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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

  • Well shiitake mushrooms


  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

  • All according to plan....

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Alright now I would like to praise you guys *Prepares the gun in case this inflated anyone's ego* again this was another great round of actions taken.

galvanismgal galvanismgal
This post killed me with its humor:

1. Black Gabumon was also there. (INSTA LAUGH)

2. sprinting like she just had to get to the black Friday sale to maul a store clerk as her god-given right and the guy was a murderous rejected pachinko ball with swords that would get him laughed out of the Renaissance fair. (Freaking nearly killed me lol)

3. The flea he is a perv combo freaking slayed me XD

4. “I have never seen a flea in my life,” replied one-day-old Black Gabumon.(You know it hits differently when you remember they were just born by their own account and acknowledgment of it lol)

5. mansplaining(Enough said XD)

I also really loved how you built up on strategy mixing attacks to create unique results the steam combo was very clever.

6. Kyaa~” Mei let out a little distressed princess scream(I slammed my head on the desk laughing at this XD.)

The wheel sought to pay you in full on the Kotemon charm/trick tactic XD. And of course, her being like "I shall murder this thing with a thousand kicks" got me to XD


ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon

You truly made me enjoy tasing Arii's little crazy nutjob moment. I felt so bad for them but at the same time, I felt Raven's unnoticed evil joy in doing that to the asshole XD. Ghetto Arii is beautifully hilarious and I legit felt bad that this kid can't catch a mental break. The rant was good, and the trial-by-knife attempt was a good touch to how much Arii doesn't understand that they can't handle this like they have been trained to.


Pumpkid Pumpkid

I loved Impmon's confidence at this moment like Imma make them sweat than blow them up. I can only imagine how he's going to respond to such an unexpected solid result of being two steps ahead of himself accidentally XD. Terriermon is just so blunt with that "Ya you should move ya dumby". Also didn't mean to make you feel locked until you had a combat option I'll keep that in mind for you from now on. Thought thankfully your set now... DUN DUN DUN.


RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

I do really like Ji-Su's layout of action she is lazy yet militant, but with a unique quirky root to it. She also very much understood the situation in front of her and properly understood what she needed to give her partner to be efficient. I am legit excited to see how this goes forward with her in this current act. Also its fun to counter fight Commandramon. Also let it be known the lions going after Arii first so it can full concentrate on Ji-Su who it now sees as the bigger threat.



I am very excited to learn about Eliams backstory from him you have that hook out their wanting to reel me into it. His response to Ancient Sphinxmon's words got me jolted to see where this goes. I also love how Eliams street smarts are helping them keep their head in this situation, but not too much to the point they hold dangerously back.


Twist Twist

YOU MOFO you got me hyped on this particular part so much that I had to really think it out XD. Tentomons donning of the hero motif was not at all what I expected just like Variant Kotemon XD. Bushi Agumon is a freaking riot, and Kimi oh please her courageous heart to do good she really do be in that foolishly heroic mentality.

I very much enjoy evolving and adapting your scene to your peeps actions its a lot of fun to see characters do some crazy wtf I didn't expect that shenanigans which is something I notice this group is really good at but this round you were the star of it.



While Pumpkid Pumpkid didn't aim for me to hurt Ruth, you I know are you son of a goat XD. ARE YOU HAPPY YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED YOU BEAUTIFULLY HYPING SONOVA LAGIACRUS. Oh man Ace I am just to much excited to see where this goes. Oh hurting cutemon hurts my soul though XD just like Ace it burns.

You gave me a very good set up to work with, and like everyone else your actions and posts are very much paying off for me GMing this project seriously all of you your making this worth the effort, and hard work I am bashing out of my corpse to make with these posts. XD.



I know you didn't go this round, but going off your last round I NEED TO KNOW ROISINS TRAUMATIC PAST STORY. Lopmon, and Roisin are going to make playing Ancient Sphinxmon so much fun to do. And while I can prattle on on praise I know I shouldn't do to much as a lot of it I have probably already said to your face XD. Its great and I want more that's all.


