The Three Kingdoms OOC

HaruAketchi said:
i would second your opinion if it was a stronger spell, but it seems to be so nonessential that i just decided not to say anything about it.
True. I think the main thing that I didn't agree with was making water. It didn't seem right. lol 
Maybe if it was like a small cup or things like that, but food and water is a bit odd if i do say so myself.
TagochiRein said:
Papyasandsunshine, concerns:
I don't agree with your ability that says manifest, can you replace it with something else or not add anything?? I will greatly appreciate it. ^_^

Also, When you say Summon the Dark Lord, What does that mean? Is it actually the Dark Lord?? If so, then I can't allow you to have such an ability. If it's a manifest of evil spirits that form together to make the Dark Lord that you envisioned in your mind then I can let that slide. (or some other variation that I gave an example of)
Oh the Dark lord thing,

it doesn't actually summon him to fight by her side or anything since he's too powerful,

it's to basically either

1. sacrifice something to him

2. get some guidance

and she hardly ever does that since he's always whispering in her ear

but because when she was with that old lady and they casted the spell together that one time, she has some knowledge on how to do it. So he's the hardest for her to summon

(sorry for not making that clear)

And for the manifest thing this is how things would happen

Blood-turns to water

bones-turns to bread

rotting flesh-turns to meat

if she does not have those things on hand she can't make anything.
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Name: Rinfaf Stone Talon

Age: 8,947

Personality: Rinfaf is an intelligent, cunning, brutal, and at times, civil predator, but a predator none the less. He is charismatic amongst his kind in much the same way a warrior king is charismatic amongst his subject. He respects one thing and one thing alone, and envies one thing and one thing alone, power. Be that the power to cause the sky to fall or the power to lead a nation of dragons, power is what Rinfaf craves, and he is capable of drastic change in order to get his way.


Faction: Born wild, became Draco


Minor Spells are spells which mortals still use today, and are not generally hard to master, nor do that cost a large amount of mana, at least not to a large Dragon. Among the more notable spells in this arsenal are illusion, Summon Pests, Suggestion, and Arcane Eye. Also, he has a fine mastery over Feral Tongue, the same spell Alduin had used to communicate with him when they first met.

Illusion, Silence Field, Magic Missile, Feral Tongue, Suggestion, Magic Han, Whisper Message, Detect Poison, Hypnosis, Protection from Arrows, Summon Pests, Arcane Eye, Mist.

Major Spells are spells still used by mortals to this day, but only by at least average level spell caster, though many of these spells require years of study and mastery in the arcane arts. These spells have a moderate drain on Rinfaf's mana pool, but they can still be cast several times a day by the huge dragon without depleting his mana. Some of Rinfaf's most used spells lay in the list below. Summon monster is one spell which is particularly proud of, as it allows him to summon up to five creatures from another realm whose minds he has subdued and made extensions of his own will.

Green Tongue, Telepathic Bond, Arcane Sight, Shelter Sphere, Summon Monster 1-5 (Basically the same spell, just stronger), Unseen Servant, Charm, Disguise, Fog bank, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility Sphere, Remove Curse, Bestow Curse.

Elder Magic is magic which was used by the ancient races, such as the Eldinurai and the Clave. These spells are spells of extreme power, and are lost to most, if not all of the mortals of the current day. These spells generally have a moderate to large drain on Rinfaf's magic, and he is cautious about how much he casts some of these spells. Out of all his Elder magics, the two he is most proud of is his mastery of Shadow Illusions, and his ability to change the composition of his body. With his mastery of shadow illusions, Rinfaf can create illusions which look, sound, taste, smell, and feel so real that they might as well be the actual thing! His body can turn to shadow, or into solid, flexible adamantine.

Shadow Illusion Spell, Shadow Walk, Shadow Illusion Summon, Dead Tongue, Extra Dimensional Pocket, Gaseous Form, Iron Body, Phantasmal Killer.

Draconic Magic is magic which has been created or invented by one of the mage snouts of the Crater Council. Of those he knows, Rinfaf has created two, his master pieces, Polymorph and Gease. Almost all of these spells take a massive drain on the mana pool, and Rinfaf is careful when and how often he uses this spells.

