The Swarm

After a few moments, Marco lowered his weapon

"you may wanna get outa here, there's gonna be an orbital strike on a hive not far from here soon, you can come with us or run, your choice"

he turned around, and began heading towards the hive again.
As the Crusher he was fighting died, Shade noticed that the other on was still alive. He had to admit, it was surprising to see the thing standing after a grenade to he chest, but not impossible. The large insect barreled out, but was stopped by.. someone. Tiel would know who she was, but shade didn't.

As Shade was ready to pounce, he noticed the large insect cuddle up to the small female. Obviously she was in the way, and shade would have to move her out of the way. He wouldn't kill her, due to the fact she was human, but he would hurt her enough if needed. As his scythe was brought up, he felt a heavy object latch onto his torso.

"Let's go back, Tiel. Please, let's go back." the female pleaded.

Shade could tell this was someone that meant a lot to Tiel, and were he to hurt her, he probably wouldn't get to play anymore. But he did have a job to do. He loosely grips the girls fingers and got free of her. Turning his attention back to the Crusher and the other female, Shade readied his position once more.

Don't Shade... Tiel muttered from the inside.

"I still have one Crusher left, and I intend to kill it!" shade barked, though to anyone else, it would seem as if he were talking to himself.

As Shade charged forward to swipe at the Crusher, he was stopped abruptly. the harder he tried, the tenser he got, and the more he sweated.

I said that is enough shade... it is over! Tiel commanded from in his head.

Shade shook the voice out. He wanted to kill this thing no matter what. The idea of him being denied his kill, got under his skin. Shade started to growl at himself and forced the body to move. His steps were shaky, and he was pouring sweat, but he knew that if he could just get the crusher to attack him, Tiel would have no choice but to release the hold, and allow him to fight.

You leave me no choice... Tiel said calmly.

As shade stopped moving, his eye's widened. The body started to glow, and an aura moved out from the inner body. The aura floated over to the side, and was sitting there for a few second. Shade looked nervously at the bright light, and watched as it dimmed.

In the place of the glowing energy, was almost a mirror image of Tiel's body. The two stared each other down, and looked almost identical, except for a few slight changes. The main thing to notice was the stances, seeing as one (Shade) Held his Scythe straight back, and Tiel held his down and to the side. The other thing to notice was the fact that Tiel's robes were white, and not gray.

"Now.. Shade... you may either come back peacefully, or we can do this the hard way." Tiel said, while grinning.

"You'll regret this Tiel!" Shade laughed, and ran at his alter Ego.

Shade swung his scythe over his head, and down to the ground. He hoped to get this over with quickly and become the dominant soul residing in the body. As the Scythe made contact with the hard concrete, he noticed that the space that was filled with Tiel was empty.

"Then you leave me no choice..." Tiel sighed.

As the two charged one-and-other, their scythes met, and each actually had a smile on their face. The force of the clash caused spark to burst forth, but neither moved an inch.

"You know I have the better fighting style!" Shade mocked, and aimed a kick at Tiel's legs.

The kick was met by the bottom of Tiel's feet, who then kicked of of the shin, and landed on the other side.

"Your cockiness is your own downfall though.. That style works great against the swarm, who are too dumb to know any better. But, against any smart human being, you lack the ability to think clearly! And besides... you're unable to use the abilities properly..." Tiel shot back quickly.

Shade didn't realize, that while they were bantering back and forth, behind him Tiel had Resurrected the crusher that had been killed. That was, he didn't realize until it was too late.

Turning and trying to make a cut at the crusher, the large beast fell back out of it's way, and then lunged in, and grabbed him. Trapped by the large monstrosity, Shade knew there was no escape. He only smiled and look at Tiel.

"My brother... always a damn strategist..." Shade groaned, "But this will only serve you for so long before you need me again.

"I'm NOT your brother, and should the need for you arise, then you WILL obey my command or be banished from this body for ever!" Tiel shouted.

With that, the crusher griped the lungs of the body inhabited by shade, and waited until it went limp. After Shade was dead, the crusher dropped the body on the dround a few feet away, and Tiel walked up. He then released the crusher and let that body, as well, fall limp to the ground.

"Your arrogance is your downfall... Learn to fight you damn fool.." Tiel muttered.

As he reached the body, Tiel bent over and held his hand above it. The Body slowly started to face away, and move into his hand in the form of little black balls. Slowly, as the aura reached Tiel's hand, the color of is robes came back to their normal Black, and he stood slowly, smiling at Sarah.

