The Swarm

Tiel would command the hounds to move forward. A slight kick to the side and both started to trot at a leisurely pace up the road, and away from the debris and blood covered location.

Tiel didn't say much as they moved. He knew the area well, and knew that he wanted to get to the HQ. Allowing the Hounds to share in his memory enough to get them there with out the need to be told how to, Tiel just enjoyed the slight breeze that blew through the streets. Would the situation be different, and a civilian not involved, Tiel would have stuck around and patrolled more.

Looking over at the female, Tiel realized he never did get her name, nor did he give his.

"By the way..." he muttered, "I'm Tiel, Tiel Lazarus"

As they rounded a corner to a longer road, Tiel looked up to see the tall standing HQ building. A few minutes after, he could see the civilian rescue tent that was outside the main building with two guards standing in the entrance.
Sarah nodded her head, her body still a bit rigid as she rode on the back of the hound. "My name is Sarah McCullough. I'm a med student." she said softly, looking outward to the HQ. She wasn't a member of the resistance against the swarm not only because she was easily disregarded due to her stature and appearance but also because she was uncomfortable with it all together.

She bit her lip as they neared, starting to wonder whether or not she was safer with the hypnotized hound than she was with the resistance. They would probably send her off to the civilian tent, but she wasn't sure what would happen afterwards. Would they patch her up and send her on her way or would they expect compensation? Sighing to herself clenched her fists a bit, trying to think rationally and not do anything reckless.
"we need the security because that Corrupter got in last year, remember!? or have you forgotten why the East wing of the base is a radioactive crater?"

he showed his credentials, and took his helmet off, going for the brain scan, to make sure there are no corrupters

"safe" said the guard and Marco moved on in

"come on, we got beasties to kill"
"well all we haft to do is pick up jeff and my armor and rifle from the armory then we can get on are way man" he pressed the b button and a few seconds they arrived at the armory level. caleb walked to the counter and was givin a suit case he walked over to the lockers and changed into his armor and grabbed his rifle. "alright man where ready to go jeff is in the chopper there wait for us" caleb speed walked down the hallway and opened a door to a launch hanged that sat off the side of the HQ where one gunship said ready to take off caleb climbed up the steps and sat in a seat waiting for take off
Marco also got some new weapons

"hey, is it just me, or are these nuclear-bullets for my pistol?.. i thought those were outlawed!"

he shrugged

"well, i guess we can't hold back against the swarm"

as they ran down the hallway Marco spoke up

"Caleb, you know what heavy troops are for on recon missions... as distractions, to draw the swarm to... if something happens and i have to draw the swarm to me, you make sure to get out while you can... understood?"
"shutup marco thats why we have jeff to draw them away you watch my damn back and shut" he said laughing as he slapped marcos back "the way i see if you go down im going with you" he opens his vest up showing 12 nuclear tube grenades to marco "i love being in the military man" he said with a giant smile
"and that confirms, that you are a ssychopath"

they got to the elevator, Marco threw a guy in a suit out, then canceled the previous floor and pressed the "helipad" button

the Lift was insanely fast, soon getting tot he helipad level
"hey if im going to get torn apart violently im going to take half the planet with me" caleb said laughing walking towards the plane "i got fifty i kill more then you on this on"
Marco strapped himself in and closed the door.

"okay, lets get this done, we go in fast and quiet, get in, drop the charge, get out then let control detonate"

he put his mana-cannon on a rack at the side as he began to felt the gunship powering up.

"so, will we be getting air support on this? or is the gunship just to secure a landing site?"
The tent wasn't as safe and sound as it may have seemed from the outside observers. The inhabitants had left, for only a short while, for whatever reason. Unknown to them, another human had been lurking nearby, just waiting for the moment that they could slither in and raid the supplies.

This lurker was only a teenage girl. She wasn't much of a threat, although her appearance was rather frightening. She was filthy for one, covered in scratches and dried muck. Her hair was crusted with dirt, and her finger nails were caked with filth. Her face was painted up like some kind of tribesman. She was barely clothed, her top showing much of her stomach, and a loin clothe that left very little to the imagination as she hunkered over the food supply. Although, none of this seemed to bother her as she ferociously tore at the food goods she dug out. The girl ate like a starving waif, which she very well could have been. She was practically emaciated, her bones protruding from her tight skin in every horrible way. She panted as she shoved as much food as she possibly could in her mouth, determined to swallow it all down before the tent inhabitants returned.