Ray of Exhaustion, Polymorph, Geas, Transformation.

Mana Pool: Rinfaf is a monstrous dragon with an equally monstrous mana pool. With this massive pool of power, he is able to make spells and enchantments which are dragon sized. He has also trained and expanded his knowledge of how to ration his mana pool from thousands of years of experience, so the likely hood of him running out of mana is slim, unless of course, uses several of his highest level spells, Such as Geas and Polymorph, which drain him considerably.

When Rinfaf polymorphs himself, he retains his current mana pool, but only in that he does not lose the mana he already has. If he transforms himself into a human, he will only be able to regenerate a human's amount of mana, though he will initially contain a dragons amount of mana. Rinfaf has mastered doing this over the course of many years training, and for the regular dragon, especially one who has never before been polymorphed, the process is likely to make them leak all of their dragon mana during the transformation, leaving them with a human amount.

Element: Earth

Special ability: Can breath out gouts of thick, sludgy earth and mud. On small targets, such as humans and elves, the mud impedes movement if given a light spray, completely covers and halts with a solid gout of earthy sludge, and can drown and even crush if someone is covered in a sustained gout of the formidable breath. When used on dragons the mud serves only one purpose, to weigh down and impede the other dragon. On the ground this can give an edge in movement and maneuverability that can win a battle, but in the air, that is where it is truly lethal. It can completely gunk up and cover wings in mid flight, causing loss of stability and even full out free fall which can lead to a lethal or devastating crash.

Position in Society: Patriarch of the Stone Talons, and Senior Mage Snout of the Crater Conclave of Dragon Perch.


Rinfaf began life as one of the many hatchlings of Brinvrin Storm Snout, A primal, massive beast of a Dragon who did not know language nor mercy. Indeed, the only emotions that Brinvrin ever seemed to display were mercilessness, fury, boiling satisfaction, and unending lust. It was his kind that ruled the world before Alduin came, and he was the worst kind of beast, the kind that knew only pride in himself, and not in his brood.

Rinfaf never knew his mother, and when he hatched, he hatched to the brutality of the nest. Here tucked away in a cave amidst the white ribs of some unfortunate dragon, was the pit he knew as the nest. His many siblings fought and died for the scraps of meat that Brinvrin would occasionally drop into the nest, along with more eggs, soon to hatch. Rinfaf, new to the world, saw only suffering and hatred amongst his many dying siblings. He watched as the older, stronger whelps beat back the tides of starving, younger ones, each hording as much food as they could for themselves. Food was growth, and growth was strength. Rinfaf watched from the egg shells, knowing that one day he would also be starving. In his stomach, the yoke of his egg slowly burned away, feeding him for the first few weeks.

Rinfaf was a cunning beast, and for the weeks when his body still had nourishment, he watched and studied his situation. He watched as other hatchlings like him would run out of yoke, grow mad with hunger, attack the older whelps, and be beaten back, and sometimes to death. He knew that this would soon be him unless he did something drastic, something to survive. One day, his yoke ran out, and Rinfaf knew hunger for the first time. He watched as several hatchlings prepared to charge the older whelps.

When they came cowering back, they met Rinfaf, and his hunger was sated. For years this was how he survived, and he became known as a monster among the survivors of the nest, a beast who drank the blood and chewed the bones of his own kind, his own siblings. But despite their scorn and horror, Rinfaf grew strong. His might swelled, he grew larger than the others, and soon he challenged the eldest sibling for his meat. Rinfaf devoured one more of his siblings that day before taking his first bite of the meat they had all fought over, killed over, and in his case, eaten each other over.

It was putrid, rotten leftovers, and Rinfaf found no satisfaction in his victory. It got even worse when he realized what Brinvrin did to the lager whelps, as he witnessed soon after taking his place. He ate them, devoured them, and now he had his eyes on Rinfaf, he would be eaten any day. Rinfaf couldnt escape, however, it was instant death to leave the nest, as many desperate hatchlings had proven. But when Brinvrin came to devour him, he could not find his son anywhere, but he did find the hole Rinfaf had dug to escape him.

