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He watched her and frowned, he knew he wasn't a docotor or anything close but he still tried his best. He gently moved her sat her up, moving her so she was sitting up leaning against him still holding onto her hand. "I'm only asking you to try to keep your screaming quiet so I can listen to make sure I don't hear anything else in the house. As I said earlier, I wanted to stay on the roof a bit longer. I'll go boil water in a little bit before you start pushing.. whenever that will be." He smiled faintly at her, it being a bit forced considering he had lossed so much blood and still was but wasn't about to pass out on her. She could tell his face had lost some of its color, nervousness, blood loss, stress anything really could be the reason why probably a mixed of all them. "It helps speed up the process if you walk around, if you think you can. Just don't pass out.. you can sleep but don't pass out. That's my only rule."
Clarissa only nodded in response. Karma is biting her everytime she snaps at her ever helpful fiance. She timered her breathing, every exhale. Clarissa focused on the baby . . . . on Adrian. She tried to held back a scream, and made a soft whimper in the end. Yes. Don't Pass out. Don't faint. She heard him. Her arms are getting all limpy but she held on. Clarissa just nodded at everything Adrian would say. But she shook her head when he ask her if she can walk. She can barely hold on herself, walking might cause her to strain more. She'll not pass out. She won't pass out not until the baby is okay. After that, she'll reward herself some long deep sleep.
Using his free hand that wasn't holding onto Clarissas he reached down behind her and rubbed her lower back softly. "It's alright.. you'll be okay. You had a normal pregnancy so I'm sure you giving birth at home will end up being fine." He was quiet for a moment before speaking again, his voice being calm and somewhat slow like he was trying to keep Clarissa calm. "If I carried you to the couch, would you be alright with that? It'll be easier for me to help you that way. I don't want to leave you alone while I go boil water. We can just stay down there."
She tried moving so he could carry her easily but pain erupted on her back. 'I can't.' Clarissa cried. 'I'm sorry. Everything . . . . hurts.' She panted again as she tried to focus on Adrian's face. 'I'm sorr---' she whimpered as she held back a scream. 'Go boil. I'll wait here.' She tried to force a smile but ended up grimacing.
He sighed and moved so he wasn't behind her, using pillows to prop her up to replace his body. "Alirght.. I'll be right back." Adrian grabbed Pudding putting him closer to Clarissa. "Stay." He said before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him even though he had basically broke the door completely when he shot the lock to get into the room.

It was silent from the downstairs though a gun shot broke that, a few moments later the slightly teenager ran into their bedroom. Pudding stayed next to Clarissa like he was told but gave the girl a hateful look. "U-Um.. H-He just p-passed out.. m-maybe.." She stuttered looking like she was about to cry, her eyes being glassy. "I-I think.. I-I don't have your p-phone but one of the o-other guys do.. I-I don't know w-where they are.." She very slowly went over to the girl who was in labor reaching into her pocket handing Clarissas Adrians car keys. "It's parked down t-the street into the woods j-just a bit.. I-I.." She spoke like she was going to say something else but didn't, her hands and face had blood splattered on her it was defiantly fresh and wasn't her own. "I-I'll try to get him up.." She said quickly running out of the room, Pudding still growling and standing up wanting to chase her down.
Clarissa screamed when she heard another gunshot. While sobbing, the same girl entered their room. Blood splattered all over her. She wanted to screamed at her and beat her with a hammer in the face. 'Listen . . . Alex right?' She panted as she looked on the girl. 'I heard Adrian, and he ev---evne told me.' Clarissa paused a bit, cringing she continued. 'He told me you're not that bad. You're no---not a criminal. Certainly not a killer.' Clarissa grabbed the sheet tighter, stifling a scream. 'Go get help. Drive his car. If you can, take him with you. But we need help. Please...' She pleaded, her eyes were glazed with pain and tiredness. 'Take him and go get help. Please. . . ' but the teen was looking as upset as she was as she darted out of the room. This time she didn't held back her scream.
It was silent for a while, probably over ten minutes of nothing before she could hear Alex talking to someone sounding just as cared. It got quiet again for a few minutes before Adrian came back upstairs holding the left side of his head blood running down the side of his head the bullet hole looking like it just grazed him but was horrifying enough to know he had been shot in the head. He didn't say anything to Clarissa as he picked her up just wanting to leave the house, he carried her bridal style forced to not hold his head anymore. "We're leaving, I'm sorry I can't keep fighting anymore if anything else happens." He was pale like ice, the blood against his head and hair stuck out. "I called Nicolas he should be here shortly." He walked passed the kitchen were some man was passed out, and Alex who was sitting on the floor looking dumbfounded that Adrian had even woken up.

