The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

(um kinda confused about it but recently im pretty sure this guy named Richard came over to the mall and tried to take over and vera shot him in the shoulder and so he retreated even though he was winning which is one thing people dont understand and people were saying vera was a traitor and so vera wanted to leave but the people are letting her stay and then after that Tomorrow called out ro anybody that could hear her to come down to the first floor and so david and janie went and found her and tomorrow found a book and she thought it was sinister because it looked that it had been used recently but then David and janie weren't so convinced when she said it was evil but we decided to drop the subject and now janie and david are following her to go see the other survivors)

(oh and P.S. dakup your signature is so freaking great xD )
(Hey I'm back) 
Vera was in the training room building up her fighting skills. At the moment she was working with her knives and swords to build up speed. She hadn't taken a break once and was drenched in sweat. As she trained, the image of Richard and anything else that bothered her went out of her mind slowly as if being sucked out. She worked harder and harder to get more powerful, Vera wasn't going to be weak again when the time came. Like everyone else she found it strange that he just got up and left, did he get scared? That didn't seem likely.
Tomorrow just began to wander the place again, separating herself from David and Janie. All she wanted to do was explore. She wanted to go outside but he figured that wouldn't be a good idea. And that's when she began to think of her family. She wondered where her mom was and if she was even alive. Her little brother and sister.. They must be so scared, so confused.
Vera sat down taking a breath before she started to train again. She seemed to be exhausted and pushing herself to the limit. When she was satisfied with her work for the moment she went to take a break and get something to eat. It wasn't healthy to workout without doing anything like eating or drinking water. Everyone in the crowds she walked past stared at her and walked separate from her. Vera hadn't felt that type of resentment for a long time. 
(Where is everyone?)
Tomorrow stood by one of the exits of the mall, yearning for an adventure. She knew she wouldn't make it out there alone, not for long but she just wanted something different. A small part of her, deep down hoped that she'd stumble upon her mother, unharmed with her brother and sister.
Vera walked around the mall since she was taking a break and looked out of a crack in a boarded up window. She sighed thinking about many different things. She was just glad that she didn't go insane for as long as the first time. Vera looked over the edge of the railing to watch over the people.
Tomorrow leaned her head against the glass and began to really think about her family. She hadn't done that in quite sometime. All she wanted was to know that they were okay, it didn't even matter if she could see them. Just to know they're living and okay.
Jack up on the forth floor heard screams, he grabbed sarah from her resting spot on the arm chair, he put on his combat vest, grabbed his beretta 9m put it in his holster, grabbed a few mags that he reloaded, then booked it down the stairs to the first floors he sees tomorrow and goes over to her. " whats going on, I heard the ruckus and booked him down here."
David just kinda stood there and watched Tomorrow leave. "well now what?" he thought. He made a small sigh and turned away. He began to wander around, once again unsure what to do. He decided to find the other survivors on his own. 
(Britt I think dakup meant like when you yelled for people to come down to the first floor..)
(Well oops this is awkward)

Tomorrow turned to face Jack. "Oh it was just.. nothing," she said, sounding embarrassed. She could no longer meet his eyes and so she looked down at her feet.
Jack wen't over to tomorrow and put his hand under her chin and picked her head up to look at his eyes."tomorrow, I would come running for you. I would run through those hoards out there for you."

(oh snap its going down, and tuxedo mask strikes again.)
The blonde looked at him, her blue eyes wide. She took a step back, she was shocked. She never thought that Jack had liked her at all. Tomorrow's gaze was on the floor again but she quickly raised her head to took up at him again, "I..I.. Thank you." Those were the only words she could manage.
jack put his finger infront of her mouth."shshshsh don't speak, don't say a word," he said as he brought her in close. Stroking her blonde hair. Hugging her calmly.
Janie sat down opening the book that Tomorrow found and flips through it intrigued. She wanted to figure out what spooked her about it. And it was something to pass the time.
Tomorrow was motionless for a few moments, still in shock. She didn't exactly know how to react because everything was happening so suddenly. The girl couldn't manage to raise her arms up and return the gesture so she just leaned her head against his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. She shut her eyes and finally felt relaxed.
jack still stoking her hair, felt her put her head on his chest. He didn't mind it, in fact he liked it, he like having someone near him. He felt content with her. he looked at her, and said."Now what are we doing down here?"
"Well, now it's nothing. It was just some book I found in this store that nobody seemed to notice. It was weird and I didn't like it, it gave me a bad vibe. No one else really understood, so it was a little embarrassing. Janie has it now," said Tomorrow to Jack. She was still confused but it felt nice to have someone care about her.
Joey decided it was time to leave her usual spot, the back of a FedEx truck that had been flipped over. She does this everyday in order to look for things she needs in nearby shops and abandoned houses. She gathered what little things she had: a lighter with a small amount of fluid left, her handgun, and a pack of crackers she found in the dash of a car. Slowly sliding the door on the back of the truck she crawled her way out and began her careful search, using cars and dumpsters as cover.
(What happened while I was gone. I Would have been on earlier but I Went to the beach and we met a new buddie. A Tiger Shark..... )

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