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"He really never got along well with any of us. If he can hire several people to murder him I'm sure he can figure out everything bit of information about him too. With bringing up with what happened with Adrian I think it would be best to not discuss it too much for the time being, he may not act like it but he's probably scared to death and stressed out about it. I'd just watch him and stay close to him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." He said as he pulled his hand out of hers gently. "He'll probably start being really protective of you two to a point its controlling, just try to work with it I'm sure he'll slowly adjust to what happened."
Clarissa nodded at what Apolll had said, if he could've hire a couple mercernaries, finding their address was just a piece of freaking cake for him. 'So what you're saying is try no to fight him a lot? Try to be less me?' Clarissa joked lightly but she understood where Apollo was going. She forgot that he could be so helpful and serious when it comes to this kind of matter. 'We'll keep him safe.'
"Just don't get as sassy and hot headed as you usually get. He should get better with time." He laughed, standing up from beside her bed. "Give him time, he'll get better. He always does. Anyway, I'm going to go make my father return him to you." He said, leaving the room.

Nicolas came back in a couple minutes with Adrian still carrying him, laying him back down next to Clarissa. "There you go. How are you feeling? The baby?" He asked, looking at Sage. Adrian just snuggled back up with Clarissa not saying a word.
'I will, i'm not gonna yell at him.' Clarissa smiled, 'if I have an urge to fight i'll call you and yell at you.' She laughed quietly as he watch Apollo walked out of the room. Just like what he promised, Nicolas came back with Adrian. And weird as they seemed to look at, he was still carrying his youngest as if he was still a baby, she tried to contain her laughter.

'I'm good.' She smiled at him, 'Little Sage is perfect. Thank you, Nicolas. For all the help.' With her free hand, she brushed Adrian's hair.
Nicolas nodded, Adrian just laying there looking like he was starting to fall back asleep. "You don't need to thank me." He smiled faintly at the two of them. "I'll leave you three alone now, we'll be around if you need us." He sad as he walked out of the door.

Adrian opened his eyes and looked up at Clarissa. "He carried me like a small child while he talked to me."
'Well you are his baby boy,' Clarissa cooed at Adrian. She can't help herself, she laughed a bit louder that it caused Sage to stir in her slumber. That made Clarissa stopped as she cradled her back to sleep. 'I'm sorry baby girl, as it turns out we have another baby.' Clarissa whispered at her little baby girl.
He laughed quietly. "Just so you know I am not a baby. I was just carried around by a man who's almost 60 like it was normal." He moved one his hands and rubbed Sages cheek gently. "She needs to wake up and open her eyes. So lazy." He bopped her nose watching her squirm a bit in her sleep, giving off the vibe of aggiation just wanting to sleep.
'Nicolas is exceptionally healthy for his age,' Clarissa shrugged at him, 'its kinda amazing.' She glance down at the baby in her arms, 'Stop messing around with her,' Clarissa chided at her fiance, she adjusted the bonnet on her tiny little head. 'Sage needs sleep. Trust me when we're out of here, if she cries in the middle of the night, you'll be the one checking her.'
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"I don't mind that at all." He smiled, staring at his daughter. "My father took really good care of himself starting from a young age, he rarely has anything wrong with him medically too. He is literally goals."
'Oh. Huh.' Clarissa said haughtily, 'remember what you said Acher, i'll hold you to it.' She added with a grin etched on her face. 'Well, Nicolas had discipline. Oh which reminds me, where are we gonna look for a new house? Do you still wanted to be near here?'
"Mhm, I don't think my father will let me move too far away." He shrugged. "Its wherever we find a house we like, I suppose."

He snuggled up closer to her, shutting his eyes again. "Has a nurse said when we'll be able to leave here? You'll probably get out before me but, I can always just walk out."
'So near here again, huh.' Clarissa scoffed. 'I guess that's actually fine with me, so if we need a sitter, Uncle Apollo might swing by easily.' She laughed quietly.

