deal with to increase his ability to do damage he then pulled three more cards, "this time I aim to kill,"
"Well, should I help or let it go by." Thought Spectra while above a building. "I might need help." Spectra got down and went to the blacksmith. "Hey, Chiv, I need some help with somethin." Chiv walked out all tired. "This better not be another gaming release." "No, people are making a mess and I am out numbered." Chiv went back, got his armor and walked with Spectra. "Let's get this over with." Said Chiv.

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Loki summons two of his swords onto his hips and he laughs watching the scene unfold. "Let me know who to go for first."
The four saw the knight looking figure walking out of the rubble. He had ten arms for ten swords. And he looked really powerful. Deven looked at the squad not sounding too impressed. "Card magic." The four then saw Mr.Arket walking out of the rubble with two swords and he had his grin like always. All of them heard what he said. Then Dex and Chet looked at him. They both yelled. "HEY MR.ARKET!!" Then they both gave him the bird. They been wanting this round two to start. Todd and Deven looked at the knight. Then Deven looked at Todd. "How are gonna fight swords with fist?" Todd pulled out a single button remote. "Simple really.. We don't." He pushed the button. Then a airplane flew above and dropped a package. Todd opened it and it hold swords. I for each one. Todd got a bastard sword, Deven got duel scimitars. Todd tossed the other swords to Chet and Dex. Chet took a long sword and shield, and Dex to duel katanas. Todd looked at Deven. "Now that's how we do that." All for took positions ready for a tough fight.
Loki walked over to the man with two katanas. "You think you are special, come on then buddy. Watch how fast it will take for you to be on the ground bleeding." "He holds the hilt of the blade that rests on his left hip. He crouches into a low stance and prepares for the quick strike.

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