The Three Kingdoms OOC

i was gonna say that, you could keep everything you have and easily be called a light soldier. or even a knight. But most dragoons have some sort of magic and traits that resemble dragons.
oh yeah that too, i was gonna ask do you carry all of those weapons at once, or are those just all the ones you are skilled with?
How's sentinel sound?, or lancer? or Halberdier? I don't know. She carries generic weapons with her by mule or horse. Only Siegfried and Garm are on her most of the time.
Name: Terrin Everbloom

Age: 56 (wood elves clearly age slower then humans.)

Personality: Terrin is a traveler at heart. He lives for the road and binds himself to no one place for too long. He is very care free and prone to take risks, regardless of the position it puts him in. Terrin is very easy to talk to and will fall in love with any girl that is willing to travel with him.

Just pretend his bow is black and that he has a bag on his back.

Race: Wood Elf

Faction:He sides himself officially with no one, but he fights for the same cause as the wood guard, answering to their pleas for help at a moments notice.

Class: Ranger

Weapon: NidHogg. A dark ebony bow named after the fabled ghost ship. It is a legendary Elven bow, crafted with the finest Oak. It is said to force the evil out of any tainted creature.

Birth Place: Oak's Realm

Current Place of Residence: N/A

Skills: He has achieved god like abilities with a bow. Also, due to his Wood Elf lineage, he is adept in White Magic. Often creating spells as he needs them. He is also fairly skilled in hand to hand combat. He is not near as good as he is with his bow, but he has taken some classes. Simply to give himself some means of defense in the case that his enemies get too close.

Magic spells:

Purge: An enchanting spell. The user coats their weapon with a bright white aura. When the weapon is used, instead of attacking the actual body, it attacks the soul. Only useful on monsters and other hellish creatures.

Cure: The user is able to heal wounds. The size and mortality of the wound healed depends on how much mana is exerted.

Smite: The user creates a small orb of light, then simply shoots it at the opponent.

Reveal: The user creates a small ball of light, the light then floats above the user's head, illuminating the nearby areas.

Faith In The Divines: The user kneels to the ground as a light shines around them. Their mana then slowly begins to replenish. Not to be used in battle.

Barrier Of Light: The user creates a shield of light, it then repels Black Magic attacks.

Shield Of Light: The user creates a large shield, it is useless against Magic. It only blocks physical attacks.

Ether Stream: The user creates a large cloud of shining particles of light. The cloud is then used how the user sees fit, attacking the opponent.


Position in Society: Traveler, Fabled Hunter, Forest Protecter.

Terrin was born in Oak's Realm. His father was a monster hunter, and his mother was a well-known healer. Terrin began learning the way of the bow at a young age, his father intending to teach him everything he knew. They practiced day and night, but Terrin had no problem with this. He enjoyed using the bow, and intended to be a monster hunter, just like his father.

Terrin began to become very skilled with the bow, even going as far as to try hunting some monsters himself. His father was beggingng to recognize how good Terrin was getting and decided it was time that his mother began teaching him the ways of the Clergy.

Much like with the bow, he caught on to magic very fast, and only after a few years of practice, he was beginning to create his own spells. White Magic and Archery, both skills that he had mastered by the time he was entering his adult hood. Terrin was also considering becoming a monster hunter for a full time job, working alongside his father. He began his career and everything was going swiftly, until one day......

He decided to go hunting on his own, a good spot that him and his father usually travel to, he didn't expect anything to go wrong. After about two hours of walking he arrived at the spot, only to find it much more barren then usual. He took a post in the bushes, and waited for something to appear. After hours of waiting, and nothing appearing, he fell asleep. When he awoke he was surrounded by a horde of ogres and goblins. He stood and readied his bow, targeting them and picking them off one by one; while also managing to evade their attacks. He began to get cocky and one of them managed to sneak behind him. The beast rose its club and struck him in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground.

Terrin then stood, and began sprinting back to Oak's Realm, letting his fear be his adrenaline. As he began nearing the village he noticed something, his body was starting to seem less and less responsive to what he wanted it to do. Then eventually he collapsed to the ground, his entire body paralyzed. One of the guards noticed him, picked him up and brought him to his father. His mother was also there and she determined that he had been inflicted with Crois, a venom commonly found on clubs of ogres. The poison temporarily paralyzes the victim, not a lethal ailment. His mother immediately began treating him, but with no success.