"I'm sorry about that... are you alright?"
It took a moment for Calypso to regain her composure, slowly reaching back down to pick up her sword. "Wait!", she yelled to the stranger hesitantly, running over to him, "I want to help." Any other day, she would have killed for an opportunity to strike at a hive, but now that the choice to was staring her in the face, she was more than a bit scared. Terrified would be the better word. It's what she was training for all these years, though. The chance to be everyone's knight in shining armor, but in a more savior-like way, rather than romantic. It wasn't like she could do it on her own, either. No one ever got anywhere by trying too hard to be a "lone star"-type person, so having a few allies would be in her best interest.
Marco nodded, still walking.

it took awhile, but eventually they got to overlooking the hive, it was nestled at the bottom of a canyon, and it was several miles long, filled to the brim with breeders, squirting out Swarm creatures of all types, hundreds or thousands at a time.

"ok, stay close..."

he strapped his mana-cannon to his back and he began climbing down the cliff face of the canyon, there were slopes about, but this way there was shaddow-cover and the slopes had hundreds of Swarm creatures coming up 24-7

his explosive charges were hanging at his waist, on the way down, he thought "alright, blow up the supports beneath the roof, let it collapse under it's own weight, the orbital strike's blast will destroy the hive from the inside-out, and the canyon will keep the blast contained..."
already inside the hive moving slowly to the bottum floor of the hive caleb was cloaked and had his rifle ready to open fire at anything that might have spot him. "marco im inside the about to reach the lowest floor and set the radio tag" he said whispering into his mic. he had been walking for a while inside the hive. there where so many tunnels that went into different areas of the hive that it was easy to get lost but finally caleb reached the center of the hive looking up seing a massive courtyard like area that led to straight up to the roof
Marco replied quickly

"understood, i've picked up another stray, a female, young, her ears are pointy like some sort of an elf... we can decide what to do with her after this is done"

he got to the bottom of the cliff and stood upon the hive surface, the hive was one big creature, without a brain, the surface was covered in veins, and Marco moved upon the surface, it was like walking on a perfectly smooth rock, soon he came to a small openien, which he pulled open.

"i'm in, give me a few minutes to plant the charges on the roof supports, this place will collapse under it's own weight and the orbital strike will turn this whole damn valley into the mouth of hell"

he placed the first charge on the bone-like support, from underneath he could feel the fleshy surface of the walls, floor and roof, with every step he would block off a vein, with every breath, he could feel he was competing for air with all the other creatures in the hive.

the place was humid, and it just got warmer as it went down.

Caleb would find himself near the heart chamber, a large room where over 6000 hearts beat, each as big as a horse, keeping the immense hive alive, if the strike hit there, then the hive would have no chance of recovering and rebuilding.
caleb took the radio tag from his back pocket and placed it on the floor and extended the antena. he looked around at the hearts beating around him it sound like athousand drums beating the sound was so loud he barely even heard marco's voice from the radio in his ear. "alright marco..tags set im getting the hell out of here" he said leaving threw the tunnel he came threw
"okay, meet me back at the crash site where the gunship went down, good hunting"

he got to the next suppot and placed the charge, there was one big one on the other side of the room, but it was guarded

"damn, i need one of you here, i need someone quick and quiet to place this charge and get back"
Eva was huddled against her bug friend in fear. She wasn't sure what had just happened, but Tiel had scared her. She was whimpering, and trembling as if she expected him to hurt her. The crusher remained still, looking almost protecting of the girl. It was easy to see how she mistook the swarm as her friends. Her powers turned them into docile pets. The poor girl didn't know that if she lost control of her abilities, the insect would kill her without hesitation.
Shikla laughed as she ran from the man. She was just getting her fill of the senses, drinking it all in she felt as if the toothy smile that adorned her face would be permanently plastered there. Her high continuing as she ran through the city. Searching for an abandoned looking house. To anyone who didn't look closely she appeared to be a member of the IDS. Heavy body armor that masked her true identity. Right now her main focus was not to run away from trouble but to run towards it. She was going home. But she couldn't run there. She was already exhausted from the corridor. It took so much out of her, it was probably just the high of escaping that kept her running now. Spotting the house she needed she ran forwards, busting down the door she began a thorough search. Grabbing a backpack, sheaf of papers and quite a few pens and pencils. Soon she would be home, home with her brother. Her only remaining family. Stepping outside she took one of the papers out and began to draw. Sketching a powerful looking motorcycle she designed it for speed. She wanted to be home in a matter of minutes. Just as she was putting away the pen she saw the bike form in front of her eyes. Sleek lethal looking she jumped on, revving the bike before taking off. She blasted down the city streets following a rout she knew well. They were not the same as they had been before she was imprisoned but she could still find her way. As she approached the house she saw a large group there. Was the IDS here already? Shikla knew she couldn't outrun them forever. But she had hoped for at least a few more days of senses. Slowing down she parked her bike around the corner, so she could make a run if needed, then began her approach. “Tiel?” She called out his name cautiously, hoping her brother would be in the crowd. Pulling back her visor she examined the group. Two men and two women, oddly enough there was a crusher that seemed to be cuddling a woman. “Brother?” Her high seemed to fade as she examined the groups faces. Body slumping down to the ground she felt her exhaustion take over.
Calypso followed behind the man closely and kept quiet as they came closer to the hive, trying her hardest to find out who he was talking to. As she listened, she couldn't help but take a bit of offense to the elf comment. 'Well, yeah I'm an elf! Are they not common here?', she thought, pouting, 'Wait... Are they?' Once she gave a few moments of thought to it, she didn't remember seeing another elf besides herself, and of course her father. Great, another thing to be insecure about. Didn't she have enough problems wit staying in her house all the time?