She wasn't exactly being discrete about her robbery. When she heard footsteps approaching outside, she froze, a wild look in her eyes as she glanced towards the tent flaps.
Tiel stopped the two hounds outside the Tent. With a quick movement, he retrieved his level 1 clearance badge. Showing it to the two guards stationed out side, each quickly dropped their guard and saluted, fully in unison, fully at attention.

"Stand down!" Tiel barked, re-pocketing the badge.

A quick wave of his hand released the two hounds that were positioned behind him, and he looked to the guard on the left.

"And get rid of these freaks!" he ordered.

With out a moments hesitation, the two guards dropped their salute and began working at the hounds.

I hate being a part of this crap... Tiel thought to himself.

You see, Tiel never did want to really be a part of the I.D.S. But if he had not joined, he would have been considered non-combat, and therefore, forbidden to help with the swarm.

As the two guards were down the street a little more, Tiel looked at looked at sarah and smiled. A faint rumble from his stomach, and he laughed.

"I'm kinda hungry, what about you?" he asked her as he opened the flap.
Despite Sarah's fear of being so close to the HQ she was more than willing to dismount the hound that had been given to her by Tiel. Brushing herself off she walked beside him and watched with interest at the obvious respect that she was shown to him. How had she become involved with someone so high up in the resistance? Shaking her head she decided to keep these thoughts to herself and to ask questions later if he continued to make appearances in her life.

"Yes, I suppose I am little hungry..." she admitted, placing a hand on her stomach. "Of course I hope you wouldn't mind that I disinfect this cut first." she said, pointing to her cheek. Before he could really answer her however Sarah found that they were face to face with a... creature of sorts. Or was it a girl? "Oh, my!" she gasped, stepping back with wide eyes.
"the chooper is to secure are land zone after we place are charges and we get out of there where are to head for the old stadium in sector 2 where a ranger group has set up camp" he forwarded the plans to marcos heads up desplay

"you get that" he said as he started to load his clip with armor peircing rounds

the helicopter took off and headed over the fort wall and into the old ruins destroyed building and burning cars littered the streets the plot came over the intercom and told them they where almost to the drop point. a few seconds later the main cannon of the gunship could be heard firing. the helicopter came to a sudden stop and the back door opened up dropping out jeff (the drone) on a building roof and hovvering for the other two to jump out

"lets go man" caleb said securing a rope to his belt line and repelling out to the roof top
The girl's eyes widened. She dropped the bag of cookies she'd discovered and bolted for what she thought was an exist. There was a flap in the back of the tent, but the zipper was shut. The girl threw herself against it, only to tangle herself up in the canvas. She cried out and struggled herself free. She then began trying to unzip the flap to escape, her hands shaking with adrenaline. Her heart was pounding, much like a trapped animal.
Sarah wasn't sure whether or not to help the young beast at first, frightened by the pungent smell and her otherworldly appearance. She watched as the she-beast flailed around at first and then began to struggle with the back flaps of the tent. "O-oh my God!" she gasped, stepping forward and into the tent. Sarah was frightened but was also worried that the young creature would go into shock. "Stop, stop..!" she said, bringing her hand to upon the wild girl's hand to lessen her thrashing. "We aren't here to hurt you." she said, her voice suddenly much calmer. "We don't want to bring you any harm." Looking over at the spilled bag of cookies she breathed in. "If you want to be fed and rested then we will take care of you."
The girl clawed at the zipper until the woman touched her. The stranger being then turned and swiped at her with a rather weak slap to the arm.

"No!" She howled. The girl began jabbering at her in a strange language, her voice panicked. Her bony form was shaking, afraid of some sort of punishment for her actions. Her wide, brown eyes stared into the woman's, the pitiful look of a lost child very present there. She obviously needed help, but was too scared or too ignorant to get it for herself.
"I'm sorry," Sarah said, trying to keep her voice calm. "I don't know what you're saying." She looked over to Tiel for aid and then back to the girl. She still had the face of a child beneath all of the filth and Sarah clenched her fist feeling angry for whatever had happened to have put this girl in this situation. "Please, I won't hurt you. Just calm down."

Sarah eyed her thoughtfully, noting how thin she was, how she could practically seeing her bones moving within her skin. The poor girl. "Are you hungry?" she asked, motioniong to her mouth like she was eating. "Thirsty?" she made the motion of drinking as well. "We will happily share our supplies with you." Sarah added, trying to get through the the girl.
The girl stopped her rambling and watched the woman with unease. She nodded and scooted towards the abandoned bag of cookies.

