The Swarm

Eva sat still as the woman scrubbed her. Her skin was at least five shade lighter when it was all done. The other obstacle left was her rat's nest she called hair. Her dreadlocks weren't formed on purpose, which only made it worse. They had started out as braids that turned into long mats of hair due to neglect. Cleaning them would be near impossible, considering that they were probably infected with lice and other vermin. The best solution would be to shave them off and start over.
Sarah spent a good ten minutes trying to wash Eva's hair before accepting the fact that it could be saved. Biting her lip she got up from where she was kneeling and grabbed a towel off the rack. "Eva, it's time to come out of the bath," she said, helping her out and wrapping the towel around her. After she instructed her to sit on a stool she bit her lip. "I'm very sorry to say this but your hair is just so matted and unhealthy that the best alternative for you is that we shave it off and let it grow back."

After saying this she went through Tiel's closet until she found the electric razor. "Now don't be alarmed by the buzzing sound, that's just the razor." She was hesitant at first but eventually started the shave Eva's hair. it was difficult at first, though after a good twenty minutes or so she was clean shaven, with just a little peach fuzz. "It kind of suits you." she said, thinking that the crew cut worked for Eva more than the matted hair that she was known for. After sweeping up and throwing away the hair on the floor she let her dress and then smiled. "Let's see what Tiel thinks, ok?"
Eva stiffened at the buzzing of the razor, and remained that way until it was finally turned off. Afterwards, her head felt pounds lighter, and free from the jungle of hair. Any lice that had been pestering her were killed by the shampoo, relieving her poor scalp. The girl obviously didn't care how she looked, so the new do hardly bothered her.

Although, her new clothes didn't seem to be to her fancy. She kept pulling and tugging at them, like she'd never worn proper clothing before. It could be a bit of a battle to get them to stay on her body.
"I know that you don't really like your new clothes," Sarah commented, watching as Eva tugged on the heavy slacks and dress shirt. "Perhaps when we've become a little more settled we can get you some new clothes. Perhaps a couple of pairs of shorts?" she suggested, trying to think about what Eva had previously worn. Seeing Eva all clean made her look like a completely different person, almost like a regular student.

Walking outside of the bathroom with Eva she clicked off the light and then walked her back into the living room. "Ta-da!" she said, laughing as she showed off Eva's transformation after her bath. She was surprised by how much calmer she was compared to how she had been when Tiel had first brought her and Eva in.
Tiel stood as he heard the foot steps coming from the bathroom. He had the picture in his hand, and was ready to speak when he saw Eva round the corner. He almost dropped the picture, but instead forced himself to remain calm and re-clutch the frame. He had to admit though, the transformation was rather good. She looked, hair and clothes wise, ok, but the dirt being gone was a big improvement. and her new lack of hair actually didn't look as bad as he thought it might.

"You look great!" he said, smiling wide.

he then realized again, that he was holding the picture, and decided to just tell them while he could. He handed the medium sized frame to Sarah, and then sat down. he had a bit of sorrow in his face, and then in his voice once he spoke again.

"That's my sister..." he began slowly. "...And a few years back, she was taken by the I.D.S. She was a user, but refused to join them. So when she kept using her magic, they towed her away. They don't kill those that do this, but they definitely "black bag" and pretend that they never existed. It's one reason I hate my job, and in fact the MAIN reason I hate it... I get that their are casualties in war, so a few dead, although sad, can't be helped. But to try and control every magic user on this planet is ridiculous!"

Tiel sat back and looked at the empty ceiling, just contemplating all the memories he had, and repressing the urge, once again, to storm the I.D.S by himself. he knew that he had to remain rational. One day, no matter how far in the future, the I.D.S would get what was coming to them, and when they did, they would fall hard.
Eva didn't stick around to hear about Tiel's sister. There was a whole house to explore, after all. She crept her way into the bedroom, the one that Tiel had already laid claim to, of course. The curious little monkey open his dresser drawer, and began pulling out and inspecting everything. Nothing was left unturned: socks, underwear, a box of rubbers, and any other items were longer personal.
A sister? Sarah thought. In a weird way she felt closer to Tiel, probably because she had lost her father albeit through different means. She looked away from him as he spoke, once again feeling like an intruder, like she had barged in on his life without so much as asking permission. When he had finished speaking she hesitantly looked up, afraid by what she might see. Sarah had never seen a man cry before.

