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Fantasy The Wanted


I will be absent forever...
A group of teenagers hacked into the govermants computer and stole every bit of information they could get thier hands on, when the goverment found out he wanted the teenagers killed, luckily for them the information they took had 'new technology' and they used the blue-prints to create 'cyber-suits'. The group of teenagers are now on the run but they are still stealing information by hacking into goverment officials computers. They have been on the run for quite some time and are known by 'The Wanted'. The Fedral agencies are asking any bystanders for there help to track down this crew of 'The wanted'. This group have stolen helicopters, planes, jets etc. this group have encontoured some dangerous poitions and have almost been killed several times.
Clarissa Ran down the crowded streets as she was being chased by a fedral Officer, She panted rapidly as she jolted through the ally ways. Clarissa pressed a small button on her braclet and spoke into it "Huh huh, I need Help. Getting chased by Fedral officer...Code 3" she said still panting wildly slipping on side walk corners. Clarissa reached a hiding place and she dove into it like she was diving into a pool. Still panting Clarissa peeked out and saw the fedral officer looking for her the fedral officer then ran down the street and Clarissa left once again pressing a small button on her braclet and speaking "Close one but im okay" Her voice was soft. Clarissa ran back to the base as fast as she could. "wake up" She yelled the time was only 4:00 am in the morning and Clarissa was still trying to figure out why she was being chased.

Clarissa walked into the Home room to have breakfast she then saw baily come down "Ugh" He sighed as he poured himself some cereal "You shoulda been training, or at least been AWAKE" she yelled at Baily as he sat and watched T.V. Baily was not interested in her ranting this morning "Grudgy Much" he muttered as he finished the small bowl of cereal "I heard that" Clarissa eyed him off "Go train" she said staring at him.Clarissa Left to go see if Clair was Awake "Clair you awake?'' she questioned as she knocked on her bedroom door. Clarissa was eager to start training with them, both of them "Com'n Hurry up i'll meet you in the common room clair Ok?" Clarissa left to the common room and waited.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Clair slowly got up when she heard knocking at her door , she rubbed her eyes and yawned before realizing she was in front of her monitors and in her clothes from yesterday "dammit , i did it again" she sighed as she got up from her chair. Clair wasn't an early riser nor did she have a sleep pattern , Clair just slept where she wanted when she wanted , of course she's not fully to blame for this behavior as she's anemic and has low blood pressure its simply more convenient for her to operate that way.

After a half hearted attempt at brushing her hair and teeth she reluctantly made her way to the common room. "what do you want Clarissa ? i was asleep"

"for starters you should already be awake, Both of you!" she said as lookad at both clair and Baily "It's unnacceptable" she Grouched. Clarissa stood and walked over to the bench "Anyway, Training" she said happily but with a hint of sarcasm "well Get to it!" she said smiling oddly. Clarissa started to walk out into the training area "Okay today's Training is......." She yelled "The coarse", Clarissa knew everyone hated the coarse even she did but she still insisted "And yes Baily i will be doing it with you!" She walked through some of it then came back to speak some more "Any way as you SHOULD know..i almost got killed this morning...but you don't because you were asleep" She started to run through the coarse.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Clair sighed before looking over towards Baily with a death stare , if there was one thing Clair hated more than being woke up early in the morning it would have to be waking up to training . Clair broke the stare with a joyful smile and soft tone of voice "whats that Baily you want to take my time slot ? no i don't mind at all go ahead" . Clair then slowly began to make her way back towards the hall sure she had saved herself from the torture that was morning training.
"hmm , well i guess so" Clair yawned out looking back at Clarissa whom they had left alone in the common room , she didn't want to upset her but she really didn't want to train right now so she'd make it up to her later. "hey Baily , how are things between you and Clarissa ?"
"ugh no particular reason its just you don 't don't seem to be spending much time together anymore , i just thought oh never mind i'm still half asleep" Clair smiled back at him.
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]"ugh no particular reason its just you don 't don't seem to be spending much time together anymore , i just thought oh never mind i'm still half asleep" Clair smiled back at him.

Baily Sighed in disgusted "Yeh well why does it even matter to you!? huh?" He almost yelled at this point but his voice was lowered by a gust of wind and silence. Baily walked to the door of his bedroom and layed on the bed and slept.
The comms unit in the team's bracelets came to life. "Hey guys, its tanner, I made it out before they decided to execute me, anyone there?"

Tanner was running as he spoke. Staying in dark alleys and back roads, and scaling buildings when he needed to. Anything to keep the Feds off him. He needed to break the trail on him before he could return to the base. So he kept moving until he felt he was secure, then sat in a da k corner and waited for a response.
TheGodSnake said:
The comms unit in the team's bracelets came to life. "Hey guys, its tanner, I made it out before they decided to execute me, anyone there?"
Tanner was running as he spoke. Staying in dark alleys and back roads, and scaling buildings when he needed to. Anything to keep the Feds off him. He needed to break the trail on him before he could return to the base. So he kept moving until he felt he was secure, then sat in a da k corner and waited for a response.
Clarissa Heard his information and relluctantly ran for the door then stoppping and shaking her head "Fine" she spoke into the tellagram. "You know how to cloak! Don't you?" she said waving her red hair around and eventually putting it on her shoulder to put her hood on. Clarissa ran out of the HQ yelling "qij" over and over again and also yelling "Tanner ju tradhtoj". When Clarissa left the HQ she walked through the streets for a while hulting at every allyway then speaking into the bangle "Yeh nice work Tanner".

Clarissa ran past alley ways until she thought she had found the right one. She stopped sitting in a corner "tanner" she whisperelookid ng around hoping she would not be spotted by the feds for the second time. "You there?" She asked looking at the ground picking up small pebbals throwing them at the wall. Clarissa shook her head and pulled a knife from her pocket and sliced through one of the fedral officer dogs legs. The dog pouted in pain and the fedral officers ran. Clarissa left the small opening in which had been her hiding place.
Clair made her way into her room and flopped down on her bed. She hadn't meant to insult Bailey she had just wanted to see if she could help in some way , but of course she had messed that up.After what must have been ten minutes Clair made her way over to her Computer, She connected herself to the coms and began hacking into the police broadcasting system and city cctv. after doing so she opened her coms to Clarissa "Clarissa , make a left turn at the next intersection and continue on until you come to a drainage system as for you Tanner take a right and then a left until you too come to the system. Both of you should try not to use your Exo's as the feds have scanners up , i'll let you know more when you get there ok."
Tanner chuckled, "you kidding? I practically am an exo, I'm just really great at hiding my digital signature from scans. He noticed a fed walk past and he came up behind him and taxed him, knocking him out cold, after stealing his outer uniform gear, and searching it for GPS locators, he threw it on and headed to the location Clair described without anyone on his tail. "Alright Clarissa, you came to save me, let's not make that situation switch, where are you?"
Clarissa stood and walked the the destination in which clair had given her "What do you want tanner?" she said looking around for him. Clarissa started to hack into the Fedral agencies computers and stole all the information.

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