The Wanderers {Open}

(well I don't want to be rude or anything but since Bronwin hasn't been on in a while do you think she would mind if we timeskipped to the next day or something?)
(Well it's already been done before without her and since I haven't posted in a long time I obviously don't mind.)

Luke woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. He could already smell food cooking and when he looked over at his clock he realized he'd slept in, it was already 10:00. He didn't have anything he needed to do that day though so he didn't mind sleeping in for once. He got up and pulled on some sweats and a hoodie, heading downstairs.
Maggie flipped some more pancakes, chatting with her brother as she was nearly done cooking. No one seemed to be moving and awake as early as she had grown used to, so she had forced herself to wait a bit before making breakfast.
Luke walked into the kitchen, flopping lazily onto one of the chairs by the table and yawning. He still felt tired despite having slept so late.
Maggie gave him a cheery 'good morning' while Cam raised his brow. "Did you really just get up?" he asked. "The early bird gets the worm, Luke," he said, quoting something his mother and grandmother had always said when he complained about early days.
"But the second mouse gets the cheese," he quipped, giving Cam a small grin. "Honestly I usually don't sleep in this late, must be because I stayed up last night with Bron and Cade," he shrugged.
Chris woke up and stretched his arms, he could tell it was kind of late, at least for most people like his parents, he would wake up at different times everyday so he never payed a lot of attention to that.

Without thinking much he got up and out of his room closing the door behind him, ever since he was little he slept with whatever clothes he had been wearing during the day, he headed downstairs towards the kitchen where the others seemed to gather every morning.
Cam considered that a moment. "Unless the first mouse is really smart," he replied, getting up and getting a plate of food and grabbing another for Luke. He thanked Maggie before getting some coffee mugs down.
"Thanks," Luke smiled, taking the plate from him and got up to grab forks and knives for everyone, "So what did you guys do last night?" He asked handing out the utensils.
Maggie answered, "Cam finished painting the foyer for me without too much of a mess. And I finished the garden. So I can start cleaning and working on the front yard and the front of the house today."
Luke grinned raising his eyebrows, "Sounds like a lot of work. Do you guys always have this much to do around here?" He asked, sitting back down and starting to cut into one of his pancakes.
Cam shook his head. "Nope. I usually don't stay here. But Maggie's completely mental and has decided she will fix and repair and paint this entire century year old house with or without help. I figured it was best to help her rather than let her kill herself working too hard."
Luke felt his heart sink a little when Cam said that he didn't usually stay there. He liked having him around, he was fun to talk to. "Oh. Well if you ever need any help you know I will," he said with a smile. "But wouldn't it be easier to hire people to do some of this stuff instead of doing the whole thing by yourselves? It is a pretty big house..."
Maggie opened her mouth to respond but Cam rolled his eyes and interrupted. "Exactly. Everyone-even freaking Cooper- tries to tell her that, but she refuses to do it. She says it's a waste of money when she can darn well do the work herself. She "has her own to hands and a brain to boot"."
Chris went into the kitchen, he expected to see more people considering the hour but he disregarded that quickly. "Good morning." he said as he stood near the door.
Luke snorted at his impression of Maggie, "Well it's a lot of work for one person, even if there is someone helping out. Two hands might not be enough for a project this big," he said with a one shouldered shrug. He saw Chris walk in and said a cheery, "Morning! There's pancakes if you want some!"
Maggie smiled over at Chris. "Mornin'," she said, getting a plate and a coffee mug. "Breakfast?" she offered him. "Two hands are more than enough, Luke," she said. "And I defy anyone who tries to tell me otherwise. Because I swear, if I have to send my brother back to his apartment in the city to prove that I can do it, I will." Cam snorted, rolling his eyes.
"I guess I'll have some, thank you." he replied as he walked towards the table and sat on a chair. "What's the conversation about?" he asked.

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