Tiel seemed to be trying to compose himself, but while he was doing this Sarah noticed Eva creeping down the hallway. She bit her lip and reluctantly followed her, not wanting the house to fall into complete disarray while Tiel was having a moment. "E-eva!" she gasped, watching as Tiel's bedroom door was flung open and she began to go through his things. "It isn't very nice of us to go through a person's private things- especially after he's offered us a place to stay!" But it was no use and already the entire contents of his sock drawer was spilled over.

Sarah's face turned red as she contemplated whether she try and refold his socks and underwear or simply stuffed them back into the drawer- which would be considered more rude at that point? Shaking her head she grabbed a pair of socks and started to fold them, deciding that if she was quick and didn't look it wasn't really too creepy.
Tiel sat on the couch for a minute, before he finally realized that the two had disappeared down the hall. He was reluctant, at best, to follow, but then the scurrying of drawers caught his attention. Standing, he stretched and paced himself to each door, peeking inside. When he got to his door, he seen Eva scrounging through his drawers, and laughed to himself lightly.

Stepping through the door, Tiel smiled.

"She's a curious one, isn't she?" he asking, know the answer already.
"Sorry," Eva said, watching her fold the clothes up and put them back. She began to tug at her own new clothes again. She pulled her arms out of the shirt sleeves and tucked her head in like a turtle. She began slowly working her way out of the bottom; not the most efficient way to remove clothing. The bright side was, there was plenty of time to put an end to her antics before she was running around butt naked.
Sarah was just putting away the last of his underwear when he opened the door. She gasped softly and slammed his sock drawer shut, though she still had a pair in her hands. "I swear I tried not to look!" Looking down and noting the pair in her hands she sighed and opened the drawer and put it back in. "Yes, it would seem so. I don't think she's ever be in a house like this." A part of her wasn't sure if Eva had ever been in a house before, period.

She was just starting to calm down a bit when she noticed Eva trying to get out of her shirt. "Oh, no, don't do that!" she said, going to Eva and placing her hands on the shirt to keep it in place. She tried to get Eva's head put through the hole in the shirt, though it was like interacting with a three year old, so much more energy that she had. It was interesting that Tiel had said that she could keep come in situations when she was so frantic right then. Of course her calling was more towards helping people medically, that was where she excelled.
Rom was running down the street trying to race his way to the wall. 2 crushers where following right behind him knocking old cars out of there way, Rom turned around and fired his grenade launcher launching a grenade out of the barrel with a bright yellow trail following it. It struck the right crushers chest beeping twice then exploding launching the crusher into a nearby building. The other crusher paused for a sec looking back at its partner flying into the building dead then turned back to rom throwing a large chuck of a cement wall at him.

“Oh shit” he said barrel rolling into a nearby ally way avoiding the projectile barely

he stood on his feet and peeked around the corner with his rifle firing some rounds at the crusher with no affect he was to far away and all they where doing was bouncing off its are skin. He grabbed a smoke grenade and threw it at the crusher’s feet. It exploded releasing smoke all down the street. While rom had the cover he ran with his back to the wall.

“this is rom I’m right outside the wall I need pickup now I’m out powered and I’m low on ammo do you copy HQ” he said in a dull whisper

All that came from the radio was a low static. Realizing that he was probably going to die he loaded his last clip into his rifle and waited for smoke to clear and the crusher to ether finish him or die
Tiel was smiling at Sarah, while she looked flustered. He was used to having things gone through, seeing as he would occasionally pay someone to come in and so some cleaning and such. I knew she, however, felt awkward, so he grabbed the socks from her, and threw them quickly onto the dresser.

After a quick "Don't worry about it." to them both, Tiel walked out of the door, and started to head back to the living room again. However, after about two steps from the room, a small beeping could be heard from in the communications room behind him. Tiel spun quickly around and ran into the room.

Reaching the far wall, Tiel quickly pulled the small access panel out of the recess with which it rested. Punching in the code, and then forcing the small plastic frame back into it's hole and finishing the process, Tiel was now into the surveillance room.

With a quick check of a few monitors, Tiel could quickly see the source of the alarm. A man, out side the entrance fighting two crushers. He watched as the one crusher was blown into the wall, but then the man seemed to be struggling. A few pop shots from the alley way, and Tiel knew he was running out of time fast.

Tiel ran back out of the room, hitting the button that locked the door. After he neared the end of the hallway, he slid onto one knee, and used the momentum to slide around the corner faster, and without losing balance, then sprang off that position into the kitchen. From there, Tiel quickly grabbed his scythe from near the entry way, and started to run down the tunnel.