She was unable to effectively heal him because almost immediately after she started the treatment, the village was ambushed by a horde of Ogres; the same horde that Terrin was fleeing from. His father, along with the towns guard, were able to hold them off for a while, but it was not enough. The monsters then eventually broke through and began to flood into the inner parts of the village. When they arrived at Terrin's home, he advised his mother to leave him, but she would not. She used a sacred spell, Might Of The Divines, and this was the first place that Terrin saw the spell. She managed to hold off the horde long enough to force a retreat, but not without exhausting all of her mana reserves. She died defending her son,

Weighted by his burden of getting the entire village attacked, he decided to leave. The only things he took was his father's bow and his mother's spell tome. Since he has vowed to become a better hunter then his father, and to hunt enough monsters in order to redeem his recklessness and then some.

Purpose for living: To destroy any and all monsters that walk the face of the earth.

Summoning: N/A

Other: Though his troubled history and heavy resolve, he is a very care free person. Making freinds with most that he meets.

Mana Pool: Medium size mana pool. Only using spells when he is in dire need.
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Name: Jared Leto (Alias; his real name is Daliviri Shadewolf)

Age: 71

Personality: Sharp and to the point. He isn't one to beat around the bush or make up excuses. He keeps his personal opinions out of his work and follows orders faithfully. He doesn't have a problem with killing somebody but it has to have probable cause. He will not randomly slay a man. He looks at situations realistically. He is very perceptive and is always on alert. You will never catch him off guard.


Jared Leto:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tVGG_3665.jpg.652965bfb563b4b1d862866c84b44159.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tVGG_3665.jpg.652965bfb563b4b1d862866c84b44159.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Daliviri Shadewolf:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/elf-warrior-with-sword-and-armor.jpg.a19d343a57b613004c48c031385b6b54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/elf-warrior-with-sword-and-armor.jpg.a19d343a57b613004c48c031385b6b54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Wood Elf; Human

Faction: Wyrm's Wall (Jared Leto), Daliviri Shadewolf is a mercenary for hire

Class: Assassin/Scout


  • A single Elven sword called Vulnus. The Elven sword has an enchatment. Wounds will not be able to heal easily if they are cut with his sword. It some time takes month's for simple scars to heal.
  • Throwing knives
  • Smoke bombs
  • poison and antidote
  • Arrows and Crossbow (he can use a long bow as well but carries a crossbow because of its quick firing capabilities)

Birth Place: Oak's Realm

Current Place of Residence: Wyrm's Wall

Skills: Adept at scaling buildings and trees, Infiltration/Stealth, information gathering, Coercion, Trap making, Poison making, Marksman, Knife throwing, Single and Dual Sword skills, Able to make himself appear dead, able to control the temperature of his body,

Magic spells: Able to call nearby animals to his aid in battle, able to do small fire buff, Able to cast Calm on a person (puts them in a state of tranquility), able to cast Fury (puts them in a raged state)

Position in Society: (Jared Leto) Most trusted man of Asher Quinn, he doesn't have an official title in Wrym's Wall; (Daliviri Shadewolf) His face is known as an Elven mercenary for hire.

Born of a female Wood Elf and male Human, he was shun by most of the pure blood kids who lived in Oak Realm. His father died when Daliviri was a child, leaving the mother to raise him..

At the age of 10, he left Oak's Realm with his mother and made Wyrm's Wall his new home. When he got a little older, he took up odd jobs and eventually joined the military of Wyrm's Wall to pay for their living expenses. There he received his combat training.

At the age of 21, his mother died of a rare sickness that not even the best Mages or Doctors could heal. He then dropped out of the military and left Wrym's Wall, becoming a mercenary for hire.

At the age of 64, he returned to Wrym's Wall and became a hired hand to Asher Quinn. He completed many task for him from killing to escorting. Asher took a liking to his work effort and loyalty and made him his right hand man. He then took up the alias of Jared Leto and hid his identity to the people. People had a new fear of Asher, due to his mysterious aid.

Purpose for living: To serve Asher Quinn and Wyrm's Wall

Summoning: N/A

Other: Asher Quinn is the only one who has ever seen his face while asuming the roll as Jared Leto. Nobody knows that Daliviri Shadewolf is Jared Leto of Wylm's Wall. Jared Leto carries one Elven Sword and on his person. Daliviri Shadwolf carries two elven swords on his person. All other items are the same except for armor .

