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"He just finished the time he needed to serve, I wouldn't call that bail." He sighed quietly, ignoring the 'your majesty' comment. "I know my father isn't going to be able to be around him 24/7. He'll figure it out, I trust him that much. I know Dedrich is a threat to others, who knows maybe my father will lock him away in a mental institution." He gave a small laugh at the thought. "We can move farther away if you want, an hours drive or so. Keep my dad happy and be a bit farther from my brothers house." He shrugged, not knowing how to make Dedrich getting free acceptable. It really wasn't.
'I know.' Clarissa said as she made a Uturn. 'I trust him when it comes to Deidrich more than you. Just please, remember your promised to me, Adrian.' She stole a glance at him for a short time then her eyes back on the road. 'No Deidrich without me. Please.' Her knuckles turned white, from the speed of the car or from something else, she's not sure. But she's anxious at Deidrich going back outside. Specially for Adrian's safety.
He nodded. "By the way, wreck my car. Its on." He snickered, looking at her hands gripping the wheel like she was about to break it in half. "Just calm down Dedrich won't hurt you, and he's stupid if he tries to hurt me again."
Without glancing at Adrian, a smug smile formed in her lips as she floored the accelerator. She drive and overtook atleast five cars before slowing down, weaving through traffic like it was nothing. She missed driving. If only she took her car along with her. . . 'Adrian, we knew your brother is an idiot. And he won't stop, not until you are dead.' Clarissa said quietly. Her eyes were still on the road.
"Also if you get pulled over. It's on." He rolled his eyes, watching out the window as they passed cars. "Next time my brothet tries to kill me, I'll press charges. It won't be too hard."
'I can flash at the cops,' Clarissa joked lightly. 'So it's no biggie. If its a woman, mind if I use you?' She winked at him but she slowed down back on the speed limit. 'Goodness Adrian, you think there's a next time?!' Clarissa's brow was raised. 'But I guess you're right, that's Deidrich after all. I'm not gonna be at ease, as soon as he's back. You're not going back to your house without me, okay.'
"You know I promised you I wouldn't go around my brother without you. I don't lie to you either so chill, stop stressing over it. We'll figure stuff out. How much farther is the hotel?" He asked, ignoring the comment about a female officer.
'I'm just worried alright, and scared.' Clarissa snapped. 'Sue me. I care for you.' She step once more to the accelerator, not bothering to answer his inquiry about the hotel, after five minutes, the five star hotel was towering above them.

She went straight towards the parking area. Waving at the security who opened the gates for them. Clarissa parked on the same spot where Nicolas originally parked the car. Killing the engine, her hand became heavy, she don't want to surrender the car right away, but Adrian's back. Pouting, she handed him the keys, 'Let's go.' Clarissa said as she stepped out of the car.
He got out of the car after taking his keys from her. He didn't acklowedge her snapping at him, he didn't want to. "How long do you think we'll be living in this hotel? We won't really have time to look for houses before seeing your parents soon." He commented, looking at his fathers car which was parked nearby and Apollos car that was right next to his fathers. "What is Apollo doing here by the way? I thought you said it was only my father watching Sage."
'I don't know.' Clarissa said as she walked towards the elevator. 'As long as it takes for us to get a house,' her head tilted to the side as soon as Adrian mentioned Apollo's car. 'I don't know. I trust Apollo but I don't trust him with Sage, Acher.'
He followed her, not knowing where their room was at so he just trusted her to lead the way. "My father is there, he would die before he let anything happen to our daughter." He laughed quietly, that being completely true.
They went inside the elevator and she pressd twelve. It was a quick ride. The familiar carpet greeted her as she stepped out of the lift. Clarissa stopped for a while and rummaged her bag for the keys of their suite. 'There you are.' She mumbled as she fished the keys inside her bag. Room 1204, the key handle indicated.

Clarissa walked towards the right side of the hall and shortly stopped at 1204, she swipe the key on the lock. 'Nicolas?' Clarissa called out as she opened the door wider for the both of them.
When they stepped into the room, Apollo was there, Nicolas, and some random girl that looked beyond tired or hungover. It was clearly far too early for her, what she was doing there was a mystery.