As Tiel ran, he whistled back for the two hounds that had been resting in the entry way the whole time. Each one perked it's head up and made a straight bolt for his direction. as they neared him, Tiel did a quick backwards hand spring and landed on the back of one of them. he then rode that to the giant door that would grant him access to the outside.

as the hound got closer, Tiel used his shadow slash ability, with the blunt end of his scythe, and hit the switch that opened the door. The soft click confirmed he hit it, and the door opened quick enough, that they didn't have to stop. Bursting forth from the tunnel, the trio of two hounds and Tiel ran straight for the crusher.

As they neared the crusher, Tiel jumped up, so he was crouching onto the back of the hound. When he was about twenty feet away, Tiel commanded the hound to come to a screeching halt, and in turn, he was flung into the air. Spiraling down, Tiel landed about five feet from the Crusher, and used his scythe to stable the landing.

Tiel then swung his scythe to the side, as each of the hounds ran past him, and surrounded the Crusher. Now in a Triangle formation, the two hounds were behind the massive crusher, just to prevent it from getting away.

"Ok shade... Time to play..." Tiel muttered to himself.

Anyone that actually watched Tiel change from himself, to shade, might not actually notice much more than a stance change, along with a change of personality, and facial expression. it's not so much that "Shade" was a new physical form. It was simply a complete mental take over by his Unorium's dark side. the sight, when you weren't on the receiving end, could be quite marvelous.

Tiel (Or shade, if you prefer) charged the massive beast. it swung a giant claw his way, but he ducked under that smoothly. Swinging the scythe around, he would use the hilt of it to bash in the giant crushers think stomach. The beast roared out, but he could tell that this was in no way the end. but that was the same for both of them.

You see.. Shade liked to make things suffer in any way he could. This didn't apply to everything, just things that were labeled 'Enemy'. Because the poor personality never really got to play as often as he would like, when he did get the chance, he made sure it lasted.

Throwing the scythe up high into the air, Shade decided he wanted to go all out bare-knuckle boxing with this large monstrosity. Jumping up when the crusher swung again, he landed on the claw, and used this as a perfect opportunity to beat the things face in with his fist.

The first punch he made, he could hear a crunching sound, though that was his own fist cracking. Shade didn't care though, and kept punching away at the things face over and over again. About five punched in, and his fist was bleeding pretty bad.

Tiel is gonna hate me for this, but I REALLY don't care he thought to himself.

Continuing to punch the crushers thick shell, Shade laughed over and over again, maniacally.

"MR CRUSHER!!" he shouted, his voice quivering with excitement. "HOW MANY PUNCHES DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER OF YOUR SKULL!?!?"

After a few more punches, the scythe that he has flung into the air, finally came crashing down into the crushers skull, and the giant was forced to the ground, bleeding and lifeless.

"Aww..." he said, actually being kind of sad, "I guess the world really won't ever find out..."
Eva, curious as she was, started to followed Tiel. When she heard the screeches of her precious swarm 'friends' she began to run. Unfortunately, the girl was too late to save one.

"No!" She cried, throwing herself in front of the remaining crusher. She glared at Tiel, her face wrinkled with sorrow. "Stop!" It didn't help that the giant bug nuzzled her from behind like a big, crunchy puppy.
Nomad walked. He always walked. He held onto one of his weapons,a Fabrique Nationale P90,with one hand,with the other slung over his shoulder. He looked up at a wall of rubble. "One helluva bug problem..." It was the remains of a high rise. Suddenly,with a semi-quiet pop,Nomad was on top. He looked around,and saw a structure nearby. He immediately went prone,and watched. There were people moving around the structure in pairs,and the structure had a fence around it. "Patrols,eh?"

Nomad fished a pair of small binoculars from his TacVest,and examined the structure. There were no less than six heavily armed guards at the door,and the partols were similarly armed. They all wore a uniform. The windows were boarded up with small slits for observation and firing,while the only way in was heavily dug in;Razor wire,a two foot deep trench,sandbags,two mounted machine guns,hedgehogs,and a sniper team on the roof. The door also looked reinforced. Nomad chuckled. "All they need is a tank,now..." He spotted the makeshift sign. "Civilian detainment? They prisoners? Or just being stored...?"
Sarah had finally recovered from the embarrassment of being caught folding Tiel's underwear after Eva's extensive look through of his room. After washing her hands (which she felt somewhat obliged to do after touching a stranger's boxer shorts) she had gone into the kitchen to start to prepare dinner, almost as a thank you to Tiel for at least allowing her to spend the night despite not knowing if she would help him in the end.