"Y-You shouldn't b-"

"Don't push me Alex, I know. Thank you.." He said as he walked passed her leaving her in the house, Pudding following behind him closely. What he was thanking her for though was a mystery.

He stepped back outside the house onto the front porch, sitting Clarissa down on the steps. He used the side of the house to sit down, not looking at her as he stared out at the street in front of them, he looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open as he rested his weight the building not having enough strength to even sit up on his own anymore. Pudding sat down next to him, nuzzling him seeming distressed at the fact his master was so out of it.
She was in and out of her head. After Clarissa sent Alex for help, her arms gave in. She laid on the bed, her hands released the sheets unwillingly as if the energy in her hands were drained out. She didn't want to sleep but the darkness was calling out to her. She force her eyes to keep it open, but it was all blurry. She felt someone carried her but who knows if she was just hallucinating because of the pain. Her breathing turned slow and erratic.
Adrian wanted to help her, though something in him wouldn't work and he ended up just sitting there. Pudding barked loudly at Clarissa and Adrian both his barks turning into whines then they both didn't do anything. The 30 minute drive for Nicolas to get to their house became a little less than 15 considering Adrian had said in little detail what was going on and that he had been shot several times.

Nicolas got out of his car, grabbing Adrian first who had passed out again at some point but when he moved him Adrians instict to protect Clarissa woke him up and struggled against his father for a moment before relaxing letting out a sigh being thankful his dad finally arrived. "I-I have no idea what happened.. some girl mentioned stuff about Dedrich hiring her and then the night just became this." He said to his father as Nicolas carried his son to his car, not saying anything to him until he had picked up Clarissa sitting her in the back next to Adrian.

"Dedrich?" He scrunched up his face getting in the drivers seat, starting to drive to the hospital.

Adrian grabbed Clarissas hand, even if she was out of it he still wanted to be as close to her as possible. "Mhm.. I don't know how.. he hired at least four people to kill me.." He let out a half laugh. "He got close to it, if I don't stop bleeding soon I probably will."
Was it a sleep? Maybe. Was it comfortable? Absolutely not. The pain and tugging inside her subsides a bit, yes, but it didn't disappeared. Her brain blacks out, giving her a breathing room away from the pain and stress. It was like a minor brain shut down. At least with that, she's a bit thankful.

Clarissa felt like she was moving again, her eyes fluttered open, and as soon as she acknowledge her consciousness, the pain ensues. But this time it was a pattern. At first, her abdomen felt like it was being pulled again. Pulled and squeezed, it made her whimper. Her next instinct was to grab the sheets on the bed, but a hand was holding hers and she was sitting inside a car. 'Adrian. . .?' she whispered.

Her breathing became erratic as she tried to pace it along with pain in her stomach. Again, she tried to focus on somewhere else. As she glance at Adrian for support, she easily noticed his head, bleeding. her breathing hitched, 'Your head,' she hissed. Instead of reducing the things she wanted to stress about, her thoughts were of Adrian and what Alex said to her. 'Are you . .. . alright?' she managed to asked. But she didn't had a chance to hear his answer if he'll reply because the tugging sensation became extreme in a moment. It made her cry in pain. Her toes were curled on the ground as she grab hold of Adrian's hand and her other was on the side of the car door.
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Nicolas frowned, the screaming from her threw him off a bit thinking Clarissa was asleep or something else along those lines though he just contiuned to drive.

Adrian frowned feeling his hand that she had already bit into earlier squeezed in a death grip, he wasn't about to complain though. He didn't answer her question not about to lie to her, rubbing the back of her hand gently. He struggled to keep his eyes open at this point, with everything in him he made sure to at least stay awake until they got to the hospital knowing only then would Clarissa being able to get help with the pain and delievering their child. He knew he wasn't going to be there either for that though it was better than nothing.

With Nicolas who was speeding, it didn't take long for them to get the hospital. Considering he wouldn't hear the end of it from Adrian he opened the back door, carrying Clarissa inside Adrian having to force her to let go a bit. A nurse quickly put Clarissa in a wheel chair and took her back immediately. Nicolas came back out, getting Adrian who had passed out while he was gone was taken back immediately leaving Nicolas to fill out papers on the two mostly Adrian though he knew some stuff about Clarissa at this point, mentally cursing his luck with one his kids in prison who was dead set on killing his youngest, his oldest in the hospital too still from Adrian beating the shit out of him and Adrian and Clarissa now too.
She didn't knew what was happening as soon as she was put into the wheelchair. She let go of Adrian and had the nurse to take her inside. She didn't muted her scream when she felt pain as they went to the delivery room. She didn't know where Adrian and she just lately realize that it was Nicolas who was with them. She was getting scared and nervous. She was about to deliver a baby, for crying out loud. The doctors gave her something for the pain and it was heaven sent.