Nicolas had Sage asleep in her crib, when the two entered the room whatever they were talking about went silent. What Clarissa could hear was in german and came from Nicolas.

The girl was shorter than Apollo, standing basically behind him trying to withdrawal herself from whatever the two were talking about. Her hair was pulled back sloppily and was still in her PJs or sweats, having on a white tanktop that clung to her tightly. It showed off how thin it was, her pants were a pair green sweat pants.

Apollo glanced at the girl who was clearly ready to fall asleep right there, then at Clarissa making eye contact with her before forcing the girl to walk over to her. "Go be best friends, you're ticking me off. I need to talk to Adrian anyway and my father. Go." He said like it was order to her more than Clarissa, Nicolas just sitting there looking pissed at not the girl but his oldest.

"Your daughter is asleep in her crib.. For Apollos sake please take her on a walk or something. Come back in like 15 minutes or something, I'm sorry." He stopped speaking in English and said something in German to Apollo that made him frown.

Adrian stared at the girl, who was just standing there not knowing why Apollo was so pissed at her she was just silent, taking what Apollo said or did to her. He just glanced at Clarissa, not knowing what to say. Despite the girls hair being pulled back it was easy to tell her hair was dyed a pinkish color that was fading out unevenily.
Nicolas wasn't alone in the room when Adrian and Clarissa went in. Just like what Adrian said, Apollo's there too..... and another girl who looks like been drag out of bed and got a case a very nasty hang over.

She learned that when the Acher's converse family drama, they change the language to german and that's the first sign that a trouble happened that time, Nicolas was all serious and talking in rapid german.

Clarissa expression scrunched up a bit, Apollo's demeanor towards the girl was down right rude, she catch Nicolas' murder stare at his oldest. A very rare scenario. Clarissa glance up at Adrian but he too looled surprised. Upon Nicolas' request, she went straight towards the bedroom and there she was, her pretty baby girl. 'Bonjour petite fille,' Clarissa cooed at the baby. 'Grandpa asked us to take a walk. Uncle Apollo did something bad I think.' She whispered quietly at Sage. The baby yawn, forming a tiny o shaped, which was very cute. 'Allons-y.' Strapping the baby bag in her shouldet she went back outside.

Clarissa kissed Adrian at his cheeks, and walked towards the girl. 'Hey, wanna come with us? We're heading to the pool.' She smiled at her.
She stepped out of the room, leaving wether Clarissa came or not. She nodded her head slightly in regards to the question, shutting the door behind them.

She rubbed her eyes, trying to rub the tiredness away. "What time is it?" She asked, her voice was groggy as she yawned after what she said. She was probably worse than Sage in the tiredness field. "I swear to god if it's 10 or earlier I'm going to break myself in half." That comment was out, but she clearly wasn't with it entirely.
Clarissa checked her wrist watch, 'it's nine thirty.' She mumbled at the girl. She didn't exactly sure if the girl was sleep walking. Her eyes were close as if it'll open upon the desig ated hour. She led her on the floor where a mini park and a pool was located.

Clarissa sat on one of the lounge chair provided in the vicinity. She placed Sage's bag on her side. She tried to look at the girl discreetly but her tongue was itching to ask questions. Finally, her mouth snapped open. 'What's up with you and Apollo?' Her mouth was the bane of her existence but she didn't care. She's curious. Though Adrian might tell her everything, she wanted to know first hand what was happening.
She sat down in the chair next Clarissa, her resting on the table not caring about Clarissa being so blunt at all or was too tired to care. "Oh, he knocked me up." She said like it was nothing.

"He's currently complaining to his daddy like he can fix it." She giggled, it was possible she was still drunk from whatever she did last night from the way she was acting. "I don't know why he's taking his rage out at me like I forced myself on him. He paid me for one thing so." She laughed again, seeming a bit more awake. "It's not my fault when I say I'm not on birth control and he thinks his tiny sperm cells just won't go for it."
If Clarissa wasn't seated, she probably will be. The girl delivered the news as if she was just asking about the weather. Whereas when Clarissa knew she was pregnant, all hell broke loose in her life. She blamed everyone.