The following months were months spent crawling and hiding as his father hunted him from the sky. When he finally managed to get far away, he kept going quite a bit farther before he stopped and focused on hunting and eating. His new freedom, at first terrifying, soon grew on him, and he relished hunting things that where not his brothers and sisters.

Rinfaf eventually found his own territory, where he grew even larger and stronger. Over time he came to have many rivals and fought many of them. Some battles he won, some he wont later, but always the cunning and powerful Rinfaf found a way to overcome his foes and trials. By the age of five hundred he became known as one of fiercest beasts in the known lands. He terrified humans, buried castles, had amassed a large horde, and had already courted many females, and had sons and daughters of his own, none of which he allowed to be treated so cruelly as he was, though he still pit them in life and death struggles against each other for their food and for his favor. When he was seven hundred he decided to face his father, who was still larger than he was.

Their confrontation was short, brutal, and without words. The battle, short though it was, was a desperate one, with Rinfaf catching his father off guard, but Brinvrin soon reversing the flow of battle back into his favor. In the end, Brinvrin was moment away from biting off the front of Rinfaf's face when the younger dragon released a gout of mud and earth into his fathers mouth, sealing it and choking the older dragon. His father tried to clear his mouth with a blast of lightning, but it only served to completely disorient him and allowed Rinfaf to sink his jaws deep into Brinvrin's throat, killing him. Rinfaf devoured his father and declared himself ruler of the land with an incredible roar of triumph.

After that, Rinfaf founded his own dragon wing, the Stone Talons. He raised many sons and daughters, made them strong, and sent them out to conquer and devour. His wing became strong and feared by human, dwarf, and elf alike. The brutality and cunning of the Stone Talon wing knew no equal, and for centuries they rules supreme in their lands. But then, one day, Rinfaf sensed a storm approaching, and was met by a foriegn wing of dragons encroaching on his territory. Rinfaf gathered his sons and daughter, allies and wives, and prepared to defend their lands by tooth and claw. The enemy dragon wing was nearly twice as large as the Stone Talons entire force, but they were not daunted by such numbers, for surely Stone Talon Dragons were worth three, or even five times the regular dragon!

No, what made them question their chances of victory was the leader of these, foreign dragons. At the head of this terrible wing, who flew in swirling patterns, and organized themselves into ranks, was a massive black dragon even larger than Rinfaf. By now Rinfaf had long out grown his father, and had been the largest beast to prowl the land for ten thousand miles in either direction. But this new beast was even larger!

The two massive dragons circled each other, and the Dragon made his intentions clear. Dragons had no spoken language, but their roars and body language could convey nearly as much. He was a challenger, but not for land, for dragons. His wing was swelling, he was gathering all who would follow to go into the mountains, and wanted the Stone Talons to be among them. Rinfaf outright refused, and Alduin, as the dragon called himself, made a counter offer to the refusal. He would battle Rinfaf in one on one combat, and if he lost, then Rinfaf would inherit all his power and his dragon wing. But if Rinfaf lost, Alduin would take nothing. Rinfaf was confused until Alduin elaborated.

"If I can cast you down without touching you, however, then you, and your dragon wing, are mine." Rinfaf agreed, and the terrible battle commenced. Rinfaf roared and charged, breathing out mud and stone to bring Alduin down, but the large dragon was deceptively fast for his size, and evaded the attacks, again and again. He would even disappear and reappear in different places, or split into fifteen dragons and fly away in different directions. When Rinfaf was thoroughly confounded by Alduin's powers, Alduin struck, but not with his claws or jaws.

Raising a claw into the air, Alduin summoned a storm of meteors, which fell upon Rinfaf and beat him down to the ground, where they formed a pile and buried him. Rinfaf dug himself out only to find Alduin triumphantly awaiting. Rinfaf bore his teeth, flexed his muscles, and bowed to Alduin, compelled by his own will to do so. He recognized Alduin as the greater beast, and joined him on the formation of the Draco.

Recently, Rinfaf is a powerful Patriarch of the Stone Talons, as he has been for over seven thousand years. He is also a mage snout of the Crater Council, and is known as one of Alduin's chief advisers and mangers. Rinfaf has only grown more powerful with his mastery of magic, though, admittedly, he has little skill with Evocation magics, and almost no skill with elemental powers. This has confounded him for a long time and led to him designing many devices of catastrophic power. Though he has never built one of these devices, he has been heavily involved in the construction of a Secret weapon which one of the empires intends to use against the other.

