The Three Kingdoms OOC


yes, just be sure that you can manage all that you decide to make. and dont make one character significantly less important then the other. also be sure to stay active, and no two characters from the same race.
I updated Roselyn with a new picture, I changed her race, and I lowered her age (I don't know how much you wanted me to lower it, but if you want it down more just let me know)
Name: Erin Jagger

Age: 19

Personality: She is dark and mysterious female. She does not talk much and only responds with a nod of the head or one answer. She thinks more than she speaks, which leads her to be suspicious or weird seeing how her facial expression always change. Because of her past she hates to be touched or even looked at. This caused bad blood amongst her people which she grew uncaring for. She fights for herself , only thinking that it is her she only needs. Even though she holds up this defensive , dark wall. She is actual quiet the talker and tends to help more than she needs to. She would play it off by either coughing or acting high and above you. Of course to get to this you have to be willing to put up with her current mood.

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)

Race: Dark Elf

Faction: Blackened light

Class: The Theurgist Magician

Weapon: She carries around a wooden staff that is stained black. The top of the staff branches out like a tree and has a small black gem in the middle but is covered with more twigs that intertwine with one another, making it hard to pull out.

Birth Place: The blackened Hole

Current Place of Residence: Blackened Hole


  • Dark Magic
  • Hand to hand combat
  • Melee ( all ranges) combat
  • Cooking
  • Running
  • Hunting

Magic spells:

  • Always Use: * * * * *
    Most Use: * * * *
    Sometimes Use: * * *
    Hardly Use: * *
    Most likely to Never Use: *

  • Demonic shadow manipulation-focus on a enemies shadow. imagine it is a demon or some other hellish thing. imagine it will kill or hurt them. what you imagine will happen. you'll start to see them in pain. this attack is of black magic , so it does run a risk using ( ****)
  • Negative energy manipulation -Users are in control of negative energy, usually from some inter-dimensional or negative source. Negative energy can come in waves or as tiny particles. Users also able to gather energy from negative influences such sadness, rage, hatred, despair, etc. and channel it into raw power (* * * * *)
  • Black mist- She can selectively or completely block the senses of several people at the same time. When she uses this ability, it manifests into the form of a shimmering hazy mist that slowly moves toward his target, and it cannot be affected by the physical materials, such as wind or gravity. The down fall is that it takes time to complete, but it targets multiple people (* * * * *)

Position in Society: She is a simple traveler. Despite her race and where she comes from she wishes for peace and would fight for it. She enlisted as a solider.



It was on an evening around midnight when she had came in to the world. She was water birthed in a caldron that was over a pentagon and trees that bent over as if they had bowed to the new born. Her father was there with a knife along with two other women. Her mother's eyes were dark as night and the small girl was to small enough to be held in one hand. The father recited these words, as back up the woman behind him began a series of hand motions and language in another tongue.

"I oh great one bringer of life and death. Here me as I give you my spirit and body.

Listen to thigh for I have given you a gift. That of a pure soul who was born when the moon is at its highest.

I who sacrifice the barrier of which the child was born from and she the blood unto the child.

I then shall kill myself In order for this trial to be complete."

The man first stabbed the mother in the heart. Being careful not to hurt the child. The blood as plan splattered upon the child face. The baby moving around without shedding a tear. He pulled the knife away as the mother died slowly. Bringing the knife down unto him , driving it through his heart he fell to his knees. The blood dripped along the lines of the pentagon. The ground beneath them began to shake as the woman fell to their knees and held their hands out to the sky. Their eyes rolling back as their body began to shake.

"We who bare the fruit of sin and murder. I who give you the new child to continue this legacy.

We who understand you pain and desire to rule the world and all of these mortals.

We give you the new child who will do you bidding as you came to us so many years ago.

We offer up this contract in the name of you my lord."

With this the father fell on to his back. The child was lifted in to the air by nothing at first. There he was , a form of the dark lord that has been seen by many. A Beast who sees the evil in all. Their he held the child high. The dark lords voice deeper than any sound you have ever seen before. Her destiny was carved in to her body leaving a mark of a circle in a triangle on her upper right hand shoulder. Like all children that were born, she was born to serve him.

Later on

It has been years since the awakening of the child, and the death of her parents. She was moved in to a place called the Blackened Hole. There she resided in a small home that was vacant by non other than herself. She didn't do much there but ear. She trained for several of months until she enlisted in the blackened light. Still keeping a pact with the dark lord she had freedom from him and found it wasn't as hard as she thought. She was granted freedom and to live her own way. Only because she was given to him at birth that he allowed this.



Now she is fully grown, to her at least. She travels the world , but with a bounty on her head. Because of her past , the title she gained continued to follow her. To make amends with this she decided to go to Pluto's crossing. She intends to fight in this war and to wipe her slate clean. But in all honestly , deep down she knows this can never be accomplished

Purpose for living: To see peace through out the land. She is tired of all the conflict

Summoning: (This only applies to summoning mages. and wizards of extreme power.)

Other:(anything else, you would like people to know.)

She hates jokes and has a keen taste for blood.

Mana Pool: Because she is connected with Lucifur , mentally and physically. She has a very big power source. Although hit may seem she has an endless amount of power, if she is not careful her body would reject the power, and make her shut down.
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Name: Ryuleianna Septim

Nickname: Ryu or Ry

Age: 200

Personality: Careful about every move that she decides to make. She hates being ordered around, but has a strong sense of pride, along with a strong sense of what is right and wrong. The type to not open up easily, but is soft at heart truly, and loves people. She has a bit of a hard time connecting with most though, and because of that, she tends to hang back, and observe, but she is extremely loyal to the Valkyries.



