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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

  • Well shiitake mushrooms


  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

  • All according to plan....

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Which is weird cause Original I though there was only five of them, but nay their is dna versions
Pumpkid Pumpkid ! Here's the rough draft of Dracumon! I forgot to show you! Also idk why I made him look like a tall child also those things above his face is supposed to be stars... My drawing of other things is crappy.
Good news post is done, bad news my internet connections a asshole, and it wont save over for my phone to post. So its trapped on my computer until my internet connection gets it act together. Should still be up tonight... but MIGHT TAKE A HOUR OR SO FREAKING CONNECTION AHHHHH(This is from Azures phone).
Also if u have a hotspot on your phone, you should be able to get your pc to connect to the mobile data
Oh RIP if that's out (by that I mean you've done all the troubleshooting) then you're gonna need a replacement soon.
Good news post is done, bad news my internet connections a asshole, and it wont save over for my phone to post. So its trapped on my computer until my internet connection gets it act together. Should still be up tonight... but MIGHT TAKE A HOUR OR SO FREAKING CONNECTION AHHHHH(This is from Azures phone).
life really wants us on the saturday post schedule
life really wants us on the saturday post schedule

... I hadnt thought about that irony lmfao... uhhhhh. I'll be spending today mimick typing the post onto my phone it will take awhile, but at least it will be done. Good news is its going to be not a future problem cause I now have a land line that cant break lol unlike a freaking WIFI RECEIVER AHHHH. Well not yet but soon boss is getting one.
... I hadnt thought about that irony lmfao... uhhhhh. I'll be spending today mimick typing the post onto my phone it will take awhile, but at least it will be done. Good news is its going to be not a future problem cause I now have a land line that cant break lol unlike a freaking WIFI RECEIVER AHHHH. Well not yet but soon boss is getting one.
If u got an ethernet cable you should be able to bypass the receiver
I just. Realized landline refered to ethernet cable. I am going to go shave myself bald now
Alright access has been established just need to clean the post up, add some pics and stuff, and make a list to you guys here on whats going down for interactive elements.

So post will be up in about lets say a hour or two YAY.
Okay before you all read the post thats about to go up some info before hand. What I am about list is the interactive freedoms you will all have for your posts going forward as this is a open world story i do still have to keep you peeps in a bubble of concentrated control, but with as much freedom as possible... ALRIGHT POST IS UP GO READ IT, AND THAN COME BACK HERE TO READ THE REST.

Main Team: Me, Anorgos Anorgos Matreania Matreania RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Pumpkid Pumpkid (Impmon Only), and ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon

For the next two rounds you have full bodily control of movement, and interaction. After which I will start pulling on threads to kick off the scenario, and than about two to four rounds past that kick off of plot scenario, and than torture you... no further detail XD.

Side Team 1: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth only)

Though I am saying you are heading to the Hospital Hut you do not need to get there anytime soon you may interact, and catch up with each other(Ruth and Ace) while walking their talking or head somewhere mentioned in the description given to your area. The Doctor meeting can be saved for whenever you guys want to kick it off its up to you. DO what you like and I promise plot elements will follow you regardless if needed XD.

Once you guys do a certain activity a event will be triggered on you. Past that fair game baby XD

Side Team 2: Mirai-chan Mirai-chan galvanismgal galvanismgal Twist Twist

I know it feels like you guys got the least content in this post, and I promise you this will be the only round where that is the case... BE PREPARED FOR SOME SHIZZ. Since you were all open I had to set up the sequence of events you will run into, but still make sure you had a environment to play with. I am working with both your decisions, and actions on display. Mirai-chan Mirai-chan if you want to catch up to the Main team you can for the next two round after that you will get dragged fully into this scenario. Leonard obvisouly will need Dracomon to do that though lol so good luck on not being evil to yourself XD. Twist Twist obviously your the most open one at all so if you don't want to stay for this event you can literally go wherever you like and ill trigger another idea on you if you wanna solo. galvanismgal galvanismgal Mei is the concentration on this event so your stuck XD, but it is to open up to a request you made I just cant tell you which one yet.
I guess I dont have the same sense as others in how action order in the posts happen or spacing judging by how things have shaken out. Since as far as I know all the request i've made except maybe 1fell into the lol jk category it will be interesting to see what happens I guess.
I guess I dont have the same sense as others in how action order in the posts happen or spacing judging by how things have shaken out. Since as far as I know all the request i've made except maybe 1fell into the lol jk category it will be interesting to see what happens I guess.

Alright You'll have to explain that cause I am not sure what you meant?

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