The Swarm

With the girl focused on the meet right then Sarah opened one of the cabinets to get out the disinfecting solution. Pouring some over a cotton ball she pressed it to her cheek and groaned softly. With that done she threw away the cotton and then placed a bandage over her cheek. Turning back around she sat at the table and quietly began to eat, pleased that at least the girl was not still panicking over her's and Tiel's presence.
The girl finally filled her void of a stomach as she finished off the last of her meal. She looked up at the two, watching them carefully. Slowly, she slid out of her chair and began creeping towards the front flap. She knew that guards would be waiting outside, but she didn't like hanging around other people.
Tiel remained quiet most of the meal. He had said he wanted to talk, but he didn't know where he wanted to begin. Rather then looking like an idiot, he decided he would the meal to be eaten, and then start the conversation.

This idea, however, was thrown away when he noticed the girl heading towards the front flap. Tiel knew she didn't want to be trapped in such a place, weather it was because they were in there too, or because she hated being inside. The fact remained though, that she wanted to leave, and he wouldn't stop her. The opposite was actually true, and he would help her.

Setting his newly empty plate on the side, Tiel waved his hand to the female for a moment, hoping to stop her. He stood slowly, and back up a little bit.

"I hear noises on the back of the tent! Investigate it!" Tiel barked.

The scurrying foot steps of the two gaurds could be heard. Each went in an opposite direction around the tent. The bushes were being rustled, and Tiel could tell that they were searching thoroughly. When he thought they were stopping, he called back out.


"No sir, nothing. You must have been..." The guard started to say, then trailed off with his sentence

"I must have been WHAT? Hearing things??" Tiel asked mockingly, the scorn in his voice apparent,

"No Sir! I didn't.. I mean..." The Guard stuttered. Tiel found it amusing that he could do this so easily.

"Keep looking! I want you to find the source of that noise, or it's Double patrol duty for you tomorrow!" He commanded.

In the midst of all the yelling and screaming, Tiel had waved his hand at the girl in a 'Your free to go' manner. After he finished with them, he himself followed her out, and looked at sarah, wondering is she was coming.
"im fine we need to get out of here before they figure out nothing is at the site" caleb picked up his rifle and kicked a door that lead into a flight of stairs "the hive is 2 miles north of where we are now. jeff will distract them while we make are way to the hive" caleb pressed a button that activated jeff and made the drone begin to fire at the airborn swarm.caleb went down the stairs to the bottum floor and to the street sneaking past the crushers and to the end of the street hiding in a old diner.
The girl glanced back at the man, then scurried out of the tent. She laid eyes on the two hounds outside and made a beeline for them. The creatures didn't seem interested in attacking her. Instead, she began petting one's hideous face, charming it. The girl didn't give the two any time to catch up as she crawled onto the giant bug's back. She turned the beast around and began riding off with it.
As Tiel stepped outside, he grabbed his scythe, and then watched the female jump on the hound and begin to ride off. He was shocked at her ability to be around the swarm so willing, let alone take over his controlled marionette so easily. She had skills that he wanted to inquire about, so he couldn't let her get away.

She had a stronger ability to control the being, but it was his magic that kept it alive. Discharging the modified "Soul" that he put into the shell, Tiel watched as the hound got a few steps further then just went limp. The sight of a running hound just face planting into the ground was kind of funny, and he smirked to himself.

'She's not gonna be too happy about that one I'm sure...' Tiel thought to himself and walked up to her.

"You ok?"
The girl shrieked as she was thrown from the creature's back. She landed hard on the ground, getting scraped up quite a bit. Of course, being half naked didn't help.

But the girl didn't seem too worried about her minor injuries. She scurried back over to the hound, seeming a bit upset to find it dead. It was strange, like a person finding a dead baby rabbit rather than a giant cockroach. She turned to the man, finding it easy to blame him for the 'tragedy'.

"You killed my friend!" She shrieked, a tad bit enraged.
The people came through the open door she went through. when the conversation slowed, she heard the sound of an engine and movement. Great, another plane?! she thought to herself, but this plane had a much shorter time of destination. She ehard the people leave. By the sounds of the descending voices, the plane was still in the air, so she decided to wait until the plane landed. She heard gunshots, which brought her attention. Is thia a military plane? she wondered, but before she could answer that, she heard a shout, then a loud bang, then the plane crashed down, knocking her into one end of the wall and dropping back onto the floor. She picked herself up, reached for the doorhandle and thought, I gotta get out of here before- *BOOM!*

"Ohhh..." she groaned when she finally opened her eyes. She could hardly keep one open. She winced as she raised her hands to puch the metal away from her body. She heard the metal creak a little, so she tried pushing harder. the metal creaked louder until it bent away from her, giving her more access to her hands. She then reached for her spear and began piercing the metal until she made a hole large enough for her to climb out. She left out the trap, using only her arms, and dragged herself to a clear place, where she plopped down and waied for the sunt to set.
caleb noticed someone crawl out of the plain "cover me, someone just came out of the gunship" caleb lained his rifle down in the diner and ran back down the street to the girl throwing her over his shoulders and running back to the diner down the street laying her on a table to the back of the diner. slapping her face and checking her pulse he sent himself into a panic "hey are you ok...whats your name"
She didn't appreciate the face slapping, in fact, she would have slapped him back, but she was too winded to say or do anything. the blast knocked the air from her lungs, not to mention the pain she was in. Knowing she could not communicate, she groaned painfully.
Sarah had set aside the plates and was contemplating leaving the tent and whether or not she would be able to make it past Tiel who was showing her more and more just how high up he was with the association. It was just as she was peaking her head out of the tent that she saw the strange girl mount one of the hounds with ease. She seemed entranced as she watched the girl, though this was broken as the hound came to a screeching halt and then fell dead to the ground.

