The Three Kingdoms OOC

ok, we should be getting this thing up and running by Sunday. so just hold your breathe a little longer, thanks for your patience everyone!

We have been trying to come up with an arc for your character or add your character to another arc, but your character has a lot of conflicting things that I will like you to change.

  • You serve the Dark Lord and that is is your master
  • You joined the Northern Empire and Support their conquest and pledged allegiance to them (assuming a new master)
  • You are a Renown criminal so why would they allow you to join the army
  • You are a Dark Elf and the Northern Empire doesn't have tolerance for the Dark Elf so that wouldn't work either

Let me know when you are finished with your edits. Thank you for your cooperation. ^_^
Question I would like to keep her as a dark elf but I am change the serving master part and the criminal one , and which army would accept a dark elf
But i guess they aren't technically an army.... 
GoddessOfGod, you might Want To consider the blackened light As your faction. Also dont forget To change your current place of Residence
No reason. Decision totally up to you. ^_^ .

*cough cough. GoddessOfGod, don't forget the other parts of your character sheet that you have to change due to your other changes, like history and such.
GoddessOfGod said:
.... But I already changed it :(
sorry. just making sure everything is covered. thanks. ^_^  

[QUOTE="The BetterKuja]I applaud the Skyrim reference. I'm more than interested, but it'll take a while to make a character.

okay. thats fine
Okay everybody, So instead of Sunday, we will be starting on Monday. We are finalizing some stuff and will be ready to go on Monday. Also, we will be making another thread for accepted character sheets only and leaving this thread for OOC. Thank you for your cooperation.
Name: Sinovera Arianni

Age: 20

Personality: She is a person with a split-personality disorder. One side of her is calm, cool, and sweet. The other side is a ball of rage that will kill anything in her path. She uses song to keep the darker side of her at bay.


Race: Draconian

Faction: She has no faction

Class: Bard

Weapon: She carries a flute at her back and an assortment of daggers on her belt.

Birth Place: The Blackened Hole.

Current Place of Residence: Pluto's Crossing.

Skills: She is skilled in singing and playing the flute. It was quite tough for her to learn that skill because her nails are claws, but she persevered, finding that playing and singing actually assists her in keeping her beastial side calm. She first tried to learn how to play a stringed instrument, but the strings kept snapping under her sharp claws.

She has also trained herself in the art of dagger play; though, she doesn't really need them, for she already has natural defenses. Her claws are thick and sharp, her teeth are small and sharp, she has short, sharp horns on the top of her head, and her tail ends in a three pointed blade. She can also fly. Her wingspan is nearly twenty feet in length.

Magic spells: As far as she knows, she knows no magic. Her song is the only thing that holds any magic. She is like a Siren in that case.

Position in Society: She sells herself to continue living; be it body or sword arm. She sees no other path for herself. Being a Draconian, she really has no other option.

History: Sinovera was born in the Blackened Hole. Her Father was a Draconian, her mother was an Elf. It is said that Draconians and other races cannot make children; that is not true. She can almost remember the day of her birth.

Darkness, the sounds of a woman screaming as horns and claws ripped at her flesh. A sound of a monster roaring. The feeling of cold, scaly hands clutching at her blood covered body, cradling her. The soft feeling of large tears falling onto her skin.

Her mother died giving birth to her. She hadn't meant to kill her. Her Draconian features had proved too difficult for her non-Draconian body to handle.

She was raised by her father, a very ugly Draconian, who loved her very much. He always used to say that she reminded him so much of her mother. Despite her scaly purple skin, red eyes, wings, and tail. Sinovera always thought that it was just her pointed ears.

Being raised in The Blackened Hole was hard, being made harder because of the fact that she was Draconian. Draconians were treated more like animals. The Drow, at least, had the courtesy of being called dirty savages.

She trained herself in the ways of music and dagger play.

When she grew old enough to go out on her own she set out for the great unknown. The sunlight burned her eyes, and her skin seemed to burn on contact. She had actually never seen the sunlight, having been underground for so long.

The rest of her story has yet to be told.

Purpose for living: To explore, and find some way to control the best within her.

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.) She is not very trusting towards men after something very bad happened to her when she was sixteen. She will be a beast is treated wrongly.
Name: Aria Planetes

Age: Unknown (looks about 19-21)

Personality: Aria is a very calm person, and doesn't have a very good sense of humor. She gives good advice and anything she believes is evil, is nothing but that in her opinion. She loves getting assignments, because she has a dream of protecting all who have good hearts.

If Aria was a piece of music, she would probably be an enchanting ballad, with a light, uplifting beat. Aria enjoys poetry, but doesn't sing or write anything herself. She likes when people perform dances or rituals to God, except when it is one of fear.

