The Three Kingdoms OOC

im not sure if you guys are as annoyed as i am about how slow this thing is going. Im waiting on a couple of people, but i specifically cant continue without one. kinadra, post as soon as you can. If you dont post then there are some others that i cant post for. Thanks. As soon as she posts the third turn cycle will be up.
Eek! I am so sorry! Thank you for being so patient. I am still interested! I will post right after I get the post I am writing done. 
T.T That took me way too long and I know it. Plus it was short too. -sighs- I was at my dad's house, and had little time to really post. I apologize again.
dont worry about it lol. I suspected that you were busy or something, or maybe not getting notifications. thats why i tagged you in the post.

Third turn cycle, Starto! Hahaha
Alright, I have a question. Is the only way any of our characters are going to be able to interact is if it is stated in the next turn cycle post? Because we obviously can't have a conversation within a turn cycle. Not b*tching or complaining, just a question.

Hi Sire! I see you up there. Chilling with yo fangs out.
Well, you are able to post more than once in a turn cycle if you are having. Conversation. Haru, forgot to explain that. You can't leave an area or perform any important action without implying that you are about to do It. Then the GM, Haru, would then say what happened after That, but you can post 3 to 4 times if you are having conversations with another player character because you cant resolve A conversation In one cycle. Sorry for not explaining
i had to fix my profile because I had changed some stuff on mobile like a long time ago (pictures and stuff) but they hadn't saved apparently so yeah.
hey everyone, sorry about how long its taking me to post the next turn cycle. Been busy with stuff in RL and havent had any time really, im going to try to get one up by today, if not late tommorow.
Did this die? Poor rp... *patpats rp* Well it was nice rping with everyone! I will be taking my leave as of now. *bows and steps out*
Haha yes. You all have slaughtered my beautiful rp, and left her bleeding. But yes it has died. So much work too. I guess all things come to an end.
Don't lose hope just yet. I liked this RP, I will admit. But you will have another bud waiting for you to make it a flower.
haha. maybe i will revamp it. but not now. it took so much out of me to make it, i think i will take a break from rpnation for a while.

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