Just as she was about to ask Eva what she was in the mood for she heard the soft sound of beeping and closed the refrigerator door. "Tiel, what's wrong?" she asked, poking her head out of the kitchen, though he seemed to zoom right past her. There was such an earnest and determined look on his face that she could only really stand there and watch, smoothing her hair from the sudden gust of wind that he had generated.

As she was turning to check that Eva was alright she only caught the tail end of the girl as she ran passed her, following Tiel. "Eva, no!" she cried, and then sighed following behind her. On the battle field there was such a tension in the air that she wanted to step back into his house and hide. She only just caught sight of Tiel right then and she felt her stomach churn with disgust. It wasn't the same person, despite her fear of him she knew even then that it had to be someone else.

She wanted to grab Eva and hide back in the house, to wait for Tiel to come back and tell them that things were alright. This was what Sarah wanted, but as she watched Eva throw herself in front of Tiel who was no longer herself she knew that she had to do something.

"T-tiel!" she cried, her voice shaking as she stepped forward. She could smell the blood, salty and if it made sense there almost seemed to be a metallic scent in the air. Sarah had never been frightened of blood, but as she stepped towards Tiel she almost wanted to turn and be sick. It was the way he looked, the way his eyes held such a primal malicious intent in them. She feared for Eva right then, not knowing how this new Tiel would handle being stopped from destroying what he perceived to be the enemy.

She lurched forward then, wrapping her arms around him from behind pitifully trying to hold him back. "Let's go back, Tiel. Please, let's go back." she cried in his ear. Sarah could see that there was another man, though she was not sure of the severity of his injuries. Besides him she could see the burning fire in Eva's eyes and she knew that the girl would sooner be killed herself than allow another of her crunchy friends to be hurt. "Please, let's just go..." she whispered, her eyes watering a bit as she felt his warm blood on her finger tips.
“Thank you for saving me” Rom said taking off his helmet

He leaned against the wall and pulled out a candy bar. The label read snickers, he ripped the top off and pulled out a small bar of chocolate and took a bite. He laid his rifle against the wall and sat on the ground waiting for the group to settle there matter
((not very good but i rushed cuz i had an intro, sorry))

Shikla ran her eyes over the white washed walls. Not a speck of dust dare intrude on her little world. The I.D.S couldn't let there prisoner die before judgment. that would simply not do. So no dirt, no color. No chance of disease. With the bright lights and the white walls, hallucinations were a form of merriment for her. If a single dust mote dared to enter her room it would be exterminated within a matter of seconds. She doubted they actually cared about her health. It made her world seem even more dull. What made i more dull was the complete absence of activity. She had nothing to do. Long ago her hopes of escape had left. She missed color. The only colors she had were her own. They kept her strapped down after the incident where she had started to paint the walls with her blood. Her captors had been more then a little disturbed but to her it had been a beautiful thing. The first bright color in so long. She had relished the bright red, even the pain was amazing. feeling something instead of the endless monotony. it was one of the few times she had actually felt alive. The guards had freaked out which made it all the better. Their emotions were rare to be revealed as well. In all truth though she didn’t even see her guards much. once a week for a routine search and cleaning. It was the apex of her entire week. Something that she looked forwards to. She guessed that they actually were not there any other time. Not like they would tell her. She wasnt even aloud to have anything in with her. No clothing, no bed sheets. Everyone was worried that she would find something to draw with and escape. It was hard enough to catch her in the first place they couldn't let her escape. Once every six months though she had a hearing which she was forced to attend. This was the center of her universe. So many faces. Scent and smells. An explosion of the senses in her meaningless life. She relished every second. Today was the judgment day though. Perhaps a lifetime in this prison. Perhaps she would be able to leave, but everyone knew that wouldn't happen. So today she would most likely be sentenced to thee endless see of white. Instead of slipping further within her being she was amped up. Today she was determined to escape. This would be her only chance.