Although he dares not to steal it from Alduin and their ally, he would give nearly anything to possess it, for it might give him the power to final accomplish his lives goal, and defeat Alduin and take his place as leader of all civilized dragons. Rinfaf believes that magic is the one true power in the world, and that its mastery is among the most important endeavors one could aspire to. He has learned many spells over his thousands of years, and has taken time to master each and every single one under his command. Many of his spells are self invented, and though variations of the same spell may exist, Rinfaf's spells are the result of experimentation and study on the part of the massive dragon.

His crowning achievements, the Geas spell and the Polymorph spell are his two most powerful and complex spells, and drain him the most, but also among his proud achievements is his dominion over dimensional beasts. By bringing forth his might he can call upon mighty champions and beasts of other realms to battle for him, and he once intended to use this mastery to over throw Alduin. But none of the beasts he can summon are more powerful than himself, and he can only manage to keep five creatures rooted to this plane at one time. These resulted in thousands of years of research coming to a dead end. If there was some way to create an army of outsiders, Rinfaf did not know of it.

Purpose for living: To defeat Alduin and take control of the Draco and all its dragon wings.
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ive edited the notable characters, and the npc characters. i couldnt put pics of them beacause the max pic limit is 20. but if you wish to see. here you are.

Npc Races


A massive creature of gargantuan size. They are rare, or at least it seems that way because all who encounter them disappear. The only species that has been known to best Titans are Dragons, requiring a whole nest of them to stop one. Titans can be found in the dessert between The Tarnished Land and Dead Man's Crossing.


Ogre can be fount mostly anywhere where there's darkness and flesh. Dark Elves usually hunt them in search for potion ingredients. It does not take much to best an ogre, just a well-tempered blade and an intellect to match.


The Goblin. A truly repulsive creature. Most seasoned warriors have bested two or three hordes of goblins in their day. Goblins can be found almost anywhere. They will destroy your livestock and kill your pets, so be on the watch. The travel in large packs of at least seven or eight. Goblins are the most common monsters.


The Banshee, most only hear of these creatures through tales, and lore. A Banshee is the soul of a witch who made a pact with the Dark Lord. The witch then becomes so consumed within the magic that it eventually consumes her, destroying the body and only leaving her tormented soul to walk the earth. Banshees will try to convince soldiers and travelers that they are hurt, or in dire need of assistance. Once the victim approaches the Banshee it will then scream at the poor soul, a scream so loud and blood curdling that it will stun them. Following that she will then attempt to steal the victim's body for herself, ending her torment and thus starting theirs. Banshee shrieks can be heard throughout the Dead Forest.

Soul Keepers:

Soul Keepers, the product of a Banshee stealing a body. Once the body is stolen and the soul is expelled, this is the out come. Many have come in contact with these, and when they do most just turn and run. Despite their appearance they are completely harmless, they are simply wandering in search for their bodies. These can be found mostly anywhere, but they are only visible at night.

(i know the list of monsters is lacking, if anyone else has any ideas, i am in desperate need.)

(I will throw these monsters toward your character at random. so be ready)

Wiseman accepted.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/The-Ghost-fantasy-19522283-1280-800.jpg.ad1dec125c6e203e7a83d1ce68290ebf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2101" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/The-Ghost-fantasy-19522283-1280-800.jpg.ad1dec125c6e203e7a83d1ce68290ebf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Serina Blackhearth

Age: 27

Personality: Ice-cold and calculative, Serina is one you don't want to get close to, especially if she's reading that tome of hers. She distances herself from humans and tends to studying the other races instead, going to heights where no other human would dare on the pursuit of universal knowledge and wisdom. She takes it upon herself to learn everything she can and she will stop at nothing and at no one to get that one wish of hers. She is an easily irritable character, getting snappy at the slightest provocation. While they are not deadly, her throwing knives sting like hell, and they will be speeding your way if you so much as accidentally step on her cloak. If one opposes her, she has no qualms about what or who you are, you are in her way. She'll expend every last spell in her armory just to end you and your miserable life. The only one given any exemption from her sharp words and her cold tone would be none other than Morgan, to whom she tends to, but only just, show a much more compassionate and caring side.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/fegcart03.jpg.20192266fb4ee76928792c797d485fa7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2102" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/fegcart03.jpg.20192266fb4ee76928792c797d485fa7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Race: Human

Faction: Fairly neutral, though she allies herself with the Wyrm's Wall and supports the Blackened Light.