Aria is full of straightforward sayings with helpful and true meaning, but also is good at quoting works that she believes in. She will define what she means to those who don't understand.

Aria is very smart, but she doesn't look down on others who aren't though she isn't exactly nice to them either.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Angel_by_Misato_Chan.jpg.ccc41db7a46ab92e32642c97486168c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Angel_by_Misato_Chan.jpg.ccc41db7a46ab92e32642c97486168c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Valkyrie

Faction: The Sacred Wings


Weapon: Her weapon is a work of art, and was even titled, "Creation." Creation is a long, silver sword in a shape similar to a cross. In the middle of its handle lies a single diamond crystal. The handle is curved symmetrically to match the wings of a real angel and has the engraved pattern of platinum feathers.

Creation has a legend behind it, which makes it so special. At the beginning of time when everything was still just chaos and God, it was said that Creation was the very sword that God used to separate heaven from earth, night from day and sky from earth and sea.

Birth Place: Unknown

Current Place of Residence: Celestia

Skills: Aria has mastered the art of swordsmanship, and uses it with her white magic to defeat those who create evil.

Magic spells:

Healing spells

  • Small heal- Can be used to close small to medium sized wounds, but doesn't heal fully on medium heals.

    [No incantation or sacrifice other than -2 mana]

[*]Full heal- Used to heal entire body, as long as alive.

  • "Look upon me, have pity on me, for I am alone and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of heart and bring me out of my distress." [user feels the pain of the wounds, though they are not effected physically or permanently. -2 mana]

Protection Spells

  • Guardian Angel's Blessing- Used to protect the user with a wall of silver light. Wall can eventually be broken, but can't be harmed with a normal blade.

    "Hear, Lord, my plea for justice; pay heed to my cry; Listen to my prayer from lips to guile." [-4 mana]

[*]Wall- A very weak spell, usually used for quickly blocking.

  • [-1 mana]

[*]Reflection- Used to fire an enemy's attack back at the enemy

  • [-1 mana]

[*]Foresight- "Sixth Sense" wards of impending danger

  • "My refuge and Fortress, in whom I trust, rescue me, shelter me, be my eyes and ears and guide me."[-3 mana]

Offender spells

  • Judgement- As one of Aria's most powerful spell this spell is one she would use in rare cases and emergencies. So far, Aria has only used it once. This spell forms a wall around the person used on as they are judged on how evil they are, resulting in different ways of harm, from sent into oblivion for a number of days, to nothing at all.

    "Judge me, Lord! For I have walked integrity. In the Lord I trust; I do not falter. Examine me, Lord and Test me; search my heart and mind. I hate an evil assembly; with the wicked I do not sit. I will wash my hands in innocence. Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth He Waw Zayin Heth Teth Yodh Kaph Lamedh Mem Nun Samekh Ayin Pe Sadhe Qoph." [-17 mana]

[*]Paralyze: Exactly as it is titled, the chosen person becomes paralyzed, for an amount of time depending on the fact of how much mana she uses.

  • [-xmana=xminutes]

[*]Sunburst- Blinds all within 10 ft

  • "Their idols are silver and gold; the work of human hands. They have mouths but do not speak; They have eyes but do not see.

[*]Moment of Revenge- If an ally has died or became injured, this spell casts 2 times the amount of pain on the person who did it, acting as an illusion for the nerve system.

[*]"Rise up, Lord in your anger; be aroused against the outrages of my opressors. Stir up the justice, My god, you have commanded." [-12 mana]

Position in Society:Aria is an elite in Sacred wings, and has met Deos a few times in person, other than the joining of her in the sacred wings faction.

History: Aria hasn't remembered anything in her past except the day she fell in love with the idea of the sacred wings faction and God. She had seen parts of the war and was scarred by this utter hatred between kingdoms and wanted it to end.

Creation was a sword that went down to the first son in the Planetes family. Aria grew up with 9 sisters and was the oldest, so was given the sword after her parents death.

Aria was put into training as a Paladin at a young age, because most of her race did so, and she was found to be a fast learner. She ended up becoming able to master a skill level of five in magic while still very young, and six when she used incantations, though it would take up a lot of her power and mana.

She began hunting dragons when she was a fairly new member in the Sacred Wings, and wasn't doing too bad. Then again, she did have Creation. Nowadays, she continues accepting missions and doing whatever she needs to do to get through life.

Purpose for living: To destroy evil and bring good.

Summoning: If you count her ability to "summon" Creation when it is out of reach.

Other: Beast

Mana Pool: She has a fairly large mana pool, but is much more limited in its usage when she doesn't use incantations.



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