"Oh, my!" she gasped, seeing that the girl was quite cut up. Running out of the tent she joined Tiel and the girl who remained unnamed. It was just as the girl cried that Tiel had killed her friend that Sarah stepped forward. "You're hurt," she said, her voice concerned. "I know that you are upset over your... friend, but it's important that I take care of those cuts before they become infected." In the world that they were living in then it wasn't wise to leave any injuries unchecked.
he pulled out a small syring and stabbed it in her leg "its a stem shot you might get alil sick...but i haft to leave you ill be right at the door" he picked up his weapon and walked over to the door peeking around the corner and looking at the crushers starting to leave the crashed gunship. he raised his rifle and took one shot with his surpressor on hitting a crusher in the head dropping it. the other went into a rage and started to fight each other caleb ran bak over to the girl
When the shot was injected insidde her, she felt a little drowsy, but was able to move her legs almost as much as she can her arms. She didn't risk sitting up, so she turned over instead, wincing a little.
"can you tell me your name" he cringed at the sound of the crushers smashing around the ground "hey you haft to pull yourself together girl or im going to haft to carry you again" he turned on the inferred sights on his helmit seing that more swarm where heading this way
She looked up at the swarm, feeling almost vulnerable, until she saw the sunset just behind them. She then felt extreme relief, and already felt the change in her body. She felt numb as her skin began to change, healing all the wounds that were given by the blast. Her hair gradually started to darken. Her eyes slowly turned a dark maroon, as if her own blood leaked into her irises. Little by little, tiny flower buds sprouted from her scalp, along with berries that matched her now night-black hair. As the sun finally dropped, the buds bloomed, creating two small bundles of dark purple flowers. She quickly grabbed her chained spear and replied "what the hell are those things?!"
shocked from watching her transformation caleb was frozen in amasement "what" he smacked himself thinking he was dreaming untill one of the crushers hit the building next to them knocking him back into his sences. "those are swarmlings what do you mean what are those" he raised his rifle and pointed his rifle at the door "we need to get going are you ok to walk"
She slid off the table "Do I look okay to walk? And how Am I supposed to know what they are?! I just got here!" She exclaimed. "I definitely do not want to know what they do, so tell me where to go," She concluded.
where going to leave threw the ally way and to the mall across the street you got that" he said with a strict voice.

he kicked in the back too to the ally way checking if it was clear by peacking his head out. he then ran to the corner looking down the street then running across the street to the mall and waiting for her at the malls entrance
"No!" The strange girl screeched. "He killed the friend! He is an enemy!" She took a swipe at Sarah, which, hit or miss, was fairly harmless. She didn't seem to be carrying any weapons, or knowledge of how to defend herself properly. She stood by the dead bug, glaring at both of them.
Caleb's radio Crackled

"Caleb, you alright? you haven't checked in! i'm guessing those crushers fighting are you're handiwork, but its starting to draw... unwanted attantion"

he spotted a moth high up, not a normal moth, but a Swarm-Moth!
caleb heard marco and hit his radio some

"marco i have a surviver from the crash with me go down the street to the mall, do you read me" caleb said with a low voice prushing the old rusted doors open to the mall
"survibor?.. i thought the gunship was Drone-piloted, and we were the only ones on it!"

after getting a response he spoke again "copy that, rendezvous at the nearby mall, meet me at the lobby of it"

in the distance they cold see the light from his jetpack fire up, and he began moving across the rooftops, soon coming tot the mall.

"hold, ar have serious swarm activity in this mall, looks like it's been converted ito a small hive... meet me at the old playground 300 metres east of the entrance"
"shit!...alright ill meet you there safety on i got some crushers headed my way im using the steath feild"

caleb pressed a button on his rest monted computer and disapeared. moving slowly down the street to the playground trying not to make to much noise with his feet
the lights from the eyes in Marco's helmet flickered on, showing him sitting on an old swing set.

"so, whos this?"

he pointed the the girl

"how come i didn't see her on the gunship before we jumped?"
"i odnt know who she is all i know is she was laying on the ground when i got to the diner"

he threw his rifle behind his back and pulled out his water bottle opening his mask and drink some water

"the real problem i didnt grab the det charge from the plane when we jumped...the tube grenades should be enough to hurt the hive but we haft to place them all around the hive which means we will be in a full fight"he said opening his vest and pulling out the nuclear tube grenades on the ground

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