Deeming the thoughts unimportant for the time being, she continued listening. 'And I'd be happy to get myself home...'

Upon taking a single glance at the hive creature, she almost screamed in terror, clasping her hand over her mouth. 'Oh god, oh god, oh god, this was an awful idea!' Now, the knight was almost on the verge of running back home, crying like a baby, but she stood her ground. No turning back now. She trod down the hill, trying to make as little contact with the patches of a strange, red sticky substance that grew in size the closer they got to the hive. Before climbing into the opening like the stranger had, she drew her hands over a few of the pulsating veins covering it, both amazed and disgusted.

Without any more uncertainty, Calypso went inside the hive, still silently trailing the man. Being inside of it was uncomfortable, like it was a huge, fleshy sauna, and especially so in her case, since she had a few plates of armor on. The same liquid from before was everywhere now, and it had to be one of the worst things she had smelled in her entire 22 years of life. But she still trudged on, resolving to take a long shower afterwards.

When they came to some sort of bone that held part of the hive up, the masked man placed some sort of bomb on it, and did the same with another they came across. There was a very large one next, but several bugs were standing around it. Looking up to the man, she whispered, "Should we fight them here?", reaching for her sword. Maybe the both of them could take the overgrown insects, since they both were well versed with their weapons.
her thoughts were cut short by a silenced "Pew, Pew!" as his pistol fired, hitting 2 HUGE crushers through the eye, they fell down, crushing some of the smaller ones, and the rest scampered.

"okay... now if i..."

he punched a pressure point, and a strange fleshy limb extended across the chasm

"a nerve system, this hive would'nt be a living being without one"

he walked across the impromptu bridge, soon coming to the huge bone support

he places a charge inside a crack, and another on the thicker side of the crack to shatter it.

he activated his radio again

"caleb this is marco, the charges are set, i repeat the charges are set, detonation in 15 minutes and...."

he clicked a button

"and counting"

he ran back across the bridge, hoping the others were behind him, he went towards the opening, diving through, he landed with a loud "thud" due to his armour but he was on his feet, and thats what mattered.

"lets move it, go! go! go!"

he skipped the cliff and went straight for the path, several stalkers were outside their holes, and were quickly gunned down by Marco's mana-cannon, in "minigun mode"
Not even getting a chance to unsheathe her sword, Calypso watched him gun down the two bugs and punch a spot in the hive, causing something to shoot across a hole, acting as a make-shift bridge. It took a second to figure out what that exactly was, guessing it was some sort of hidden appendage. This time, she stayed where she was (she didn't trust anything inside that hive), waiting for him to plant another bomb. Once Marco went back across the bridge, she scampered behind him as quickly as she could, jumping through the opening right behind him, running down the same patch and seeing him shoot more of the insects.
Sarah didn't know where all this emotion was coming from within her. She had always been cool headed under stress, always one of the best in her class. Even when she had begun to lose sight in her left eye she had remained level headed, even when other offered their worries and condolences. What was so special about these people now, people she hardly knew? Tiel's power and rank frightened her and a part of felt she was being forced to join the I.D.S and yet here she was, worried about his welfare.

As Shade gripped her fingers and moved her hands from his chest she looked at him wide eyes, tears brimming her eyes though he never turned to look at her. She feared for Eva who was whimpering around the bug who seemed right then to be as loyal as a puppy. Breathing in she walked to Eva as Tiel's internal battle began and turned her head. "Don't look, Dear." she whispered, her one hand shielding Eva's view. A part of her wanted to look away as well but she couldn't bring herself to do it in the end.