Class: Mage, technically a Vancian Mage, more specifically a Sage.

Weapon: A tome and a set of summoning knives. Both are rather weak and quite ineffective, but when the latter hits you and Serina readies a spell, be sure to start running.

Birth Place: Sadon

Current Place of Residence: Sadon


Scribing. Most mages should be able to write, since they are from the academy after all, but this is an invaluable skill especially in war.

Anima Magic. Serina's primary magic deployment. This is the general arrangement of an elemental circle: Wind, Fire, and Lightning

Holy Magic. Serina's secondary choice of magic deployment. She can mend slight wounds, and remove Standard Status Ailments. She can deploy the light of the gods to smite her opponents, searing them with the might of holiness. This magic is especially useful against necromantic summons.

Magic spells:

Anima Magic:

Elfire: A pillar of flames bursts from the ground where Serina casts a magic circle upon. The effect of the pillar is boosted when she has set up her summoning knives.

Valfire: Serina hurls a summoning knife towards her target and creates a summoning circle in mid-air by drawing it with yet another summoning knife, before holding her hand outwards. An image of a phoenix in the form of a blazing storm of flames will erupt from the circle and home in on the target that has been pinned by the summoning knife.

Fire: Set fire to something.

Excalibur: Serina opens her book and gathers the wind around her before releasing the wind in front of her in high-velocity blades of wind that will slice apart most steel. This is one of the spells that the summoning knives don't do anything.

Grafcalibur: Serina tosses three summoning knives on the ground, and draws a summoning circle in front of her. Anyone foolish enough to have stepped within the boundary of the summoning knives is frozen solid by the cold winds that whip forth from the circle. Serina ends this spell by bombarding the enemy with a version of Excalibur. The ice naturally shatters after three minutes.

Breeze: Conjures a breeze.

Elthunder: Serina casts a magic circle that glows yellow and a tri-strike of lightning smashes upon the ground and sears whatever lies there. The effect of the strike is boosted when she sets her summoning knives.

Rexbolt: Serina tosses three knives at her target and draws a summoning circle with another knife. Upon activation, a single pillar of lightning strikes the opponent, then diverges into four bolts. If the bolts do not meet any interruption, Serina will force the bolts back together to converge once more on the target, creating an explosion of lightning.

Thunder: Strikes the target with a small bolt of electricity.

Holy Magic

Heal: What It Says On The Can. Mends slight wounds and recovers quite a bit of stamina for the target. Cannot be used on self.

Light: Serina calls upon the might of the gods to smite the opponent. A beam of light strikes the opponent and sears them slightly. The weakest and the fastest spell in her arsenal.

Ellight: Serina summons the might of the gods and calls upon three beams of light that coil around each other before striking the target and searing them to deal mediocre damage.

Position in Society: Graduate and alumnus to the Mage Academy in Sadon.


A curious mind, a curious heart, but a cold disposition and regards of people, Serina was born and raised not to be, but as an efficient and studious mage, plowing through book after book after book at a young age, devouring every information of the magic world and the powers of the arcane. The Blackhearth family was a renowned family composed of adventurers, knights, mages and mercenaries that amassed the riches their ancestors had over the years and began to take the estate field by storm, shooting them up to one of the richest families in the world. They were, of course, proud at Serina’s wide knowledge, and allowed her free reign over the books that the family has amassed and she happily ate the information up, taking in every last drop of trivia into her mind. At an aspiring age of 15, she set off herself to the Academy of Magic to learn the true requirements and abilities of magic, or at the very least, learn a bit more than the massive chunk that she already had.

