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'Yeah, okay.' Clarissa nodded, obviously happy with their plan. 'Hotel sounds nice. Better than our home really.' Deidrich was one of the reason why she never wanted to go back to Acher residence. She'll not put Sage anywhere near him. 'That's why you need to hurry up the recovery. Stop being so stubborn.'
"I'm fine now, well not that you'd consider me but for gods sake I carried you around while I had just been shot in the head. Me having stitches isn't that awful." He shrugged again. "The shot in my back is more painful than the one on my head. I'll live though."
'Well I prefer you not getting shot at,' Clarissa caressed his cheek. Suddenly she remembered what she and Apollo talked about. Adrian sure looks fine. He's well... him. 'Adrian....' Clarissa whispered. 'I have a question. I . . . just... I just want to understand. ' she paused for a bit, her hand never leaving his face. 'Why does Deidrich hate you so much? Why is he dead set on killing you? Did you do something at him?'
"Well, if you can remember Morgan and what happened Morgan killed herself because mentally she couldn't handle Dedrich. He's just mentally unstable to a point here isn't any way to help him, I told him what it was doing to her mental health considering she was a sensitive girl she couldn't stand him that long. He panicked and hide her body when he found it in his room, he tried to get me to help me cover it up for whatever reason. I wouldn't. He got pissed, when he got accused of it only made him madder. He doesn't get depressed, he gets pissed. I'm just the next person he can blame is my guess."
'Only Nicolas can handle Deidrich.' Clarissa said quietly. 'Adrian. . . one last thing and I swear you can sleep, well you have to sleep or i'll hunt down a bat and beat you with it.' She chuckled, clearly a bit anxious because she knew what he might say to whatever she is planning. 'Can you promise, can you promise me that you'll stay away from Deidrich if they allow him to go back to Apollo's house? Please?' Clarissa placed her hand on Adrian's arm and patted it. 'Please? Promise me? but If you'll go or if Nicolas asked you to go, I want to come with you.' She looked down on him, searching his eyes.
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He nodded. "I suppose, if you really want to be there. I won't avoid that house just because Dedrich is there, I'm sure my father is going to want me to see him again at some point. I plan on snapping neck so, if you want to be there for that I'm stopping you. Dedrich won't fight my dad because.. well have you seen him? He's built like a body guard, it's intense."
'You don't see my point, do you?' Clarissa muttered. 'I don't want to see Deidrich, I don't want you to see that crazy psycho you call brother. I judt wanted to be there for you if you really have to go and see him. And I know Deidrich won't fight your dad, at leadt even in that, he had a sense.'
"Oh, well. It's not on my to do list to go see him. I don't know if my father wants me to see him personally or not." He said as he closed his eyes again. "I just know my father wants to be the one in control over him because he'll be stricter than any prison guard."
'Yeah, well he should be.' Clarissa hissed. 'Deidrich could stay in your attic or basement for all I care. Then Nicolas can beat the crap out of him.' she added softly when Sage squirmed. 'I'm sorry for asking those things.' Clarissa patted his arms again. 'Go to sleep, love you.' she added silently as she adjusted then cradled Sage in her arms.
"No you're fine." He opened his eyes, kissing her cheek gently before going back to the same position he was in. "Stop worrying about Dedrich for the time being, we're no where near him right now."
'I'm not worrying about Deidrich for myself,' Clarissa muttered silently, 'i'm worrying about him for you. Everytime you encountered that bastard, something bad is happening to you. I just don't want that to happen.' she added simply.
"Yeah.. He doesn't care for me all too much as you can tell. Again, let Dedrich leave your mind. Right now I'm not worried about him, I'm more worried about you and Sage, and getting out of here sooner rather than later."
After a week, the doctor discharge Clarissa out of the hospital. So as baby Sage. But Clarissa was told never to strain herself, physically and emotionally. Nicolas booked them a room at the nearby Hotel where they would stay indefinitely. Her clothes and all the baby things she needed was all there too.

Adrian was still stuck in the hospital, just like he predicted. He earned two more weeks of stay.

Clarissa was all packed up, her hospital gown was long gone and Baby Sage wear different pink clothes. Her head was still covered by a beanie hat. Carrying Sage at her arms, she went towards the sulking Adrian and smiled, 'It's just two weeks, then you can come home. Please, please be good.' Clarissa pouted at him.
Adrian nodded, sitting in the hospital bed looking annoyed at the fact she was leaving him alone in the hospital. "Whatever you say mother." He said, hugging her gently. "I'm tempted to follow you just so know." He forced a slight smile, still hugging her.
'Acher,' Clarissa said acidly, 'I don't swing that way. You do know that, right?' Her brow was raised when he let go. But then she smiled, he was just pissed and she knew where it was coming from 'Don't be a sour puss, remember our deal. I'll shoot your foot if your runaway again. Besides, its not like i'm leaving you permanently. Geez. We'll visit tomorrow as early as we can. Stop pouting.'
"Well I'm sorry if I'd just prefer around you all day then stuck in some hospital." He scoffed, laying back onto the bed. "You know I'm clingy and protective." He stared at her, looking annoyed still.
'And we love you for it.' Clarissa said leaning at him as she gave him a kiss. 'Even if you can be annoying sometimes.' She laughed at him. 'Our cab is waiting downstairs. I'll call you when we get home.' Clarissa craddled Sage, she adjusted her to fit comfortable in her arms. She was about to walked away when she looked back at Adrian, 'oh, Acher. I'm not exactly a jealous type. But, don't flirt with the nurses. I can't dig a hole on the ground with my condition yet. I love you.' Clarissa smiled at him as she left his room and head outside with Sage, sleeping in her arms.
He laid back in the bed, sighing once they left. His phone never getting fixed from what Dedrich did or whoever so she'd figure it out eventually. It just wasn't something that crossed his mind. He just laughed and waved to her as she left the room.
Going outside freaked Clarissa out a bit. It was her first time that she'll be out of doctor's or nurses supervision when it comes to taking care of Sage. Her pediatrician gave her her phone number when Clarissa almost practically beg to stay in the hospital just so she could ask for help. The doctor told her that just relax and act based on mother's instinct, if she's uncertain about somethings, she can call her.