She watched as Tiel split into two, as illogical as it seemed, and she noted the differences between the two. Sarah was both amazed and frightened. She was not like Tiel who held such strong magical powers or even like Eva who was able to charm the nastiest of the swarm into a faithful pet. Her own abilities seemed minuscule in comparison and she wondered for the hundredth time that day why Tiel wanted anything to do with her.

When he turned to her to ask if she was alright she shook her head, her face blank. "I'll live." she whispered, moving her hand from Eva's face. She noted the blood that was still on her finger tips and pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped at it. "Are you?" she finally asked, looking up at him.
Tiel smiled at Sarah weakly. He didn't want to show her any reason to assume things were wrong, so he set his scythe across his shoulder loosely, and walked over to her.

"I'm fine, just an astral projection technique I learned. It allows me to come out of body, while remaining in a semi physical state. It can't be done often, or for prolonged periods of time. But it's good for keeping that freak in line."

"Your the freak!" Shade barked inside his head.

Tiel shrugged off the obvious attempt to make him angry, and focused on the sounds that started behind him.

"Tiel?" The female called out.

Tiel was first convinced that he was being summoned by the I.D.S. Turning to see the female, he noticed that the armor was close to theirs, but with a slightly different look. He Started to reach for his badge, and walking up to her, when he heard the second part.

"Brother?" She asked.

Tiel stopped in his tracks. He had heard that right... right? She HAD just called him brother? But that would mean that it was either a trap, or she really was his sister... But his sister had ben gone for years. How would she have escaped?

Tiel Raised his scythe slowly, ready to defend himself if needed. Something didn't feel right in his stomach. He wanted to lash out for the way the person tried to imitate his sister, when he seen her face.

The girl slumped to the ground, and Tiel ran over to her, abandoning his scythe next to her.

"SHIKLA???" he cried out, laying her down and removing her helmet.

Pulling out a small picture from his robe's, Tiel looked back and forth between the two. It took him a few seconds, but he then confirmed that this really was her. He whistled, and the two hounds that were standing a little ways away charged up to him.

Tiel set Shikla on one, and then climbed up behind her.

"We can't stay here!" Tiel ordered, and started the hound into a medium-paced trot. "Door is open for two minutes, then anyone left outside is stuck.

As Tiel passed Eva, and Sarah, he gave them a quick nod, followed by. "The Crusher can come too, so long as you keep a handle on it."

He then rode into the entrance way, and down into the hut.
Sarah was still getting over the shock of seeing Shade for the first time when a girl entered the scene. She was quiet as she watched the conversation that transpired between the girl and Tiel and soon learned that this was in fact Tiel's sister, Shikla. As he mounted the hound with his sister Sarah was breathless and only quietly nodded her head, understanding the situation.

Looking back over to the unnamed soldier from before she got to her feet. "If you want to be healed than you will follow us." she said, her voice stoic. She looked back to Eva and offered the young girl her hand. "Come on, Eva." she said, trying to show kindness in her voice. "You can bring your friend with you." Something was about to go down and Sarah didn't want to be out in the open when it happened.
While retreating from the hive, all that she focused on was speed. She had remained in her state of meditation since before she entered the hive. The odor was nearly unbearable, so she entered her meditation stage the whole while. She managed to include being unnoticed to the "swarm," (actually a chance of luck; she suspected that if one doesn't show any fear, the large bugs won't react.) Once the work was done in the hive, she was ready to leave as quuickly as possible, and thought the word quick as she ran the opposite direction of the hive, not knowing where she was going, or how far she had gone.
as Marco ran with the 2 girls behind him, he radioed command

"command, come in!"

"this is command"

"Plan A was a bust"

"but we dont have a plan B"

"we improvised sir"

the commander sighed

"whats the plan?"

Marc stopped running to catch his breath, running in that heavy armour on soggy ground int he midle of dense forrest was tiring

"sir, you can detect 2 signatures in my basic area... lock onto the one that is NOT mine"

"... okay"

"sir, that radio is at the heart-center of the hive, and the outer shell has been severely weakones.. we request permission to fire the "Zeus""

"thats insanity, that weapon will destroy the entire area"

"no sir, the hive is down a deep canyon, that will contain the blast, there will be falling rocks for hours but the hive will be gone"

the commander checked with Orbital-command

"the Zeus is on the other side of the planet, and wont be in range for about 4 days.. however, "The Archemedies" is right above you, as well as several smaller orbital cannons"

"sir, the Archemedies can punch a hole in the hive and destroy the hearts..."

"and the others will blast the whole hive to smithereens, considering that the other supports will be destroyed and the rest of the hive left vulnerable..."

"good work soldier, is Caleb there with you?"