Walking through the halls she kept her head bowed. Guards roughly pushing her forwards. though shackled they still felt the need to detain her with their hands. She peppered them with questions but all they ever said was “Due to external activity your hearing will not be today.” That was all they had told her. But if it wasn't today then why were they moving her? Not that she minded of course. but it did confuse her. Soon they were rounding a bend. Just one wall separating her from the outside world now. This was her chance. Just then the walls began to groan. Something was pushing through them from the outside world. Her guards tried to act unfazed. Keep walking. But she knew something was wrong. Her pulse raced. watching the sweat drip down their brows. Listening to the creak of the building. Slowly the building began to crumble under a tremendous force Shikla watched as the massive pincers of a crusher bore through the wall the building. Her guards raced forwards. forgetting all about her they each wanted to be the one to claim victory over the beast. In that instant when they were to far to grab her she burrowed within the depths of her soul. forming a tunnel within her mind she sprinted through. Tumbling out on the other side of the wall she took half a second to contemplate her exhaustion before sprinting away from the mass of buildings behind her. Shackles causing her to trip and fall every few seconds it was a mad scramble to get herself covered. pure animalistic desire to survive drove her. and that was enough for her to make it to the small amount of cover that an overturned SUV gave her. Panting hard she raise her head to the sky. the beautiful blue sky and gave a whoop of exhilaration. She was free. Now to get some paper.
Nomad saw the Crusher coming. He thought that the guards would be able to take it down. He was wrong. The thing charged the side of the building,and bore through. Alarms were instantly sounded,but the guards at the door didn't leave their stations. Only the snipers moved,but once they noticed the hole,the began to run around the roof,keeping an eye out for other bugs coming in.

Nomad put his binoculars away,and teleported his other P90 to his hand. He observed the bedlam below,and teleported to the breach. He held back a yawn,and shouted, "FRIEND!",and loosed a burst at the massive thing before him. The rounds plinked off,but the thing turned around. "Idiot." He fired off a storm of bullets at the thing's unarmoured underside and mouth. The 9mm rounds sank into it,and it charged forward. Nomad stepped to the side,and walked verticaly in the air,and eventually was upside down. He leapt onto the Crusher's back as it came by,and gripped hard to the spines on the shell. "BAD IDEA!"

The Crusher thrashed about,and Nomad was helpless. "Screw this..." Nomad teleported off the thing's back,and was in front of it,charging. He let go of one weapon and let it drop on its strap,and went for his bayonet. He unsheathed it,and slud under the beast,dragging the blade through it's unarmoured belly. It's innards spilled out as it collapsed behind him. Nomad wiped the blade on his coat,and sheathed the bayonet in the scabbard on the front of his TacVest.

Nomad looked at the soldiers,who were now looking about franticaly. "Looking for more?" One of them,wearing the insignia of a Major,shook his head. "We were escorting a prisoner;a girl! Did you see her?" Nomad shook his head,and glanced about. He walked out the hole in the wall,and looked around. The only nearby cover was a nearby overturned SUV. He gestured for the soldiers to move in on the vehicle,and flank it. He moved in behind,both weapons trained on the SUV.
Shikla laughed. The world was shinning. Glowing with such an intensity she had never experienced. It was like being reborn. Such a high to feel the earth beneath her bare flesh. Gritty and delicious. Taste the wind, enjoy the feel of it slapping against her face. Reminding her she was alive. She had forgotten these wondrous sensations. But all to soon her attention was torn away from her elation to the immediate danger. Quite a few men with their guns aimed at her. Guns would be no problem once she had some paper though. Luck was on her side though. The vehicle had flipped over on her side, allowing for her to wriggle into the main compartment. It was just bright enough for her to see. The smell of gasoline filled her nose and hers eyes began to water. Another marvel. Slipping to the ground she began ransacking the vehicle for an writing materials. Within the depths of the glove compartment she found what she was looking for. A little wadded up piece of yellow paper. Not her sketch pad but enough to save her life. Now for a pencil. Scrambling through the van she knew her time was running out when a spray of bullets nearly blew off her head. Fumbling within the darkened belly of the car she sighed deeply. No writing utensils to be found. But being the creative person she was a plan quickly formed within her brain. Crawling back the drivers seat she pulled out a worn matchbook from the central compartment. thank god for smokers. Quickly igniting one of the red tipped torches she watched as the flame sprang to life immediately proceeding to blow it out. A smile danced across her lips as she brought it down on the paper. A picture quickly began to bloom on the sticky note. Immersing herself in the activity she worked quickly. Drawing herself a thickly armored suit. A second after dropping the match head she watched as the suit slowly formed on her body, slipping across her skin it thickened, reinforcing itself and protecting her.