On her cab ride, Clarissa called her parents. Her dad wasn't around that time so it was just her mum. They had converse in french for a long time as she told her what exactly happened. She edited a bit of course, she don't want her mum to have a heart attack. She remove the roof part and the killing in her face part.... and the Deidrich part. She didn't knew why but she didn't told her parents that it was Adrian's older brother who sent mercenaries just to kill him. She did mentioned though that Adrian was shot atleast four times just to save herlife.

They finally arrived at their hotel, she hang up with her mum, not without telling her that their grand daughter was the most beautiful baby girl named Sage and they were gonna visit them as soon as Adrian was out. That made the phone call short. Clarissa paid the cabbie with extra for his service and head inside the hotel. Nicolas gave her the keys last night when he visited them and checked in to the place. Clarissa headed straight to the lift and pressed the floor they were at.

Everything they need was inside the room, and Nicolas told her that whatever Baby Sage needs that wasn't already there, she only has to say it to him. He was at work but pretty sure if he was here, he'll be all over Sage again. The crib was already fixed inside the room, she laid baby Sage down. She squirmed a bit but continued to sleep afterwards.

As promised she tried calling Adrian, but the phone was either busy or can't be contact. She then remembered about his phone being hacked the night that they were attacked. Classic Adrian to forget to tell her things earlier. She then called Nicolas, and he answered in the first ring. She told her that they arrived safely at the hotel and Adrian phone was busted. After a quick thankyou, she hang up the phone.
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When Clarissa came by and saw Adrian, they'd go through the how are you dicussion. Adrian, Sage, and Clarissa all of them. They would talk about the house and the tickets Clarissa bought for a week after Adrian got out of the hospital to take the trip to New York for Clarissas parents.

Adrian was waiting at the front of the hospital for Clarissa to pick him. He got discharged about first thing in the morning. Nicolas eventually found the car keys to Adrians car and the car itself where Alex said it was at it. He left it parked at the hotel for Clarissa to use whenever she needed.

While Adrian in the hospital one of the last days he was in there a man who clearly a part of the military by the way he was dressed came to talk to him, asking Clarissa to leave while he did. When they finished talking Adrian wouldn't tell her what was said for the time being, it getting under her skin most likely but Adrian would change the subject if she brought it up though did say he would tell her eventually when he felt up to it.
Clarissa was having fun in driving Adrian's car. She had l an Audi R8 back home at New York. She left it there knowing that she didn't need the car when she was at the campus seeing that she actually lives in a dorm. Adrian was a bit touchy when it comes to his car. He bought it with his hard earned money and Clarissa understood why she's never allowed to drive it.

But now, Adrian was in the hospital and he needed a lift home. Clarissa was more than happy to oblige to drive his jaguar. She left Sage with Nicolas, the jaguar doesn't provide a baby seat for her. They might need to buy a new car after all.

Stopping in front of the hospital, he saw Adrian waiting like a kid. She was still pissed at him, she knew he's been hiding something again, but upon Apollo's orders, she didn't push him even if it was annoying her.

She rolled the window down and called out, 'Someone needed a lift?' Clarissa asked with a smug smile on her face.
He stared at her driving his car, at this point not caring just if they got in a wreck he'd be more pissed about going back into the hospital than his care.

"Oh shush." He scoffed, a part of him wanting to tell her to move over but decides against it. She can have her fun.

He went over to the passanger side and opened the door, getting in the car. He had a small section of his hair that was growing back from the gun shot and stitches, it being hidden well by his hair that was somewhat long to begin with. "Is Sage at the hotel with Nicolas or his house or what?" He asked.
Still giddy that Adrian didn't ask her to switch places, Clarissa started the ignition. The car purred lifely under her control. The ease of it to drive was making her smile slyly than the Cheshire's grin. 'Nicolas is at the hotel with Sage.' She said upon his inquiry, 'i'm not bringing her at your brother's house. Not until I know what will happened to your psychotic other brother.' Clarissa's face scrunched up a bit, 'why? is anything wrong?'
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"No I'm just curious. She is my kin." He laughed quietly being able to tell she was enjoying herself. "My brother is being taken out of prison next week, his sentence ends in like two weeks anyway so he won't even be on house arrest after that point. He already paid off his fine of sorts." He sighed quietly, thinking for a second. "My father is going to force him to live there, and he might as well still be on house arrest."
'Kin?' Clarissa laughed quietly as she drive away, 'Please allow me to take you to your daughter, Your Majesty.' she added using fhe best british accent she can muster. And it wasn't that bad. Clarissa's expression turned sour upon the dreaded news about Deidrich. 'Bail?! He killed someone! How come he's been granted bail.' Shr slapped the stirring wheel out of anger. 'And Nicolas isn't always around. What if Deidrich got loose, and going gung ho in killing you again?! Not unless Nicolas will shackle him and lock him in the attic. Deidrich isn't safe.'

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