'Apollo?' Clarissa's voice filled with disbelief. 'Is gonna be a father?' She didn't know whether to laugh or take pity on the oldest sibling. She actually didn't know what Apollo's preference would be. After her and Adrian, clearly he wasn't thinking. 'You're a hooker.' Clarissa said casually when he mentioned about her getting paid. 'Sorry. I meant no offense.' She immediately added, not wanting to offend the girl. 'How long have you known? ... That you are pregnant, I mean?' That's why Papa Acher is going nuclear, Clarissa thought. But I thought he wanted grand kids? 'Oh. Sorry. I'm Clarissa...this is Sage.' She offered a smile at her.
"I think his dad is pissed at the way he talks to me in general." She shrugged, glancing at her baby. "I've known for like.. 6 hours now? About."

She sat her head up from the table, knowing she wasn't going to get anymore sleep. "My name is Vera. Apollo is the only person I've slept with in the past two monthes or so, one I'm more of a stripper than a hooker and I charge him high enough that I don't need to sleep with anyone else. So, I'm not really a skank or anything." She said partially on demand from hearing her call her a hooker, she wasn't made cause it was the truth, she just didn't want her to think she was a total tramp.
'Well, Nicolas.... i'm not saying this as an excuse but they're ..... we're having a bit of a crisis right now. So fogive Nicolas for being like that.' Clarissa said enigmatically. She don't want to tell Vera that first impression and Nicolas will not go perfectly well. She even shivered when she remembered that he thought Adrian got her pregnant at her first visit in the house.

'Congratulations on your baby,' she said with a smile to Vera, 'Apollo's nice....at fist maybe he could be a douchebag, but he's fine. No need to worry about your baby. He could be very responsible.' Clarissa thought of dying Adrian and how Apollo act fast. But then he make out with Adrian in front of her, and that's where the douchebag is coming from.

Clarissa blushed at the correction, 'I apologize I didn't know the difference.'
She shrugged. "I'm not really worried about this too much, I told him I'd get an abortion and he just freaked the fuck out even more." She sighed, it being more from being tired than frustation. "Can I sleep in your hotel room? I got off work at 5am last night and I swear to god Apollo is dragging me around like no tomorrow. I'm beyond tired. I'll sleep right here at this table if you'll let me."
'No don't.' Clarissa too was horrified at her decision. 'Apollo can support the kid. If you don't want it. Just don't go for abortion.' She didn't know why she was speaking for Apollo, but if Apollo don't want the kid either, Clarissa will beg Adrian just to keep Apollo's baby. And now, she's feeling a bit bad. It was a baby not a pup to be given away.

Vera looked so dead beat tired and talking to her right now was like talking to a brick wall. 'You can crash in our room, ' Clarissa said all too willingly, 'you can also sleep here for a while. I'll wake you up when we need to go back inside.' She added quietly at her.
She nodded her head slightly before laying her head back down on the table where they were sitting, shutting her eyes. "I don't know if Apollo wanted me to get one or not, he never actually said." She said, she probably mostly asleep at this point though she could keep the conversation going. "I'm just assuming no by the way he freaked out."
'Boys just freakout more when it comes to having babies...' Clarissa lied convincingly. Adrian was the calm one between the two of them. She looked at Vera, she didn't know if she was sleeping or was just resting her eyes, either way she sounded tired.

Sage squirmed inside her covers, and cried for a bit. Clarissa adjusted her bonnet, hushing her. She cradled the baby, singing softly her lullaby.
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"Maybe but who wants to have a baby with a random stripper?" She said opening her eyes upon hearing Sage cry, staring at the baby. "If he doesn't want it, I can't raise a child so abortion is the only decent approach I can make. Adoption won't work because I can't put stripper/prositute as what I work as."

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