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'Fine??' Clarissa laughed, there was an edge in her voice. She crossed her arms and clearly she's far from being calm. 'Your psychotic brother, not to mention he's in prison, just sent someone to scare us. In our new home.' She glared at him, 'we both don't know how he got the address but seeing Nicolas and Apollo are not that crazy to give him that, Deidrich has a lot of connections. So don't tell me that it's fine.' She said, her voice was higher than usual. 'Clearly its not. Even in prison, your brother can still torment us.'
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"My brother probably doesn't care about you, just me. Alex didn't even know who you were." He said holding her in his lap, rubbing her swollen belly gently. "For right now we're Clarissa fine. I can personally play his game and cut off his connections if I need to."
'Wow, i feel so much better now.' Clarissa said, laced with heavy sarcasm, 'knowing that i'm not the targe----What the hell Adrian.' Her breath hitch. Her hands flew to her tummy, as if shielding it from him. 'I don't care about me, I care about the baby and you. I may be selfish but i'm not that selfish. And we both know what your crazy brother can do.'
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"I'm not stupid that girl is still outside our house. I locked the breaker to our house so she can't get the power back off. There is no way she'd just leave like that." He pouted and stopped trying to rub her stomach like 'fine damn' "That or she actually got so horrified by me throwing that knife at her, I remember her and if shes the same way she was when we where younger then she's hard headed. She's harmless though, I'm more focused at this point if she's alone. I personally doubt she got my car running without the alarm going of- I doubt she got my car running at all, I never heard it turn on and move out of our drive way. There's no way she hacked into my phone either to shut it off completely." He paused for a moment before letting out a small half laugh. "I own a gun but I didn't think we would need it so, it's with my dad. Right now I'd rather have him here then the police."
'So you mean to say that she's still outside, probably waiting off,' Clarissa said quietly, her one hand covered her face as if to hide frustration or trying to calm herself in the process. 'And she's probably not alone?!' She stifled a sob by biting her knuckles. 'I swear to God, Acher, if something happen to my baby, i'm gonna kill your brother then that girl.' Clarissa said darkly, her tone was hard and serious. 'I'll pay someone if I have to.'
He sighed and rubbed her back softly as he held her. "I don't think that girl is what I'm looking for. She was probably hired to the first one to start tonight, she crosses me as harmless and once she realized I can easily kill her she seemed way too full of panic. She's not even out of high school, she probably has no idea what she got herself into." He kissed her cheek softly, looking at Pudding who was just laying on the living room floor staring at them both. "I can always leave you here with Pudding if you're comfortable with me leaving your side, I won't let anything happen to you or our daughter."
She forced a smile as she glanced at Adrian. 'I don't want to stay here.' She pushed herself up, using Adrian to prompt herself up. 'If we have to go to Apollo's house, so be it.' She said quietly. What Adrian said scared her. She can't believe that there are maybe creepy lurkers outside. But atleast Adrian wasn't lying to her or trying to hide their situation. If they're fucked up, he blatantly saying that there's worse to come. 'Let me go and get my coat. then we're leaving. One way or the other.' She turned her back to him with a sigh and carefully guided her woobly leg upstairs.
He got up and followed behind her closely. "I don't have my car or a phone, I'd very much like to leave here but I can't judge if it's best to stay inside or not." He sighed quietly, Pudding who followed Adrian having her two little soldiers focused on protecting her and the baby that was in her. Really if it wasn't such a dangerous situation at the moment, they could joke around about how cute it was. "I don't want to stay here either Clariss-" He was cut off by Pudding suddenly running downstairs loudly though he didn't bark or growl like he was pissed at someone for entering.

He stared at the direction where Pudding had ran and frowned, glancing at Clarissa not knowing if he should follow her or the dog. He was sure Pudding was smart enough to know he was still on edge and the night had just begun for them. "If I left you alone, can I trust you to lock yourself in the bedroom again?"
'What the hell . . . . ' Clarissa looked at growling Pudding who suddenly ran away. 'Yes. . .. N---no. . . yes' Her voice breaking at the sudden question. 'I'm scared for you.' She whispered. 'Just promise you'll be back safe.' Clarissa wrapped her arms around Adrian. 'If you're not back within 10 minutes, i'll follow you.'
"Alright fine, please don't do something stupid. If worse comes to worse, just leave and walk till you find one of the neighbors. If Dedrich really did set this up with whatever intention if you hear gun shots, stay here. I'll come back to you if I'm alright." He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom turning off the lights, getting a flash light he had floating around in his closet handing it to her. "I'd prefer it if you kept the lights off so.. There's that if you need it. I'll be back. I love you." He smiled faintly, kissing her forehead softly before patting her stomach gently before leaving the room shutting the door behind him. He certainly didn't seem scared at all and gave off the vibe he was trained for situations like this, which he really was in all honesty.

