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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Well shiitake mushrooms

    Votes: 1 8.3%

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • All according to plan....

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Had to look through Pteranomon X's evos in case I wanted to draw any of them for a funny skit and I want to know how THIS
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turns into THESE

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At least you seem to have a few options. Cutemon's digivolution lines are almost non-existent. I had a choice between Unimon and Tyrannomon pretty much.
I think the process? I haven't seen every anime/game so I am not sure how they are normally handled other than the "magical girl transformation cut away"

I drew inspiration from this when Cutemon first manifested. Might continue with it for the actual digivolution 🤔
Also question do X antibodies automatically evolve into x antibodies in this world

Negative that is your choice as in evolution the X antibody can in fact go dormant, and just as equally pop again out of the blue however whatever you do have as a antibody evolution is a permanent change to that evolution stage.

the magic of selling toys/video games but now we can have the gay agenda of this

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Lets be honest everyones got that one or more digimon where they go: .... Yep I would XD

She's right. This man will be unstoppable and woo every digimon. He already has a cool temper and and a leather jacket

Dino can evolve to be lady I vote for it. They are beautiful on the inside after all

Dewit, dew what must be done *Is totally going to make a quest line for Impmon to gain fedora XD*



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Cargodramon was right there


just know I have all the digi-ladys who could girl boss in my belt. If I didn't think we would be stuck with our rookies for longer Mei's digilines would all end in these ladies since it was more important for her to have a mammal/soft one.

I go two of those myself in wormmons line lol.

TBH I think the funniest Pteranomon X evo possible would to be in one of the evo loops that can happen so it keeps evolving into itself


I can make it by friday... Time to pull an all Nighter!


Lol, I'll prob use Garudamon X if Jet ever digivolves. It's got some nice options

If you ever do just update your cs and let me know in advance XD

Nevermind I posted

LETS GOOOOOOOO *Azure jumps into the post cannon*

A good choice, sad that they broke up with arii though and became their eX


At least you seem to have a few options. Cutemon's digivolution lines are almost non-existent. I had a choice between Unimon and Tyrannomon pretty much.

Huh weird

I drew inspiration from this when Cutemon first manifested. Might continue with it for the actual digivolution 🤔

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The start of my "Fuck around and find out" design process era
Dang you really going all out!

Negative that is your choice as in evolution the X antibody can in fact go dormant, and just as equally pop again out of the blue however whatever you do have as a antibody evolution is a permanent change to that evolution stage.

Lets be honest everyones got that one or more digimon where they go: .... Yep I would XD

Dewit, dew what must be done *Is totally going to make a quest line for Impmon to gain fedora XD*



I go two of those myself in wormmons line lol.



If you ever do just update your cs and let me know in advance XD

LETS GOOOOOOOO *Azure jumps into the post cannon*


Huh weird

Impmon being a flirt? I can imagine that but he's already a fail at it. He will flirt with his teammates at some point. Rn he likes Lopmon but that might change 👀 which now I like for when Terriermon comes in and gets even more jealous and omg!!!! Drama and plot for my digimon yes!

I vote Ruth be Scott to fight the eXes
Pteranomon Jet2.png

Whether or not this design is canon is not something I have to decide BUT

(Mostly) Full-scope redesigned Jet. Cause I wanted to. I decided to make him more cyborg-y because of the andromon evolution line, gave him a bird beak instead of a marlin bill (because the wiki said beak not bill), switched around what plane he was based off of because F-15 wings are shorter than I wanted them to be

Oh yeah and I also gave him actual bird feet because I wanted to and figuring out how to make them fold up into the plane-body part was the WORST thing I have ever tried to do
Also how big do you guys think pteranomon X is? I've been estimating based off the cockpit in its face, but that seems. Too big
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Whether or not this design is canon is not something I have to decide BUT

(Mostly) Full-scope redesigned Jet. Cause I wanted to. I decided to make him more cyborg-y because of the andromon evolution line, gave him a bird beak instead of a marlin bill (because the wiki said beak not bill), switched around what plane he was based off of because F-15 wings are shorter than I wanted them to be

Oh yeah and I also gave him actual bird feet because I wanted to and figuring out how to make them fold up into the plane-body part was the WORST thing I have ever tried to do
Damn you put a lot of thought to this. I mostly just throw on aesthetics and blame magic and anime logic lol. This is brilliant. I vote you keep him that way unless you are going to add more because profile wise that's how I already see him.
Lol tyyy

If most of my skill didn't lie with dragons and dragon-ish things, I'd try my hand at the cast xD
I know you said you are not brave but I do believe you would be great with comics like dragon ones. This one artist reminds me a lot of yours and they did a dragon one that made me cry and I love it. What size canvas you use and what size pencil?

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon you and Pumpkid Pumpkid drawing skills are just marvelous X3
Ty! Galvan reminded me of fake digimon I made as a teen. I redrew it like five years ago but here it is and it was Halloween based. It even has like pokedex entry or lore of how they came to be:
I feel like I showed yall this I could be wrong
Damn you put a lot of thought to this. I mostly just throw on aesthetics and blame magic and anime logic lol. This is brilliant. I vote you keep him that way unless you are going to add more because profile wise that's how I already see him.