Race: Valkyrie

Faction: The Sacred Wings

Class: Battle Priest

Weapon: Blessed staff, commonly carried on her back, aside from when she needs to use more complicated magics. Blessed short sword. If she gets any other weapons along the way, she is quick to learn, and would bless them immediately if she decided to keep the weapon.

Birth Place: Celestia

Current Place of Residence: Celestia

Skills: Ry can fly, and is fast, even on foot. She is a lithely thing, and her wings only help her instead of being a hindrance. She is adept at swordplay as well.

Magic spells:

  • Heal
    This heals a small amount of health, best used for small, not deep wounds. Uses a small amount of mana.


  • Heals a larger amount of health than Heal does, used for deeper, more life threatening wounds. Uses a larger amount of mana.


  • Increases the abilities of the target


  • Revives someone who has recently died, using a feather from her wings, and a bit of mana.


  • Blessing to an object. Amount of mana used depends on level of blessing, and intent of blessing.


  • Shield of sorts, deflects mostly magic based attacks, uses a small amount of mana at first, but quickly drains.


  • More physical than a ward. Blocks physical attacks. Drains quicker than a ward.

Position in Society: Cousin of Deos Septim

History: She was born to the Septim family, and like with all Valkyrie births, her parents were ecstatic to have her. She lived fairly well, and was happy for most of her life. No sob story here. She couldn't have imagined better. When she came of age, her father, a large fan of political things, brought her into the world of politics, thinking it would be useful, and that she might help her cousin bring the Valkyries into the spotlight.

She was happy enough with this idea, learning all she could about the politics of the land. The others always loved her, and her naturally cheery attitude, but also found her a bit odd. She always had her nose stuck in a book, or a grimmoire, and didn't relate well to others.

Ry has an affinity for clerical magic, and enjoys it thoroughly, learning all she can. Her father taught her how to fight properly at an early age, and she loves that as well. Learning in general seems to make her happy as can be.

Purpose for living: She lives, and goes on living, because of her strong sense of pride, and a need to do right and help people. She wishes to help her cousin.

Mana Pool: Her mana pool is rather large, her wing's natural ability adding to the curative affect of her healing powers, and lessening the cost on her mana pool.
GoddessOfGod said:
it is done
Thanks. ^_^
Everybody keep this in mind. For the sake of diversity in our story. we may ask you to change your race or abilities or faction if more people are picking the same thing. Just keep that in mind as you make your character sheets.

It will help if you lightly review other character sheets before making yours. please and thank you
Papyasandsunshine, concerns:

I don't agree with your ability that says manifest, can you replace it with something else or not add anything?? I will greatly appreciate it. ^_^

Also, When you say Summon the Dark Lord, What does that mean? Is it actually the Dark Lord?? If so, then I can't allow you to have such an ability. If it's a manifest of evil spirits that form together to make the Dark Lord that you envisioned in your mind then I can let that slide. (or some other variation that I gave an example of)
i think manifest is fair, as long as the things being given make up the thing being created.

and as long as conservation of mass is applied.
Name: Kiril

Age: 25


An Honorable man, Kiril always keeps his word. He would not hesitate to help the people around him and usually puts himself at great risk for random strangers. He is always serious and diligent in whatever he does, he rests only after the job is done. Always speaks his mind, but takes into consideration the opinions of those around him. He is usually calm, but is fierce in a fight. He is kind but merciless to those who deserve no mercy.


Race: Human

Faction: None, A freelance mercenary that sometimes helps the Northern Kingdom.

Class: Knight

Weapon: Broadsword and shield

Birth Place: Farrack

Current Place of Residence: Pluto's Crossing


-Resilient, due to the number of times he's been hit in a fight.

-Trained in the use of a sword and a shield in combination and has experience using bows and arrows.

-Quick to react, after being in so many fights.

-Observant, a skill that was necessary when he was out escorting merchant caravans.

Position in Society: As a mercenary and a bounty hunter, most people who do not know him ranks him low on the societal ladder. He is happy about this as he does not need to answer to anyone except his clients.


He was born to a long line of fishermen in Farrack. His father was a fisherman, his grandfather before him and his ancestors had all been fishermen ever since Farrack was established. Kiril, however, had other plans for himself. Whenever his uncle would come visit when he is off-duty from Capolis, he would always ask his uncle to teach him the way of the sword. He had held a firm belief of protecting people ever since he was a child, he was enthralled about the stories of Knights of the Redanna faction. All of them filled to the brim with glory. When he had become of age he had decided to employ in Redanna Army but was turned down. Slightly embittered by the development Kiril had turned to mercenary work, especially escort jobs, it gave him a sense of satisfaction whenever he heard the gratitude coming from a merchant and jingling of coin as he receives payment. As of now he resides in Pluto's crossing acting as either a caravan guard or a mercenary for hire still making a name for himself in the world.

Purpose for living:He lives simply to protect those he holds dear to him and to make a living out of it.

HaruAketchi said:
i think manifest is fair, as long as the things being given make up the thing being created.
and as long as conservation of mass is applied.
yea I guess. I personally don't agree with it but I will follow your lead. ^_^
i would second your opinion if it was a stronger spell, but it seems to be so nonessential that i just decided not to say anything about it.

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