She could see the lights from outside the bedroom, the hallway, downstairs all go off caused from Adrian and silence consumed the house again for several long minutes that were filled with adrenaline and the fear of the unknown. Dedrich whatever the hell strings he pulled he didn't fuck around. Dedrich fucking up twice with Adrians suicide attempts probably made the extra mile to make sure if he got caught for this, his goal would have at least been met. Puddings barking broke the silence, it being distant somewhere inside the house though was no where near their bedroom. If the dog wasn't so loud she probably would've never heard him.

Lights switched on again though the chance it was Adrian seemed unlikely, the silence didn't seem right and probably would've let her know he was back. Footsteps could be heard as someone walked by the door, the lack of knowing was awful. It could've been five minutes, or ten. Judgement of time was hard but for the sake of common sense and basic connections, whoever was upstairs wasn't Adrian. Leaving the safety of the locked room was stupid and down right dangerous knowing someone was just a few feet from what Adrian was protecting with his life. With puddings barking being so far away, though whoever was upstairs with Clarissa lead her to believe there was more person in their home at the moment. Adrian being one man was probably stalking and watching someone else along with Pudding.

The footsteps grew distance and sounded like they went downstairs though was cut off by whoever falling down the steps two gun shots following it right away then another one a few moments later came. Someone could be heard getting up quickly, a gun shot that was loud and the sound of wood splitting as Adrian blew the lock off the door clearly in a hurry not willing to wait for Clarissa to unlock the door. He didn't say anything to her as he opened their bedroom window knocking the screen out of it before he grabbing Clarissa shoving her out the window on the roof that was connected to the house below the window. He shut it behind him, having two bloody stains on his shirt both front and back of his shirt two spots close to his stomach area almost being close to his chest to a point he would have a punctured lung or something else.

Adrian was out of breath standing on the roof as he pulled Clarissa out of in front of the window, not taking the time to be gentle. He had a small hand gun in hand with the safety off as he sat down closest to the window. He stared into the dark room expecting someone to go in looking for anyone or go looking around upstairs, his hand covering Clarissas mouth. The gun shots were more than loud enough to give off where he was. He didn't show signs of being in pain as blood stained his white shirt he had on, more focused on keep Clarissa safe. After a minute he put the safety back on the gun. "If you fucking scream Clarissa, we're probably dead." He said quietly slowly moving his hand away from her mouth, whatever he was planning or in the middle of doing he was beating them at their own game. Puddings barking was loud enough to be heard through the window, Adrian using that as someone else or more than one somewhere in their home.
Even with his training, Clarissa seemed to be terrified. They don't know how many batsick crazy people Deidrich sent for them and Adrian was acting calmly. Which was good considering if he shows any emotions other than that, Clarissa might spiral down to full hysterics.

It was kind of ironic, Clarissa never wanted Adrian to return to his teaining yet it may be the only thing that can save them from this terrible night. 'I love you.' Clarissa managed to say to him without breaking her voice into sobs. 'Kick their ass.' As soon as Adrian left. Clarissa locked the door. She ended up sitting back on the bed, her only weapon was a tiny flashlight. . . . 'Swooshy, it's going to be okay. Daddy is a badass.' She whispered in her tummy. 'It's going to be okay.' Everything turned dark. She wasn't afraid of the dark. She was afraid what is in the dark. The night was just getting started.

She waited patiently. . . seconds, minutes . . but it seemed forever. Clarissa suddenly stood up. Gunshots were fired inside their home. She wanted to run outside and looked for Adrian but her feet was planted on the ground. She wanted to risk her life just to see if he was okay, but Swooshy will be risking her life too along with her if that happens. She doesn't want that too. 'Swooshy. It's fine. Its alright. Daddy's fine.' She wanted to believe it was true. She needed to believe.

Then someone opened the door by shooting it. Clarissa screamed and was about to run when she saw Adrian storming in. All business in opening the window widely. He made a grab of her of push her out the window and in to the roof. She wanted to ask questions but the time was off. She just nodded at Adrian obediently and held her stomach for support. For a pregnant woman, her position was very uncomfortable but considering their situation, her mind became blank and numb.
Adrian watched into their home in dead silence, it was a few moments later that someone who was a tall male going into their bedroom switching on the lights.

Adrian pushed Clarissa farther away not doing anything as the man opened the window, he probably could have had the two of them go unnoticed but instead when he stuck his head out slightly without hesitation Adrian had the gun against his head and pulled the trigger, making the man go limp as soon as he did. He pushed the body back into the house and slammed the window shut.