"Food," The girl said. "I'm hungry." She picked up the bag and dug out another cookie, her eyes never leaving the woman's. Slowly, the girl delivered the cookie to her mouth and began munching on it. Her face was already smeared with the other food goods she'd broken into. The cans had remained unharmed, but anything in bags or boxes had been raided by the starving waif.
Sarah breathed in and nodded her head. At least that was taken care of for now. She tried not to make any sharp or sudden movements, knowing that the girls eyes were plastered on her, even as she gorged herself on what had to be her first meal in a very long time. Sighing softly she leaned against the lone gurney in the tent and decided that disinfecting her cut would have to wait for now.
Cramped in the lower portion, Belli'atri felt a jolt as the aircraft landed. She waited until all of the people left to look around. she opened the hatch, climbed out, and began to stretch. She then grabbed her prized weapon, a small spear with a thin chain on the other end, and walked out into the main hall. She kept walking down, the turns, dodging the passers-by, which changed her direction. When she thought it wasn't going to end, she saw a sign that said she had one turn left before she reached an exit. She almost turned the corner when she heard voices. She halfway panicked and saw an open door. She ran into it and saw another that looked much like a closet. She ran in there, shut the door, and sat down inside. Great, she thought, now I have to wait again...
Tiel would stare as the female panicked. He was going to act, but saw that Sarah did so before her. His first instinct, were he a true I.D.S member, would have been to attack the trespasser. Then again, he didn't really care for the I.D.S and a few less bits of food wouldn't even be noticed.

Closing the flap behind him, Tiel watched the two females in the tent have their conversation. As Sarah looked to him for assistance, he simply nodded and showed that he was here should the need arise for an extra hand. Thankfully, that did not happen.

Continuing to watch as the small female slowly grabbed the food and ate, Tiel felt a wave of relief flow over him. She was not completely crazy, and he didn't want to attack anyone he didn't have to. Something told him that, at first, he was just about as scared of her, as she was of them.

Tiel slowly set his spear to the side, next to the door. He showed both hands to the female and walked in a semi circle around her, should she be frightened he may try something. After he reached a small shelf in the corner, he would then pick out a small container of meat and set in on a small powered stove in the middle of the area.

The meat was already cooked, so all Tiel did was warm it up. He didn't have it on there for more than five minutes, when he pulled it off, separated it into three plates, and set each plate down on a wider table. He then gestured for the two to join him, and pointed as the seat across from him as he motioned to the new female. The table was fairly wide, and in no way could one leap across fast enough to catch someone off guard. this fact, he hoped, she would realize and join him.

"Please, sit" Tiel said calmly. "I would very much like to talk and get to know you to better"
Marco didn't bother with the rope, je jumped right out, at the last few metres, he fired his jetpack, cussioning his landing, he looked around, turning on his helmet's thermal vision.

"clear, the gunship isreally keeping them distracte-SHIT!"

he pointed up, a hige boulder, probably thrown by a Crusher was hurtling towards the gunship, and many more were following
"oh shit" caleb jumped from the plane repeling down to the building right as the gunship was hit with a boudler. it yanked the rope around calebs waist pulling the slack at first. he cut the rop off and fell back as the plane hit the ground "we haft to move marco" he slapped marcos chest as the jeff took off jumping down to the gound shooting at the crushes head there way
Marco stood there for a second, firing a large round from his Mana-cannon at a group of Stalkers, setting up their traps.

"try and keep off the ground! we got stalkers"

he fired the jetpack and landed on top of a ruined house ahead of Caleb and Jeff

he saw a crusher getting to the crash site, Marco fired an explosive blast at the gunship, blowing it to pieces, the shrapnel, light and noise easily distracted the nearby swarm

"well, not the best drop-off, but definately not the worst, often, the troops dont even get out in time..."

the swarm.... swarmed over the crashed gunship and Marco regrouped with Caleb and Jeff.

"you two ok? i got some bandages, and Jeff should be programmed with medical procedures.. unless he's been too heavily altered..."
The girl watched the man closely. She didn't seem too keen on him, even less than the woman. But with food being waved in front of her face, she couldn't decline. The girl slowly made her way to the table and crawled into the chair. She squatted on it like a barbarian, then picked the meat up with her hands and began tearing into it. The concept of silverware and manners flew right over her head.

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