The academy had almost nothing to offer except for what most academies offered. Some, if not most of the students, were lazy elites of society that couldn’t be bothered to study and instead, spent their time lazing about, having ‘relationships’ and ‘hanging out’. Fah! What trivial actions. The topics that the classes covered were what she had already discovered in her books of knowledge, but their coverage was more in depth, and Serina sat through each and every one of these classes, scribbling down every tiny bit of holes that she had missed out in her own self-learning. This attentiveness, of course, brought a certain negative outlook on her by her own classmates and fellow academy attendees. They dared, once, to try and isolate her. That worked. But when they took it to far and it changed to the regular bullying, Serina whipped her hand forwards and acted. The first actual spell to be cast by the rookie Mage without supervision. Elfire. The flames shot out from the summoning circle that appeared on the feet of the mages that had attempted to confront Serina, the pillar of flame searing off their clothes and burning their skin, sending them scrambling about and rolling on the ground to put out the fire.

Serina went on to perfect her own magic, trying every way to mix and match different sorts of weaponry from tomes to staves to swords, trying to channel her own magic through them and creating a much more potent spell from them. The swords were too heavy, the tomes burned easily and the staves were clumsy and unwieldy. Serina took a break from one day of classes and called in sick. Instead, she marched off to the nearest inn located close to the academy and sat there, watching the patrons of the tavern as she perused her Blackhearth tome, the only medium she had currently. Inspiration struck her when she caught sight of the group of soldiers, who were taking a rest in the inn for one day, throwing knives at a target dummy outside. She stumbled outside and asked to try a hand at it. When the soldiers let her, she threw the knives around the dummy instead of on it. The soldiers’ laughter soon turned to gasps of wonder and horror as she drew a summoning circle in the air with the fourth and last knife and blasted the dummy into a pile of ash as a pillar of fire burst from the ground, the heat and the velocity causing her cloak to go aflutter as she watched in joy at her success. When the show was over, Serina bent down and retrieved the knives. Not even hot to the touch. This was a success. Buying all the knives she could with her money, she hurried back to the academy, tucking the knives into her belt.

Following her graduation, Serina departed the academy and went upon her travels, where she honed her skills of blasting things into bits and charred pieces on the wildlife that came in her way. It was a few years after her graduation that she stumbled across a Rendannan soldier that happened to be separated from her original unit. Lone and quite surrounded by what seemed to monsters. Serina originally decided to leave the soldier alone, about to leave the soldier to her fate. But….Serina could use some practice aiming her throwing knives, as well as work on her PR for the Blackhearth family.

The knives struck the ground beside one of the creatures and Serina drew the circle. In the next moment, the flames torched the ground, and took several of the monsters with it. She’d mark this as another success. The knives were doing quite well. As she bent down to retrieve the blades, however, she was beset upon by a monster she had overlooked. Cursing and her concentration lost, Serina fumbled with her tome and struggled to formulate another spell. Too late. A lance ran the monster through, killing it immediately, just as the creature was about to kill her. She caught the helping hand of the soldier and returned to her feet and, without being asked, set to destroying the remnants of the monsters.

As the duo sat down for a break before returning to the soldier’s squad, Serina was bombarded by various questions from the soldier. Originally displeased by the whole ordeal, Serina soon gave in and answered the questions, and received some in return. Morgan Branford. That was the soldier’s name. Rendannan Military, as she suspected. She seemed quite…well learned for one in the Rendannan servitude, though, bearing quite a number of skills in weaponry. Quite the companion, she’d say, but the fact that she was pledged to the servitude of the Rendannan meant that she can’t be invited to join her- what was this, she was asking to join her company? Serina muttered under her breath. This was turning out to be quite well. She needed an extra hand when it came to close quarters combat. Those knives weren’t that effective after all. After a few more minutes of contemplating, Serina complied. The sage followed the soldier to her unit, where she officially left their company and joined the sage in her travels.

Present: Serina leads a small posse of humans that supports the Blackened Light’s movement, and is an ally of the Wyrm’s Wall. She is sometimes contacted by the Academy to discipline students and also to aid in the Wyrm’s Wall’s movement of ending the war. She travels the world when she is free to learn more about everything.