Mana Pool: Average, doesn't use much magic



  • tVGG_3665.jpg
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  • elf-warrior-with-sword-and-armor.jpg
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((I am working on another character.))

Name: Jenasari Theanine

Age: 100

Personality: Jenasari is a dark, and unhappy person. He is cold, and uses his body to get what he wants at times. Just looking at him you can tell that he is broken inside; even though he tries to hide it. His past is laced with pain, suffering, and death. All of these things sway his personality.


Race: A half breed. Mother was a Wood Elf, his father was a Drow. (Drow is another name for Dark Elves)

Faction: The Blackened Light

Class: Thief

Weapon: Jenasari wields two short swords. The hilts are the colour of ebony, and the blades are made of dark red steel. On special occasions he will wield a long bow of black wood with ruby gems encrusted in it.

Birth Place: He was actually born in Oak Realms. His mother and father wished him to be born in a place filled with colour. They thought that they would be welcome there since his mother was in fact, originally from the Oak Realms. His mother died giving birth to him. She had been the only thing keeping them there. He and his father were kicked out because of the Drow blood within them both.

Current Place of Residence: The Blackened Hole. He has claimed a fairly large cave that isn't too far off of the main cavern.

Skills: Jenasari is skilled in sword play, and he has made a habit of stealing a coin purse or two when he was hungry. He isn't the most talented of people, but he is a scrappy man that won't give up without a fight. He is also efficient in both Light and Dark magic. He can also speak with animals; though the conversations are not clear because of his Drow blood.

Magic spells:

White Magic Spells:

Protection~Vara tel' Seldarine*

Wall of Stone~Ram en' ondo**

Invisibility~Quella tuulo' elea ***

Heal~Tanka harwar *

Unlock~Panta tangwa *

Dark Magic Spells:

Fireball~Koron en' naur ***

Summon Creature~Yala onna ** He is able to summon a large lizard that he can ride like a horse. It is handy for running over rocky terrain, and it has quite the nasty bite.

Polymorph~Luhta kanta *****

Position in Society: His position in society is to be the Thief. He makes a living off of it. If he could do something else with his life he would, but being a half breed made his options very limited.



Jenasari was born in the place where Wood Elves dwell. His mother was a slave to one of the merchants that set up shop in Sadon. His father was a lowly Thief that took a liking to her, and she him. His father had been quite the good Thief and actually stole Jenasari's mother away. They spent the next fourteen months running from place to place, never settling in one place for too long.

When they reached the home of the Wood Elves they were near death, starved of both water and food. They found an apple tree sitting next to a river and gorged themselves. That was when his Mother went into labour and gave birth to him, but at a cost. His mother died giving birth to him, the strain too great on her frail body. His father stayed with her body for two days, grieving and trying his best to take care of a noisy infant.

He would have stayed by her longer if his son had stayed quiet and hadn't alerted the Woof Elves to their presence. Both Jenasari and his father were threatened with death if they did not leave.

So they left; going to the one place that they would be accepted. The Blackened Hole.


Jenasari was raised in the Blackened Hole, and therefore was raised to be the toughest kid on the block. His father taught him everything he knew.

One day, Jenasari was caught stealing. The man he stole from was a part of a guild of Assassins that nearly no one knows about. Late in the night, when Jenasari was away doing an errand for his father, they came and attempted to find the stolen money. Instead they found Jenasari's father laying on the ground with several bottles of Lichen Ale surrounding him.

They slit his throat and left him, letting his father's life pay the toll for the two gold coins stolen.

Jenasari came back to find his father's dead body on the floor. His eyes were already grey and unseeing.


This story, is still to be told.

Purpose for living: To make life better for his race, and revenge his father.

Other: He will be a Beast to romance if someone chooses to.
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SirDurrHurrHurr said:
Am I accepted? You never told me :L
-__-. knight class fighter is not the same thing as being a solider. An assassin class fighter could also be a solider as well as so can a mage. You can also be a Knight class fighter and not be a Knight or "solider". Two different things. remember that. lol. And yes your accepted. ^_^ . Thanks for your cooperation.
Orcs. Undead. Beastmen. Trolls. Harpies. Spectres (Or any ghost related creatures, Wraiths, revenants, etc). Savage Elves. Imps. Ghouls.
ok, orcs are like the same as orges, and i already have those. i already have enough ghost related creatures.

What Im adding:





savage elfs


and what is Lamias?

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