She was placed on the bed. The whole process was all too fast and blury. When they told her to push, she just followed them. She was tired and wanted to go back to sleep but knowing the little Swooshy is about to see the world, that atleast kept her going.

It was all pain and endless torture but then she heard one of the sweetest sound she'll ever heard, her baby crying. 'Congratulation Ma'am, you have a baby girl.' The doctor showed her her beautiful baby girl. But it was taken away to get clean. Clarissa laughed quietly. If possible, she cried too but her tears were alredy falling because of pain. 'Swooshy. . . ' she said quietly. Finally she's out and it appears she's healthy. Just like she promised herself back in the house, she closed her eyes to grant herself a deep sleep.

Closing of her eyes were followed by the flat line sound emitted by the machine that was connected in her. 'Her bleeding won't stop.' One of the doctor said as she tried do something about it. The baby was brought out of the room and into the nursery. The doctors and nurses were acting calm and collected but they were panicking. Bleeding was one of the dangers of giving birth.

Suffice to say it took hours before they figure out what's wrong. And it took a couple of pints of blood to replenish what was lost but still Clarissa was knocked out cold. She was mildly unresponsive even in pain stimuli. Her heart rate and blood pressure were dangerously low. They gave her medicine for that and that's the only thing that keeps her afloat right now. The danger was still upon them but that's all the doctor could do.

Clarissa was brought to the ICU to closely monitor her.
Adrian needed stitches, and surgery to remove the gun shot wound from his back. They purposely had to keep him out of it because he was constantly in and out of it, not trusting any of the doctors for some reason. They though it was stress and shock from what the mans father had said what he was told from his son.

He lost a lot of blood, yes. They knew his blood type though and had some at hand, giving that to him to replace it. The spot on his head needed stitches and was lucky that it didn't actually shoot his brain so he would recovery with full memory unless shock took over.

Apollo during the time period Adrian was out managed to get out of the hospital, only to linger around with his father to see his brothers child, his brother, and Clarissa. Luck was not with this family.

When Adrian woke up it was two days later, he opened his taking a moment to get with it before yanking wires out of him, it being late at night so his father nor apollo were there. Once the heart monitor was discontiuned from him it flat lined though he didn't care what noise it made.

He got up from the bed and went to the door, stepping out of the room starting to walk down the hall trying to find Clarissa or anyone he knew, not just nurses or doctors. A nurse went up to him and frowned looking at him. "Sir.. You shouldn't be up.. Whats wrong?"

"Wheres my fiance? Clarissa Mason. She was pregnan- well in labor when my father brought us here." He said contiuning to walk, every piece of his body wanted him to rest he wanted to at least see his wife and child hoping they were both alright.

The nurse contiuned to follow him. "She lost a lot of blood after she delievered the child.. I need you to go back t-"

"Is she okay?!"

"Yes, she should be waking up soon but pl-"

"And my child?"

"Your daughter is fine, when you and your girlfriend are both up and well you need to do paperwork registering her birth and eve-"

Adrian paused, staring at the nurse that clearly didn't know how to handle the man who woke up in such a shitty mood. "I want to see her, both of them."

"I'll bring you your daughter in the morning, please I need you to go back to your room." She said as she grabbed his arm gently walking him back in the direction of his room.

He scrunched up his face and didn't fight her though looked visibly unhappy. "Are you sure Clarissa is alright? I want to see her, even if she isn't awake."

"U-Uh.. I can see about you two sharing a room actually, it m-"

"Fine. Do that for me and I won't fight you any longer."

She sighed at that offer, knowing it might take some work but it was possible considering they were enganged. She pulled him into his room and laid him down, hooking everything back up to him before leaving to get his room changed.

When Clarissa had woke up, the curtain that divided the other room was open allowing her to see Adrian if she turned her head. He was asleep holding their daughter against his chest, their daughter either being asleep or was very close to it. She was wrapped in a little light pink blanket and had on a pink beanie to keep her head warm, provided by the hospital. It was a cute sight, if Adrian didn't have some stitches on the side of his head that some of his hair covered it would've looked basically normal.
Anesthesia is a bliss. Perfect piece of heaven after a night of pure pain and torture hell. Clarissa became stabilized after days, her heart rate and BP were returned to normal. She was still frail looking but she was good.

Waking up wasn't such a drag for her either. Aside from throbbing head and dry throat, she was fine. A little bit disoriented, Clarissa opened her eyes and greeted by the white ceiling, humming sound emanated from her side. She tried raising her hand but as she glance from it, cords were connected from her.