'Hm. I never actually talked to the nurse yet,' She added as she reached for Adrian's head and pet it, 'and no! You are not gonna leave this place. Not until the doctor has a say so.' Clarissa added sternly.
He snickered and sat up, acting like he was about to leave. "Really? I know where my clothes are, I'll leave right now." He said as he got up, getting his clothes that were in a bag and started taking them out.
'Is that a threat?' Clarissa's brow was raised. 'Don't make me get up here and beat your knee with a steel chair, if that's what it takes to keep you in bed.' She said testily. But then she remembered Apollo said to her, not to be hot headed and adjust for his sake. So far, it wasn't going to well.
He rolled his eyes and put his clothes back, getting back into the bed with her. "Really I doubt you could do something like that while holding Sage." He laughed as he got back under the blankets. "I'll stay here but if they keep me here for over two weeks I'm just leaving."
'Try me.' Clarissa laughed as she adjusted Sage in her arms. Her pretty angel was still sleeping tightly. 'And what's with you and hospitals?! Seriously. Few hours after you wake up from coma, you walked out. And now, Adrian, you got shot. Graze in the head. Don't you want Sage to have a father growing up?' Clarissa tilted her head and kissed Adrian's face. 'Please rest, I don't want to tell Sage that her father died because he don't want to stay in a hospital and recover ' she added with a pout.
"This is my defintion of resting, honestly when have you ever seen me just lay around all day? I don't have it in me." He smiled at her, playing with the ends of her hair. "I'll be fine, I know my limits. Walking around isn't that hard. Sage will have a father so don't worry about it."
'Yeah, I guess you're right.' Clarissa laughed. 'You're too damn hyper to stay on the same spot.' She reached for his face and patted it, 'Just rest, and yes, you do know your limits yet you tend to push them. I'm okay with that, but not when you're still like that. I don't want to hunt down the cute nurse I saw to be Sage's dad.' Clarissa chuckled. 'So please, pretty please, follow the doctors orders.'
"Pfft I'm better than a random cute nurse." He said pouting, snuggling closer to her and wrapped an around her waist just laying there. "Happy?" He laughed quietly. "When I woke up at first from my coma I was ready to rip this hospital apart trying to find you, like soon as I woke up. So meh."
'Yes, very much.' Clarissa said smugly when Adrian went back to bed. 'And yes, you are way hotter than any nurses here. Even if you are a bit of narcissist, you're mine.' She laughed heartily, her hand patted his arm. 'As sweet as it may sound, that's not gonna get you out of the hospital, I love you, though.'
"I love you too. You know you love my narcissism." He stared at Sage being tempted to poke her again but knew Clarissa would just get pissed off. "Make her do interesting stuff, like wake up. She's part me she should've came out of the womb at least a toddler."
'I'll be damned for loving your narcissism.' She chuckled. Sage squirmed abit, her tiny little hands went to her face, but then she stopped and went back sleeping again. 'Cut it out,' she chided at Adrian, 'she's not a week old yet. Wait till she's months old then you can see how many amazing and interesting stuff this kid could do.' Clarissa glance down on him, and sure as hell he looks so eager to play with the little thing. 'Poor kid, ' she cooed at Sage, 'your father is annoying, i'm sorry. I feel your pain.'
"Shush, I generally have Pudding to play with but he's not here. I'm waiting for this thing to do stuff." He laughed quietly, watching her squirm around slightly. "I'm not that annoying. Besides you'll get to go home with her while I'm stuck here. Visiting hours are only so long. I would just walk out of here but you've threatened to beat me with a chair."
'Adrian,' Clarissa said, a surprise was in her voice, 'Lying to a baby?! Seriously, she'll know you can annoy the living lights of anyone. Trust me, Sage.' She cooed on the baby in her arms. 'Damn right, I would. Or i'll borrow your gun and shoot your foot.' She added smugly, 'Hey, about the house. I'm not going back there, even if we're with you. Should I go back home to New york until we haven't settled anything?'
"Are you wanting to go back to New York as soon as you're out of here? I'd prefer you wait for me. Until we figure out what we want to do my dad is fine with us living wit- Well no nevermind Dedrich, if that happens. Get a hotel room and live there while you wait for me?" He shrugged. "I don't blame for you never wanting to go back there."

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