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"Yeah, yeah. You're Superman.' Clarissa said dismissively at his sudden bragging 'Nothing can faze me.' She added while imitating him badly. 'But I want you to rest. Becase if she cries, you'll be the one who'll stay up late. Changing diapers and all.' She giggled, but try to contain her laughter as to not shake their little girl.

'Of course, she's ought to be. I'm the mom.' She said upon his comment about the cuteness of their baby girl. She raised the baby and kissed her forehead lightly, it was too soon to tell on who the baby looks like. 'And alright, you contributed too.' She smiled as she kissed his cheek. The baby squirmed a bit but then she went back to sleep. 'I don't want another one, not yet atleast or not at all. We have Pudding, that pudgy dog is counted as a kid.' Clarissa adjusted the baby in her arms, then glared at Adrian. 'We're both in a hospital, you just got shot in the head and you're thinking about sex?' Clarissa struggled to say it with a straight face, she ended up having wolfish grin on her lips. 'My...my.. horny as ever Acher.'
"Pfff- only for you I'm superman." He laughed shutting his eyes again after watching the tiny human squirm around in her arms again. "That dog is more like a guardian to our house than a kid. He's still going to bigger too. Also, i didn't mean sleeping with you now, just if when we do get out of here and have time to ourselves.." He said struggling to laugh.
'Yeah, you're my superman.' Clarissa blushed deeply, 'and I love you for that, but you could be so stubborn as hell, go to sleep.' She added sternly as she saw that Adrian was just fighting himself just to be awake. 'Just rest, once we're settled in in our new home, i'll make it worth your while.' She said, smiling slyly.
He smiled faintly, keeping his eyes shut. "That's a fun thought, anyway I love you too. Goodnight." He said even though it was clearly mid day, for him he might as well went to bed for the night. His body long sense craving rest forcing himself to stay up to make sure nothing happened to Clarissa.
'Good night.' Clarissa said quietly. Adrian was catching Zs by her side in a matter of minutes. Their little Sage is still quiet, but Clarissa was wide awake. She looked down on her baby, lightness and happiness elated from her heart. She suspected that what happened last night might trigger Adrian's PTSD but the fact that they were safe and well, they'll handle it whrn it comes. For now, her fiance deserves a sleep. Clarissa ended up humming her mother's lullaby to the both of the.

After an hour or so, a nurse drop by to check on them. She was shock seeing Adrian on her bed sleeping. She took Sage and put her on a hospital crib on the foot of the bed to check her up. She also checked Clarissa vitals. She wanted to check Adrian as well but he was finally sleeping. Clarissa stopped her with a pleading stare. The nurse just pursed her lips and agreed but she'll be back on two hours.

Clarissa asked if she could have Sage back im her arms, the nurse was concerned about her, about her needing some rest, but Clarissa assured her that she's fine and she's not tired at all. Sage was back on Clarissa's arms, all comfy and snuggled up as Adrian continued to sleep at her side.
It wasn't long after Sage was put back into Clarissas arms that she started to cry, Adrian stirring in his sleep because of it. He reached back untying the top of Clarissas hospital gown so he could pull the collar of it down far enough her chest was exposed just barely opening his eyes slightly making Clarissa move the child so it was sucking on her nipple; that shutting her up quickly.

Adrian didn't even say anything as he shut his eyes going back to sleep once again.
'Shoot.' Clarissa woke up when the nurse took the chart by the bed and it rattled the metal. She didn't even knew that she fell asleep with Sage in her arms. . . . drinking her milk. 'What the he---' she whispered. Her hospital gown was unlaced and it was all the way down on her one breast.

'Is something okay Ma'am?' The nurse reading her chart asked. Clarissa just shook her head with a smile. Adrian was still sleeping soundly beside her. The nurse smiled at her when she was done. Clarissa then again adjusted her in her arms.
Adrian woke up a little bit after the nurse left, it taking a while for his bady to realise that he had just shut up the crying baby.

He opened his eyes halfway and stretched out a bit, staring at Sage who was still going to town on Clarissas chest. "I did that in my sleep, her bottle is across the room I have no idea what I do in my sleep." He snickered, shutting his eyes again.
'And here I thought that it was a hot male nurse who did this,' Clarissa smiled sweetly at him. Sage stopped sucking, but her tiny lips were still moving. 'Sleep well?' She asked at Adrian, 'Or are you still asleep?'
"No I'm awake now." He snickered. "I am a hot male nurse don't even go there." He looked like he was going to say something else but his father and Apollo came in.