The sound of the gun was loud and deafing, once Adrian had quickly killed whoever the man was he covered Clarissas mouth with his hand. He didn't know how she would react to something like that and didn't feel like risking it.
Clarissa's heart skipped its beat when she saw the man entered their bedroom. Twice skipping when the man peered his head outside the window. She didn't exactly know what to do if he found them there, hiding. But Adrian got hold of him first as he pulled the trigger and popped his head. Clarissa knew that her heart finally stopped beating for the moment. Her scream was muffled with her knuckles in her mouth. She could even taste blood as if she bit too hard on it.

The gunshot were just like a whisper from afar, it was muted by the sight of a dead man in front of her. Clarissa head rested on the roof and let out a soft whimper, too shocked to cry.
He frowned, feeling the skin on his hand getting broken through by Clarissas teeth though didn't react to it at all. Once she was done with biting the shit out of him, he pulled his hand away knowing that what she just watched would only bring her anixeties up making it harder for him to keep her calm as possible.

He stood up and looked up at a higher piece of the room that was above them, helping Clarissa stand up before carrying her to where she could up on it. He lifted her up higher hoping she was strong enough to pull herself up from there. "Stay quiet up there.. I'll be back again shortly, alright?" He asked softly, his voice quiet. He had kept all his promises so far though in a way he was now shot twice and probably in pain even if the man didn't show it.
If someone would told her that during her nine months of pregnancy she'll be climbing a roof and hiding while the baby daddy was protecting them, killing someone in the process, Clarissa would probably beat the shit out of that person using her laptop or probably she'll just laughed it out and say they watch far too many Liam Neeson movies.

But as Adrian helped her climb up another part of the roof, she felt like crying. She was just stopping herself because she knew Adrian would fret more about her and that could get him killed. She just nodded upon his request. Her knuckles was still on her mouth as she clung into the roof with their life.
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With that, he opened their bedroom window again before disappearing back into their house. The window being shut by him as left her alone on the roof, with her being up there she couldn't hear nor see what was going on.

The only thing Clarissa could assume was that Adrian didn't fire the gun again, that being the biggest give a way.

In reality he was gone for about 15 to 20 minutes though with time before, it seemed to slow down. She could hear the window below open up as Adrian came back out with Pudding, it took him a moment to get a good grip on the giant dog before lifting him up to where Clarissa was at. Pudding attack Clarissa with its wet tongue and nuzzling her.

Adrian attempted to jump onto the roof, grabbing onto the ledge pulling himself up though the pain he felt in his midsection was making it diffcult. Pudding noticing Adrian struggling before grabbing the back of his shirt with muzzle, pulling him forcefully which didn't look very comfortable. His shirt was bloody and then some, having another spot in his shirt close to his spinal cord that didn't have an exit on it meaning he had a bullet somewhere in him or he had ripped it out.

He laid on his back and groaned, rubbing his eyes. "We should be fine now, I went through the whole house and most of the nearby yard." He said quietly, mostly from being tired rather than needing to be quiet. Pudding stared at the bloody man laying down next to him, whining at him wanting him to move from that spot for whatever reason.
It feels like eternity before Adrian came back for her. She was still wearing Adrian's coat and the nippy wind were biting her skin. But she was numb, from what she saw and experience earlier. Her tummy was starting to ache but she didn't mentioned anything to Adrian, he had roo much on his plate right now, and besides she reel the pain back in.