To all of you:

Seriously peeps this has been my best experience as a GM ever for a project that I built myself to run. (Persona 5 has been great but that's a temp cogm role for one arc so that's a different great experience lol) . I honestly wasn't going to do this idea it was just random a concept I thought was cool, but as I am seeing this act play out I am glad I leaped into full-time gming again.

I hope to man the mast and sail you guys to the end you crazy dawgs lol. Okay, that's enough praise:

This was beautifully said. And no problem. To be honest I could have done more but I wanted to be safe since I love this rp ^^ though I am conflicted about the Kyubimon variant. Not sure if they are friend or foe so I will wing it lol.
Ohoho you think it's going to be violence?

You fool

You've been had

*Still shoots Arii in the leg as a precaution*
This was beautifully said. And no problem. To be honest I could have done more but I wanted to be safe since I love this rp ^^ though I am conflicted about the Kyubimon variant. Not sure if they are friend or foe so I will wing it lol.

Y'know how concussions can inhibit your emotional control kinda like getting drunk?

I'm about to show you what kinda drunk Arii is
Oh ya I need to explain that lol. Okay so as you know impmon deleted mushmon so any time any of you legit delete another Digimon that experience gets split between you all like a exp share. This way you guys are always balanced out as you share the same level bar.

Your digivice will also tell you who did the deletion and what was deleted/scanned. A bit of a mechanic to add tension/relief to the characters about the situation of other characters.
So someone brought up a valid question. When I am saying you are authorized to go champion you do not need to do it now as in the message I am just giving you the creative freedom to official do it you can decide when and where it happens.

Though with that said please strategically planned to have it happen at most by the end of the desert arc as that is when the ultimate bar will start opening up.
Hows everyone day going
It's good. I was supposed to watch the mha movie but my brother bailed so now I woke up for no reason lol. I'm cold but at least I am up early.

I also have my post ready just need to wait for someone to post since I posted last before you. Unless post resets. (I really got to jot it down xD) How are you?
It's good. I was supposed to watch the mha movie but my brother bailed so now I woke up for no reason lol. I'm cold but at least I am up early.

I also have my post ready just need to wait for someone to post since I posted last before you. Unless post resets. (I really got to jot it down xD) How are you?

Ah I see lol wear more blankets.

Lol you can post now lol the only in-chain post is mine at the end of whatever order you all do XD. DEWIT GIMME POSTS
I'm torn between garudamon or andromon for Jet's evo line

Because on one hand BIRD

on the other hand, andromon gives me access to slash angemon
Alright cool! (Jots down) There ya go. I am free. Wee

I use one big soft one and does the trick since you get warm fast.

I love multiple small blankets feel like I am my own personal igloo lol

work let up a bit so I plan on spending my day catching up here and probably post as well since Mei is in her own little scene for now.

Yay glad to have you back galvanismgal galvanismgal x3

View attachment 1192073

Azure is more effective than any alarm


love how my baby arii nuuuuuhhh is the only choice not covered up.

That was my thought to XD

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream I forgot to tell you I added a bit more to Impmon.
View attachment 1192078

Oooohhhhhhhhhh oh no I love it XD
I'm torn between garudamon or andromon for Jet's evo line

Because on one hand BIRD

on the other hand, andromon gives me access to slash angemon
are you doing single line or? since you could always split the line. Ah, Matreania has garudamon as a pick up digimon if that effects your decision at all. If you want any help searching for lines let me know.

edit: oh is it garudamon X? nevermind if thats the case
I'm torn between garudamon or andromon for Jet's evo line

Because on one hand BIRD

on the other hand, andromon gives me access to slash angemon

I would say maybe another option cause I demand Arii stays in bizarro nature XD.

Andromon. I want to see a team member have a digimon not seen in the show or hasn't had then as an ally

I... think.... you forgot who Andromon is lol


are you doing single line or? since you could always split the line. Ah, Matreania has garudamon as a pick up digimon if that effects your decision at all. If you want any help searching for lines let me know.

I think they are solo lining it.
I would say maybe another option cause I demand Arii stays in bizarro nature XD.

I... think.... you forgot who Andromon is lol

View attachment 1192082

I think they are solo lining it.
Azure I need you to understand all of the other options are hideous except for cannonbeemon but I think someone else already has that as an evo line

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