Instead of Nicolas swooning over the child he grabbed Adrian picking him up like it was nothing. "Ima borrow this.. I'll be right back." He said carrying his son out of the room, Adrian just looking around like 'help'

Apollo sat down next to Clarissas bed, none of them even beginning to care she had her chest out. "How are you feeling? Adrian was a pain in the ass waiting for you to wake up."
Clarissa was shocked upon the arrival of Adrian's father and brother. But her look became even more puzzled when Nicolas picked up Adrian like he was nothing. 'Wha-- . . . . Did Nicolas ju----,' Clarissa tried to think of the right question at what happened but can't think of one so she just ignored it. 'I'm good. Sage is good too.' She smiled at Apollo, but then she remembered his demise about Deidrich. 'You? How are you? Heard that Nicolas was insisting the house arrest again.'
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"I'm fine, that's what my father is going to talk to Adrian about. My dad lost control of his rage and it makes it hard for him to report what Dedrich did without getting in trouble himself." He sighed, staring at Sage who liked she was starting to fall back asleep.
'I already told Adrian this,' Clarissa sighed, 'But why not put him in a SuperMax? He belongs there! I'm sorry, he is your brother, but he is freakin psychopath. He belongs there! Letting him out? It is more than he deserve.' Anger flared in her heart, her voice made Sage squirmed a bit, Clarissa cradled her lightly then the little girl fell asleep agaib.
"I don't think you've seen my father pissed off before. I'm only iffy about it because well, your daughter which I'm sure you'll come and visit. Also keeping my father and adrian from killing him, not that he doesn't deserve it. It's just illegal." He spoke while watching Sage squirm around some. "I don't know, I told my father if Adrian says it's alright I'll seriously consider it. That's what he's talking to him about most likely."
'I'm sorry, but i'm not gonna bring Sage anywhere near that monster.' Clarissa said with an edge in her voice. 'I don't want Adrian and Nicolas turned into a murderer because of some lowlife like Deidrich.' She added with a hissed. 'That's why you can't take him home.'
"You do realise Adrian is already a killer? He killed like three people the other night, the last one was just knocked unconscious. I mean, I don't know how the law system works but it sounds like he needed to kill them. Courts and shit are stupid, I think its part of the reason my father just covered up everything."
'He acted on self defense.' Clarissa grimaced at the image of a man Adrian shot in the head in front of her. 'If Deidrich, attacks him, then he ought to defend himself. But I think that psychopath is so twisted he'll play with Adrian's psyche again. You clearly know of all people when Adrian snaps out. I don't want that to happen.'
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"My brother deserves the death pentalty in all honesty, I'm just worried he'll pull what he did again. My father will probably never report it so the prison won't know to put higher security on him. I don't know, the hospital is pounding him on what happened because people just don't get shot four times randomly."
'Deidrich deserves to be killed mercilessly and to be buried in unmarked grave.' Clarissa said belligerently. 'Humane death penalty isn't suited for him. Not after what he did. And Adrian won't talk. You damn well know that. Nicolas covered up everything by cleaning the house. You think they'll release him again to you?'
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"I own the house so its my decision that allows Dedrich in my house or not. Nicolas will probably kill Dedrich as soon as we get him home, that isn't a joke. He almost killed his youngest several times now and his wife. It was hard enough for my father to get over that."
'If i'm Nicolas I would probably kill him too. I won't blame him if he end up killing him but I don't want Adrian to get involve ' she said softly. 'He may look so tough, but after what happened i'm honestly scared that his PTSD or some trauma blows his mind. Hang on, what if you say no?' Clarissa's eyes lit up with hope. 'What then?'
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"If I say no Dedrich stays the way he is now. I would be scared if what happened didn't mess with him any. I mean he was attacked in his own home by a bunch of strangers."
'Then say no,' Clarissa held Apollo's hand with her free hand. 'Shit. But even if he is there, he can torment Adrian. So you have no choice to say yes to completely monitor that monster.' Clarissa sighed as she let go of Apollo's hand. 'One wasn't a stranger, by the way. Adrian knew her. Alex. She said her name is Alex and was paid by Deidrich.'
"Maybe that was the girl my father saw when he went to your house to clean up. He said she was just sitting there looking terrifed. I'm getting they were all paid by Dedrich. I have no idea why he hates Adrian so much." He sighed, glancing at her hand. "I'm contemplating letting my father be the one who watches over him."
'Yes, that's what she said.' Clarissa said 'they were all paid by Deidrich, but she was told that she just needed to rearrange the furniture so that she'll scare us. What disturbs me is how did Deidrich got hold of our new address?' Clarissa glance at Apollo, 'I wanted to ask Adrian that, but i'm scared that we'll end up fighting again, I just want to know why that psycho is so keen of killing him. Is he been always like that to Adrian?'

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