Finally Adrian came back, along with their giant dog, she couldn't be more any happier. The news about them being safe was onr needle out of her heart. She was actually gonna give him a hug and cuddle on hia chest when she felt his clothes was wet, and smelled metallic. 'Oh my. . . Adrian. You've been shot.' Clarissa almost screamed 'Hospital . .. . we need to take you to the hospital.' She said frantically as she fussed all over him.
He opened his eyes, staring at her chuckling softly for a moment at her panic. "I'll be fine, besides my phone and car still don't work how the hell are we suppose to get there? Only one of them don't have an exit hole so, I can deal with it until we figure something out. For now I just want to lay here and make sure no one else is around. I've had to deal with worse." He said as he grabbed her hand, holding it gently. "Are you alright? I don't know how long I was gone for. I'm not good at keeping track of time to begin with."
'What the hell Adrian! Move. We're going to the hospital.' Clarissa shifted her position gingerly, the pain was making her a bit uncomfortable. 'Pudding, down.' The Wookie dog licked her face first before it jumped down and entered the room using the window. 'Let's go. . . let's go.' Clarissa urge Adrian to move, but something happened. It feels wet but not sticky like blood dripped in her legs followed by a sudden pain. Clarissa hel her belly in one hand and grab Adrian's arm with the other. 'Adrian . . . ' Clarissa whispered, trying to hide the panic in her voice. 'My water . . . . just broke. . . .' her hand clenched in his arm. Pain and discomfort showed in her expression as she looked at him.
Adrian stared at her blankly for a moment not really wanting to believe it. It took him a few before seconds before slowly sitting up and very carefully climbed down, helping Clarissa down being sure not to move her suddenly or jerk her around like he did eariler. "Where are we going to go Clarissa..? I still have no idea where my car is or even the keys to it. The best I can do is look for you phone and try to get mine to work.." He said quietly, being underneath stress as it was and didn't know how to help her at all.
With some miracle the two manage to get back on the room, it was a struggle for Clarissa but then again who wasn't struggling at the moment. She lay down at the bed, her breathing was patterned thanks to her doctor. 'Find my phone or run to the neighbors,' she hissed, 'I don't care, just call for help!! Save the baby!' Clarissa screamed. She can't feel the baby, not yet but it sure wants to get a peek at their crazy world now. 'Now, Acher damn it!' Her doctor told her earlier that nothing can happen if she reduce the stress in her life. She can deliver the baby in normal and her due was not until next week. Just reduce the stress and all is well. Well fuck the early delivery, the stress came barging in to their house and shooting her boyfriend in the process. Clarissa panted as she tried to make herself comfortable.
He didn't say anything going into the bathroom taking off his shirt and made due with quickly wrapping a bandage around his stomach, the bleeding had slowed drastically but was still an issue, purposely making it too tight to help fix that. He didn't know about the shot in his back but just left it as it was, grabbing a clean shirt that didn't have holes in it starting to button it up while he talked to her. "Where else would your phone be?" He asked, the body that was in front of the window now gone from Adrian moving it earlier while Clarissa was still on the roof though the blood still remained. Where he had moved it was mystery though out of side out of mind. "Just.. I'll figure something out." He sighed rubbing his temples, not being comfortable with being in the house just yet.

"By the way Clarissa I never figured out what pissed Pudding off a little while ago, why I wanted to stay on the roof a bit longer. When I found him he had calmed down and it wasn't possible for anyone I already came across to be the issue. I'm just letting you know.." He trailed off, not able to force her to stay out their on the roof. "All the lights in every spot in this house are on, if someone else is still around they can't hide very well. If they turn off the lights; I'll know. I'll keep you safe don't worry about it."
Clarissa was deaf. The pain was ringing her ears. Panic and fear mixed together with adrenaline as she saw Adrian bleeding in his shirt. She knew he was in pain but he had a good job masking it. 'Fuck sake Adrian. I love you.' Clarissa screamed, 'But hurry the fuck up.' She made a terrible scream as if her skin was being ripped off. Though she was a bit certain that it was what's happening. 'Please... Hurry. The baby.' She cried as she prompted herself with her elbows.
He frowned at her not seeming to process what he said to her, going into the bathroom getting some bottle of pills reading the labels before handing her one of the bottles. "That's the strongest pain killer we've got.. I don't know if it's safe or not for you to take but considering that child will be out of you shortly I'd just go for it." He had two choices which was either stay with his screaming girlfriend or make sure that the house was safe one last time. "Please.. I need you to stop being so loud, just for a little bit." He sighed as he sat down on the bed next to her, Pudding just staring at the two of them like 'youre so fucking loud'

"Um.. I don't think I can carry you to the neighbors personally with the shot in my back and I'd rather not leave you alone right now so-" He sighed cutting himself off, the adrenaline had long sense warn off in system he had the full amount of pain from the three shots and any other injuries he got from fighting anyone. "I'll just help you deliver her. It's the best we've got.. I know the basics just don't like.. bleed out suddenly or die? That'd be helpful." He held her hand gently, rubbing the back of it with his thumb gently. "It's better if you sit completely for now rather than lie down, though if this is more comfortable than do whatever works best for you."
'Oh i'm sorry.' Clarissa said sarcastically, 'ii'll try to push the baby out quie-----' her witty banter was cut short when she felt a sudden tug inside her. It was maddening. She wanted to follow Adrian's intructions but she needed to let it out or she'll faint. 'No...' She hissed, her breathing was labored. 'No pills.' Cold sweat beaded on her body. Her hair was sticking on her skin. All she could think of was the pain, the baby and Adrian.

She wanted to retort some sarcasm but she ended up screaming. She tried to atleast muffled the sound, but failing. Clarissa were already seeing blackspots as she tried to focus. She was beginning to go pale, her hand was tightly clutching the covers rendering her knuckled white.

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