"no sir, he's meeting up with us, after the destruction of the hive, we will request extraction... over"

he turned to the 2 girls, seeing as how the elf was unfamiliar with current tech, so he explained to her first

"okay, you there, "elf"... in a little while, huge lights will come from the sky and kill the entire hive in less than 5 minutes, and when that happens, i need you to cover your ears and eyes, because the blast can leave you blind and deaf"

he then turned to Calypso

"uhh.. how familiar are you with modern tech?"
Belli'atri raised an eyebrow to Marco. "How modern are we talking?" She asked. She definetly knew she wouldn't do any good if we were dealing with something that was beyond present earth technology, but if it seemed familiar to her, she figures she can give it a shot.
As Oliver cooked the giant chameleon, he looked over at the skin he just carved off the beast. Thinking about all the possibilities he could do with it. Sitting in front of a huge bonfire, he roasted the meat till it was just right. Taking a piece from the fire, he set it beside himself so he could pray once again. As he finished his prayer, he started to eat the meat he just cooked. Hearing some cracking throughout the forest, it seemed to get louder, or maybe he was just hearing things, but just to be on the safe side, He drew out his compound bow and loaded and arrow into it. Pulling back on the string until it was full power, he aimed it towards the sound. Not being able to see the creature made it difficult to judge his magic use. Was he supposed to use magic on this one? Maybe some fire, ice? He couldn't tell what it was coming at him so he did not chant upon the arrow, instead, he knelt down, in preparation to dodge if it was trying to attack.

(OOC: This is more or less directed at bettsy and the group running through the forest.)
Shikla yawned, her eyes blurring over she felt the ground moving beneath her. It felt like she was being carried by some animal. But it was not her brothers walk, it felt like an animal running. A horse or something. Resting in her brothers arms she could feel his warmth. Gathering her energy she kept her eyes open, staring at his face. “Tiel?” She knew he was surprised that she was here. But why run inside? “We have to go Tiel. They are looking for me.” She wanted him to understand. Why couldn’t he understand that they had to go. Or, was he taking her inside on purpose. Was he really that close to the IDS that he’d take her inside as a captive. “Please brother, don’t let them take me again, please?” It couldn’t be that he’d bring her back to the whiteness. Shed go crazy. She stared at his face blankly. He'd changed so much. reaching up she touched the new lines on his face. It was so worrying to her. Although he was older she had always felt like it was her job to protect him. He’d always been a little bit of a quiet and withdrawn while she had been loud forwards. But although they had their differences she loved him terribly, he was her brother after all. “Your to young to have frown lines.” She knew she was rambling. But there was so much to say. How could she not speak? but then again her words were beginning to slur.
Eva didn't quite understand what was going on, as she hardly ever did. But she took her newfound friend and followed after the others. There was a bit of trouble getting him in the door, but once he was inside, Eva could crawl onto his back and ride him. She followed the others, wondering why they were all so anxious.

"What is... going on?" She asked.
"I don't know." Sarah admitted, helping Eva get the crusher into the house. Wiping the dirt from her hands she sighed to herself and walked into the kitchen. The ingredients that she had taken out before were still on the counter and while they had even more people with them now Sarah didn't exactly feel like cooking. Sighing softly to herself she put away the ingredients and then walked back into the living room.

"Tiel before we do anything else please let me see your hand." She knew that he must have been overwhelmed by seeing his sister again but he wasn't going to be much help to her if he didn't get his hand treated properly.
Tiel wondered into the home, grabbing Shikla off the hound. He carried her into the bedroom and set her on her bed. After bending down, Tiel kissed her on the forehead, and smiled.

"Get some sleep, ok? Your safe now" He muttered into her ear, and walked out of the room.

Tiel wondered into the bathroom, and grabbed a small med kit he had next to the door. it wasn't a full hospital, but what it would take to fix his hand, would be in there. He wondered into the kitchen again, set the med kit on the table and sat down.

"It's really not necessary, seeing as Shade has done a lot worse. However, if it will please you, do as you want." he commented, and looked at her with a weak smile
Eva had slunk off into a corner to go to sleep. Her new bug friend followed her loyally. But some time while she was asleep, the crusher died do to it's gaping chest wound. When Eva eventually awoke to find this, she freaked out a little. The girl ran off and hid, crying not only because of the crusher's death, but a horrible dream she'd had while asleep. Eva hid herself away from the other people, in a little nook where she hoped no one would ever find her.

She painted her clean face back up into the gruesome, cannibal looking facepaint she'd had before. She'd also pulled off her borrowed clothes and strewn them about, which didn't really help her effort to hide. The girl curled up on the floor and shook, having a bit of an episode.

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