She needed a nurse or someone. Not to ease her pain again but her baby. She badly wanted to see her baby. She could still remember the first cry of her Swooshy as if it was just five minutes ago. She tried to look around, and found a curtain. She tilted her head and there he was, few feet away from her in his own bed. 'Hey.' Clarissa said with her raspy voice, she force a small smile, she is happy seeing that Adrian was fine. Though not in a good shape, bit fine.
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Adrian stirred in his sleep, not in a deep sleep so her voice woke him up. He smiled over at her and got up carrying their daughter as he got in the bed next to her not carrying if he was suppose to walk or not.

He handed the sleeping child to her and laid down close to her. "You made this. Look at it." He snickered, being happy she was alright and so was their child.
'We both made this.' She said softly with a smile as she looked down at the baby beside. 'Hey, Swooshy.' Clarissa cooed at the baby. 'Our pretty baby.' She glance up at Adrian who was grinning like an idiot. Up close Adrian looks somehow worse, his head had a stitch. 'Hey, how are you?'
"I'm fine. I'll live." He said, staring at the baby in Clarissas arms. "I've just been waiting around for you to wake up. What do you want to name her? I don't think Swooshy will work out." He said, even if he was in pain he was too happy that his family was okay at the moment to even begin to care.
'Of course you do, Superman.' Clarissa grinned at him. She looked down again at the bundle of joy in her arms. If she could visit the past, she'd want to slap the living lights of her past self for not wanting this baby beside her. 'I happen to like Swooshy,.' Clarissa laughed as adjusted the baby's bonnet. 'Hmm. How about Sage?'
He nodded. "Sage works. I like that name actually. My father should be stopping by soon so expect him to be all over you and this child. He's been on and off with Apollo about letting Dedrich move back into their house."
'Our little Sage.' She cooed at her, 'Yeah, I was actually surprise not seeing him with her.' Clarissa laughed but then her expression turned sour upon hearing Deidrich name. 'What the hell? Why does your father want that psycho?! He should be transferred immediately in super max. If not to be put down.' She said angrily.
"I asked my father why he wanted Dedrich back under the same roof and he said he personally wants to make sure he stays in line.. By that he means to beat the shit out of him. He left and made sure to clean up our house after he brought us here so the police know nothing of what happened, I think Dedrich finally crossed ever bit of patience my father has." He sighed quietly, his head resting on Clarissas shoulder.

"If you don't mind, can we move? I really don't want to live in that house anymore. I just.. I'm sorry." He spoke while staring at Sage. "I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from. It doesn't have to be right away or anything."
'A bit?!' Clarissa scoffed 'Adrian, he tried to kill you, almost succeeded if I might add. Have you seen yourself? Nicolas beating the hell out of Deidrich would be fine with me.' Tilting her head, she kissed his hair. 'If I could beat him with a bat if I would.' Clarissa paused a bit, sighing. 'And no, I won't mind. Honestly if you didn't brought that up, I would. Good thing we haven't settled in yet.'
He nodded. "My father will be harder on him then any prison could be, maybe its for the best though Apollo is the one who has to put up with it too." He shut his eyes, still being tired from what happened. "My father said as long we buy the house, he'll move all our stuff for us. I suppose during that time if you want we can take a trip to your parents house, I heard from the military and after me being shot several times they won't be taking me anytime soon."
'Speaking of, how is Apollo?' Clarissa asked out of a sudden. 'Is he still here? If Deidrich is gonna live with him, that's more than a punishment he deserves after you beat him up.' She chided at Adrian but not wanting to fight, she saw how beaten and tired looking he is. 'After we're both discharge, we'll look for a house, buy one, settle in then visit my parents.' Clarissa sighed, 'That sounds like a plan, Acher. But we need you to get some sleep first, babe. You survived Deidrich, I hate to see you die out of sleep deprivation.' Clarissa joked lightly, her arms was still wrapped around the sleeping Swooshy.
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"Please." He chuckled, laughing quietly as he pulled the hospital blanket over them leaving Sage uncovered seeing as she had her own blanket she was swaddled in. "During hell week I ran 200 miles and got about 16 hours or less of sleep that week. I'm fine." He wrapped one his arms around her side. "Apollo is at homs, he hasn't returned to work but he's no longer in the hospital. If Dedrich gets out of prison then Apollo will spend more time at his work, probably avoiding him until my father beats him till Dedrich can't think straight anymore."

Adrian opened his eyes again, touching their daughters nose softly making her squirm around a bit in her sleep. "She's so cute." He laughed softly. "Do we still have to practice abstience? Personally I don't want another kid for a while but I don't wanna go with out sex."

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