I know you said you are not brave but I do believe you would be great with comics like dragon ones. This one artist reminds me a lot of yours and they did a dragon one that made me cry and I love it. What size canvas you use and what size pencil?

Ty! Galvan reminded me of fake digimon I made as a teen. I redrew it like five years ago but here it is and it was Halloween based. It even has like pokedex entry or lore of how they came to be:
I feel like I showed yall this I could be wrong

Lol, that's why I like doing redesigns. Making a design work for my poor little brain that refuses to do anything unless it understands it.

I think I might actually die if I tried doing a comic. I draw fast, but can't pick something back up once I put it down, so it would either be draw the whole page all in one go or not let myself draw anything else. My muse is fickle and does what it wants, lol

My canvas size ranges depending on the amount of detail I want. My "basic" canvas is 2k by 3k pixels. Reference sheets like this can range anywhere from 4k by 4k to what this one is which is 6k by 6k

Proper artworks generally fall between those values but trend lower because I can use up to 150 layers on a single piece if it's got enough going on and I don't want to explode my poor pc. Profile pictures like the one I have right now are always 2k by 2k
#5 Arii pfp.png

My pencil brush for lineart is always at 5 pixels, and other brushes tend to vary
Honestly had you submitted this to me stating you made it... i would have probably passed this... not going to lie...

The size of a jet plane
Good lord. 73ft from nose-to-tail based on the wiki article for a F-111 (assuming F-111 because its usage matches Pteranomon's moveset)

Lol, that's why I like doing redesigns. Making a design work for my poor little brain that refuses to do anything unless it understands it.

I think I might actually die if I tried doing a comic. I draw fast, but can't pick something back up once I put it down, so it would either be draw the whole page all in one go or not let myself draw anything else. My muse is fickle and does what it wants, lol

My canvas size ranges depending on the amount of detail I want. My "basic" canvas is 2k by 3k pixels. Reference sheets like this can range anywhere from 4k by 4k to what this one is which is 6k by 6k

Proper artworks generally fall between those values but trend lower because I can use up to 150 layers on a single piece if it's got enough going on and I don't want to explode my poor pc. Profile pictures like the one I have right now are always 2k by 2k

My pencil brush for lineart is always at 5 pixels, and other brushes tend to vary
Lol thanks! I have to work on the dog digimon to work on one day.

That's a big canvas! Ok so I am doing it right. Years of art and I still feel like I am a rookie. XD dude this art is freaking amazing. You can see the detail and time and effort you put into it. I get a little impatient so I stick with anime or cartoons. Maybe that's my fault. I feel rushed these days so maybe that's why. The winged man looks like a human version of Jet. Now I wonder...

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream this is strange but can we randomly have an episode where our digimon are human? Granted it would all be a dream and they were digimon the whole time. Plot twist! That sounds weird the more I think about it lol.

As for comics, I do feel you. My muse is fickle as well these days but I try to keep at it but then it dies and I try to poke it with a stick to activate it then I throw it back in the cage when it's drained until it rattles again.

Good lord. 73ft from nose-to-tail based on the wiki article for a F-111 (assuming F-111 because its usage matches Pteranomon's moveset)
Yes!!! Bigger is better! But if I recall Cerberumon is going to be huge for me but it seems we will have small environments so we might need to adjust
Lol thanks! I have to work on the dog digimon to work on one day.

That's a big canvas! Ok so I am doing it right. Years of art and I still feel like I am a rookie. XD dude this art is freaking amazing. You can see the detail and time and effort you put into it. I get a little impatient so I stick with anime or cartoons. Maybe that's my fault. I feel rushed these days so maybe that's why. The winged man looks like a human version of Jet. Now I wonder...

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream this is strange but can we randomly have an episode where our digimon are human? Granted it would all be a dream and they were digimon the whole time. Plot twist! That sounds weird the more I think about it lol.

As for comics, I do feel you. My muse is fickle as well these days but I try to keep at it but then it dies and I try to poke it with a stick to activate it then I throw it back in the cage when it's drained until it rattles again.

Yes!!! Bigger is better! But if I recall Cerberumon is going to be huge for me but it seems we will have small environments so we might need to adjust
You caught it! I reuse my "main" characters a lot because i have a handle on their personalities and I generally get better feedback from my rpers when I use them, since they're pretty consistent and generally I know where they're gonna go and how to write them. Jet and Arii are my main two since they go well as a pair for larger group interactions and splitting them up makes for a Pacific Ocean's worth of drama and other issues

LOL easy way to knock the gang's power down a little: tight spaces
You caught it! I reuse my "main" characters a lot because i have a handle on their personalities and I generally get better feedback from my rpers when I use them, since they're pretty consistent and generally I know where they're gonna go and how to write them. Jet and Arii are my main two since they go well as a pair for larger group interactions and splitting them up makes for a Pacific Ocean's worth of drama and other issues

LOL easy way to knock the gang's power down a little: tight spaces
Oh? Interesting I honestly had no idea xD but now I adore them more. I have trouble with new ones too but sometimes it flows naturally as to what I want to do with them

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