Purpose for living:


Summoning: -NIL-



Mana Pool: Quite high, but expends most of her mana pool by casting any of her 'elite' spells twice. Due to her knowledge of the "El" spells, though, they take only a small chunk of mana away and she can cast them about fifteen times in a single encounter.



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Ineffectivd, i haven't seen anything too far fetched when i read through your Character sheet. You are accepted. If i Have any problems that I have Missd, i will simply ask you To change it. 
Papyasandsunshine, thank you for you clarity. Make Sure to put that Under the description of your spell
Name: Morgan Branford.

Age: 26 going on 27.

Personality: Morgan gives of an air of confidence and stoicism, rarely speaking, and always focused. Standing tall at 1.85m, she towers over many and is rather imposing when fully dressed in battle gear, as a result of this many are often intimidated by her. In reality, Morgan is a simple country girl, quiet, polite and shy. She refrains from speaking too much in order to mask her very pronounced country accent, which she thinks people find uncouth and uncivilised. While very much dedicated to her family, she fears that others do not share the same sentiments regarding her upbringing. This has resulted in her suffering from low self-esteem issues, where she often puts herself down, lacking the confidence to speak amiably with others, save for fellow country dwellers. She is rather naive and innocent when it comes to relationships, having never been in one her whole life. She also is relatively simple, taking time to pick up and figure out mathematical and scientific concepts. Magic also completely befuddles her, so she delegates anything regarding it to others. She is rather streetwise, however and is surprisingly sharp when it comes to logical problems. Despite this she is very loyal and dedicated, she also displays a rather inhuman dedication to the maintenance of her weapons, which she polishes and sharpens daily. She also treats wastages of food and resources with great disdain, likely due to her upbringing as well.




Race: Human.

Faction: Her loyalty lies with her master.

Class: Soldier, more specifically, a Halberdier. Though her fighting style with axes resembles that of a berserker.

Weapon: Siegfried: A halberd she crafted on her own, the blade is made of a special alloy which is sharper and lighter than regular skill, though its diminished weight allows for easier wielding means that it does not have as much force when used. The blade on the tip is larger than normal than a regular halberd's, about the same size as one on a lance. The head is interchangeable with another one made of a heftier alloy, also forged by Morgan herself.

Garm: Her mother's single-headed battleaxe. A normal person would use it with two hands, but Morgan has been observing utilising it with just one. The grip has been shortened just enough to allow for both single and double handed usage.

Svalinn: A round shield, made of an alloy similar to that of her second Halberd head. Emblazoned on the front is her family crest. It has been enchanted to resist magical attacks better, elemental magic in particular.

Morgan also carries generic weapons with her, for backup or specific situations. These include, but are not limited to Spears, Staves, and regular axes.

Birth Place: A small, rural farming village, around 10 kilometers from Pluto's Crossing.

Current Place of Residence: Wherever her master currently resides.

Skills: Superior physical attributes: Morgan's strength, dexterity and endurance are all above average, exceeding that of most people of similar class. This is attributed to her previous work on her family's farm, which had experienced great hardships for a period of time. As a result she forced herself to slave for days at a time to help her greatly burdened parents. Her mother, a former soldier, also helped to train her in combat to drive off bandit raids. Her enlistment only served to improve her skills further.

Domestic Skills: The eldest of six siblings, Morgan was taught by her father to cook, sew and perform various household chores from an early age in order to help out.

Smithing: Morgan's mother was a skilled Blacksmith, who made weapons to sell to the various mercenaries and merchants in Pluto's crossing, alongside the produce and livestock from their farm. Morgan showed great interest in the craft, and apprenticed under her. While not as skilled as her mother, Morgan has shown skill in smithing her own weapons, as well as maintaining them.

Farming: Morgan is well versed in the Sacred, Ancient craft of FARMING (You know it). From, cattle herding, to crop harvesting, Morgan is familiar with all aspects of running and maintaining a farm. As a result of this she is good at handling Animals and growing crops. Despite her relative simpleness, she has experience with Stock taking, and finance managing as well.

Mounted combat: Having ridden animals since she was young, she picked up this skill naturally during her service. She prefers to fight on foot though.

Heavy and Medium armor: Morgan is most skilled wearing these two types of armor, she wears medium armor most of the time for convenience sake, but will switch to heavy for longer, drawn out battles.