Leaping from the van she ran towards the group of men. Grinning as their bullets rained down on her she grabbed one of them by the collar and kept running. Pulling him back into the depths of the city she easily kept running. Her suit powering the movement, Keeping the man tucked neatly under her robotic arm she laughed. Sensing they were far enough away now she pulled up her visor and immediately pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips brushed only for a few seconds. She didn't want any part of her to be vulnerable for to long. It was spontaneous and crazy but she had nothing to lose. Simply a sensory deprived girl who chose the first man she saw to fill a small void. Quickly pulling the visor back on she laughed. “Sorry for that. Now i have to go. Please don’t follow i don’t want to kill you.”
Nomad was plucked up and carried off. "DAMMIT!" He tried to wriggle his arms out of the suit's grasp,but the grip was fast. His ribs felt like they were being crushed. When the person in the armoured suit stopped,she lifted him up and kissed him. "The hell!? You BIPOLAR,woman!?" When she ran off,demanding him to not follow,Nomad muttered to himself, "No problem..." He vanished with a semi-audiable pop.

Nomad reappeared amid the soldiers,and they immediately had their guns on him. The Major stepped forward,and said, "Just what the hell was that!?" "Beats me. She taken me,ran with me,and kissed me. Then she dropped me and ran off! I can tell why you had her detained;she's crazy!" Nomad looked around,and noticed everyone had sidearms. "Well...Am I off the hook?" As he said this,he was silently stealing everyone's pistol ammo. If they had to use those,they were dead already. The soldiers shook their heads,and began to restrain him. "I take that as a 'no'..."
Marco didn't like the girl having a gun, she was an unknown a potential threat

"ok, he swarm is closing in fast..."

he fired his mana-cannon into the distance, it exploded with an insane sound, instantly drawign all attention away from their pssition

"lets move, we don't have long"

(ps: sorry for the long wait, i haven't been keeping up with this rp, sorry)

he ran into the forest, int he direction of the hive, expecting the girl to follow
Belli'atri followed Marco into the forest, hearing the droning sound of this said "swarm" get louder as they came closer to the hive. She held tight to the gun and placed her chained spear into a self-made holster, just in case she needed it. "What am I getting myself into?" She asked herself, wondering if meditation will be needed. "Whatever it is, it has to be better than demons..."
Meanwhile, in a less interesting area of Aternia, Calypso stared idly out of her bedroom window, random thoughts of what she should do with her spare time racing inside of her head. Interestingly so, everything she had thought of seemed to explicitly avoid going outside, until she thought of doing a little sword practice. She thought about it for a moment, trying to fight her hesitations and actually get out for once, though it's easier said than done. There were dangerous things out there, but being a knight required doing dangerous things. Finally, she decided a few minutes of practice outside would be for the best; slicing and dicing in her own home would sure to cause a mini-catastrophe.

As she made her way outside, the girl tried her hardest to psyche herself up for laying waste to the Uronium-enhanced insects that lie beyond the mega-fortress of the I.D.S. The thoughts were an odd mixture of enraging and uplifting, making herself see the bugs as hideous monsters that made her precious little life crash around her pointy little ears, rather than a product of something she saw as the greatest thing to happen to, well, everything. Opening the door, she almost instinctively looked up to the night sky, quietly observing the moon and stars before snapping out of her daze. Calypso walked further out, not thinking about how strange she looked wearing half of a suit of armor to anyone that just so happened to catch a glimpse of her. Investing in some new clothes should have been on her to-do list.

Soon enough, she was deep in the forest undergrowth. Lush shades of green coated the plant life all around her, and there seemed to be an atmosphere of tranquility around her, which was odd for being in a forest now with all the bugs causing all kinds of havoc. She unsheathed one of her swords and slashed at a few vines, waiting for something to come at her.
Calipso got something unexpected, she found a MK-II mana-cannon pointed at her face

"drop the weapon... now"

behind his helmet that covered his face, he found this one intriguing pointed ears... was she some kind of... "elf"?
Calypso froze in her tracks like a deer in headlights, staring down the barrel of some ominous-looking stranger that towered over her, and was wearing some sort of gas mask. Quickly following the man's orders and dropping her sword, she began stuttering and mumbling an explanation, still gripped by fear. "O-oh God, I'm sorry, I'm s-so sorry... Do you live here? I-I was just tr-try to practice a little f-fighting out where all the uhh... The bugs were...", her ears twitched almost uncontrollably while she spoke, only growing more and more anxious as she looked at him. Screaming at herself in her head, she considered her options: She could try and run, only to be most likely shot down by the man. All other conclusions the elven girl thought of would lead to her untimely death, so the best thing to do would have been just to roll with whatever happened.

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