Position in Society: Bodyguard for Sage Serina. (Former soldier of The Kingdom of Rendanna.)

History: Born to Hector (a simple farmer), and Mia Branford (A former mercenary Halberdier), Morgan was the eldest daughter of six siblings, alongside two other daughters and Triplet brothers. They ran a little farm together, in a cozy little farming village not to far from Pluto's crossing. Her father handled much of the housework, and administrative duties, while her mother smithed weapons armor to sell, while handling most of the manual labour. Assisted by their children, the family lived happily and comfortably for quite some time. However, two years after her triplet brothers were born, disaster struck. Drought struck the village and it became significantly harder on the family. They were forced to work around the clock in order to keep up farm output. In addition, bandit raids became increasingly common, and they were forced time and again to protect their home from the murderous brigands. Her mother in particular suffered greatly, being the family's main protector. Seeing her mother sacrifice so much was what drove Morgan to work and train even harder.

Eventually conditions improved, the drought lingered but was not quite as dire as it was when it first struck, bandits attacked every now and again, but they had grown wary of the Branford farm, mainly due to the fiery woman protecting it. Things finally seemed like they were about to return to normal. One day however, a group of Lotheihan boisterous soldiers paid the farm a visit and demanded that they surrender all of their resources to them. The Branfords of course, staunchly refused, and soon a skirmish broke out. The well trained soldiers were far more skilled than the marauding brigands they were used to dealing with, and the Branfords barely managed to defeat them, nearly losing their lives in the process. This narrow escape was what fuelled Morgan's hatred for the Kingdom of Lotheiham, and what motivated her to join up with the Rendannan army.

Morgan's parents were reluctant to let her leave, but relented rather quickly, knowing it was pointless arguing with their daughter. Travelling to Capolis, she enlisted in the Rendannan army, and trained as a Dragoon. She proved herself an excellent soldier, excelling in many areas. While not particularly tactically gifted, her superiors were impressed with her mettle and she rose through the ranks rather quickly, and was given a place in a squad of outstanding recruits. The unit would take part in skirmishes and do reconnaissance as well. But Morgan was growing increasingly dissatisfied, they were no closer to achieving victory and peace at all. It was only now that Morgan saw the folly and futility of her actions, causing her great frustration. Despite this, she continued her service, not wanting everything to have been in vain.

The unit continued with their regular missions as usual, though on one unfortunate incident, the group was accosted by vicious monsters. In the ensuing chaos, Morgan was separated from the unit and was surrounded. as the monster's closed in on her, a large column of flame burst from the ground, incinerating the monsters. She turned to see a raven haired sage, clutching a large tome, breathing heavily, as Morgan got up, she saw her saviour being pounced on by one of the vicious beasts, unable to cast her spells at such close range. Morgan deftly flung her lance at the beast, killing it instantly. The duo proceeded to slaughter the rest of the monsters easily, both carefully guarding each other. Eventually the remaining monsters fled, and the two breathed sighs of relief.

Amazed at her compatriot's power, Morgan heaped a pile of questions onto her new-found friend. Though visibly irked, she answered all of them, Morgan learned that her name was Serina, a sage trying to expand her already vast knowledge. As Morgan pondered her current situation, she thought of a way to repay the debt she owed Serina. She was already fed up with the Military, and Serina seemed like she could genuinely bring about peace if she gained what she wanted. Morgan made the decision there and then to pledge her life to the Sage, so that she may reach her lofty goal. Though at first unwilling and bothered, Serina relented after much pleading and persuasion. Morgan returned to her unit, which had also been successful in fending of the attack. She asked them to send word back to Capolis that she had perished in the attack. Though unwilling to take responsibility at first, her comrades decided to comply, knowing that she had a greater duty to another. Thanking them and bidding her friends farewell, for the last time, Morgan rejoined Serina and she set off by her side, where she has remained ever since.

Purpose for living: To protect Sage Serina in her quest for knowledge, she hopes that Serina will become the most powerful Sage ever, thus bringing about peace, her ultimate goal.

Other:I'll add in something when it comes to mind.

Beast (I'm tired okay, no puns tonight.)
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